In this episode Emily and Han discuss the tendency to hoard or conserve resources when in a low energy state. The key takeaway from this episode is: don’t symptom bash - instead, alleviate the malnutrition and perception of scarcity!
Published 06/04/24
Published 06/04/24
In this episode, Emily and Han discuss how comparison and hyper-vigilance of other people’s food intake frequently derives from mental hunger. The key takeaway from this episode is: remain in your own lane, return to your own cues and apply direct opposite actions.
Published 05/28/24
In this episode Emily and Han discuss weightlifting in recovery. As ever, the topics of neural rewiring and physical healing arise, with conversations focussing on the need for reducing unnecessary risks that may end up extending the healing period.
Published 05/21/24
In this episode Han and Emily discuss their plunge into ‘all in’ recovery. The key focus of the conversation on stopping waiting of the perfect day. In truth, a change process like ED recovery doesn’t happen via one corner turned, but a consistent recommitment to the process as you progress forward; you do better as you know better.
Published 05/14/24
In this episode, Emily and Han discuss navigating recovery during the warmer summer months. The key conversations centre around heat, movement and body image. The key take away from this episode is the necessity for short-term tolerance for long term freedom.
Published 05/07/24
In this episode, Emily and Han return to the topic of extreme hunger. In a nutshell, the discussion centres around coming back to your body as the highest and most trustworthy form of wisdom.
Published 05/01/24
In this episode, Emily and Han answer the question “Shall I Delete Instagram?”, discussing the pros and cons of using social media whilst healing from an ED. The key tips are: Experiment with taking a break. Observe your resistance and reaction. Set limits on your time scrolling. Curate your space to be as risk-free as possible, considering whether a body-centric place is valuable to your body image healing. Ask yourself: is this uplifting me? Is this enhancing my life? We hope you...
Published 04/16/24
In this episode, Han and Emily discuss the topic of confidence. The central talking point is centred around the idea of value-aligned action taking. We are so happy to be back recording after our short break, so thank you so much for being here. We really hope you enjoy this episode.
Published 04/08/24
This week Emily and Han talk through the array of advantages of taking a break from exercise during recovery. For both physical and mental recovery, and the protection of a future passion, it is really important to seriously consider the idea of shelving any forms of movement that may compromise your healing process.
Published 03/08/24
In this episode Emily and Han discuss translating good intentions into actions at breakfast time, turning daydreams of progress into concrete action taking. Han & Emily discuss how mechanically forcing follow through of the most committed action is an essential skill in recovery, as partially doing it results in a tremendous amount of ED backlash. It is essential not to wait to feel ‘ready’ or comfortable to make the changes.
Published 02/20/24
In this episode, Emily and Han discuss how a body in survival mode cannot afford to allocate available energy to much beyond its fundamental needs. This often means that one’s ability to connect, love and tolerate physical affection - be this romantic or not - is often severely compromised and disrupted by undereating.
Published 02/14/24
In this episode, Emily and Han expand on a previous discussion of the sensation of fullness. The key takeaway from this episode is: head directly towards to fear. Though it is undoubtably not going to be a very pleasant sensation to experience, heading into and then tolerating the feeling of fullness is a recovery non-negotiable.
Published 02/06/24
In this weeks episode, Han and Emily discuss removing judgement from food choices. The primary take away from this episode is, as ever, that ACTIONS are essential for unlearning and relearning. All of the understanding and knowledge in the world does not change the irrational fears that crop up whilst in the sympathetic nervous system. Therefore, the focus must be on confronting the fear (the route of judgements) head on.
Published 02/02/24
In this first episode of season 3, Emily and Han dive into the definition of ‘underweight’, so called ‘unicorn syndrome’ and the difference between weight gain and full physical healing. We are so thrilled to be back! Thank you so much for listening to this episode :)
Published 01/23/24
In this episode, Han and Emily discuss how a reliance on fruits and vegetables can be a limitation to physical and mental recovery. The ‘and not or’ concept is possible, but sometimes the shelving option may more appropriate. Thank you for listening to this season of the Unrestricted podcast. We look forward to Season 3 in 2024!
Published 12/19/23
In this episode, Han and Emily discuss navigating the sensation of fullness. The key takeaways are: Fullness must be sat with. The mindset around fullness (and the meaning you are giving it) requires the shift. Mitigating strategies can help you ride the emotions. This feeling will pass.
Published 12/12/23
In this episode, Hannah and Emily discuss anxiety around spending money in recovery. The key takeaway from this episode is that there is a large biological element involved in difficulty spending money. Alleviating malnutrition is route to clearing the brains perception of resource scarcity.
Published 12/05/23
In this episode, Han and Emily discuss preparing for the Christmas period. The main conversations centre around urgency and taking action in The Now.
Published 11/28/23
In this episode Han and Emily discuss how although honouring mental hunger is incredibly important, it is important to be aware that the Eating Disorder has a tendency to take recovery constructs and turn them into restrictive mechanisms. When it is logistically difficult to get the exact item we are craving, it is perfectly appropriate to get something similar (which is energy dense and still recovery-wise) to bridge the gap between the time you can get that item you truly want. It is not...
Published 11/14/23
In this episode, Han and Emily discuss markers of full recovery. Using the analogy of a game of wac-a-mol, Emily describes how, in time, no more moles raise their head. Up to this point, it is important to keep consistently ‘whacking’ as the intensity of the game dwindles. Meanwhile, both Han and Emily describe how life begins organically filling the gaps where the ED once was - becoming less serious, less food-centric, and more relaxed. The key takeaway from this episode is that a completely...
Published 11/07/23
Is this episode, Emily & Han answer a question on the topic of tolerating discomfort. Hopefully providing some practical tips, this episode centres of the idea of compassionately and passionately exploring restful restrictions, whilst ignoring ED backlash as to what is a ‘productive’ activity. Any activity that takes you a step away from your ED is highly productive.
Published 11/01/23
In this episode, Han & Emily answer the question: Why Do I Feel More Hungry After Eating? The key takeaway from this episode is: trust your body’s mental and physical cues. Eating-induced hunger is an assistance to your recovery, rather than something to try to fight.
Published 10/24/23
In this episode, Han and Emily answer the question: ‘How do I not feel guilt when rewiring compulsive movement (10,000 steps) at a “normal” weight? In the episode, the question is separated into 3 parts, with attention paid to: 1) the unavoidable presence of guilt and the necessity to sit with that emotion 2) the requirement to disengage from all ED-OCD activities for physiological AND psychological healing 3) the irrelevance of weight for making urgent recovery changes. We hope you...
Published 10/17/23