In the milestone 200th episode of The Beautifully Broken Podcast, Freddie revisits key moments and lessons from past episodes, sharing personal insights and impactful stories from guest speakers and experts. He discusses the influence of unconscious programming on our beliefs and behaviors, emphasizing the body's natural ability to self-correct and the need for a more holistic, individualized approach to wellness in today's over-medicated healthcare environment. This episode highlights the...
Published 04/29/24
In this episode, Susan Bratton, a renowned sexual health and relationship expert, shares her mission to educate couples on achieving shame-free pleasure and intimacy! As CEO of Personal Life Media and The 20, Susan emphasizes deeper intimacy and communication skills in and out of the bedroom. She offers actionable advice on rewiring attitudes towards sex for heightened pleasure, discussing pillars of sexual intimacy, the value of radical honesty, and setting boundaries to enhance connection....
Published 04/22/24
Published 04/22/24
In this podcast episode, Darryl Edwards, a movement coach and former corporate professional, discusses the detrimental impact of modern sedentary lifestyles on health, emphasizing that movement should be viewed as a vital medicine capable of reducing chronic disease risks significantly. He advocates for integrating natural and playful movements into daily routines, challenging the traditional approach of structured exercise sessions. Highlighting the benefits of engaging with our inherent...
Published 04/15/24
Join Piper Dobner, ND, in this captivating podcast as she delves into the intricate world of gut microbiomes, fecal transplants, and the potential of helminthic therapies in restoring our internal ecosystems. Discover how these therapies can revolutionize healthcare, sharing stories of patients whose lives have been transformed by restoring gut diversity.
Published 04/08/24
In this solo episode, learn the various benefits of castor oil packs, a simple yet powerful biohack! Exploring the powerful properties of ricinoleic acid found in castor oil, I break down how it effectively reduces inflammation in the body, alleviates joint pain, and promote healthy digestion. Learn more about their immune-boosting capabilities, aiding in strengthening the body's defenses against illness and infection. I also share practical tips on creating and using castor oil packs at...
Published 04/01/24
In this enlightening podcast episode, Nasha Winters reframes cancer as a messenger, urging listeners to understand and support their body's terrain rather than waging war against the disease. She advocates for embracing both grief and joy, highlighting the power of stories in shaping our biology and the catalysts for cancer, often rooted in trauma. Through exploring tools like mistletoe therapy and fostering a proactive, curious approach to health, Naisha inspires a shift towards...
Published 03/25/24
Join Dr. Shivani Gupta, founder of Fusionary Formulas, on this week’s episode as she talks about the life-changing benefits of Ayurvedic medicine and its transformative potential in achieving optimal health. With over 20 years of experience, Dr. Gupta teaches us how to overcome inflammation naturally and achieve vibrant health through her fusion of ancient wisdom and modern science. Dr. Gupta aims to simplify healing through the power of turmeric, diving into its wide-ranging benefits from...
Published 03/18/24
ChatGPT Join me on a solo adventure as I take you through the eye-opening world of EMDR therapy—a structured session where we revisit and reshape memories to address unprocessed trauma, especially from my early diagnosis. Let's dive deep into the wild ride of addressing our unprocessed emotions and how they can transform our mind-body connection, unlocking barriers to achieving higher peace and emotional healing, unlocking pathways to inner peace.
Published 03/11/24
In their insightful dialogue, Dr. Katie Deming and Freddie Kimmel delve into the language and mindset surrounding cancer treatment, shedding light on empowering holistic approaches. Dr. Deming critiques the perception associated with cancer, advocating for reclaiming personal power to foster healing. They stress the importance of intentional language use and holistic modalities like fasting and emotional work in empowering individuals on their healing journey. This conversation unveils the...
Published 03/04/24
In this podcast episode, delve into the crucial importance of quality sleep for overall health, exploring research on the harmful effects of junk light on circadian rhythms and melatonin levels, particularly relevant for night shift workers and women's health. Discover practical tips for improving sleep hygiene, from blackout curtains to creating a restful sanctuary, promising not just better rest but also a longer, healthier life.
Published 02/26/24
In this podcast, Ashok Gupta, founder of the Gupta Program, discusses his innovative approach to healing chronic diseases like fibromyalgia and long COVID through brain retraining and neuroplasticity, drawing on his experience with chronic fatigue syndrome and ME. He highlights the program's proven efficacy in a Randomized Controlled Trial and its focus on addressing root causes and long-term health maintenance, emphasizing the interplay between emotions, brain function, and illness, and...
Published 02/19/24
In this episode Dr. Dickson Thom delves into the principles of biological medicine, highlighting the body's inherent ability to self-heal and the crucial role of understanding individual biochemistry, physiology, and lifestyle practices. He underscores the effectiveness of castor oil packs for liver and lymphatic support, the relevance of body adipose index in fluid balance and nutrient absorption, and the impact of emotional holding on health, while emphasizing the need for personalized...
Published 02/12/24
In this episode, we’re talking about the profound effects of mold exposure on both the mind and body with our guest Caitlin Weisel, an Emergency & Trauma Registered Nurse. Caitlin shares her journey of uncovering the mysteries behind her physical and neurological symptoms, eventually discovering the impact of prolonged mold exposure. Tune in for a comprehensive exploration of mold exposure, from its symptoms to methods for recovery. We also discuss valuable insights into detoxification...
Published 02/05/24
In this podcast episode, Summer McStravick, creator of the popular Flowdreaming technique and a seasoned figure in the wellness field, shares her insights on manifestation, healing, and fostering inner emotional strength. Inspired by her own battle with cancer and interstitial cystitis, Summer has made it her life mission to teach others how to connect with their innermost self and unlock inner peace through the power of Flowdreaming. Join us for a profound conversation on navigating pivotal...
Published 01/29/24
In this episode, elite functional trainer Da Rulk, the creator of Raw Functional Training (RFT), shares with us his revolutionary approach to movement, fitness, and mobility. With a clientele including first responders, Navy SEALs, and Chris Hemsworth, Da Rulk discusses his multi-dimensional method that promises to transform listeners' health and fitness journeys. The conversation explores Da Rulk's signature bear crawl, the innovation of BRRRN Boards, and key functional movements for optimal...
Published 01/22/24
In Part 2 of this podcast series, Casey West delves deeper into his fight against glioblastoma, exploring the importance of supplementation, testing, belief, nature, and new therapies in his healing journey. He emphasizes the significance of embracing one's brokenness, the healing power of plant medicine, and the role of mindfulness and frequency healing, while inviting listeners to connect with his journey on Instagram at 'Transmute That Energy'.
Published 01/10/24
Part 1: Casey West shares his battle with glioblastoma and his approach to alternative treatments, focusing on understanding the tumor's root cause and integrating therapies like a ketogenic diet, fasting, and supplements. The series emphasizes the importance of personalized health strategies, comprehensive testing, and the spiritual and regenerative aspects of fasting in the healing process.
Published 01/08/24
In this cutting edge podcast, Desiree De Spong explores the lymphatic system's vital functions and the therapeutic potential of the Flowpresso technology, which combines thermodynamic heat, compression, and deep pressure therapy for enhanced lymphatic health. She discusses the technology's holistic benefits on the body, including improved heart rate variability, and its tailored application for diverse body types and overall wellness.
Published 01/01/24
In today's episode, Freddie takes a step back to appreciate the monumental innovations and technologies that have emerged in the health space in the past year. Join us for an insightful episode on how small, daily habits have the power to drastically improve one's well-being. This episode serves as the perfect recap for 2023 in health and wellness, as well as a much-needed moment of reflection on goals and mindsets for the year to come.
Published 12/25/23
In this podcast episode, Freddie shares his journey of grappling with chronic illnesses and healing the body after a life-changing diagnosis. Hosted by Summer McStravick, the discussion explores moving beyond conventional perspectives on illness, drawing inspiration from alternative medicine's historical roots, and delves into biohacks such as red light therapy and castor oil packs. This episode highlights the importance of listening to one's body, highlighting the unique and holistic nature...
Published 12/18/23
In this podcast episode, Dr. Jay Davidson, a renowned foundational medicine expert, explores the alarming statistic that 9 out of 10 American adults are metabolically unhealthy, prompting a critical examination of our lifestyle choices. Driven by his expertise in natural protocols for conditions like Lyme disease, he simplifies complex health issues, emphasizing the significance of addressing symptoms for long-term well-being, delving into topics such as lymphatic system drainage, reducing...
Published 12/11/23
In this episode, Christian Drapeau, a visionary scientist and author of "Cracking the Stem Cell Code," introduces STEMREGEN, a plant-based stem cell supplement capable of releasing 10 million stem cells in just 2 capsules. Join us as he shares his two-decade journey, witnessing remarkable healing moments and discussing how STEMREGEN offers a simple yet powerful alternative to tap into the body's natural regenerative potential, challenging traditional healthcare models for a holistic approach...
Published 12/04/23
In this enlightening episode of the Beautifully Broken podcast, Nurse Doza, a nationally recognized functional medicine practitioner, delves into the alarming prevalence of fatty liver disease affecting 100 million Americans and the widespread ignorance about liver health risks. Joined by the host, they explore the science of liver health, the crucial detoxification process, and Nurse Doza's decade-long expertise, offering practical lifestyle changes for a complete health transformation,...
Published 11/27/23
Welcome to 'Radical Ownership: Navigating Health in a Broken System,' where my 15-year well-being journey unveils the incomplete nature of our health narratives. In a world saturated with advice, the podcast explores the consequences of specialists rarely connecting in today's medical landscape, leading to a global reliance on symptom-suppressing interventions like pharmaceutical drugs. From societal pressures to monetize talents to proposing solutions like patient-centered care, holistic...
Published 11/20/23