The topic of resistance and change has been a recurring theme in the last few episodes of the show. Today, Lisa is continuing the conversation with great examples and tips so that you can detach yourself from your stressors and address what you truly need instead. She talks about reframing your mindset, be compassionate towards yourself, and how to make changes that are within your control.   This is a short and sweet episode where Lisa addresses embracing your problem so that you can avoid...
Published 04/07/22
We spend so much time in our lives thinking about what we need to change to become worthy that we’ve subconsciously attached ourselves to this identity of not being good enough.  Instead of enjoying, growing, and learning from our experiences, we’re too preoccupied with managing our thoughts and feelings that we forget to live in the moment.  In this week's episode, I’m talking about our attachment to change and how trying to change isn’t actually helping us achieve our goals. I explain...
Published 03/31/22
As humans, we often resist feelings, behaviors, and thoughts we don't want in our lives. But we don't realize that through this resistance, we’re subconsciously attaching ourselves to these thoughts and feelings as they come up, causing more annoyance and more pain–which is the exact opposite of what we intended.     Last week, we talked about detaching from our thoughts, feelings, and actions. In this week's episode, I want to talk about how our attachment to thoughts work, why our...
Published 03/24/22
As humans, we build mindsets that work against us instead of for us. We live in our heads, we live in our thoughts, and, more often than not, we believe that what we think is factual truth.   But when we step into our power and live intentionally, we can choose our narrative and decide if what we think is true, if we want to keep these thoughts or let these thoughts go.  In this episode, I’m talking about the thought process, including how thoughts work, how we make sense of these...
Published 03/17/22
Lisa discusses ways to go beyond feelings of powerlessness because of the perceived hurt that others may have caused. She dives into ways to process your thoughts and in turn the actions that arise from those thoughts.  This is your reminder that you are not powerless against the pain of others. You have control over how you think and feel, so their hurt doesn't get embedded in your mind. Tune in to this episode and start reimagining how you perceive hurt and understand that no one has...
Published 03/03/22
There’s a core belief that is detrimental to the way you tackle and navigate situations of varying difficulty. In today’s episode, Lisa is explaining why believing that you can handle anything that comes your way is essential to your bravery and confidence. She isn’t talking about being able to handle any situation with grace and perfection, but the idea of entrusting yourself to figure it out along the way is the key to your growth and ultimately, your success. Lisa explains how this...
Published 02/24/22
How many times have you allowed fear to get in your way of accomplishing a goal? We’ve all been there. Whether you’re a business owner or entrepreneur, you’ve felt fear in a multitude of situations, be it in professional or personal settings. Today, Lisa is giving you a much-needed pep talk all about facing your fears and taking action despite them. She speaks to the point of not feeling 100% ready but still going for it. Lisa also explains why taking that first step is necessary even if...
Published 02/17/22
Manifesting has been a pretty trendy topic over the last few years. But what does it entail, how does it work, and is it really helpful? Today, Lisa is breaking down the many components of manifesting, the different ways you can manifest, and the spiritual practice of manifesting. Starting with the question “what is manifesting,” Lisa continues to share the evidence of how and why manifestation works. She explains how manifestation has a lot to do with rewiring your limiting beliefs so that...
Published 02/10/22
Recently, Lisa has been sharing about her time back home over the holidays. This topic leads us to today’s conversation all about patience. How many times have you thought to yourself “I need to be more patient,” be it with yourself, clients, or loved ones? In this episode, Lisa explores what it means to be truly patient. She shares several takes on what patience means through the lens of scientific writings, different circumstances, and through our own negative experiences. Lisa...
Published 02/03/22
The holidays can be a trying time for lots of people. As excited as some of us are to be around family, it can also be a highly stressful time.   In this intimate and fun episode, Lisa talks about her experience being back home with family over the holidays, but more importantly, she discusses the intricacies of navigating family relationships without judgment. When it comes to our familial relationships, we tend to be more critical and judgmental. This could often lead to arguments and...
Published 01/27/22
How many times have you given up on your new year's resolutions? Most of the time, people make big goals for the new year only to give up on them a week or two later. There are many reasons why this happens. But today, Lisa is here to talk to you about the crucial first step that needs to happen before your resolution is formed. In this episode, Lisa is speaking about the importance of having a vision for your life and business, and what it means to have one. She shares how having a...
Published 01/20/22
We’ve all faced some sort of betrayal, hurt, rejection, or even ghosting at some point in our lives. These moments tend to make us feel bad, allowing other people’s thoughts to influence the way we think about ourselves. In today’s episode, Lisa is speaking to all the moments where you’ve felt down about yourself because of someone else’s thoughts or actions (or lack thereof). She talks about our innate and natural feelings of wanting to belong to a tribe, and how in the modern world, we...
Published 01/13/22
How many times have you allowed a negative thought to fester, grow, and influence your emotions and experiences? This is a common trait that we all share as humans. In today’s episode, Lisa is sharing the key to living in your power. She discusses the importance of letting go of the thoughts that aren’t serving you so you can fully live with intention. Lisa chats about how holding on to a thought keep us on the hamster wheel of trying to change things that are out of our control. She also...
Published 01/06/22
You’ve been there before - suppressing your emotions when the going gets really tough. It’s what you’re taught to do. As a society, especially as women, we’re taught that strength comes in the form of keeping our emotions hidden and in check. But what normally ends up happening when we keep carrying things and let them keep piling up until we reach a huge breaking point. In today’s episode, Lisa is chatting about all the common obstacles you face when it comes to processing your emotions....
Published 12/30/21
You’ve heard of unconditional love. It’s a term normally reserved for those closest to you in life, such as your family and some friends. But do you ever wonder if someone else loves you unconditionally in return? More importantly, do you currently love yourself unconditionally? In today’s episode, Lisa is diving into what it means to love yourself unconditionally. She explains how finding unconditional love for yourself frees you from seeking validation from anyone who isn’t you. Lisa also...
Published 12/23/21
Life can sometimes get in the way of our plans. After a hiatus, Love This B!tch is back with a deliciously raw episode. Lisa opens up about what’s been going on from medical issues, personal development, unpredictable business decisions, and other life updates. She shares a look into her struggles with her physical health and why that was ultimately a great thing for her personal development and thought work. Play catch up with Lisa and listen to this episode as she discusses the lessons...
Published 12/16/21
Being heard is a huge part of a person’s confidence. You want to be heard, respected, and appreciated at your job, in your relationship, with your friends. Having a voice that's considered is important. However, we sometimes can be overlooked or even ignored by the people we love and trust. This week on Love This B!tch, Lisa talks about the frustrations behind not being heard and how to combat it, so that your voice carries weight and value with clothes. Tune in!    Highlights Fight or...
Published 10/21/21
People pleasers often go above (and above and above) and beyond in making the people around them feel happy and satisfied. On the flip side, it can leave that person feeling drained, stressed, and overlooked. It can tax you emotionally to work so hard prioritizing someone else's happiness and to not receive the same level of consideration and effort. On this episode of Love This B!tch, Lisa tackles this feeling and offers tips on finding balance in making others happy without burning yourself...
Published 10/14/21
“You should just leave.” If you’re thinking about an abusive relationship this seems like sound advice, right? If you have ever been in or known someone in an abusive relationship, whether it was physical, verbal or mental/emotional abuse, the natural inclination is to encourage someone to just get out as a show of support, but it isn’t always that simple. In today’s episode, we’re tackling the heavy topic of abusive relationships and how to truly support someone living in one. I encourage...
Published 10/07/21
Dating can be tough. Sometimes, we find a person who checks all the boxes, and we are quick to anoint them “the one” and our thoughts race through a million different scenarios. Do they like me back? Would they be good with kids? Will we make enough to live on? The list can be endless and exhausting. Today on Love This B!tch, we are going to focus on how to incorporate mindfulness into our dating lives and how not to get overwhelmed by our emotions when getting to know (and falling in love...
Published 09/30/21
I’m so glad you guys are joining us for another episode of Love This B!tch! We’ve spent the past few episodes focusing on anxiety and how it can affect our day to day in countless ways. Today, we are going to look at how incorporating mindfulness into our daily lives can help improve our anxiety and daily focus. Mindfulness and meditation are great tools to help center your mind, become present, and manage the millions of thoughts that we encounter every day. The more you can observe your...
Published 09/23/21
Hi guys and thank you for tuning in to Love This B!tch!. We spend time looking at Dr. Judson Brewers illuminating book “Unwinding Anxiety” and how anxiety affects our lives. As we slog through a seemingly never-ending global pandemic and, with jarring political tension still prevalent, it is understandable that anxiety and worry are plaguing many people. We look into various ways to re-wire our thinking to combat anxiety and worrying in order to protect our emotional and mental well...
Published 09/16/21
Welcome to another episode of Love This B!tch! Change can be scary. It is something that requires thought work, time, effort, commitment, and a willingness to grow. Change can also cause anxiety and cause us to put off and procrastinate, going after our dreams and starting a change that may positively affect our lives. Today, we are exploring anxiety and how to fight it when it’s related to changing our lives. Learning how to combat anxiety and the struggles associated with it will go a long...
Published 09/09/21
Welcome back to another episode of Love This B!tch! On today’s show, we are tackling the second part of last episode's topic “Living in the Past”. Today, we are focused on nostalgia and looking back on “the good ole days”. A trap we often fall into is thinking that our past is better than our present. Having this thought is self limiting, and Lisa works with us on how to break that thought cycle and to enjoy the now more!   Highlights Reminiscing without it ruining your...
Published 07/22/21
Everyone makes mistakes in their life. We are all human, so it is inevitable we will do something we regret. The key to long term mental health and wellbeing is learning to forgive yourself for when you fall short. On Love This B!tch, Lisa talks about why it is so important to forgive yourself in order to heal and showing yourself some grace when you get into the habit of beating yourself up too much. Check out this enlightening talk about why you should say “I forgive you” to yourself more...
Published 07/15/21