Marly shares who NeurOptimal supports healing for multiple issues that are common struggles for people. For more information please email: [email protected]
Published 09/15/24
HBOT with special guest, Kevin Hurdelbrink discusses HBOT as a powerful healing therapy for a multitude of complicated diseases and injuries.
Published 09/04/24
Marly shares about how your nervous system adapts and signals what we are experiencing in our senses and how to better be able to adapt to change and stressors.
Published 08/28/24
Marly visits with Dr. T about holistic healing solutions that address FMS and CFS as well as Covid Long Haul.
Published 08/21/24
Here's a 7-day self-led exercise protocol using somatic therapy techniques to calm the stress response: Day 1: Body Scan Meditation Find a quiet space and lie down comfortably. Close your eyes and focus on your breath for a few minutes. Start a body scan from your toes to your head, noticing any areas of tension or discomfort. As you scan, imagine sending breath and relaxation to those areas, allowing them to release tension. Day 2: Grounding Techniques Stand barefoot on...
Published 08/14/24
To get your own Vagal Stim Device: https://www.dolphinmps.com/shop-now/?wpam_id=97
Published 08/07/24
Marly shares some procs and cons of taking Ozempic as well as natural alternatives.
Published 07/31/24
Marly provides an overview of Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk's book, Body Keeps the Score. Helpful bookstudy link: https://traumaresearchfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/Book-Club-Study-Guide_compressed.pdf
Published 07/24/24
Marly shares about a particular author/teacher who helped her on her healing journey. Louise Hay was a motivational author who developed a theory linking emotions and physical ailments. According to her views, specific suppressed or unaddressed emotions can manifest as physical symptoms in related areas of the body. For example, headaches might be linked to self-criticism, neck pain to stubbornness, and back pain to emotional support issues. Hay advocated for healing through positive...
Published 07/17/24
Marly shares an overview of what Somatic Relief Exercises or Somatic Experiencing is to help process trauma.
Published 07/10/24
Marly shares some reasons to de-clutter your home and some practical help to make it happen!
Published 07/03/24
Marly shares 10 ways nervous system dysregulation may show up in your life. How nervous system regulation can achieve healing in the phyiscal and biological outcomes. Why community, support and belonging is essental to regulating the central nervous system.
Published 06/26/24
Marly explains why we need adequate protein for brain function and mental health as well as which protein sources are optimal.
Published 06/19/24
Marly shares that doing the following may help depression: 1. Optimize thyroid 2. Optimize folate, vitamin B12, vitamin D, homocysteine, omega-3's 3. Try eliminating inflammatory foods for 3 weeks 4. Eat from the rainbow of fruits and veggies 5. Squash the ANTs 6. Exercise 7. Add one of the following: saffron, curcumin, zinc citrate or glycinate, magnesium glycine/citrate/malate, vitamin B6 8. Probiotics 9. Get some light therapy - preferrably sunshine before 10 am.
Published 06/12/24
For products and resources or to contact Dr. Mike directly please go to: https://mvtonline.com/ Dr. Mike shares about the 5P Method from his book, the IZOD Method. Free videos for Fibromyalgia in Remission DIY: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM_ncQgFrKIyBMonAWMNQgLKOD5I5Yngo
Published 06/05/24
Marly shares why you need an Emotional Rescue Playlist along with some songs you can add!
Published 05/29/24
Marly shares what you may be experiencing if you have Limbic System Dysfunction or Impairment. For more info on NeurOptimal® Brain Training Systems: [email protected] [email protected]
Published 05/22/24
Marly shares how sounds in nature, particularly water, evoke a relaxation response. Scientifically proven to activate the parasympathetic nervous system - sounds of water help to calm us naturally.
Published 05/14/24
Angus shares what he has learned on his journey. Key insights include - isolation delegation, pattern recognition, how to be a good leader, living from a place of vision and belief, re-creating your thought life and leaving victimhood.
Published 05/08/24
Try the Cross Crawl Exercise when you are stuck in sympathetic over-drive. It has been a go to for years to calm and regulate the stress response.
Published 05/01/24
Marly shares 5 ways to build stress resilience: 1. Information - knowledge is power! 2. Take Control - respond to what you can take power over! 3. Optimize your Pleasure Centers - boost dopamine naturally 4. Clear traumas - NeurOptimal® Brain Training 5. Community - join Brain Training Tribe and keep listening to Healing Chronic Illness with Marly podcast. Have at least one friend and once you're feeling better enjoy connecting with others more. Especially if you can combine a creative...
Published 04/17/24
Marly shares about HTMA and why it is an excellent test to determine why you may be having symptoms such as: *headaches *allergies *anxiety *depression *weakness *arthritis *high blood pressure
Published 04/10/24
Marly challenges you to be self aware of judging others. Casting judgement on others often is reflective of something not right within ourselves. Save your energy!
Published 04/03/24
Marly and Reed discuss functional labratory testing to determine root causes to illnesses, conditions and symptoms. How we heal through an integrative approach that addresses body, mind and spirit. Reed shares what he does everyday to enhance his life and why breathwork is essential to wellness.
Published 03/27/24