Do you feel like you’re only worthy of doing certain things if you eat “well”? Or do you feel like you’re only deserving of rest if you’ve already done a certain type of workout? OR do you feel like can’t embody or have confidence until your body is smaller, different, or more toned? If you said yes to any of the above (or if you’re thinking “I’ve never thought of that, maybe!”) then chances are you may be tying your self-worth to food & your body. This is something that many of my...
Published 05/17/24
Published 05/17/24
Have you ever wondered if its actually possible to overcome the urges to binge? Our guest in this episode, Lorna Costa, shares all about her journey to show you that overcoming the urge to binge is truly possible. If you’ve ever felt like you just need ‘more control’ over your eating to stop your struggles with binge eating, there’s a different way. The key is learning how to manage your binges and rewire your brain, one urge at a time.  In this episode, we chat about:  Lorna’s personal...
Published 05/10/24
How has the focus on weight loss worked out for you so far? Does it actually “work” in the long run? Or do you end up “falling off the wagon” and right back into that dreaded diet-binge cycle? If trying to focus on losing weight is making you feel like you want to bang your head against the wall, this episode is for you! I’m diving into how you can go about achieving health, wellness, happiness, confidence, etc. without having weight loss be the goal. (Hint: yes, all of that IS...
Published 05/03/24
Do you feel like meal planning and intuitive eating don’t go together? Maybe you’re stuck in the traditional diet culture rigid way of thinking about ‘meal plans.’ Or maybe you’re just really confused about how to implement an intuitive, flexible way of meal planning into your life. Whatever your thoughts are on meal planning, I want to dive into them fully with you in this episode!  In this episode, we chat about: What diet mentality meal planning looks like Why meal planning with...
Published 04/26/24
Anxiety. Perfectionism. Low-self esteem. These are all things you may have experienced along your food freedom journey (I know I have!). Whether it shows up in the form of worry about your food choices, needing to feel a sense of control with food, having unrealistically high expectations of yourself, trying to motivate yourself through sham and self criticism, all-or-nothing thinking, or feeling like a failure – we talk about it all in this episode!  We truly dive DEEP into uncovering...
Published 04/19/24
I’ll take any opportunity to call out diet culture BS when I see it. The recent Washington Post article “As obesity rises, Big Food and dietitians push ‘anti-diet’ advice” has quite frankly p*ssed me off, and I want to talk about it with you! There is a large systemic issue at hand when it comes to Intuitive Eating, Health At Every Size (HAES), and weight-inclusive non-diet work. Biased publications, like the Washington Post, are spreading ignorant and misinformed information about what...
Published 04/12/24
✨ Apply to Embodied Food Freedom here ✨ How do you actually listen to your body? Especially if you feel out of control & like you can't trust yourself around your fav foods, this feels like an impossible feat. If you’ve ever thought to yourself, “If I just 'listened to my body', I’d be elbows deep in the ice cream tub, box of cookies, or bag of chips All. The. Time…” then you definitely don’t want to miss out on this episode!  We chat about: Why it’s just not as simple as “eat when...
Published 04/05/24
✨ Apply to Embodied Food Freedom here ✨ If you’ve heard of intuitive eating, thought it was the most refreshing breath of fresh air, but then tried it out and felt even MORE out of control around food, you’ll want to give this episode a listen. Or if you’re confused about how you can navigate a food freedom journey because your body has changed and you’re now living in a larger body, you’ll definitely want to dive into listening to Megan’s journey of how she’s been cultivating a healthier...
Published 03/29/24
⭐ Save your spot for the FREE Workshop – How to Actually Listen to Your Body here  ⭐ Have you found yourself wondering, “Why do I feel out of control around food?! What’s wrong with me that I’m like this?” First of all, there’s nothing wrong with you. You’re wonderful just as you are. There’s an explanation for why you’re feeling so out of control around food, and it’s truly not your fault.  In this episode, I want to really dive into the reasons behind why you’re feeling this out of...
Published 03/22/24
Have you ever thought it was nearly *impossible* to actually CRAVE veggies? I used to think the same. I craved the sweets all the time – the chips, the chocolate, the cookies, the ice cream… but how could I possibly crave vegetables? Back when my past self was on-and-off diets, non-stop eating sweets into the evening, and trying to be as “good” as possible during the day, I didn't think anyone could actually want to eat more vegetables. But last weekend I was really craving veggies. And I...
Published 03/15/24
Let’s be honest, being on an intuitive eating journey can feel hard and overwhelming at times. Taking care of your mental health while on an intuitive eating journey is beyond important. And that’s exactly what we’re diving into in this episode.  Our guest, Rebecca Barrett-Wallis, MA, RP, CCC, is a Registered Psychotherapist, Clinical Counsellor, and the owner and founder of Work in Progress, a mental health collective in Toronto, Ontario. Rebecca believes that thinking of ourselves as...
Published 03/08/24
You want to implement intuitive eating into your life, but life is just so dang busy! Or maybe you have an unpredictable schedule. Or maybe you have a lot of responsibilities and chaos happening around you all the time. If you catch yourself saying “I just don’t have enough time”  then I want you to tune into this one! Whether you have a demanding job, work shift work, have little ones to take care of, or life is just a lot, this episode is for you. Together we’re going to break down how to...
Published 03/01/24
Today’s podcast episode is a RICH conversation FULL of moments of self-reflection, and eye-opening insights for you to start living in more easeful presence - right here, right now.  Haley (of Uplift Lifestyle) & I let you in on our lives behind the scenes as entrepreneurs with ambition and big visions. We also let you in on our knowing, and embodiment for a more slow, nurturing and present way of living. We talk about achieving greatness all the while HONOURING your body, your rest and...
Published 02/23/24
Does this sound familiar: “I’m so bad for eating this,” “I shouldn’t eat so much,” or “I just can’t be trusted around food”? If so, you might be experiencing feeling guilty after eating. And if you are, you know that it’s not a very fun place to be in mindset-wise when it comes to your relationship with food.  So let’s break down food guilt together and give you a clear path forward of how to stop feeling guilty after eating!  In this episode, we cover: What food guilt sounds like  Why...
Published 02/16/24
Do you only stop eating when all the food on your plate is gone? Almost as if it happens on autopilot, you don’t realize the food is gone... until it is. This is the ‘clean plate club’ and if you have this habit with food, this episode is so for you!  Being a member of the clean plate club can throw a wrench into things if you’re on an intuitive eating journey. If you’re working towards improving your relationship with food and are a member of the clean plate club, don’t fret. In this...
Published 02/09/24
How do your values and intuitive eating go together? Hint hint: focusing on your values can actually be a wonderful tool to find intuitive eating success!  In this episode we’re joined by Elizabeth Harris, a registered dietitian, certified Intuitive Eating counselor, speaker, entrepreneur, and co-host of the podcast Wellness Rebranded.  Elizabeth is passionate about empowering people to drop out of diet culture and reimagine their relationship with food, movement, and their bodies so they...
Published 01/26/24
Consider this your one-stop shop for all the best options you have available to you for healing and improving your relationship with food in 2024. This episode is a compilation of tips, resources, and support options so that you can really dive into what would support you best. So that you’re able to finally move forward and make 2024 the year that you finally embrace and embody food freedom for yourself! No more stressing over food.  In this episode, I share: Tips for where to start...
Published 01/12/24
Feel like you’re working on intuitive eating but stuck? Like you’re spinning your wheels and not getting anywhere? Or even like you’re going backwards? In this episode our guest, Elizabeth Hall, chats with us about the top 3 “mistakes” that people often make when it comes to intuitive eating. The word "mistake" is one we can all relate to, but these are not really mistakes (since there’s no such thing as failure here!) they’re just areas that you may have a lack of awareness in. If you’re...
Published 01/05/24
Are you feeling tempted by all of the “New Year, New You…New Diet” or “gotta get back on track,” “gotta start eating clean January 1st,” new year diet culture BS? If so, look no further. This episode is a full guided audio to give you the food freedom pep talk you need in the midst of all the noise out there this time of year. Get cozy, pop your headphones in, relax, and listen to this episode to let go of the diet culture temptation and realign to your food freedom journey. And feel free to...
Published 12/22/23
If you are someone who uses cannabis in your life and gets the binge eating “munchies” – you’ll want to tune into this episode! Cannabis and intuitive eating are two things that you may not think could possibly go together. Our guest, Leah Kern, RD, is here to tell you otherwise. She’s going to help you navigate cannabis use while on an intuitive eating journey to improve your relationship with food and your body!  We dive into:  Leah’s personal intuitive eating journey  How cannabis use...
Published 12/08/23
Do you ever wonder why you still are feeling hungry after eating something? The “what the heck I’m STILL hungry, I already ate?!” feeling is exactly what we’re going to uncover and help you get clarity on in this episode.  In this episode, I’m going to go through the top 9 reasons you could still be feeling hungry after eating! For each one of these reasons, you will:  Learn why this feeling happens  Get a tangible, actionable tip to “fix it” It’s time to get clarity this feeling of...
Published 11/24/23
If you want to improve your relationship with movement and exercise, this episode is so for you! We have Sam Christy who is a registered dietitian, body-neutral personal trainer, and founder of Triple A Wellness with us on the podcast dive into all things movement. Whether you’re someone who uses exercise to “make up for” what you ate, feel like you have do to certain things to make exercise “count,” or if you’re just looking to enjoy movement more as you’re on your food freedom journey,...
Published 11/17/23
Food and eating around the holidays can feel so stressful! Especially when you’re someone who is on a journey to food freedom and in the midst of working on repairing your relationship with food. Whether it’s feeling out of control around the fun holiday cookies, pies, and treats, or it’s overeating at holiday parties, or even just hearing all the negative comments about food and bodies around the dinner table. Whatever the holiday eating stress is – this episode is meant to help you...
Published 11/10/23
Self trust. Something that is so important to living a full, authentic, intuitive life, but is also something that can be super tricky to foster. Especially when we may have gone years and years with dieting and breaking our self trust by “not sticking to the plan” or “eating unhealthy” or whatever other messages you’ve learned to believe from diet culture.  Dieting erodes our self trust. But don’t fret – choosing a more intuitive path and healing your relationship with food and with...
Published 11/03/23