Do you ever wonder why you still are feeling hungry after eating something? The “what the heck I’m STILL hungry, I already ate?!” feeling is exactly what we’re going to uncover and help you get clarity on in this episode.  In this episode, I’m going to go through the top 9 reasons you could still be feeling hungry after eating! For each one of these reasons, you will:  Learn why this feeling happens  Get a tangible, actionable tip to “fix it” It’s time to get clarity this feeling of...
Published 11/24/23
If you want to improve your relationship with movement and exercise, this episode is so for you! We have Sam Christy who is a registered dietitian, body-neutral personal trainer, and founder of Triple A Wellness with us on the podcast dive into all things movement. Whether you’re someone who uses exercise to “make up for” what you ate, feel like you have do to certain things to make exercise “count,” or if you’re just looking to enjoy movement more as you’re on your food freedom journey,...
Published 11/17/23
Food and eating around the holidays can feel so stressful! Especially when you’re someone who is on a journey to food freedom and in the midst of working on repairing your relationship with food. Whether it’s feeling out of control around the fun holiday cookies, pies, and treats, or it’s overeating at holiday parties, or even just hearing all the negative comments about food and bodies around the dinner table. Whatever the holiday eating stress is – this episode is meant to help you...
Published 11/10/23
Self trust. Something that is so important to living a full, authentic, intuitive life, but is also something that can be super tricky to foster. Especially when we may have gone years and years with dieting and breaking our self trust by “not sticking to the plan” or “eating unhealthy” or whatever other messages you’ve learned to believe from diet culture.  Dieting erodes our self trust. But don’t fret – choosing a more intuitive path and healing your relationship with food and with...
Published 11/03/23
Do you feel OUT of control around food? And so desperately just want to feel more IN control around food? If so, please know you are so not alone. This feeling is one of the most common overarching things my clients struggle with, and what I support them to get through.  In this episode, we go through the journey of understanding how to feel in control around food. We’ll start by exploring why you feel out of control. Because we need to understand what’s going on before we can truly shift...
Published 10/27/23
What causes us to do the things we do? Get the results we get? And feel the way we feel? It’s a little bit of a complex answer, but a big piece of this puzzle boils down to our mindset.  If you know a thing or two about me, it’s no surprise to you that I LOVE all things mindset work. I totally like to geek out on why our minds do what they do, the foundations of neuroscience, how to change our limiting beliefs, and more, all in the pursuit of being able to live the lives that our souls deep...
Published 10/20/23
I’m excited to bring this new Ask Me Anything podcast episode format to you! This interactive Q&A podcast episode is celebrating having over 100,000 downloads of the Intuitively You Podcast!!! I am beyond grateful for you for listening and tuning into the podcast. I wouldn’t be able to do this without you. So consider this a thank you, from me to you!  I share my best tips, insights and thoughts to questions or struggles from this community, like:  How to accept weight gain on an...
Published 10/06/23
What the heck is the difference between binge eating vs. overeating? Maybe you’ve even used these two terms interchangeably. This episode will shed light on what the technical differences between binge eating and overeating are, how to know which one might be going on for you, and why no matter what you are experiencing, you still deserve support!  PLUS a celebration is coming up soon for over 100,000 downloads of the Intuitively You Podcast!!! I am beyond grateful to you for listening and...
Published 09/22/23
✨ Apply to Embodied Food Freedom here ✨ Have you found yourself in the place of wanting to jump into an intuitive eating journey, but feeling fearful of not knowing what would happen to your weight? Maybe you still want to lose weight, but at the same time, you know that you don’t want to keep fighting your body anymore.  Meet Merrill, a graduate of the Embodied Food Freedom group coaching program. Before she joined, her journey started as being a binge eater since she was a pre-teen,...
Published 09/08/23
If you’ve been feeling an element of being “stuck” in your relationship with food, I gotchu. This one is a juicy one for you today! The idea for this episode just flowed to me and I knew I just had to share it with you. I feel like you’re going to get some wonderful “aha” moments from what I chat about here, and hopefully this will help to shift things up for you. All I want for you is for you to escape from the constant struggle with food so that you’re able to experience the freedom, peace,...
Published 09/01/23
Have you ever been curious about the Embodied Food Freedom group coaching program or wondered what it really is? Or maybe even if it would actually be a good fit for you or not? That’s exactly what we’re going to cover in this episode – what Embodied Food Freedom is, what it’s all about, what’s included, and most importantly for you to gain some kind of clarity about if it’s something that would benefit you on your journey. All the deets right here, so that you can have it all in one place on...
Published 08/25/23
Get your FREE Bonus Reflection Guide here: theintuitivenutritionist.com/044-feel-good-in-your-body-bonus-podcast⁠ You’re wanting to be on a food freedom journey but then thoughts like, “But what if I gain weight?!” and “I already don’t like my body, I don’t feel comfortable in it, and definitely don’t feel confident about my body… I don’t want that to get even worse by eating whatever I want, whenever I want!!!” start to creep in.  This episode is an extra special one for you. We’re going...
Published 08/18/23
Do you view food as the enemy? Maybe food is a big point of frustration in your daily life. From not knowing what you “should” eat, to binge eating and overdoing it on the fun foods. Potentially you feel like you’ll never be able to have a peaceful relationship with food for yourself. If you can relate to any of this, you’ll want to dive into listening to Hannah’s story of improving her relationship with food. Hint: Food is not the enemy.  In this episode, things get personal and we...
Published 08/11/23
As hard as you tried not to, you binged. Again. Now what? It can be easy to slip into a spiral filled with negative thoughts, shame, guilt, and beating yourself up. I know, because I’ve been there too. Those negative shame spirals don’t feel good and are totally not helpful to your overall well-being. You know that, but what can you actually do about it? Let’s chat about how to forgive yourself after a binge.  In this episode, I want to give you a resource that you can use after a binge....
Published 08/04/23
Have you lost your menstrual period and are wondering what to do next? Whether you are looking to improve your fertility, support your reproductive health, or just want to make sure you are doing what you can to meet your body’s needs, this episode is for you. I am joined by Cynthia Donovan, RDN (aka the Period Nutritionist) to talk all things periods, birth control, and what you can do to ensure you have a healthy menstrual cycle. We cover:  Cynthia's journey to becoming a dietitian...
Published 07/28/23
Do you struggle to differentiate between emotional hunger vs. physical hunger? Do you find yourself eating to cope with your emotions and are wondering how to stop? In this episode we dive into the differences between these types of hunger as well as how you can know which type of hunger you are experiencing. If you are ready to feel more in control of your food choices and address your hunger with confidence, tune in. In this episode you’ll learn: What physical hunger is What...
Published 07/14/23
Have you ever heard the term “body image” and wondered what it actually means and why a positive body image matters? Well today we are joined by Body Image Coach and Licensed Professional Counselor Jess Fry to talk all about how you can cultivate a positive body image for summer and beyond. This episode is a must listen if you struggle to love what you see in the mirror and often let your body dictate your food choices and how you show up in life.  We talk about: What a negative body...
Published 06/30/23
What if I told you that your struggles with food aren’t really about the food itself? That you can find freedom from binge eating without relying on willpower and self control around food? You may think I’m crazy, right? Well today I’m showing you what the real barrier may be in your food freedom journey and psst- it’s not the food. In this episode you’ll learn how to look a little deeper and uncover the true reason why the calorie counting, overexercising, and endless diets just don’t seem...
Published 06/16/23
This week I cover the big question: how to stop thinking about food all the time. In a world that’s obsessed with diets and weight loss, it’s easy to think your mind is constantly on food because you lack willpower or “need more self control,” but what if this wasn’t the case? What if you could stop thinking about your next meal, what you just ate, or how good/bad you are based on your food choices without relying on willpower? In this episode I give you four practical steps to start...
Published 06/02/23
This week we are joined by McKenzie Caldwell, RDN to talk all things intuitive eating for pregnancy and fertility! McKenzie is a weight-inclusive Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who is passionate about showing people how an intuitive eating approach can work for those with PCOS, gestational diabetes, those that are currently pregnant, and for those hoping to conceive. This episode is incredibly valuable for anyone who is currently pregnant, hoping to conceive, or anyone looking to better...
Published 05/19/23
Have you ever felt that you have all the “nutrition knowledge” or know what you “should do,” but still feel like something is missing in how you relate to food? Maybe you have a lot of nutrition knowledge but are still struggling with food, feel insecure in your body, struggle with binge eating, or are simply having a hard time feeling satisfied in your relationship with food. This was Madiha’s story as well. In this week’s episode we talk about her journey through my signature program,...
Published 05/07/23
Are you still struggling to break free from the diet culture mentality? Do you find yourself engaging in "clean" eating or using phrases like "cheat" days or weekends? If so, you might be unknowingly holding onto sneaky forms of dieting that are preventing you from truly achieving food freedom. In this episode, I chat with you about the sneaky ways that diet culture can still impact our relationships with food, even if we think we've left our dieting mentality behind.  We’ll chat about the...
Published 04/23/23
Do you struggle not knowing what to wear? Feel like you can’t find clothes that truly fit your body and feel unique to you? Does the media influence your personal style or does your body type not feel well represented in clothing brands? Chime into this podcast to hear how you can embody your true self through fashion!  This week’s guest Dacy Gillespie, Personal Stylist and Owner of Mindful Closet, discusses how to dress confidently at any body size and break free from any fashion “rules”...
Published 04/09/23
Do you feel like you can’t stop snacking? Do you find yourself asking, “Why have I been snacking so much?” or “How do I stop snacking when I’m not hungry?” Well, whether you want to learn why you can’t stop snacking, understand why snacking is actually NOT a bad thing, or what snacking really is – you’re in the right place! Tune into this episode to learn why you’re potentially feeling not-so-great about snacking, hear my current fav snacks as an Intuitive Eating Dietitian + more! In this...
Published 03/26/23
Have you found yourself struggling to heal your relationship with food for YEARS? Do you feel stuck in a constant state of stress and shame when it comes to eating? Maybe you’ve tried dieting, other group programs, or mending your relationship with food yourself - and nothing seems to ‘stick.’ The grievances and stressors of everyday life seem to pile up high - and it feels easier to just keep dieting than to try something new. Lianna, a past member of the Embodied Food Freedom small group...
Published 03/12/23