What Vacations and the Holiday season have in common is that we are presented with lots of special foods, and on top of that many of our usual routines have gone because we are on holiday and don't have work and our regular everyday practices to structure our eating. Kirsten and Ditte discuss why this is a critical time to plan ahead. Let us know if you have feedback or ideas for new episodes on our Instagram
Published 11/18/22
Published 10/31/22
Why do we keep thinking we must be perfect to be good enough? - and, more importantly, what does it do to our psyche and eating habits if we only feel we are doing well enough if we eat 100% perfectly? There are many explicit and implicit cultural demands on our appearance. So it's no wonder that many of us have internalised it as a need to be and appear perfect. In this episode, Ditte and Kirsten discuss the consequences of perfectionism, what it does to one's eating (and weight) - and...
Published 10/31/22
Today's episode is a solo episode with Ditte.  I think there are several reasons why it can be so hard to cut down on Diet Coke – and today, I'm going to dive into them.  Of course, if you are having a hard time cutting down on other calorie-free beverages, this episode is for you too.  In this episode, I will discuss the following:  If you are in the Diet Mindset and have a long list of forbidden foods- Diet Coke can feel like the last treat left. Cravings are signals from your mind and...
Published 10/17/22
Sometimes it is hard to navigate your way through the ups and downs of life, let alone your psychology when it comes to your body image and motivation when you are in a bit of a slump.  It is not always sunshine and roses, and through this episode, we hope to normalise these feelings and the negative self-talk that so many experiences – while giving you some ideas on how to feel better again.  This episode is one of our most honest and vulnerable yet, and we absolutely love it and hope you...
Published 10/02/22
Eliminating foods from your diet: In this episode, we discuss what happens to your psychology when you eliminate foods from your diet or put certain food groups on the “naughty” list in your mind.  We do a deep dive into the psychology behind thought patterns and dreams and what our thoughts are really telling us!  A great show for anyone who really wants to find the key to successful eating and long-term healthy sustainable eating habits. *Sensitive Content: In the discussion we mention...
Published 09/18/22
In episode 1, Ditte and Kirsten talked about the diet mindset and how dieting and restriction often result in binges and weight gain.    But what to do if you realise that diets aren't the way to go- but you also want to lose weight?   This is the topic for this week's podcast. Ditte and Kirsten will talk about what you need to work on to finally quit dieting and lose weight long-term Link to the free 360-degree check of your eating
Published 09/04/22
Being the victim of body shaming is highly uncomfortable. In this episode, we are talking about body shaming and why we are often both the victim and the perpetrator when it comes to this issue.  We discuss why it is never a helpful strategy, and we give you some new ideas on how to feel better about yourself, even when others body shame you.
Published 08/21/22
Intuitive Eating: In today's episode, we will discuss the pros and cons of intuitive eating. Ditte shares her experience with her earlier experiences with Intuitive eating, and Kirsten discusses the need to have full awareness of the messages your body sends before embarking on an intuitive eating plan. An objective discussion related to a popular topic in the diet and health industry these days. We hope you enjoy it.
Published 08/07/22
In this week’s episode, we discuss the fact that so many spend years losing and regaining the same 10 kilos. We discuss how dieting in itself can trigger this vicious cycle of over-focusing on food and weight - and eventually overeating and weight gain - and how you can break the cycle. 
Published 07/24/22
In this week’s episode we discuss Emotional Eating, navigating you’re way around stress, tiredness and different types of emotional triggers, We discuss methods we both follow to manage different stressful situations to help break the patterns around emotional eating.
Published 07/10/22
In this week’s episode, we discuss different types of food addictions, what this looks like for different people and the different triggers. We discuss different ways to manage your addictions and pave the way to successful eating.
Published 06/26/22
In the first episode of Weight of Mind; Ditte and Kirsten will introduce you to themselves and the overarching aim of the podcast. Then they dive into a discussion about the problem with the diet mindset and the vicious cycle that keeps you continuing the same patters time and time again. They provide some key actions you can take in daily life to help you break free of restrictive eating.
Published 06/13/22