Get Out of Your Head & Into the Mind "In Your Head" means thinking from the primitive brain. That’s the non-human brain used for instinctive response and not for thinking. It’s self-centered thinking that causes stress. The primitive brain is negative, selfish, and always wants more. This is what I call thinking from the head. The mind is the universe outside the body. The mind has unlimited knowledge and information about the past, present, and future. The function of the mind is for...
Published 05/21/24
Published 05/21/24
  Who Are You? What Is Your Purpose? Dr. Gary Epler – Know who you are by knowing where you’re thinking from moment by moment. Be your authentic self. Be human. Quiet the primitive brain self-centered stress center. Think from your heart with kindness and think from the mind, which is outside the body, with creativity to help others. If you are being your authentic self, then you automatically know your purpose, and it’s an inspiring people-centered purpose. Knowing your purpose gives you...
Published 04/26/24
Live in the mind for an extraordinary life filled with high energy, peak performance, and enduring joy.  Living in the mind means thinking from the mind. Instead of thinking from the primitive brain with limited and negative thoughts all day, think from the mind with unlimited positive thoughts, creativity, and joy. Think from the mind and live in the mind. How do you connect with the mind? Slow down the brainwaves. We can think from the mind because the human brain has a region called the...
Published 03/20/24
Listen Up! Listening Strategies for Success Know where you’re thinking from moment by moment. For effective and healthy listening, think for your heart with kindness and from the mind with creativity. Talking and listening are equally bound together. What you say affects what the other person hears, and what you hear affects what the other person says. For example, speaking is related to pace, pitch, and volume, determining how the other person listens. Go too fast for some people, and they...
Published 03/01/24
Quiet the Negative Voice in Your Head Know where you’re thinking from moment by moment. Thinking from the head with your negative thoughts causes stress. Quiet the negative voice and eliminate stress.  There are ten ways to quiet the voice: Here’s the short list: (1) Awareness (2) Kindness  (3) Gratitude (4) Close friends (5) 12-minute walk (6) Neurobypass (7) Slow brainwaves (8) Music (9) Attention, and (10) Breathe. Keep doing these techniques, and over time, the amount of stress will...
Published 02/14/24
Master Your Self-Control Apply the principle of knowing where you’re thinking from. Avoid primitive brain thinking, and think from your heart and the mind, which is outside the brain. Self-control is the ability to manage our emotional response and behavior to impulses, temptations, and difficult situations. Successful self-control is learning to think from the heart with kindness to yourself and others, and thinking from the mind, which is outside the brain, with creativity to solve problems...
Published 01/24/24
Eplerian Life Philosophy for Building a Global Civilization of Kindness Think like a human from your heart with kindness and the mind to help others. Don’t think like a non-human from the primitive brain with anger and stress. Primitive brain thinking is about yourself. Human thinking is about everyone else. What's the primitive brain? The brain starts as a pod of cells and develops into a primitive brain, which is needed during infancy for instinctive survival. The brain continues to...
Published 12/22/23
Maximize Your Social Health Social health is the capacity to create trust, develop meaningful connections, and make a positive contribution to society. The seven indicators of social health include kindness from the heart, high level happiness, zero level stress, healthy nutrition lifestyle, eight hours of sleep every night, one hour of exercise every day, and daily meditation. There are seven supplemental indicators. These include always being engaged in life, learning something new every...
Published 11/15/23
What are 7 healthy habits of people who rarely get sick? (1) Healthy nutrition, (2) Sleep, (3) Exercise, (4) No stress and no other bad health habits, (5) Updated immunizations, (6) Cautious use of medications and surgery, and most importantly, (7) Always be your true authentic self. I define a healthy nutrition lifestyle as “eating the right foods in the right amount at the right time and prepared in a healthy manner.” The right food are foods with no added sugar, no added salt, and no...
Published 10/24/23
Making Decisions in 10 Seconds or Less Know who you are moment by moment which means knowing where you’re thinking from. Think from the heart for making important personal decisions and think from the mind for business decisions. You might have a decision about a new job, a new house, or a new relationship. Thinking from the head will keep you up all night thinking about the positives and negatives with no decision in the morning. Instead of thinking from the head with indecision, think from...
Published 09/22/23
Like Yourself / Be Yourself!   Feel good about yourself. Like yourself. This is fundamental for life in many ways. This gives you the confidence to engage in life with new experiences and new opportunities. You’re resilient to setbacks and disappointments. You have better close relationships with positive people, and you will not tolerate negative relationships. You’re not wasting time and energy with self-destructive and self-pity thoughts freeing you to be more productive and creative. You...
Published 08/16/23
Turn Off the Stress Switch Stress is activated by self-centered thoughts and thinking about yourself. This thinking is unhealthy and hazardous to people and society. These self-centered thoughts include obvious thoughts such as thinking about your problems, feeling sorry for yourself, or negative thoughts about yourself. Other examples are less obvious such as trying to be someone else or your job title, trying to please others, and thinking about what people think of you. Other less obvious...
Published 07/21/23
Never be 'old'. Age is a state of mind. Some people in their 30s and 40s are old. They look old, act old, and think old. Many people in their 80s, 90s, and 100s are never going to be old. The story begins at infancy. Infants need to use the primitive instinctive brain region to cry for food and a diaper change. After that, thinking from this brain region self-destructs and prevents people from being successful adults making positive contributions to the world. I call this primitive brain...
Published 06/28/23
Soft skills, social skills, and using the mind combined with AI for extraordinary success. In the past, everyone learned knowledge facts in school. Now every known fact in the universe is instantly available. Therefore, people need to learn soft skills, social skills, and use the mind for success in making money, at their job, and in the community.   Ten new soft skills include Always be your true self.Learn something new every day.No negative words or comments in conversations.If you say...
Published 06/07/23
Be Smarter for Your Next Birthday! Stay smart in an ever-changing world. Know who you are moment by moment, which means you’re as smart as where you’re thinking from. Be your true authentic self by thinking from the heart and the mind for being smart. Some people get smarter with each birthday. People talk about getting smarter by using the internet and the new AI products. In the past, it’s been thought that people get smarter by using more of their brain. There’s a better way. Use the mind,...
Published 05/24/23
Social change is going to happen all the time. If you constantly think about how terrible this is going to affect you, then you’re going to be stressed. The more you think about it, the more stressed you’re going to be. If you limit these thoughts to a few seconds, then the harmful adrenalin cortisol response is neutralized. If you keep thinking these negative thoughts for days, weeks, or months, the adrenalin response will continue causing increased blood pressure, shutting down the...
Published 05/06/23
Use the neuropathway bypass technique for eliminating stress from negative or difficult people in your life. A neuropathway is a highway of neurons in the brain with a beginning and an end. Neurons transmit information from one brain cell to another. Neuropathway is started from a person or an event and ends with an emotional response that may be negative, neutral, or positive.  How to build a bypass around the old stress neuropathway. Build a new one with a positive beginning and a...
Published 04/17/23
Feelings over thinking. Feelings from your heart include kindness, love, giving, appreciation, forgiveness, and gratitude. When you realize that you’re angry or stressed from thinking about yourself, think from the heart with kindness and giving. Give your help. Be grateful for everything you have and the positive people in your life. Fear is the feeling from the gut. Unlike negative thinking from the head, fear is a healthy positive feeling because it tells you about the potential risk to...
Published 03/31/23
There are many ways to get involved in your community including volunteering, coaching, participating in local events, and becoming a town officer. To help the community the most, be your true self. Limit your stress to less than ten seconds by not thinking about your problems or trying to be someone else. Think from the heart with kindness and giving. Think from the mind with creativity to solve community problems and help others. Be your true self. People will trust you and want to hear...
Published 03/22/23
Leave your cell phone out of sight when talking with family, friends, coworkers, and in public. Be engaged in life. It’s one of life’s pleasures. You have healthy interactions and experience wonderful moments. This means paying attention to life in front of you. It’s having purpose in life. This means knowing what you want, what you’re doing, and where you’re going. This means being your true authentic self. Cell phone dependency is out of control taking away positive social interaction and...
Published 02/14/23
How do you take charge of your life? Be your true authentic self and everything else falls into place. Engage in life at all times knowing what you’re doing, what you want, and where you’re going. Leave your phone out of sight. Pay attention to everything around you when interacting with people. Live in the moment with high energy, creativity, and enjoyment. Know where you’re thinking from. Think from your heart with kindness and the mind with solving problems and helping others. Take charge...
Published 01/23/23
Follow the Eplerian Life Philosophy for Health and Happiness: “Know who you are moment by moment" This means know where you’re thinking from and that’s who you are. The benefits of knowing who you are include freedom from telling you who you are. You’re your own person. You’re happier and more productive. You have high energy. You’re creative and innovative. You’re engaged in life. You enjoy living in the moment. You’re trustworthy. People want to be with you. There are more than 30...
Published 12/01/22
Imagine a world where global leaders don’t destroy millions of people’s lives and their homes. Where there are no angry demonstrations or rallies against people or groups. This can happen. This can happen now. Never think like a crocodile. Crocodiles are angry. Crocodiles are stressed because they only think about themselves. Never think like a crocodile. Be your true self, not anyone else. Think like a human from the heart with kindness and giving. Think from the mind with courage, solving...
Published 11/17/22
Selling from the heart is always about the other person. When you talk with someone about selling something, the other person is learning about this for the first time. They’re thinking from their ancient brain region, which I call the crocodile brain. So, keep the conversation simple and non-threatening. Speak with feelings and positive emotions. Avoid thinking about yourself and what you need such as thinking about making money or about closing the sale.  Copyright© 2022 by Gary Epler,...
Published 11/02/22