Have you felt you need to slow down but don’t know how it’s possible? How can you be a woman who makes time to take care of her health and fitness with a to-do list that never ends? With the kids being on summer break, your usual routines get pushed to the side, making life feel like interruptions are never-ending. There is just ONE thing that you need in order to make slowing down possible. This is how you will carve out space and time if you want better health and fitness. Tune in to find...
Published 07/13/22
I see that you are doing all the things to lose weight and try to stay the course. But did you know that there is a way you should be eating in your 40s if you want to lose weight and stay healthy? Today, if you’re eating whatever you want like you did years ago, it’s going to hurt your health more than help. There are so many possible reasons why you aren’t having the energy you want but what you’re eating could be one of the big reasons. That’s what we talk about in this episode.  Over and...
Published 07/06/22
As a Christian mom, do you want to wake up feeling motivated and ready to workout in the morning? And at the end of the night, do you think about how you neglected yet another day to get in your workout? Have you been told that you are lacking the motivation to workout? Then, this is the episode for you. We’ll talk about the 3 things you were taught to believe when it comes to being motivated to workout in the morning. These are things you must stop believing because they are lies. Unzip your...
Published 06/28/22
Have you ever wondered what happens when you take your faith in God and partner it together with your health wants and needs? Maybe you’re convinced that it’s a sin because you could end up doing it in vain? If you’re a Christian woman over 40 (in midlife) who’s tired all the time, low on energy, and just wants to spend more time with her kids without thinking of the 1-mile long to-do list, this is the episode for you. You’ll learn the two truths you either forgot about or are overlooking...
Published 06/15/22
Do you feel like you’re failing at doing all the things that you need to feel healthy? Like your workouts and your meal prep? In this episode, that’s what we’re going to talk about. Specifically, four summer productivity secrets for SAHM over 40. If you take just one of these productivity secrets and implement it this summer, it will help you to move the needle toward getting in your workouts and actually doing your meal prep. Want to feel better in your body, feel healthier, and get the...
Published 05/31/22
Can a Facebook group really mislead you when it comes to your health? Is it something we’re not paying attention to but should? Facebook groups that are about health don’t just exist for the community. Those are great! But they are even better when they help you to get healthier, have more energy, and actually help you to feel comfortable in your body in your 40s! Let’s get into today’s episode where you’ll look at 5 things so you’ll know if the Facebook health group you’re in is misleading...
Published 05/23/22
Want to have more energy and feel good in your body in your 40s? In order for that to happen, we need to make time to workout. The question remains… How do we do that when it’s been so long since we were last physically active (exercising consistently like we did in our 20s… remember that)? What can we do to get ourselves slowly back to being active again? In this episode, you’ll learn how to do that in 5 doable steps so you can make it happen and you can start today! Ready to learn how to...
Published 05/13/22
I’ve shared about formerly being a fitness instructor and what my life used to look like (on the outside, behind closed doors as well as the embarrassing things that I hid). There have been lots of good and not-so-good moments throughout those years. Some of those things I can’t wait to UNlearn but there are also the other parts that I am super grateful to have knowledge on. Today, I’m so glad that I can take the not-so-good parts and put a biblical filter on them. Don’t you love how with...
Published 04/20/22
We push really hard to get to that perfect number on the scale. In our minds and hearts, we deceive ourselves by believing things will be so much better if we just reach that number. Not many of us would leave our hands down when asked if we’ve ever sacrificed relationships along the way. (Who else’s hand is up with mine?) What is the reason behind this perfect number? How will our lives be “better” if we reach that “perfect” number? In what ways are we STILL deceiving ourselves? What do you...
Published 04/12/22
We’re not able to count all the ways we can get stumbled and distracted by the thousands of shiny objects and “promises” that pull us away from God: from what society says we should look like, to why we should add “change the shape of our bodies” to the top of our priority list. And we can’t forget the countless fitness programs that entice us to do more and partake so that we can feel important based on how fast we can run or whether or not we can lift heavy barbells over our heads. If you...
Published 04/01/22
How many times have you spoken or thought about yourself in a self-sabotaging way? You say you look fat, you need to lose weight, you wish you still fit the clothes stored at the back of your closet, if only you still looked like your younger years. Do I need to keep going? We all do it so know that you’re not the only one. We have to remember that as ambassadors of Christ we get to look past the outward appearances. Of course, intellectually knowing these things is not enough, and can be...
Published 03/29/22
If you’re still on the fence about going all-in to follow Jesus in your body free in journey, you don't want to miss this episode. From one female Christian to another I can describe what it's like to follow Jesus and what it's like when I don't follow Jesus. I can tell you that many times I’m tempted to do things the world’s way for fitness by going hard and showing others my hard work with my physical progress. I am at times convinced that following methods that lead to quick results is...
Published 03/18/22
Ever wondered if your lack of weight loss results are a reflection of your faith? This is not a hot topic but it's something that needs to be addressed because it's too easy to deceive ourselves and put the blame on things we would rather not acknowledge. In this episode, I will give you the simple truth. Five to be exact. These are things that we ignore. It's not our faith (or lack of) that determines our weight loss results. Tune in to find out the 5 reasons! Keep Your Joy In Jesus, ...
Published 03/04/22
As a Christian, looking for a weight loss (or fitness) program is a challenge especially if you don’t know what to do (or where) to get started. With 819 million results to choose from you would think it would be easy to just choose one and go with it.. (Type “weight loss or fitness for women” into Google and you’ll get at least that many results to choose from!) The reality is that finding a single program appropriate for us as Christians is tough. Majority of the programs out there have a...
Published 02/22/22
We want to lose extra weight and make fitness and health our priority and lifestyle. That’s great except when it takes over our heart, mind, and how we live out this life. Our intentions, as lovers of Jesus, is to have Him lead our way and light our path BUT when we make weight loss, fitness, and health our MAIN thing it gets easier and easier to push God to the side. When He starts to fade away from our thoughts we forget about His promises and the fact that HE is what gives us peace, joy,...
Published 02/17/22
Do you feel like despite your best weight loss efforts nothing is working? You joined a weight loss program because you saw good results in others but when it came to you it didn’t quite give you the same outcome? Super frustrating. I know the feeling. You followed what they said but still, nothing budges or it only lasts for only a little while. Does this describe you? This episode will help you to figure out why that keeps on happening. Get ready to take inventory by asking yourself these...
Published 02/12/22
The fitness industry has a lot of shiny objects like fitness challenges, exercise programs, and the new and improved weight loss/diet shake. It’s what gets our attention and it works! It’s no secret that we live in a world filled with highlight reels and with that, it’s easy to get sidetracked with the essentials of following God. I discovered that although I was proclaiming Christ as my everything outwardly the desires of my heart didn't show up the same way. Internally, my heart was...
Published 02/04/22
We’ve all fallen off the bandwagon and encountered obstacles when trying to take care of our health. It’s a very common thing that we naturally expect but it doesn’t have to be that way. (Re-read that again!) Re-starting over again and going back to square one is very discouraging for many of us. But it can also be a thing of the past just by doing some planning so you can counteract those expected obstacles. Over the years, I’ve realized that this is one of those things that even experts and...
Published 02/01/22
Finding the time to exercise can seem so hard and discouraging, especially when you feel like you have no control over anything and one thousand things need to get done. Your to-do list and everyone needing your attention seem like it’s never-ending. You feel draggy and you’d rather lay on the couch at the end of the day. I totally get you. So, how do you REALLY make time to move your body? That’s what we cover in part two of this 3-part “Heart-check series”. I’ll be sharing the framework I...
Published 01/24/22
As you think and do anything dealing with weight loss have you ever stopped to think about the reasons why, what, and who influenced you to chase after this “dream body”? Oftentimes, it’s easier to pick up dumbbells than to stop and address our real issues. In other words, because we live in a world that is all about go, go, go we don’t take the time to stop and face our issues - in essence these are spiritual heart issues. We cover this and more in this episode (and series). This is part one...
Published 01/21/22
When it comes to fitness, weight loss, changing your outlook on body image, setting goals for the new year, etc. there are so many things we need to UNlearn. When we are open to relearning and doing things OPPOSITE from what we’ve been taught (over the decades for some of us) that’s when we set forward motion to get to the next step. Join me in closing off the Lowering the Bar series. My hope is that you will choose to walk away from the former things. Because going harder, doing more, and...
Published 01/08/22
Ever try to stick with your weight loss goals but end up quitting? Tired of discouragement taking over? Maybe things just don’t seem to be turning out the way you want them to. In this episode, you’ll learn one way to help you stick with your goals. This is part 2 of the mini series called Lowering the Bar. Download the 30-day blank calendar down below and apply what you learn in this episode today! Stay Courageous & Fit, Jaclyn --------------------- Obsessing about your weight and...
Published 12/27/21
How many things have you tried to get fit or lose weight because you were told to do it yet you still haven’t achieved your goals? Well in that case you can’t say that you’ve tried everything because you haven’t tried THIS one failsafe formula I share in this episode and mini-series. This means you’ll be getting closer to your goals and reaching it in such a super simple way and without feeling like a failure. Use this formula for weight loss or in any other area of your life that you want...
Published 12/21/21
There’s so much pressure to lose weight and keep up with what everyone else is doing healthwise or fitness-wise during the holidays. When we do things just because other people are pressuring us and expecting our bodies to look certain way exhaustion, burnout, and forgetting about Christ are the results. In this episode, you’ll learn two tips with practical examples of how to use them. I can’t wait for you to walk away from social pressure and walk towards living in body freedom during the...
Published 12/08/21