A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode: 1) When making kiddush for a larger crowd, I’ve found it time consuming to pour wine into small cups for all those present. In some communities, wine is poured into many small cups before Kiddush, and after the leader concludes Kiddush, everyone else sips wine from their respective...
Published 12/04/23
A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode: 1) Raising the Kiddush-cup one tefach or three tefochim: [1] 2) You have written that Butane-lamps are unsuitable for Menorahs. What about Tiki torches?[2] 3) May one light Menorah away from his home? E.g. we’ve brought the kids to the grandparents for Menorah-lighting. We...
Published 11/26/23
(Shiur begins at 5:18) A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode: 1)       Explanation on the poem of Geshem, related to this week’s Sedra:[1] 2)       I started out as Chazan for Shacharis, and – thinking that there was no ‘chiyuv’ present – I began to say Kaddish deRabonon. But then a ‘chiyuv’ began saying that Kaddish. May...
Published 11/19/23
A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode: 1) Feedback on the Bris performed by a Reform Jew: 2) If I’m short of water for Negel Vasser, should I wash my hands once until the wrists, or wash my fingers until the knuckles three times?[1] 3) A Jewish woman is living with a non-Jewish man ר"ל. They are agreeable to affix...
Published 11/05/23
A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode: 0. A man whose Bris was done by a Reform Jew, need he do anything now? [1] 1) The Rebbeim were emphatic that children should be taught to read by identifying the Alef, the Komatz, and that together we have the sound O. This is: a) Halocho LeMoshe MiSinai; b) instrumental for their...
Published 10/29/23
A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode: 1) Question from a Sem. girl in EY: If I hear the alarm, I am supposed to take shelter in a ‘safe room’ and lock it from inside. If I come there and there is a single man there; may I lock the door? In other words: Does Yichud apply in case of danger? [1] 2) May a woman braid...
Published 10/23/23
A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode: 1) Why, of all species, did HaShem create first the male, and then separated a part and formed the female thereof? [1] 2) In many communities, especially Sefardi but also in Ashkenazi communities in EY, a chapter of Tehilim is said after Maariv, before Oleinu. Why don’t we do...
Published 10/15/23
A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode: 1) A Halocho ruling from the Rebbe Maharash זי"ע:[1] 2) One member paid for his set of Arba Minim, but will only receive it from me on Sunday, 2nd day of Yomtov. Does this raise a question of trade on Yomtov? [2] 3) I ordered clothes on Amazon. If they arrive on Yomtov, may...
Published 10/05/23
A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode: 1)       An explanation on the Machzor from Reb Levik זצ"ל:[1] 2)       On the 1st evening of RH a woman got confused, thinking only of the imminent Yomtov but forgetting that it was Shabbos too. One of the children reminded her – but by then it was well after sunset. What should she...
Published 09/22/23
A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode: 1)      After lighting candles for Shabbos, my wife realized that the hot food was not on the hotplate. Was she permitted to place the food there before nightfall? [1] 2)      Sefer Haminhogim-Chabad states that when we kneel and bow down on RH & YK, if the floor is wooden, we aren’t...
Published 09/13/23
A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode: 1) In the [non-Chabad] Kollel where I learn, we begin Mincha at Mincha Gedola on the dot. Is there leeway for me to say Korbonos & Ketores a few minutes earlier? Or should I recite those parts once Mincha is over? [1] 2) If I choose to start Shmoine Esrei a little after the...
Published 09/05/23
A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode: 1)       Our Chabad House is in a shopfront, opening to the street. May I use a brick to keep our front door open? [1] 2)       Does a Tefach-wide panel serve as the third wall of a Succah?[2] 3)       What is the correct brocho for raw oats that were soaked in milk and or yogurt...
Published 09/05/23
A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode: 1)       Bread kneaded with beer instead of water, is it HaMoitzi or Mezonos? [1] 2)       I somehow managed to mix up my Tefilin, Rashi and Rabbenu Tam. Is the only solution to have a Sofer open them and confirm which is which?[2] 3)       Where there’s no minyan present, is there a...
Published 09/03/23
A weekly shiur by Dayan Levi Yitzchok Raskin, Rov of Anash in London, explores interesting Torah questions and halachic dilemmas. The following issues are discussed by Dayan Raskin in this week’s episode: 1)       I wish to replace the Tzitzis on a Tallis with new threads. May I snap the old Tzitzis or must I untie them? [1] 2)       I’m leading a Sefardi Shul for this Shabbos. This week there is a newly-married Chosson. In the past, at the Kiddush they have recited Sheva Brochos,...
Published 09/03/23
1)       What is the background to Chabad having large (Head-)Tefilin? [1] 2)      We cannot source white eggs locally. Do we have to check boiled brown eggs?[2] 3)       We skipped Tachanun in Shul due to the presence of a Mohel who was to perform a Bris that day. He then rushed out. Due we skip the subsequent Tachanun-related portions of davening? [3] 4)       We don’t have a Friday night minyan. May we accept Shabbos early and have Kiddush then, and I will daven Maariv later on, after...
Published 09/03/23
1)       We were given funds to build a Mikvah. That is a long-term project. May we borrow some of those funds in the interim, to be used for other needs? [1] 2)      What is the source for touching the Sefer Torah with a cloth at the beginning and ending of one’s Aliya?[2] 3)       Why don't we eat meat in the 9 days? During the week of Shiva RL, eating of meat is permitted. [3] 4)       Is there any objection to taking the pieces of the glass broken under a Chuppah and to make them into...
Published 09/03/23
1)       Please clarify the area to be left as Peios: [1] 2)       May one, after the Shabbos, separate the pieces of chicken from the remaining soup, in order to refrigerate and/or freeze them separately? [2] 3)       The Torah-command to testify if you know vital information, does that apply only to a hearing in Beis Din? [3] 4)       May children play with PlayDough or Plasticene on Shabbos? [4] 5)       Is there any concern about the making of a Shidduch where the mothers of the man...
Published 09/03/23
1)       In our locality, each household brings their garbage to a central waste-point. Our non-Jewish cleaner will normally take a bag of garbage on her way home at the end of each day. May she do so on Shabbos? [1] 2)       A family owns a caravan, which they use several times a year. Otherwise, it is parked in their driveway. One daughter uses the caravan regularly for her music practise. Does this caravan have to have a Mezuzah? The pews in our ladies Shul are infected with woodworm and...
Published 09/02/23
1)      I’m puzzled with the explanation in Shaar haKolel as to why on Shabbos etc. the letter Vov is added to the word המרחם in Moidim. Please explain: 2)      A note in the Kfar Chabad Sidur instructs us to stand erect for the last three words of Moidim deRabonon. Is that correct? 3)      A man whose left arm is paralyzed ר"ל, should he still don Tefilin on that arm? 4)      The 11th blessing in the Amidah begins with our pleading for the restoration of judges, whilst the blessing ends...
Published 09/02/23
1)       I have been advised to avoid gluten. Rakusens produce a gluten-free Matzo. The list of ingredients includes, maize starch, oats, tapioca starch, soya bran. Does this food warrant the full bentsching? [1] 2)      Does the Tekiah have to be a straight, level sound?[2] 3)       The Chabad-style Shevorim has an extra note added. Isn’t that an extraneous sound that would serve to interrupt between the Shevorim and the Tekiah that follows? [3] 4)       The only area available for me to...
Published 09/01/23
1)     I wish to replace the Tzitzis on a Tallis with new threads. May I snap the old Tzitzis or must I untie them? [1] 2)     I’m leading a Sefardi Shul for this Shabbos. This week there is a newly-married Chosson. In the past, at the Kiddush they have recited Sheva Brochos, although there aren’t ten men who washed for Hamoitzi. Is this totally misguided?[2] 3)     Revisiting the ruling re. when a Baal Simcha left the Shul early, whether the waiver of Tachanun remains in place:[3]...
Published 08/13/23
1) We are told that we should patronize the businesses of fellow Yidden. Are there guidelines to delineate how far this extends? [1] 2) There is a popular minhag, to avoid positioning a bed with the foot-end facing the door. What can be done when seems to be the most practical position? [2] 3) May we have music playing in the presence of an Oveil ר"ל?[3] 4) In the week of Shiva, the Oveil ר"ל may not do business. Is there a procedure by which the business is ‘sold’ to someone...
Published 06/30/23
1) During Covid we purchased a closet to use as an Oron Kodesh. Thankfully, it is no longer needed for that purpose. May I use it for clothing? [1] 2) The pews in our ladies Shul are infected with woodworm and we plan to replace them. May the disused furniture be used as firewood? [2] 3) On Shabbos or Yomtov, may one tear open plastic bags that contain magazines or clothing? [3] 4) Does Yellow Cheese warrant waiting six hours before eating meat?[4] 5) I lent money to a...
Published 06/30/23
1) On Shabbos, may one separate the white of an egg from the yolk? [1] 2) A single woman, never married; should she light one or two Shabbos candles? [2] 3) One reason given in Poskim for not reciting the blessing on a new moon on Friday is because of מחוץ לתחום. Please explain:[3] 4) A folding Shtender that has walls all around; may it be set up on Shabbos? [4] 5) When making Havdolo for children on Sunday morning, should one include the brocho on the spices and on the...
Published 06/30/23
1) In my Shul I am the Baal Korei. Usually, I am also the only man present who can read the Haftoiroh. When the Toichocho is read, do I have two Aliyos, or could I call up someone else for Maftir and I will take over for reading the Haftoiroh? [1] 2) One the 2nd night of Yomtov, is there an objection to davening Maariv and beginning the meal early? This coming Shovuos, the 2nd day is Shabbos. Does that make it easier? [2] 3) The Eruv Tavshilin allows cooking on Friday for Shabbos,...
Published 05/23/23