n this episode, Han and Emily answer the question ‘my dietitian says I should have vegetables with all of my meals, is this right?’. The key takeaways from this week are: - Embrace energy density. - Remove the expectation to micromanage the direction of your cravings as you emerge from deficit, recognising judgement and food morality. - Focus on what is best for BOTH physical AND mental healing. - Prize apart habitat food pairings. - Prioritise neural rewiring over preference. We hope...
Published 10/10/23
This week, Emily and Han answer the question ‘how do I deal with boredom in recovery?’ The key takeaways are: - Remind yourself it is short term. - Question whether irritation at boredom is associated with resistance to fully engaging in recovery. - Find passive activities that are are accompanied by food. - Allow yourself to enjoy it. We hope you find this episode helpful!
Published 10/04/23
In this episode, Emily & Han discuss the topic of honouring hunger when out at work, school, college or university. The key takeaway points are: - Make the most of occasions that you do have unrestricted access to food - Be recovery-wise with snacks - Communicate your needs to your managers / tutors to ensure appropriate permissions are made - Pack snacks in Tupperware - Ignore ED excuses - Eat anyway
Published 09/26/23
In this episode Han and Emily discuss how fear presents itself. Beyond physical signs of being in the sympathetic nervous system, there are a multitude of more subtle ways that fear can show up. In recovery, it’s incredibly important to have awareness of your own fear reactions to enable you to identify what you are most scared of, what you are avoiding and what therefore requires most direct action.
Published 09/13/23
In this episode Emily & Han discuss some tips to help navigate clothes shopping in recovery. The main takeaways are: Go fuelled. Go supported. Go without expectations. Go well-resourced.
Published 09/05/23
In this episode, Han and Emily discuss how cues to eat go far beyond a stomach rumble. Some of the signs are: - Mental hunger and food preoccupation - Finishing every last crumb - Hyperawareness of food in nearby environment - Feeling threatened when large food shops are brought into the house (due to high potential to eat). - Being drawn to environments with food - Dragging out the eating experience - Annoyance when disrupted - Stress & overthinking - Food hoarding. It is really...
Published 08/22/23
In this episode, Emily & Han discuss the question: “I’m Eating 3000kcal But Still Tracking, Is This Ok?”. Emily and Han discuss the risk of overly specific calorie maximums, which limit the possibility for full nutritional rehabilitation with concurrent neural rewiring.
Published 08/15/23
In this episode, Han goes solo, answering the question “I’m eating slightly more. What’s next?” Han mainly discusses how to further provide evidence to your brain that you are in an area of food abundance, rather than one of food scarcity. Han speaks through 10 methods to show this abundance. 1. Genuinely reaching a point of fullness after eating 2. Stopping portion limitation via measuring, weighing etc 3. No retracting permission after a decision/action has been made 4. Applying the...
Published 08/02/23
In this episode, Han and Emily discuss night hunger. When you have been restricting, it is far from a ‘condition’ to worry about. In actuality, it is a simple cue for you to eat more without delay, so that it can reach a point of sensing food abundance. Han and Emily discuss their own experiences with night hunger through different times of their recovery, ultimately providing one key message: The only recovery-orientated solution here is to get up and eat to satiation - irrespective of all...
Published 07/26/23
In this episode, Han is joined by (The Fantastic) Carla. Carla and Han speak through why structured challenging can be a really important and useful tool to employ in eating disorder recovery. In the chat, Carla discusses how challenging helped her move out of a period of stagnation in her recovery and force changes to her intake. Han and Carla also discuss a few other points, including: 1)How challenging can help with reducing a desire for food perfectionism. 2)How challenging is a...
Published 07/18/23
In this episode, Han and Emily discuss the question ‘Why Am I So Obsessed With Chocolate Digestives?’. The 3 key takeaway points are: 1) Your body is very, very smart. It knows what you need. 2) How it is perfectly normal to have food phases and highly intense cravings in recovery. 3) Identifying hidden restrictions may be key to alleviating food obsession. We hope you enjoy this episode!
Published 07/11/23
After a few months break, Emily & Han are back for series 2 of the Unrestrict-ED Podcast! In this episode, they discuss navigating buffet-style eating. The 5 key tips to takeaway are: 1) Upon arrival, sweep the area to identify true recovery orientated choices 2) Action abundance, directly confronting disordered rules 3) Practice buffet style eating beforehand, rather than waiting until the event itself 4) Arrive nourished, rather than low on energy 5) Focus on your own plate and...
Published 07/04/23
In this week’s episode, Emily and Han answer the question: ‘What Does A Recovery Coach Eat For Lunch?’. A key takeaway from this chat should be that the choices Han and Emily make at lunchtime are rooted in simplicity and convenience. Food selection post recovery looks varied, effortlessly supports energy levels and is relatively unconsidered (to the point it can sometimes be quite cobbled together!).
Published 04/12/23
In this episode, Emily and Han answer the question: ‘My Recovery Feels Messy - Am I Doing Something Wrong?’. The short answer: no!
Published 04/05/23
In this episode Han and Emily discuss the question, ‘Did you ever have a moment where you wanted to give up and how did you overcome this?’. They key takeaways are; Recovery is not linear. Thoughts are just thoughts. Comparison has no place in your recovery. Actions are king. Attention and action on EDBS breeds more EDBS.
Published 03/28/23
In this episode, Han and Emily discuss their post recovery relationship with the scale and how everyday action have allowed weight related data to seem unimportant and uninteresting. The blog post snippet Han reads from is is called ‘How to rewire your brain to believe that your weight doesn’t matter’ https://tabithafarrar.com/2019/08/how-to-rewire-your-brain-to-believe-that-your-weight-doesnt-matter/. The short book mentioned by Emily is called ‘Fear of Weight gain: What it is. Why you have...
Published 03/21/23
In this episode Han and Emily discuss the question: Is it normal to feel exhausted in recovery? Will I ever have my energy & the desire to move or exercise back again?’ In the chat, Han and Emily cover how energy levels can be fully restored, and relationships with movement can be fully healed with time and patience. This may involve temporarily shelving active hobbies.
Published 03/08/23
In this episode, Han and Emily discuss the question: “I restored my weight on a low intake, can I still increase my intake and honour extreme hunger?”. The main takeaways from this episode are: 1) permission to eat is not based on weight, & 2) the alternative ‘solution’ offered by the ED is out of the question.
Published 02/28/23
In this solo episode, Emily speaks through her weekend, and notes how different it would have been had she not been Recover-ED.
Published 02/16/23
In this episode, Han describes how for her, eating often goes beyond hunger and fullness cues in order to support her. She also discusses how she knew that a more flexible approach to eating was possible for her.
Published 02/11/23
In this 2 part mini series, Han speaks through Ellyn Slatter’s definition of ‘normal eating’ and describes how many aspects of it fit in with her own eating - recoverED.
Published 02/11/23
In this episode, Emily and Han talk through what ‘normal’ eating actually is in a very general sense. Flexibility, simplicity and ease are the key pillars. In future episodes, Han and Em plan to offer some closer details into their RecoverED versions of normal eating, and what that might look like day to day.
Published 02/01/23
In this episode, Emily and Han discuss digestion in recovery. If you are interested in knowing more about this topic, Han and Emily recommend the podcast ‘Tummy Troubles in Eating Disorder Recovery’ by Tabitha Farrar and Dr. Jennifer Gaudiani.
Published 01/20/23
In this episode, Han is joined by Ro (@Rorecovering) to discuss pursuing recovery without therapy. Ro speaks about her experience of leaving therapy when she was 19, and feeling an immediate acceleration of progress. Though therapy is a vital tool for some, it may not be a route that all find to be the solution to healing. As always, from the experiences shared, please take what helps and leave what doesn’t.
Published 01/13/23
In this episode, Emily and Han share snippets of their experience with extreme hunger. They cover the questions: ‘how long did extreme hunger last?’ and ‘did you experience EH being a healthy weight?’.
Published 01/10/23