No right. No Wrong. No Good. No bad. Just what is. My dad used this phrase so often it was burned in my mind long before I actually understood it. Now, I understand it to be the common theme across lightworkers today, Neutrality. I used to think that neutrality (and all of the other words associated with it) were passive. Like hiding away from reality. Putting our heads in the sand, only to bring them out when the turmoil stopped. Well, we know that the turmoil will not stop for the...
Published 10/06/23
How much easier would your life be if you easily and quickly made better decisions? It's a fabulous way to level-up your game exponentially.  Maybe you've tried all sorts of tricks and methods to craft your decision-making skills. Do you want a simple way to hone your skills even more? Today I share how you can tap into science-based studies on Chronobiology to help you make better decisions faster and get stellar results.  If you've enjoyed this content and want to see more tips and...
Published 09/29/23
Welcome to Season 3. Yep. It’s partway into the year, but this podcast is at at natural beginning where we launch into Next Level Longevity in a series I term: Uplife! Fear stops us in our tracks. It tries to keep us small. It endeavors to dissuade us from doing great things. Our mission is the amalgamation of all of those great things we must do in our time here on the planet. The first step is to get clear on our mission. Okay, some form of hazy clarity is really all that's needed....
Published 05/10/23
“One of the most important discriminations we can make … is the difference between things that beckon to us and things that call from our souls.” Woman Who Run With The Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, PhD. In this episode, we discuss the importance of giving your soul a voice to let it guide you through the twists and turns and the cacophony of voices calling for your attention.  The simple 4-Step process will help you install the button for your personal GPS. The direct-line to bring...
Published 10/06/22
Here's a quick way to hit that next level fast! Time and energy are the great commodities in life. With them we 'buy' coffee and shoes, adventures to far-off lands and more! When we're looking to fulfill a new desire, we'll need to upgrade one of the two. Today we'll play with a completely personalized way to give yourself an energy lift! For more tips and tricks head here: Facebook Instagram Website This episode is also available as a blog post:...
Published 10/03/22
Here we go! Diving into a topic I didn't want to look at, much less tackle head-on. But today, we're going to do both. Masculine and Feminine energies are at play in our lives. Much of what we do with them is compartmentalized. They are much more powerful when we set them free to dance with each other.  Here is my journey where I discovered how naturally they entwine and the method I am using to understand and direct their power toward my deliberate creation. I hope this helps you craft...
Published 09/28/22
Today we tackle the overused and abused topic of stress...but from a whole new perspective.  If you're ready to let movement and stress intermingle along your longevity pathway, you will set yourself up to move mountains!  In this episode, we discuss how movement permeates every aspect of life and how you can use it to craft stressors to make you stronger, more resilient and able to flow. Also, how to spot the stress that runs you down and pushes you to underperform. Join us for a...
Published 09/26/22
Today we toy with the bounds of human potential and discuss what it's going to take to get us from survival-mode to actual thrival.  I share with you a concept that is beginning to take shape and form in my mind. A process of intermingling different concepts to form a powerful way of being that supports our growth and allows us to leap forward, to level up our human performance.  Want to come along? This episode is also available as a blog post:...
Published 09/19/22
Are you ready to take your relationship with intuition to a whole new level? To discover an almost unfathomable wellspring of power?  When we tap into the depths of our own knowing, we unearth our greatest WHY, our most fiery passions, our fastest flowing streams of creativity.  Today we learn a simple 4 step process to hear the voice of intuition louder and more profoundly than ever before.  This episode is also available as a blog post:...
Published 09/12/22
To know me is to love me! In this episode we discuss how to foster self-love through self-knowledge. The more we understand our innate tendencies and traits, the more we set ourselves free to be uniquely US! This episode is also available as a blog post: https://myspiritualcenter.wordpress.com/2021/03/04/self-love-day-8-knowledge/ --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/melinda-perkins/support
Published 06/05/22
It's time to take an Energy Break and talk about all things spiritual.  You know that feeling of flow? Do you want to take it to the next level? The Universe is waiting to hear from you! Today we talk about co-creating with the best partner ever - The Universe! I'll share with you a simple process that I use to tap into that power and make it stronger. It's fun, it's fruitful and it's a fantastic way to live bigger and brighter than ever before!  This episode is also available as a blog...
Published 05/29/22
Have you ever had one of those moments when you felt like you were parroting a grumpy grandparent?  If so, today's process will help you shift from a mindset that ages us to one that supports our longevity.  This episode is also available as a blog post: https://myspiritualcenter.wordpress.com/2022/04/17/possibilities-take-two/ --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/melinda-perkins/support
Published 05/22/22
Change is the only thing you can count on.  That message flies at us from every angle.  And it's so untrue! When we foster self-trust - we can count on the largest aspect of our lives...US! Therefore, this podcast is dedicated to cultivating self-trust. I share an easy 5-step process to do just that.  I hope it helps you feel lighter, freer and stronger in the face of the changing world! This episode is also available as a blog post:...
Published 05/15/22
Are you working at an unsustainable pace?  That's the question we ponder today.  Not only that, but we also look at how to tell, if you're not sure, and what to do about it if you are! Burnout is a very real scare for entrepreneurs and many others, too. It's so easy to get caught in that whirlwind and not know how to get out. Today we break burnout down into three sections and just tackle one of them: Continuous Overwork. This episode is also available as a blog post:...
Published 05/08/22
Today we enter the realm of our self-worth. It's an often-overlooked bit of our self-esteem that can hold us back from reaching that next level anywhere in our lives. When we turn to face it, define it and play with it, then we can release some of the baggage that surrounds it.  We discuss ways to do just that. Then, I share a process with you that I call the 5 Steps to Being Selfish. Come along and answer the question...Are You Worth It? This episode is also available as a blog post:...
Published 05/01/22
Ever wonder what longevity looks like in the grander, vibrational scheme of things? Today we look at the human body as a mass of individual frequencies, much like an orchestra. There are many levels of orchestra from the pros to the beginners. Our bodies sit somewhere on that spectrum of pleasant to listen to ... all the way to cover-your-ears bad.  Yet all of this work we do to move our bodies, reset our minds and do the things that we talk about on this podcast changes certain...
Published 04/24/22
Self-love only happens in the present moment.  Today's 6 Step process leads us into Now! to harness the power of self-love and deepen our primary relationship (the one with ourselves). This episode is also available as a blog post: https://myspiritualcenter.wordpress.com/2021/03/10/self-love-day-9-now/ --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/melinda-perkins/support
Published 04/17/22
Today's episode centers around the mindset reset that happens when we shift our focus from the problem in front of us to the possibilities that problem is urging us to see.  As problems abound in the world and in my life, this theme is a prevalent one. Mixed in with the 5 Step process where we take our problems to possibilities are a couple of my personal stories. I hope that they inspire you to take the journey, so that your life is brimming with possibilities. My process and this podcast...
Published 04/10/22
Ever need a mindset reset that you can adopt on the fly? Today I share one that is as potent as it is easy to apply. It totally changes the lens through which you view the world. And it saves you energy and time in the process! What a great act of self-love! If it resonates with you, give it a try! This episode is also available as a blog post: https://myspiritualcenter.wordpress.com/2022/02/27/a-self-love-mindset/ --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/melinda-perkins/support
Published 04/03/22
Exercise is good for us, right? But what kind of exercise and when? Noone wants to waste their time doing movement that doesn't get a good result.  And we have all done it! Wasted our time with the latest fad only to end up with an injury or more belly fat or less energy. With movement, getting as specific as possible will get us the best outcomes.  In this episode I talk about my fitness journey and outline 7 steps to getting moving in the most efficient and effective way for you Right...
Published 03/27/22
Its story time...Law of Attraction meets Ripple Effect style! Today we discuss values and I tell you my journey with a new process I learned from a Brene Brown "Unlocking Us" podcast. I do so in the hopes that you will take the opportunity to dive deeper into your values (if you are inspired), put your own twist on things and allow your genius to unfold. Then, I hope that you share it with the world to keep that ripple effect going! This episode is also available as a blog post:...
Published 03/20/22
Stress! Stress! Stress!  Pretty much everything I do is to help myself and others lower the chronic cortisol levels that are making us tired and unhealthy. Enter an even bigger stress...adversity.  Adversity mimetics is a process where we (knowingly and intentionally) introduce the body to stressors that mimic times of hardship.  Why? And doesn't this oppose everything that I stand for and every action I take? Not really. Here, I quickly share how the two dovetail to create a longevity...
Published 03/13/22
When it comes to chasing our goals, we tend to abandon our self-love.  In this episode, we talk about why the first of the year can feel heavy and burdensome because of how we lay out our goals. We look at the top reason this happens... abandoning our self-love. And we learn a process that I use to chase down those big goals with our self-love intact!  This episode is also available as a blog post: https://myspiritualcenter.wordpress.com/2022/02/21/goal-chasing-with-self-love/ ---...
Published 03/06/22
Guilt is a yucky feeling that we all want to experience less. I'm talking the kind of guilt we feel when we're focused on one aspect of life, yet another one is calling to us: be it work or play, relationships or hobbies, striving or resting. Whatever elements might be in your schedule that vie for your attention all at once.  Today I share a 3 step process I use to put that guilt to work and increase my overall productivity.  Because why not use that yucky moment to do something with...
Published 02/27/22
We've talked lots about the first of what I call the Pillars Of Longevity (Self-Love), today we dive into another pillar, The Mind. Mindset is a super important part of carrying through with any change that we want to make. It underpins happiness. It is also what I call "the lens through which we view the world".  Today we learn how to catch a glimpse inside this intangible entity of the mind. I share the 4 Easy Steps I take to meet up with mine and grasp the treasures that it holds.  I'll...
Published 02/20/22