In this episode I discuss how we all have thorns living in our subconscious. The thorns are a metaphor for unwanted automatic behavior response, bad habits, beliefs, traits, and neurological hardwiring that may not be serving us.  We may never get rid of our thorns but once we are aware what they are, we can consciously take new actions and work to override them with the true beauty that is within us all. For many years I would repress and pretend that I didn't have any thorns....
Published 09/12/21
This episode is a great reminder that the truth is usually different than what we perceive it to be.  Often times we don't fully process what it takes to bring a vision or a goal to life. We think that we are at a disadvantage, because we tend to compare our selves to somebody else's finished product.  This episode will show you how to stay focused on your journey, and I will reveal the behind the scenes journey to prove that attaining a goal usually isn't as seamless as you...
Published 08/31/21
We always hear that it's important to have goals, and that everyone should have big goals. We don't often hear WHY we need to do this, or even how to set a goal never mind a meaningful goal. I thought today I would unpack all the fine details around meaningful goals.   Some key points of today's episode include: -S.M.A.R.T. goals- Why this acronym is so powerful and how it actually works. -How to identify what a meaningful goal is, and how to avoid 'comparison' goals. -I talk...
Published 08/23/21
If you are listening to this podcast then chances are you want to better yourself or evolve a certain area in your life. It's always fun to talk about all the amazing benefits that will appear once you do so. All of those benefits are great, but we often forget to talk about some of the 'not so great' side effects that come along with them. When your relationship, finances, habits, mindset or any area in your life starts to change/evolve there will usually be a new level of challenges and...
Published 08/19/21
One of my main values is to be a committed partner in my relationship. I wasn't always someone who valued commitment. In the past, I framed commitment quite differently then I do now.  Even the dictionary has two completely different ways to frame commitment. One way describes it as being dedicated, devoted, loyal, having a bond, and being attentive. The other way is quite the opposite. It is described as an obligation, restricts freedom, responsibility, is an obligation, and a...
Published 08/08/21
In today's episode I share some very memorable and challenging stories that transpired during the month leading up to our wedding. I also share many interesting stories about our wedding weekend.  As always, I incorporate the life lesson I learnt from these unique circumstances. The main topic of today is how to tackle challenging circumstances, even when your goal/vision is on the line. The main pillars I discuss to help with this include commitment, mindset, and having conviction in your...
Published 08/05/21
Life is not stagnant. It's always in motion, no matter how hard we try to keep it the same and familiar it will always be changing. The four different seasons bring drastic climatic changes (Especially in Canada). The same goes for different seasons in our personal life. In today's episode I describe how I had to mentally prepare myself to be present and take in a new season in my life. The season I was entering was the preparation for my wedding, and how I needed to show up differently to...
Published 07/27/21
In today's episode I give my perspective on marriage. I recorded this episode just weeks before I got married. I was a man who had to go through many internal transformations to get me to a point where I was ready for marriage. I believe I have some powerful insights that will be helpful for any person preparing for marriage or who wants to improve their marriage or relationship. In todays show I cover the following topics: -Commitment: To grow as an individual and succeed as a team....
Published 07/18/21
I decided to do today's show based on my recent trip to a secluded cabin. Every time I leave that place I always feel more energized and alive. I wanted to break this topic down, in hopes that anyone who might be struggling, feeling in a slump, or simply wants to feel alive can benefit from my insights. The 3 categories discussed are: 1)Curiosity: Many times we find ourselves resisting fear, and not pushing ourselves to experience growth or simply achieve a new goal. I believe curiosity...
Published 07/11/21
In today's show I break down why we frequently get caught focusing on the things in life we don't have, rather than what is already amazing in our life. I use a personal example of how this happens to me, in particular with my relationship. This episode includes three main topics to explain why this happens, and  strategies to change this behaviour.  1)Life is controlled by what we focus on. I will explain what this means and the science behind it. 2)Gratitude. I break down what...
Published 07/07/21
There are many great benefits that can come from winning. Unfortunately we often overlook some of the downfalls associated with winning, especially in relationships.  As a young kid growing up I developed a winning mindset, and slowly turned into a 'must win' type of person. Due to this must win mentality losing was considered a bad thing, and over the years I subconsciously developed mannerisms and habits that were harming my relationship. The most frequently occurring issue was the need...
Published 07/01/21
Humility can be seen as 'knowing what we don't know'. Meaning not to pretend we know things when truthfully we don't know. Having humility to say we don't know, and to be curious about learning the things we don't know.  This concept has truly transformed my life. I was locked into a period of stagnation prior to implementing a humble and curious mindset. Once I realized I only knew a small fraction about life and started to get curious to learn more my life drastically changed. In this...
Published 06/21/21
As a young man this is a topic I thought I would never be discussing with anyone, never mind with the open public. I used to hold in every emotion, burry it, and push it to the side. This led to MANY compounding internal issues that would lead to problems in my relationships. Since discovering the power of feeling my emotions and properly processing them I can proudly say my life is changed for the better. I am also not a perfect man, as this past week I found myself falling into old...
Published 06/13/21
In today's episode I discuss what coaching is, why I am so passionate about it, and why it works. I did not want to pursue another profession until I found something that I truly believed in and that would help and serve others. This episode will provide an explanation on what coaching can do in your life.   Please enjoy, Joel:)
Published 06/06/21
Previously I was someone who frequently felt self-doubt. In fact, I still do at times but I can proudly say I've learned how to deal with it so it doesn't hold me back. *In today's podcast episode I describe situations in my life where I was faced with self-doubt.  *I discuss the unhealthy coping strategies, that most people use when facing self-doubt.  *I will also elaborate on the three emotional systems in the brain. Once we can enforce the appropriate response to self-doubt then we can...
Published 05/24/21
Our mind can either be our strongest ally or our biggest enemy. That's why it's crucial to learn how to get it to work for us rather than against us. One of the most powerful ways of doing this is by successfully negotiating with our own internal thoughts.  This is a skill that can be learned, developed, and mastered through the repetition of a series of techniques, and this episode will explain them in detail. Negotiating is a very useful skill to have, negotiating with our own thoughts is a...
Published 05/16/21
In this week's episode, we talk about how fear will never fully be removed from our life. Once we can accept this we can learn how to become brave, in order to face the inevitable fear that will confront us when trying to level up in life.  I will meticulously break down the 10 tips/strategies that have helped me become more courageous and brave throughout my journey. 1)Be willing to fail 2)Excitement is a very similar emotion to fear. Most people have very similar physiological responses to...
Published 05/09/21
I spent many years looking for the easiest way to achieve financial freedom. At that time, I thought there was a way to reach this without hardship or struggle. Once I realized this was wishful thinking, I decided to pursue real estate investing. Over the past few years, that decision has taught us several life lessons. In this week’s episode, I share these lessons. You don’t need to be involved in real estate for these insights to benefit your life. My hope in sharing these stories with you...
Published 05/02/21
In today's episode we go in a different direction. Part of my journey to surrendering my average life is to become financially free. Jess and I chose to pursue real estate investing to help us create long term wealth. In this episode I talk about why we chose real estate, our strategy, and some of the struggles that came along with that decision. Part 2 will be released next week where I will discuss all the life lessons we've learnt through real estate investing.    Enjoy!  Joel:)
Published 04/25/21
I believe most people are good at their core. If someone has developed selfish tendencies it might due to the fact they’ve developed bad selfish habits over the years. That doesn’t make someone a bad person, it simply means they have some work to do to get back on track. This is what happened to me, as I was single for many years and only really had to consider my own needs and desires. Entering a relationship I was faced with the challenge of being less selfish, and more altruistic. This was...
Published 04/18/21
We are surrounded by opposites in life. Good and bad, happy and sad, hot and cold, night and day. We only experience one because its counterpart exists. You wouldn’t know how good it feels when you are happy if you never experienced feeling sad. We also embody two main types of energies that seem to oppose one another. The masculine and feminine energy.  It’s common to think that men should embody masculine energy and that women should express feminine energy. Although there are many benefits...
Published 04/11/21
A relationship comprises two different individuals who had different upbringings. There will most likely be a difference of opinion and both people might perceive life slightly differently.  I like to remind myself that a relationship does not complete you, rather there are two complete individuals sharing a bond. It’s extremely important to maintain your individuality- but also collaborate to share a life vision (the direction you both want to go). If this vision doesn’t get discussed there...
Published 04/04/21
Cultivating Trust within yourself and with your partner.  What transpired in the past, frequently affects trust in a relationship. That might mean a past circumstance or experience left an imprint in your mind, affecting your perception of how you view your current partner. Or it might be the lack of communication that is necessary to uncover what happened to your partner in the past. Whatever it is, one thing is certain. There needs to be a deep level of trust for a relationship to...
Published 03/31/21
This episode is part 1 of a mini-series about men in relationships.  I found that I was living with a distorted vision of what it meant to be a man. Particularly in a romantic relationship. In the 5-episode mini-series, I vulnerably share my process of how I changed my perception of what it meant to be a man in a relationship.  Jess and I are thriving in comparison to how we started our journey together. We are not perfect by any means, and we continually work very hard to improve and grow...
Published 03/21/21
Sometimes we all just need to check in with ourselves. Especially when setting big goals or a life vision. Our foundation is the base of our life. Essentially everything that is deeply important and necessary for us to live a fulfilled life. The ‘walls’ of our foundation are built  by the amalgamation of our values, beliefs, and morals.  Last year I caught myself beginning to formulate a vision that didn’t quite align with my foundation. Thankfully I caught myself early enough in the process...
Published 03/12/21