A 30-40-year career in any profession can seem grueling, and chiropractic is no different. Too many in our profession face burnout we before that, but many don’t.    How can you find purpose, enjoy your life, and find success as you define it?    In this episode, I go over 3 frameworks that have helped me enjoy the process of defining success for myself and work towards achieving that.    I will discuss the 3 following Frameworks and give you my thoughts on them.  *The 4 Freedoms by...
Published 01/11/24
Having issues growing your Instagram following? Are you looking to improve your Instagram content and results?    In this episode, I interview Dr. Kyle Richmond, who has been able to grow his Instagram exponentially within a reasonably short period of time.    Instagram has many aspects, and it is consistently changing, but it does not have to be complicated. In this episode, we discuss the following Instagram topics and more.  *How Kyle grew his Instagram following elegantly *Reels vs....
Published 01/04/24
How do you manage it when a patient isn’t getting better?    What do you do when a patient gets worse with your treatment?    Do you feel like you are burning brain bandwidth all day long thinking through complicated cases, and will it ever become easier?    In this episode, I bring Dr. Mark King on the show to help us provide wisdom to these three questions we have all faced and I have been asked a lot lately.    Dr. Mark King is the President of the Motion Palpation Institute and has been a...
Published 12/28/23
Not enough chiropractors effectively plan their upcoming year, and many don’t plan at all. In this episode, I discuss what you should be doing to plan for an impactful 2024.    It doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does need to be intentional. I also provide you with some resources to help guide you in your planning efforts.    Let’s make 2024 a great and transformational year!
Published 12/21/23
This time of year, I always sit down and perform a thinking tool I learned from Strategic Coach. The Positive Focus gives you an opportunity to reflect on all of the achievements you have had in the past year, even if there were challenges. There are always challenges.    The Positive Focus has you write down and get clear on 4 aspects: The Achievement  Reason why this is important.  Further Progress First Action  In this episode I outline my Positive Focus for 2023 so I can then shift focus...
Published 12/14/23
We know insurance companies play games, but what games are they playing? What can you do about it?    In this episode, I interview Dr. Brian Capra of Genesis Chiropractic Software on all of the tactics, strategies, and games insurance companies play to try not to pay you.    We cover everything from why insurance companies do this to strategies to prevent much of this from occurring or at least having a system that notifies you and fights it for you.    We also discuss AI and software and how...
Published 12/07/23
Don't stay stuck in the same cycles of stress and frustration. When you get better, your life gets better. So, do something today that will help you jumpstart your journey toward emotional intelligence. You can develop the skills to...Stop losing your cool with your team and patients.Stay focused instead of becoming so reactive even in high pressure situations.Harness the energy of stress and frustration instead of letting it consume you.In this episode, I interview Dennis McIntee from The...
Published 11/30/23
In this episode I provide you with eight marketing updates and tactics to help you with your practice.  I discuss the following 8 topics:  1. YouTube Auto Subscribe 2. Email Open Rates and Clickthrough Rates 3. IG Follows Strategy 4. Google Business Posting 5. Think of your Podiatrists and Dentists 6. This is the time to do your Use it or lose it campaigns 7. The Hub and Spoke Model Revisited 8. Growing an associates practice Have a great Thanksgiving!
Published 11/23/23
10X is fundamentally about quality vs quantity, and the quality of your freedom determines the results you achieve.   This is not hustle culture.   As Ben Harding, Co-author of the book “10X is Easier than 2X,” states:    “10X is not the outcome; it’s a counterintuitive process you can apply every time you want exponential growth in your life and business. To make 10X possible, you must focus on expanding what Dan Sullivan defines as your four most important freedoms — time, money,...
Published 11/16/23
At some point in the future, there is the likelihood that you will want to sell your practice. In past episodes, we have discussed this topic and why it is so vital to start preparing your practice now for it, even if it is many years down the road.    If you prepare your practice and your personal financial structure now, not only will you benefit from it down the road when you sell it, but it will be more profitable now, and you will grow your personal wealth more now.    In this episode,...
Published 11/09/23
We live in a tough world, and we work in a challenging industry; however, many are making it worse by falling susceptible to the stories and excuses that are holding them back.    Stories such as the public’s perception of our profession or how busy you are and don’t have the time to do marketing or community outreach to grow your practice the necessary amount to be cash flow confident.    Excuses such as insurance companies are the reason you aren’t thriving, or you weren’t taught “this or...
Published 11/02/23
We often imagine leadership as some grand charismatic leader like Nick Saban, MLK, or Churchill. The reality is, that leadership has many styles and traits and isn’t something you are just born with.  In this episode, I am excited to interview JM Ryerson on transforming your life and getting better every day. When you get better, you get better as a leader, and you revolutionize your leadership, create a thriving company culture, and find balance in every part of your life. JM Ryerson isn't...
Published 10/26/23
This isn’t an exact science, but in my judgment, we are in the third phase of sports chiropractic. Phase 1 was pioneered by many great chiropractors before there was even the name sports chiropractor. Phase 2 layered on more advanced soft tissue therapy, particular assessments, and sports rehab.    In this episode, I break down phase 1 and phase 2 of sports chiropractors and the newer phase 3 of sports chiropractics. This Phase 3 isn’t replacing Phase 2, nor does it make Phase 2 antiquated....
Published 10/19/23
Many of you remember the Wild West days of $27 all-you-can-eat chiropractic Facebook Ads where these ads tried to entice people to come in for a very cheap visit, get 100 people in the funnel and hope 5 bought big care packages.  This worked for many, but it frustrated even more. If you didn’t get turned off from Facebook Ads, then you may have when Facebook made it more expensive and challenging to get results from Facebook Ads.  I am here to tell you that Facebook Ads still work; it’s just...
Published 10/12/23
You don’t have to be a celebrity, athlete, or corporate executive to leverage Public Relations or “PR” for yourself and your business. The fundamentals of PR are instrumental in growing a remarkable chiropractic practice.    In this episode, I interview Jay of Ace of Spades Agency, and he dispels the myths of PR, how chiropractors can improve their positioning, and what he would do to build his practice if he were a chiropractor.    Ace Of Spades is a digital PR agency that helps people and...
Published 10/05/23
The chasm between the vision of your ideal success, the traits you express, the sacrifices you are willing to make, and personal development may be preventing you from realizing professional success.    In this lesson I discuss the 6 Things Success Demands from a post originally by Sanwal Dani and they hit it on the head.    Success is how you define it, but if you open your own practice or associate with a performance-based pay structure, the financial bottom line has a say in whether you...
Published 09/28/23
Recently, at my Strategic Coach meeting we reviewed a graphic and concept titled “Transforming Your Industry” and it provided 3 Stages of becoming an Industry Transformer.  Stage 1: Conventional Experience  Stage 2: Unique Experience  Stage 3: Transformational Experience  In this episode, Dr. Josh Satterlee shares a devastating example of how conventional healthcare failed a dear friend of his and how that transpired. He also reveals how that doesn’t have to be the case and how leveraging...
Published 09/21/23
If you, like many chiropractic practices, are still exporting data and creating your own spreadsheets because you don’t have the perfect dashboard.    You may still have double data entry and no follow-up and follow-through process. Plus, the more moving parts, providers, and service centers, the more likely you will have patients fall through the cracks, wasted time creating spreadsheets, and frustrated staff.   In this episode, I interview Dr. Naota Hashimoto of TrackStat about what stats...
Published 09/14/23
Are you a business owner who also travels? Are you confused about organizing your points, what types of cards to open, and how to effectively utilize your points?    In this episode we provide you with a unique topic that is fresh to the podcast. I have Eli Facenda of Freedom Travel Systems on optimizing and organizing your points to save incredible money. Eli has some great strategies and examples of how you can get started.    Freedom Travel Systems has a 4 Step Process to Help Business...
Published 09/07/23
We see the social media influencer and think that large followings and minor celebrity status is the direction to go with our marketing. We see big brand marketing spending and think it takes significant money for marketing. The chiropractor with shock factor videos with tons of likes must be the way to go.    This leads many chiropractors to the Spray and Pray model of creating content for their practice growth.    The good news is, in this episode, I guide you on how to strategically...
Published 08/31/23
In my opinion, we are in Phase 3 of the evolution of the Sports Chiropractor. There are many exciting aspects of this new generation of Sports Chiropractors, but also some concerns.    In this episode, I interview Dr. Alan Sokoloff, a Sports Chiropractor who has been on the leading edge of the profession for many years and has built a great and sustaining practice in addition to his work with professional sports teams.    We have a wide-ranging conversation that includes the evolution of the...
Published 08/24/23
At this point has become a cliche of sorts, but it doesn’t make it any less true. Working “On” your business is a necessary component of building the practice of your dreams that offers the highest quality patient care, provides great jobs, and supports your family's wonderful life.    Too many of you are starving artists and will die on that hill. Some of you know it doesn’t have to be that way, but you are mired in the weeds of patient care, patient notes, and dirty diapers. Some of you...
Published 08/17/23
Digital Marketing is always changing and keeping up with it all can be overwhelming. However, if you learn and craft your expert positioning, you can adapt to those changes much easier.    Digital marketing has many aspects, but in this episode, we break down the fundamentals of optimizing it to help grow your practice.    Dr. Brian Paris joins me today to provide us with his journey and insights on growing an audience and improving engagement with your digital marketing. Dr. Paris has owned...
Published 08/10/23
A key to your online marketing is to optimize your Google Business Profile. Not only should your Google Business Profile have all the correct information and have many great Google Reviews, but you should also make it like your second website.    What do I mean by a second website? I want prospective new patients to feel like they get the true essence of your practice. You can do things like have robust FAQs filled out, insurances listed that you are in-network with, and Google Posts.    You...
Published 08/03/23
Many mistakenly believe that people are born leaders only. The reality is that leadership can be learned and improved. As a chiropractor, you need to lead your patients, your team, your profession, and your family.    In this episode, I bring back Manuel Astruc MD to discuss Leadership and its essentials.    Dr. Astruc first became interested in psychiatry during medical school. He realized that his favorite part of rotations was sitting down with patients after his rounds were completed,...
Published 07/27/23