In this episode, Michelle celebrates the progress that several members have made in reducing or stopping their alcohol consumption through the Stop Overdrinking Roadmap program. She then discusses one member's experience with feeling resistance to change and pressure to drink after initially making good progress. Michelle emphasizes the importance of having alternative coping strategies prepared for when cravings hit. Several practical techniques are provided for shifting one's state of mind...
Published 01/25/24
  In this episode: Why vague language doesn't lead to results and the importance of specificity Key Points: Define what "health" truly means (physical, mental, social, emotional wellbeing) Examples given of common vague goals like "spend more time with friends" 16 components of commitment discussed: clear outcome, controllable activities, congruence with values, emotional charge, challenge Specific example given of food logging and protein intake goal Importance of addressing doubts and fears...
Published 01/18/24
Alysia and Michelle had a conversation about motherhood, the challenges it presents, and the guilt that many mothers experience. Michelle shared about the different stages of motherhood, the challenges of raising teenagers, and how a mother's values can contribute to feelings of guilt. Alysia proposed that guilt is a notification that a person is not aligned with their values, and she emphasized that sometimes guilt is warranted, and sometimes it is not, especially when past actions cannot be...
Published 01/10/24
Hey Sis, Happy New Year! Is it wise to make New Year's resolutions? Especially as it relates to stopping drinking. Is it possible to be so resolute and never do that thing again?  In this episode, I share several ideas with you to help you make choices, see if a resolution is right for you, and show you how the new me sees things differently than the old me and why that matters.  Now is your time Sister. Use code: YES2024 Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course? Click...
Published 01/04/24
Hey ladies, this is the third of 3 episodes this week where I help you be intentional about not drinking in 2024. I invite you to start the Stop Over Drinking Roadmap now and get $50 off your fee.  Now is your time Sister. Use code: YES2024 Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course? Click here:  https://setfreesisterhood.thrivecart.com/stop-over-drinking-roadmap/   In this episode, Michelle defined stress and discussed how stress is often related to our thoughts, feelings, and...
Published 12/30/23
Hey ladies, this is the second of 3 episodes this week where I help you be intentional about not drinking in 2024. I invite you to start the Stop Over Drinking Roadmap now and get $50 off your fee.  Now is your time Sister. Use code: YES2024 Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course? Click here:  https://setfreesisterhood.thrivecart.com/stop-over-drinking-roadmap/
Published 12/29/23
Hey ladies, this is the first of 3 episodes this week where I help you be intentional about not drinking in 2024. I invite you to start the Stop Over Drinking Roadmap now and get $50 off your fee.  Now is your time Sister. Use code: YES2024 Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course? Click here:  https://setfreesisterhood.thrivecart.com/stop-over-drinking-roadmap/
Published 12/28/23
Our beliefs are the deep-rooted cause of our behaviors and how we respond in life. We were not born with them. They have been created over our lifetime. Are they true? Are they serving you?   In this episode, I help you clarify your beliefs where they came from, and how you can create new ones that can empower you and move you forward if that's what you want.  Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course? Click...
Published 12/21/23
How do you say "No" to drinking with confidence this holiday season? In this episode, I give you a set of steps to saying "No" and feeling great about it!    Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course? Click here:  https://setfreesisterhood.thrivecart.com/stop-over-drinking-roadmap/   Have questions for me? Let's set up a call. Email me at [email protected]
Published 12/14/23
Hey sister,  How do you know if it's time to stop drinking? In this episode, I give you a list of ways to be sure it's time for you to stop. I could have checked all 11 for sure. I have help for you. Your next steps are yours to choose however I have the path. Listen in and see what God says to you today.  Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course? Click here:  https://setfreesisterhood.thrivecart.com/stop-over-drinking-roadmap/    
Published 12/07/23
Hey Sis, I wanted to share some of the simple reasons that I love virtual coaching. It has been a lifesaver for me. Come as you are and feel safe. That's what I want for you.  Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course? Click here:  https://setfreesisterhood.thrivecart.com/stop-over-drinking-roadmap/   Have questions for me? Let's set up a call. Email me at [email protected]
Published 11/30/23
If beating ourselves up worked.....it would have worked already. You messed up. You feel like crap today. It's time to take a look at what happened and get curious about what you want and what's next for you.  Your next step may be connecting with me, getting the course, or something. Just take the next step.    Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course? Click here:  https://setfreesisterhood.thrivecart.com/stop-over-drinking-roadmap/   Use code BLACKFRIDAY. from Nov. 16th-25th...
Published 11/24/23
I wanted to pray over you today and also remind you how to be in your body and in the present moment no matter where you are. We spend too much time overthinking and stressing in our heads. We miss out on special moments with the ones we love and that is also where we make those "not-so-healthy" choices. When we are in our heads and not in our bodies we can mess up and miss out.    Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course? Click...
Published 11/22/23
Indecision feels gross. One foot in, one foot out. Just add to that the inner critic voice that jumps into the game and beats you up even more. It doesn't have to be that hard. In this episode, I help you with a new outlook on making decisions and a tool to help.  Ready to finally Stop Over Drinking and join the course? Click here:  https://setfreesisterhood.thrivecart.com/stop-over-drinking-roadmap/   Use code BLACKFRIDAY. from Nov. 16th-25th for $50 off.   Have questions for me? Let's set...
Published 11/20/23
Hey ladies, Do you feel overwhelmed by your thoughts at times? Did you know that the thoughts we have on repeat are what lead us to the choices we make or do not make? And……so many people do not have a clue what their thoughts are, and they are living out a reaction-style life. I do not want that to be you. This may be exactly why you are still stuck in the cycle of over drinking. In this episode, I will help you with what steps to take to recognize your thoughts and how to make changes so...
Published 11/16/23
Hey Sisters, In this episode, I explain why learning to feel and process your emotions is best for you and your relationships. There are some highly impactful issues that arise if you do not feel and express yourself in your most important relationships. I help you see the impact and give you a guide to get support.      Have questions for me? Let's set up a call. Email me at [email protected]   Ready to join the course?...
Published 11/09/23
Hey Sister, Your map to your future is here. The Stop Over Drinking Roadmap is enrolling now. In this episode, you will get a little taste of what it is and how to get signed up.  Have questions for me? Let's set up a call. Email me at [email protected]   Ready to join the program? https://setfreesisterhood.thrivecart.com/stop-over-drinking-roadmap/      
Published 11/02/23
Who are you becoming? Are you able to truly know if you’re in the cycle of over drinking? In this episode, I share what may be in your way and how to get some insight from your future self. There is power in seeing what obstacles are in your way so that you can create a path around them. Are you ready to stop over drinking with support and accountability? Email me at [email protected] and say I’m Ready! I would love to meet you! Join the...
Published 10/26/23
Stuck in over drinking? Not sure how to take the next step? This episode can help you see what’s really going on deeper inside your heart. Take time to write down these journal prompts and answer them honestly to help you see what’s next for you. Are you ready to stop over drinking with support and accountability? Email me at [email protected] and say I’m Ready! I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood! https://bit.ly/alcoholfreesisterhood Stay Blessed, Michelle  
Published 10/19/23
Last week we practiced getting honest about how alcohol has been affecting our emotional and physical health. This week it’s time to put new routines and action steps into place. We must take action to break the patterns of the habit that’s hurting us. Inside this episode, I share some routines on my list and encourage you to create your own. Did you hear? A course just for you is coming soon!! I am so excited that you will be able to stop over drinking step by step and begin to create a life...
Published 10/12/23
One of the keys to change, growth, and healing is getting honest. Today I want to show you how getting super honest with yourself about how alcohol is affecting your physical and emotional health will help you start the process of stopping over drinking. Did you hear? A course just for you is coming soon!! I am so excited that you will be able to stop over drinking step by step and begin to create a life you love!! Be on the lookout soon for the Stop Over Drinking Roadmap for Christian...
Published 10/05/23
This week, I share simple tips to help you pause, make a choice, and break the habit cycle of grabbing that first drink. It's simple and not easy but I know you can do it! I encourage you to try these out and also add your own to the mix.  This is the start of the future you truly desire! I would love to meet you! Join the sisterhood! https://bit.ly/alcoholfreesisterhood Stay Blessed, Michelle
Published 09/28/23
You don’t need willpower in this journey. You need to remember God’s promises. Yes, there are steps to take on the stop over drinking journey, and most of all beliefs that need to be rooted. What better place to start is there other than the Bible? In this episode, I share God’s promises and how they are key to our journey in life. I also encourage you to be intentional about finding a Bible-teaching church and at least start by listening to my church with Pastor DJ Horton at Church at the...
Published 09/21/23
Have you thought to yourself? Who am I? Why do I do the things I do? What is my purpose? Why did I act that way? I bet that it’s time for you to make sure you know the "NOT" version of you. In this episode, I explore ways you can be sure of the NOT real you so that you can begin to see who you really are and how you want to show up in a new way in your life. Enjoy! I would love to hear from you.   Are you ready for support in your deeper healing and help with overdrinking?  Email me...
Published 09/07/23
Hey ladies, Have you heard of the sober curious movement? Is it right for you and your journey?  In this episode, I share the mindset around being sober curious and offer specific questions you can explore when considering drinking less. Let me know how it goes!  Also, the masterclass to help YOU Stop Overdrinking is ready! Go to www.setfreesisterhood.com/masterclass and check it out!   Are you ready for support in your deeper healing and help with overdrinking?  Email me...
Published 08/31/23