Many of us have a harsh inner critic. We tend to judge our thoughts, feelings, and actions in a negative way that beats us down and does not motivate us to grow or learn. This can lead to chronic anxiety, imposter syndrome, and depression. In this episode, I discuss how to shift from judgment to evaluation. It is important to shift the focus from a negative attack on ourselves to a supportive assessment that allows us to learn and grow.
Published 08/17/23
Do you struggle with saying no?  People pleasing and outside validation seeking can lead to this struggle.  But also not knowing when to even say no!  In this episode, I revisit the pitfalls of people pleasing and outside validation seeking.  But I also explain how your identity, vision, and core values guide you on when to say no and give you confidence in that decision.
Published 08/10/23
Everyone struggles.  This is a fact of life.  And yet so often when we struggle, we self-isolate, judge and criticize ourselves, dismiss our experience, and refuse to ask for help.  This only serves to increase our suffering. In this episode, I discuss how connecting to our common humanity, that second element of self-compassion, can provide support and comfort in those times of struggle.  You are not alone.
Published 08/03/23
You hear about “core values” a lot in the self-development and wellness industries.  But what are core values and how can we use them to benefit our lives? This week, I discuss the basics of core values as well as how to use them as guideposts for your daily life. A good foundation of core values can be used to enhance your life, provide clarity in decision making, and decrease stress.  Listen now to learn more.
Published 07/27/23
These beliefs can be used to support and guide you, to move you closer to your goals, and even to enhance your enjoyment of life. But many times, we use our thoughts about who we are as just another method of self-judgment and constant inner criticism.  In this episode, I discuss how we often use our identity as a tool for self-judgment as well as a different way to think about and use our identity.  Check out this episode to learn more about how to use your identity as a tool that serves you...
Published 07/20/23
The mindset or belief that we can do hard things is very beneficial for us when facing challenges and setting and achieving goals.  In this episode, we notice how dismissing the times we have done hard things and our achievements is a disservice to ourselves and undermines our belief in our abilities. Imposter syndrome, anyone?  I also discuss how celebration and self-compassion help us to support ourselves and build a mindset that we can do anything, including hard things!
Published 07/13/23
The mindset or belief that we can do hard things is very beneficial for us when facing challenges and setting and achieving goals.  In the next two episodes, I’m discussing how to cultivate this helpful mindset.  Starting with noticing when we are “shoulding on” ourselves and our abilities with the thought, “This should be easy.”  We will dig into how this thought undermines our belief that we can do hard things.
Published 07/06/23
In this episode, I’m discussing what it means to “overthink.”  And how your thoughts about overthinking affect your overall mindset which impacts your ability to take action. I am also sharing a tool to help you combat overthinking and analyze things in a more helpful way. Let’s do this!
Published 10/20/22
In this episode, I’m breaking down the 2 common ways of thinking about finding balance in your life are unhelpful. I explain how they negatively affect your efforts to create a sense of balance, and how to regularly check in with yourself to maintain your balance. Let’s dive right in!
Published 10/13/22
In this episode, I’m discussing managing expectations, how expectations affect your outlook on life, when having expectations may become a problem, and how to build an awareness of your expectations. Let’s dive in!
Published 10/06/22
In this episode, I dig into the topic of stress. I discuss the long term practices you can develop to reduce stress in your life. And I give you a couple of quick tools to help manage stress in the moment.
Published 09/29/22
In this episode, I’m discussing how to use your growing knowledge of dopamine to work with your brain by connecting that dopamine release to activities that serve you. Having an understanding of what’s going on in your brain and body can help you live a higher quality of life.
Published 09/22/22
In this episode, I’m discussing how dopamine plays a role in your mental health and daily life. I’m also sharing a gem tip to help keep your dopamine levels consistent so that you don’t have to keep chasing that high! Understanding how dopamine works is an important part of awareness and learning to work with your brain.
Published 09/15/22
In this episode, I’m breaking down the good news about failure and frustration, how failing and feeling frustrated are natural parts of the learning process, and how they are actually good signs.
Published 09/08/22
In this episode, I’m discussing how to find what fits YOU, how mindset plays a key role in adopting new techniques, and how to be the scientist of your life.
Published 09/01/22
In this episode, we’re breaking down the importance of the thoughts you have behind the habits you’re wanting to build. We’ll use my recent experience of incorporating yoga into my daily self-care practice and how I realized that my old mindset and thoughts were affecting me.
Published 08/21/22
It’s normal for all of us, in our day-to-day lives, to experience a moment of annoyance. It could be for a number of reasons - be it an inconvenience you’ve faced, an encounter with someone that didn’t feel right, or maybe even the thoughts in your head.   In Lisa’s case, her struggle with anxiety and ADHD can sometimes manifest in irritability. Whether you find yourself feeling aggravated, angry, or quick-tempered, this episode is for you as Lisa shares a quick and simple tool to help you...
Published 06/02/22
Have you ever thought to yourself: “Why am I so lazy?” “Why can’t I stick to my routine?” “Why can’t I get started with this habit?” This is a common dilemma. In this episode, Lisa is sharing some quick tips for mastering your daily habits. Inspired by the book “Atomic Habits” by James Clear, Lisa shares the most poignant piece of advice she gained from the book. She talks about the importance of showing up for yourself and turning that into practice. At the end of the day, habits are daily...
Published 05/26/22
In case you missed it, Lisa sat down with Coach Mark Christopher Neff in last week’s episode. During their conversation, the quote “don’t expect yourself in other people” that Mark mentioned really stuck out and resonated with Lisa.   So in today’s episode, Lisa is getting vulnerable as she shares real-life examples of how she practices the coaching tools and techniques she teaches. She discusses the process of acceptance and recognition of other people’s differences and how you can honor...
Published 05/19/22
Today’s episode is a special treat since Lisa is interviewing her very first guest on Love This B!tch. Mark Christopher Neff is a life coach and author of the book “Diving Into Darkness to Find Light”.   In this conversation, Mark shares his journey through life, including the obstacles he’s faced in regard to his sexual identity, addiction, cancer, grief, career burnout, and mental health. Lisa and Mark discuss the lifelong practice of meditation and self-betterment, taking power back and...
Published 05/12/22
Have you ever had a feeling that didn’t sit right, or you knew wasn’t serving you? What were the thoughts around this feeling? The thoughts that you choose to accept can affect your emotions and feelings around things in your life that may seem surface level but are actually causing a lot of friction and slowing you down from where you’re trying to go.   In this week’s episode, I talk about the simple mindset shifts you can take to build confidence, achieve those big results, and enjoy...
Published 05/05/22
If you want to be the creator of a joyful life, you need support. Yes, having external support from family and friends is beneficial, but having internal support from yourself is invaluable. Being aware of your mindset and having the ability to interact with your thoughts with patience and self-compassion is the key component to supporting yourself on your journey.   In this week’s episode, I talk about the importance of having an internal support system, why you need to understand what...
Published 04/28/22
Are your thoughts leading you to a future that you desire? Your thoughts and beliefs are part of the mindset that affects how you interact with everything. And you’re only holding yourself back by letting negative thoughts and feelings run your life.  If you want to create a different outcome, you need to start being open and flexible –starting with your mindset. It’s up to you to decide if your mindset is helping you or hurting you and take appropriate action. In this week’s episode, I...
Published 04/21/22
Your thoughts are not wrong or right. Thoughts are just that, thoughts –and you have the power to reframe them in whatever capacity that works for you. Let's remove the labels of right and wrong, and instead, be open to other ways of thinking about things and know that your thoughts are, ultimately, a choice.   In this week's episode, I talk about the perception of right and wrong thoughts and how to decide which ones to keep and which ones to believe and build our mindsets around. I'm also...
Published 04/14/22