Hey Girl! I hope you enjoyed the Stress Series and the last two weeks episodes with Integrative Herbalist Amy McKelvey! If you haven’t yet listened, do it now! This week's episode was inspired by my chat with her and how we as women need to know, appreciate and understand our bodies.  We need to know pleasure and what feels good and what doesn’t.  As a woman, self pleasure is something that can come with alot of shame and guilt.  Which is so silly because men boast about it all over the...
Published 12/28/23
Hey Momma! This is the last week in the Stress Series on the podcast and we are finishing our chat with Integrative Herbalist and natural products consultant Amy McKelvey.  In part 1 of this interview last week, we dove into her story and how she founded her amazing herbal supplement company Her Vital Way.  As well as the benefits of using herbs and connecting with our bodies and nature to reduce stress and get to the root cause of your symptoms.  In part 2 this week, we are going much deeper...
Published 12/20/23
Hey Momma! This is the last two week in the Stress Series on the podcast and so I have something new and special for you! Inside today’s episode I am chatting with Integrative Herbalist and natural products consultant, Amy McKelvey.  She is also the CEO and founder of Her Vital Way, a practitioner recommended wellness brand that sells non-GMO, clinically validated herbs and supplements, at efficacious dosing - direct-to-consumer. Her passion for educating and empowering women on the many...
Published 12/14/23
Hey Momma! Have you been working on your sleep in nutrition? Right now we are in the middle of the Stress Series on the podcast, where I have talked about the major role that stress has in our bodies and in our pain and physical conditions.  So far I have dived into sleep and nutrition with a ton of tools and strategies that you can use to optimize both! Today I am going to add to all that goodness and chat about one of my favorite topics and ways we can improve our overall health and...
Published 12/08/23
Hey Lady! It’s the next episode in the “Stress Series” and this week I am breaking down some of the basics when it comes to nutrition and our diet and how our stress is impacted by our nutrition and also how our nutrition is impacted by our stress.  When we’re stressed we typically eat poorly and add on the extra sweets and goodies this time of year and it can be easy to fall into a poor diet and not realize how much those fatty, sugary foods are then causing our anxiety and low energy....
Published 11/30/23
Hey Momma! Are you a good sleeper? Or are you waking up a lot, maybe because of pain or you have to pee? Sleep is the number one foundational piece to our health and is crucial for our overall health and managing our bodies stress and in turn, our pain and urgency symptoms.  Last week’s episode broke down the reality of how much stress impacts and can even be causing your pain and urinary urgency symptoms and why I see alot more flare ups of symptoms this time of year.  It inspired me to dive...
Published 11/22/23
Hey Momma! Have you noticed your pelvic or back pain flare up after you worked so hard to get it to heal and go away? Maybe you notice you are going to the bathroom all the time again or maybe for the first time? Or you’re avoiding sex because it’s painful? Well it might not be because of something you did activity wise.  There is a reason I see an increase in patients with pain flare ups or new inflamed tissues and injuries this time of year.  The Holidays can be such a wonderful time of...
Published 11/17/23
  Hey Girl!   Has your pelvic pain, leaking or trauma been causing you to avoid thinking about sex? Or even the thought of looking at your vagina makes you feel yuck? Maybe even saying it?! Then This episode is for you! As women and moms in today’s society there has always been a taboo culture around things in the pelvic girdle or even associated with it, like sex, or self pleasure/mastrubation or even just looking and touching your vulvar or vaginal area.  I mean we talk about it as a...
Published 11/08/23
Hey girl! You are making the time to workout and strength train, but are you prioritizing the right exercises? It can be so overwhelming to try to create the right workout or fitness plan and our time is limited so we want to make sure we are getting the biggest bang for our buck!  Whether it’s during pregnancy, postpartum or beyond, glute exercises are crucial for pelvic floor and whole body health! Did you know that your foot, knee or hip pain can, and probably is, being caused by glute...
Published 11/01/23
Hey girl! Are you tired of getting to the end of the day and feeling like you were stuck in the To-Do List and didn’t get your exercise in… again?! I have been there (as so many moms have) and I know you are wishing you could start being consistent and showing up for your health and fitness goals and actually accomplish them! If we keep waiting for the “free time” to show up, we will never get any exercise in.  I am a mom of 3 and have troubleshooted different types of exercise and workout...
Published 10/25/23
Hey Momma! Are you pregnant or planning to get pregnant and wanting to make sure you are preparing your body and mind for labor and delivery? Birth can be alot on the body and on the mind, but if we prepare with the tips discussed inside this episode, we can set ourselves up for a better chance that we will be able to have that natural vaginal birth, with shorter labor and pushing times, minimal to no perineal tearing and a better postpartum recovery experience.  Out of my three birthing...
Published 10/18/23
Hey Friend! The seasons are changing, which means the days are getting shorter, the food is getting cozier and our energy might not be the same.  This time of year can also be very busy, making it harder for us to get in movement as often and healthy home cooked meals.  Mom life has us running all over the place and if we aren’t careful we can fall into those bad habits that might have caused your pelvic pain or prolapse symptoms to begin with.  I think it is important as women especially, to...
Published 10/11/23
Hey Friend! Are you ready to add and prioritize strength training so that you can FEEL STRONG, CONFIDENT and PAIN FREE?!? Hopefully you checked out last week’s episode on ALL the amazing benefits of strength training (and if not I highly recommend it) and you are inspired and motivated to start picking up those weights and build that muscle! During pregnancy and postpartum navigating fitness and strength training can be scary because we don’t want to hurt ourselves or our growing baby, but...
Published 10/04/23
Hey Love! I know you want to FEEL STRONG, CONFIDENT and PAIN FREE as you move throughout life (pregnancy, postpartum, menopause) and you probably know exercise will help you with that, but did you know that strength training is really where you get the biggest bang for your buck?! Is the term strength training or weight lifting just a big “No” for you or do you feel anxiety about having to use weights? Or maybe you now strength training and having a variety of types of exercises is good, but...
Published 09/27/23
Hey Momma! Are You tired of feeling… well tired?! It seems like not having enough energy is something that most women, especially moms, can relate to.  There is so much to keep up with and you not only want to be able to have the energy to keep up with it all but also have the energy stores and nutrients to be able to grow muscle and strength and heal if and when your body needs to.  Especially during periods of our lives like pregnancy, postpartum or menopause when our hormones are all over...
Published 09/21/23
Hey Love! Have you been wishing you could sneak in some strength training and core exercises without actually taking time to “exercise”? OR wishing you could strengthen your core without doing annoying “core exercises”? It can be so hard for busy women, especially mommas with kids, to be able to take the time to workout and it can even add stress trying to fit it in. We know it’s important but maybe you hate to “exercise” or maybe you are taking the time to exercise but you aren’t seeing the...
Published 09/13/23
Hey Momma, Have you been dealing with pain since you had your baby? Maybe its pelvic pain, back pain, c-section scar pain, hip pain, pain with sex or maybe even just a lot of postpartum anxiety or depression. Did your birthing experience not go as planned? Or is your birth story something you don't like to think about? Even if our birth goes "smoothly" it can still feel traumatizing, especially to the body.  Our body holds memory and when it comes to trauma, it can hold onto it for years...
Published 09/07/23
Hey Momma!   Are you struggling to make time for exercise, or self care, or time for yourself at all?! Feeling overwhelmed like you can’t get out of the to-do list and then mom guilt when you finally have the desire to do anything for yourself?! Finding yourself in the daily grind of back-to-school and mom life, wishing you could reach that goal or learn that hobby? I have been there and continue to struggle with mom guilt daily… the difference is I no longer let fear and mom guilt control...
Published 08/28/23
Hey Momma, Do you leak or feel pelvic pressure during exercise or hard activities like squats or picking up something heavy like a toddler in a car seat or a full laundry basket?  You might be holding your breath! And girl, that habit is one you need to  STOP TODAY! If you are pregnant or postpartum, you might be finding that you now leak when you jump or pick up something heavy when you didn't before and this can be so frustrating, but sometimes it’s as simple as changing the way we breathe!...
Published 08/21/23
Hey Friend, Have you ever wondered if there is anything you are doing that may be contributing to, or maybe even causing your pelvic floor symptoms?! As we move throughout our lives we tend to pick up routines and habits, many of which might not be the best for our wellbeing. After working with thousands of women, I have noticed a few habits in particular that are extremely detrimental to your pelvic floor.  Many of us do these things every day and even with my frequent coaching and awareness...
Published 08/14/23
Hey Friend, I get alot of questions about taking insurance and what being a cash-based or out-of-network physical therapy clinic means for you and your plan of care.  It can seem hard to invest in services that are covered by your insurance, but ultimately being cash- based means that YOU get a higher quality of care.  Which means you get better faster, and in many cases actually SAVES you money! Ultimately, it allows me to provide a whole body, holistic approach to your pain and your...
Published 08/07/23
Hey Love,   Last week we dove into what pelvic pain can look like…butt pain, pain with sitting, tailbone pain (coccydynia), pubic symphysis pain, SIJ pain, pain with intercourse (dyspareunia), vaginal pain, vulvodynia or vestibulodynia or even low back or hip pain stemming from the pelvic floor.  As well as the many factors and systems that play a role in our pain (so if you missed it go check it out). As many women experience one or more of these different types of pain(s) at some point in...
Published 07/31/23
Hey Friend! Are you suffering from pelvic pain? This is a general term as pelvic pain can look like many things! You may be experiencing butt pain, pain with sitting, tailbone pain (coccydynia), pubic symphysis pain, SIJ pain, pain with intercourse (dyspareunia), vaginal pain, vulvodynia or vestibulodynia or even low back or hip pain stemming from the pelvic floor.  Unfortunately, pelvic pain is multifactorial and multi-system as you will learn inside this week's episode.  Pelvic pain can be...
Published 07/24/23
Hey friend! After a dream of a weekend at the Taylor Swift Concert and Water World with my family, I was dealing with some aches and pains as well as some mild constipation. After managing my own symptoms, like back and foot pain,  with some of my favorite tips and tricks, I wanted to come on here and share them with you all so you can avoid falling off track during your vacation, or worse cause or aggravate symptoms from doing too much (or not enough).  We don't want to have to think about...
Published 07/17/23
Hey friend! How is your summer going? Have you been intentional with how you spend your time? What about your energy? Have you felt present, patient and playful? Or snappy, irritable and overwhelmed? Summer is a time for freedom to do whatever we (or your kids) want, which can seem so ideal.  Until you are finding yourself in another rhythm of chaos with kids constantly home which means messes and food constantly being made and sibling arguments seem never ending.  It can be easy to get...
Published 07/10/23