On the podcast today, I'm sharing my recent learnings from the book 'Hope Rising' by Casey Gwinn and Dr. Chan Hellman. I've always said "hope is not a performance plan." Well, the science of hope challenged me to rethink that.  Tune in to find out why hope is not the same as wishful thinking and how hope might be the strongest foundation for performance. Join my email list and get the 10 Truths Your Tri Coach Hasn't Told You here: https://www.vanessafayefoerster.com/get-the-10-truths Ready...
Published 02/07/22
And that concludes the 30 podcasts in 30 days project! In this episode I'm sharing the most popular episode of the month and what's next with the podcast. 
Published 01/31/22
Today I'm sharing the top 5 lies we tell ourselves that keep us from our next level. Some of them might surprise you!
Published 01/31/22
I asked for questions and I got some good ones! On the episode today, I'm answering just one of them because it's good enough that it needed it's own episode: "What do you do when you've lost motivation and none of the 'tricks' work?"
Published 01/30/22
On the podcast today, I'm answering the ever popular question: "how do I handle my negative self-talk?" I offer you two ways the might surprise you. 
Published 01/29/22
Endurance takes time. But time is not what creates your results. Listen to understand more about the endurance - time paradox and how to make sure "it just takes time" isn't keeping you from stronger performance. 
Published 01/28/22
Yesterday we talked about negotiable goals and today we're talking about inevitability.  If you're spending time trying to decide which new bike to buy, I've got a better question to ask to have agency over your next level (that's not about gear upgrades)
Published 01/27/22
Today we're talking about how to know if you're making your goal negotiable and the one decision is takes to change that. 
Published 01/26/22
I've shared my next level goal several times in the last month and every time I get some version of the same response: what time do you have to do and how far off are you? But I don't allow this to be a problem or take away from my focus and belief.  In the podcast today, I discuss the 3 side effects of sharing your next level goal and what to do about them. 
Published 01/24/22
On the podcast today, we're talking about why now is the best time for you to start incorporating race visualizations and I offer 5 guidelines to help you get started.
Published 01/23/22
In this episode, we're talking about FOJO aka a fear of judgement from others and why that's a high price to pay in the process towards your next level performance.
Published 01/22/22
My key session love notes are popular when I post them on Instagram so today I'm sharing my favorites with you. 
Published 01/21/22
We're back for part 2 of connecting the physiological to mental.  In todays episode, we close the loop on how addressing your mental and emotional limiters can lead to higher quality training and better performance overall. 
Published 01/21/22
The physiological gains needed for next level performance are real, but they are only a part of a complete athlete. On the podcast today, Danny and I talk about a time when he believed his main performance limiter was his bike power and we uncover what emotional limiters were lurking beneath the surface.
Published 01/19/22
I'm not talking about a rest day! I'm talking about a day when you feel off emotionally and I offer 10 questions to take inventory of your internal landscape. 
Published 01/18/22
In this episode, I'm bringing you something new!  I've invited Danny on the podcast to talk about our real world examples of when mental endurance was needed.  We both share a recent training session when we struggled with the SHOULDS and discuss what we learned from those sessions.
Published 01/17/22
Listen in for a story about how one of my athletes used her recent run test to increase her emotional discomfort threshold and how you can too. 
Published 01/16/22
Mindfulness is a foundation of training your mind with mental endurance, but so often we think we have to sit on a cushion and meditate to be mindful. That's just not true.  Today, I'm sharing the tactic of Mental Noting to help with unuseful thoughts (a mindfulness practice I learned from Cory Muscara)
Published 01/15/22
Today's episode is all about the difference between high value mental phases and low value mental phases. I share the actions that indicate a low value phase and why you may be experiencing it. We all experience both and  the more we can keep ourselves in a high value mental phase, the more we will get out of our training.  
Published 01/14/22
Listen in for the 5 emotional skills that you can put into practice today to drastically improve your performance.
Published 01/13/22
"Don't you think you're a bit overconfident?" I was asked a few months ago. There is a distinct difference between being overconfident and being self confident.  And in today's episode, I share how to know the difference and how to avoid the overconfidence pedestal. 
Published 01/12/22
3 Months to your Next Level Performance is the program you've been looking for. There's no other container for performance like this.  Let's train your mind with Mental Endurance.  More details here: https://www.vanessafayefoerster.com/3-months-to-next-level-performance
Published 01/11/22
Tune into this episode to hear about one athlete's experience ending her self-sabotage cycle and creating a 52 minute Ironman PR as a result.  Kecia shares what training and racing was like as the "Queen of Self-Sabotage" and what is different now. 
Published 01/10/22
On the episode today, I share a guided orientation experience for nervous system settling. 
Published 01/09/22
Today we're talking what it means to be confidence dependent.  Listen in to find out what's really missing.
Published 01/09/22