A toolbox to outsmarting and beating pre-diabetes and diabetes with Angela Manderfeld, RD  Angela Manderfeld, MS, RD, CDE, BC-ADM, CLT is a Dietitian, Board Certified in Advanced Diabetes Management. She is in private practice with more than 20 years of experience. She uses integrative functional nutrition to help clients restore their body to optimal health.  She helps them to overcome obstacles, by integrating cutting edge nutrition and lifestyle changes so they can be successful at weight...
Published 12/28/23
Episode Description: In this episode we talk about the 6 lifestyle changes that have a huge impact on your hormones Show Notes:  Hunger Fullness Scale wellness-hungersatietyscale.pdf (berkeley.edu) Check out other podcast episodes Movement - Episode 6, Episode 40 Hydration - Episode 20 Fiber - Episode 35 Intuitive Eating - Episode 74 Sleeping and overeating - episode 89, episode 144 and 14   Grab your FREEBIE BELOW    Five simple things you can do today to keep yourself healthy for tomorrow?...
Published 12/21/23
Episode Description: Embarking on a journey to transform health behaviors requires more than sheer willpower; it involves understanding the nuanced sources of influence that can shape our choices and actions. In this episode we explore the six sources of influence that play a pivotal role in driving successful health-related behavior change.
Published 11/30/23
Episode 236 Episode description:  Elevate your holiday experience with our insights on maintaining health during the festivities, fostering family bonds, and cultivating a sense of mindfulness that lasts far beyond the Thanksgiving table. Tune in for a wholesome journey into a Thanksgiving celebration that feeds both body and spirit!" SEO keywords: Healthy Thanksgiving, Nutritious Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving wellness, Nutrition tips for Thanksgiving, Wellness during Thanksgiving, Gratitude and...
Published 11/23/23
Episode Description: Empower your journey to finish the year strong by refocusing on your health and wellness goals. Explore effective year-end strategies and healthy living tactics to set achievable milestones. From mindful habits to fitness routines, discover actionable steps to prioritize your well-being. Elevate your year-end goals with sustainable health strategies and celebrate a stronger, healthier you as you step into the new year. Start now and make the last six weeks count towards...
Published 11/16/23
In this episode, we will explore the intricate dance between failure and progress, how they can co-exist harmoniously on our journey into personal growth and are in fact necessary to achieving our health wellness and self-care goals. Grab your FREEBIE BELOW!  Five simple things you can do today to keep yourself healthy for tomorrow. As we age, our health and well-being become a bigger focus in our life. You may be worried that it's too late. But there is still hope!!! Discover the health...
Published 11/09/23
Social, clinical, and policy implications of ultra-processed food addiction (bmj.com) Yale-Food-Addiction-Survey.xlsx (live.com) (4) What Is The Evidence That Food Addiction Exists? - YouTube Grab your FREEBIE BELOW!  Five simple things you can do today to keep yourself healthy for tomorrow. As we age, our health and well-being become a bigger focus in our life. You may be worried that it's too late. But there is still hope!!! Discover the health changes you can make today to preserve your...
Published 11/02/23
232:// Embracing Change: How to Redefine Sacrifice on Your Health Journey Keywords: Health changes, making sacrifices for health, Reframing sacrifice, Positive mindset for health, Long-term health goals, Achieving health objectives, Healthy lifestyle, Wellness transformation Reframing Sacrifice for Health and Happiness When it comes to making health changes that can significantly impact our well-being, the concept of sacrifice often looms large. It's common for humans to struggle with the...
Published 10/26/23
Episode description: In this episode we talk about your health choices and behaviors and how they can have a lasting impact on the health and well-being of future generations. By making conscious efforts to lead a healthy lifestyle, prioritize preventive care, and foster a culture of well-being within your family, you can contribute to a healthier and happier legacy for your descendants. Grab your FREEBIE BELOW!  Five simple things you can do today to keep yourself healthy for tomorrow. As we...
Published 10/12/23
Burnout in women over 40 Women’s burnout prevention Coping with burnout in midlife Managing stress for women over 40 Self-care strategies for midlife women Perimenopause and burnout Balancing responsibilities in midlife
Published 10/05/23
Discover what aspects of your health journey are within your control and what you can influence. This insightful episode explores the balance between personal responsibility and understanding the factors that may be beyond your control. Learn how to navigate your unique path to better health and embrace the power of small steps. 💪🌟 #HealthJourney #PersonalResponsibility #SmallStepsToSuccess 
Published 09/28/23
227/ Unleashing Your Potential: The Beauty of the Journey  Episode Description:   In this week's episode, we explore the profound importance of embracing the process of behavior change and finding joy along the way. Join us as we provide practical tips and insights on how to shift your focus from end goals to savoring every moment of your journey. Learn to celebrate small victories, connect with a supportive community, and harness the power of gratitude and vision boards to stay motivated on...
Published 09/21/23
Confidence in oneself is a powerful asset. It fuels self-esteem, nurtures resilience, and fosters a sense of personal growth. One significant way to boost this self-assurance is by learning to keep promises to oneself. In this episode, we'll explore how gaining confidence in this regard can lead to a more fulfilling and empowered life. 
Published 09/14/23
Episode Description:   Discover why motivation alone isn't the key to success. In this podcast, we delve into the often-misunderstood world of motivation and why it can be so elusive. Learn why waiting for motivation to strike may not be the best approach and how consistency can be your secret weapon for achieving your goals. Explore the relationship between action and motivation and find out how to maintain your drive even when motivation wanes.   Grab your FREEBIE BELOW!  Five simple things...
Published 09/07/23
Have you ever had this overwhelming desire or strong urge to eat a particular food?  On today’s episode we tackle the meaning or etiology of these cravings and urges that you may experience, and you may be surprised to find out they are caused by many factors such as:   Physiological  Psychological  Environmental  Evolutionary  Genetic  Oftentimes, what is causing your craving may be oversimplified, but it may be more complex in nature than you realize. When it comes to our health, everyone...
Published 08/31/23
Grab your FREEBIE BELOW!  Five simple things you can do today to keep yourself healthy for tomorrow. As we age, our health and well-being become a bigger focus in our life. You may be worried that it's too late. But there is still hope!!! Discover the health changes you can make today to preserve your health for tomorrow.    https://upbeat-hustler-2294.ck.page/06d0e2ccf9    Where can you find...
Published 08/24/23
Show Notes: Magnesium - Health Professional Fact Sheet (nih.gov) Pros and cons of taking a magnesium supplement - Mayo Clinic What you should know about magnesium - Harvard Health Episode Description: Do you know the importance of magnesium? As women approach pre-menopause and eventually enter menopause, they experience a variety of physical and emotional changes. These changes are largely attributed to hormonal fluctuations, particularly the decline in estrogen levels. Common symptoms...
Published 08/17/23
Episode description:    Protein has become the new hype of the fitness community. Questions about protein have been made in a huge amount of google searches.  Protein powder: 673,000 google searches  Protein rich foods: 301,000 google searches  Most of us are typically focused on calorie intake, so we often don’t see the composition of what we were eating. Protein has recently become the media darling of the nutrition world – and with good reason as it serves many vital functions. Some of...
Published 08/10/23
One of the most common challenges I hear from women is eating when they are not sure if they are actually hungry. Sometimes it can be a true physical hunger but much of the time the eating can be disguised as an outlet for something else. You may be triggered by an emotion such as boredom, stress, or discomfort that you are trying to escape or perhaps an environment that makes you feel uncomfortable. Eating out of habit - may happen at night - as it is often the time of day that we are able...
Published 08/03/23
Episode description:  In today’s episode we talk about body shaming - self-criticism of your body or someone else’s - in relation to a recent experience I had in which body shaming led me into a shame spiral. Some examples of body shaming include: “I’m so fat; I hate my fill in the blank; I feel so fat today”, and “I shouldn’t have eaten that.” Research shows that women have as many as 13 negative thoughts per day about their body, with 91% of women being overall dissatisfied with their...
Published 07/20/23
Episode Description:  Have you ever decided that you wanted to make this big health change and go all in on how to get there? It starts with this idea which leads to endless hours of research because you want to make sure you  have all of the correct information so you can succeed and do it ‘“perfectly”.  You start reading about what you  need to do and researching the products that will help you get there like an apple watch, piece of exercise equipment, an app that will support you, or even...
Published 07/13/23