Did you know that Sales was a learnable skill? Many business people break out in a cold sweat just at the thought of the word! In this special 3 part series of a conversation with James Newell, from Clear Sales Message, we break down many key areas of sales into simple actionable areas that you can use to achieve the success you are looking for, in the short, medium, and long term! James has a brilliant way of breaking down every individual element of sales into something very clear and...
Published 03/22/24
Did you know that Sales was a learnable skill? Many business people break out in a cold sweat just at the thought of the word! In this special 3 part series of a conversation with James Newell, from Clear Sales Message, we break down many key areas of sales into simple actionable areas that you can use to achieve the success you are looking for, in the short, medium, and long term! James has a brilliant way of breaking down every individual element of sales into something very clear and...
Published 03/21/24
Did you know that Sales was a learnable skill? Many business people break out in a cold sweat just at the thought of the word! In this special 3 part series of a conversation with James Newell, from Clear Sales Message, we break down many key areas of sales into simple actionable areas that you can use to achieve the success you are looking for, in the short, medium, and long term! James has a brilliant way of breaking down every individual element of sales into something very clear and...
Published 02/27/24
So many people hold themselves back because they feel what they can achieve is limited, because of their current circumstances. On today's show I breakdown how your circumstances actually do not impact your results, and how you can use your circumstances to help you to achieve the success you want, rather than allowing them to hold you back! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Published 12/14/23
Do you have any competitors? Business is likely very tough if you believe you are in a very saturated market. It is impossible for any business person out there to be exactly the same as you. Todays episode is to help you to frame your offer in such a way so that you have no competitors in the marketplace. Ps, Remember it's not what you sell, it's how you sell it! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Published 11/28/23
The Strategy of Sales with David Kelly Most people get into entrepreneurship out of a passion to make the world a better place or achieve freedom. Having a great business idea and committing all your resources to create a business around your passion is the first step towards this dream life, but it doesn’t stop there. Sales will always be the king because if there are no sales, there will not be profits, and without profits, the dream life is just an illusion. It is, therefore, essential for...
Published 11/23/23
On this special episode, I was a guest on Simon Meadows Podcast, Business Success and Coffee. The Strategy of Sales with David Kelly Most people get into entrepreneurship out of a passion to make the world a better place or achieve freedom. Having a great business idea and committing all your resources to create a business around your passion is the first step towards this dream life, but it doesn’t stop there. Sales will always be the king because if there are no sales, there will not be...
Published 11/23/23
Sick and tired of working the same hours, for the same amount of pay? Worried about increasing prices, as you fear clients will go elsewhere? Always putting proposals together with an eye on what your 'competitors' are charging? These are all very common feelings of business people, but it doesn't have to be this way! In fact, if you are doing any of the above, you really to invest the next 10 minutes to break free from the situation you are in.... Remember it's not what you sell, it's how...
Published 11/03/23
What impact would it have on your life if you always achieved the goals you set for yourself? It's incredible how many people overestimate what they are going to achieve in 5 years, but massively underestimate what they can achieve today! In today's show we'll cover how you can achieve the things you want much faster, without working any extra hours!
Published 10/13/23
If I had a penny for everytime a business owner told me they struggled to charge what they think they deserve to be paid, I’d need a much bigger piggy bank!   Some businesses still work out their costs to either create their product, or the time it takes to service their client, and then just put what little on top that they think they can ‘get away with’.   If this sounds familiar, this episode is just for you…. Nobody wants the thing you sell, they want the solution to their problem to...
Published 10/04/23
I’m sure you receive those random inbox messages on LinkedIn from people trying to sell you something, that you ignore. I’m also guessing at some point, in the not too distant past, you may yourself have sent a message or two on LinkedIn that didn’t receive a response. The reason for this is that nobody wants what you sell.   Today’s show focusses on the strategy my clients use to generate more leads, conversations, and sales on LinkedIn.   And, more importantly, how you can use...
Published 09/27/23
If you are in business I'm guessing you would love the benefit of being able to grow by acquisition? You may feel held back because you don't have the capital behind you..? You may feel like it's not for you because you're risk averse, and it seems dangerous..? Or you may feel like you'd love to but it seems impossible without ridiculous levels of funding..? I've got GREAT news for you! You can grow your business by acquisition, without needing to spend a penny! On today's show...
Published 09/15/23
There is so much bad advice/training out there about objection handling. If you struggle to overcome certain objections in your business, there is a solution so simple that you have probably overlooked it. On this episode we breakdown the reasons you receive the objections, but more importantly how you can ensure you eliminate them from your sales interactions!
Published 08/23/23
We've all been there.... stuck with somebody stood uncomfortably close to you, in a stuffy room trying to sell you something that you have no interest in! Most people don't know how to even sell themselves, let along trying to sell what they do, which is why going to a room of people they don't know with a load of people all trying to sell to each other seems like something they should be doing! Networking, if done correctly, should pique the interest if those you are speaking to. It...
Published 07/25/23
How many people do you know that claim they are underpaid? How many salespeople do you know that are constantly held back by price? How many business owners do you know that work mad hours, because they are constantly competing on price? Are you one of the above? What you need to understand is that if you keep doing what you are doing, you are going to keep getting what you are getting.... However, if you're open to changing your circumstances, this show will help! There is a very...
Published 07/17/23
How many times have you met somebody that claims to be an expert in their field, but hasn't actually done any personal development for months or even years? Is it even possible to be an expert in something if all of the things that you have learned were years ago? How many tradespeople do you know that go on courses to get better at what they do, after they have finished the College course/diploma they finished when they were a teenager? No matter what your chosen line of business...
Published 07/12/23
How can you double the revenue of your business? Double the amount of activity you are currently putting into revenue generating activities, right? I can see why you would think that, but it is actually far simpler than that! In this episode you'll hear the story of a sales person called Ashley, who doubled the amount she was earning within just a few weeks with some simple goal setting, and accountability! When are you going to take action to give yourself the life you say you want...
Published 06/28/23
You do not need to learn how to do every aspect of what is required to be done in your business. THE WHO, NOT THE HOW! Find people that can carry out the long, laborious, time-consuming tasks so that you can focus on the things that you enjoy doing, and that are helping you to achieve your goals faster.
Published 06/15/23
Do you use Linked In effectively right now to grow your business? If you have tried, and failed, this is likely because you are either struggling to make yourself stand out, or you are trying too hard to sell! Throughout this episode you'll pick up some practical tips to set yourself apart from everybody in your market!
Published 06/15/23
In this episode I cover the topic of how your thinking impacts your emotions, and not the other way around. Have you ever had a similar experience to this one, or do you know somebody that seems to have things like this happening to them frequently? Maybe they could benefit from listening to learn how they can begin to see more positives, than negatives?
Published 06/15/23
Lot's of people are unfortunately held back by their own mind. In this episode the aim is to help you to understand that you are in control of your future, and by framing things in a different way you can dramatically increase the outcomes you achieve, from your actions!
Published 06/07/23
Isn't it fantastic being involved in the sales process for the business you represent... Every time you approach a potential new client they can't wait to pay for your product or service and to get started using it.... Oh wait, it isn't like that for you? Don't worry you are not alone... However, have you ever wondered why it isn't that simple? After you all you have put so much effort into creating a solution that is completely unique? Sales is made very difficult when you...
Published 06/06/23