Tempted to try a bleach bath for eczema skin rashes? Did your doctor recommend them? Before you go dumping Clorox into your bath water — you need to hear this. Because honestly, the science doesn’t support bleach baths which was highlighted by Dr. Peter Lio at the Eczema Expo 2023 meeting. Turns out that the research on this outdated practice isn’t as helpful as everyone thought, which is why I recommend a mineral bath over a bleach bath for rashes every single time. Now, I know that there’s...
Published 01/25/24
If you've been disappointed by keratosis pilaris treatment options + natural remedies -- you're not alone! Keratosis Pilaris (aka. Chicken skin)  is a complex, poorly understood skin problem that can make you feel really insecure (because of how it looks). It can also make your skin texture feel unpleasant + rough (potentially triggering skin picking). The most common keratosis pilaris treatment includes scrubbing off the involved areas of rough skin, but beyond that – you’re probably...
Published 01/18/24
Whether you’re considering a plant-based diet or you’re wondering if there’s ANOTHER option to better, healthier farm practices – we need to talk about regenerative farming. Never heard of regenerative farming or regenerative agriculture before? Don’t worry – you’re not alone because most people think their options are only conventionally farmed produce and animal products, or organic. But that’s NOT true. So if you care deeply about the quality of the produce you eat AND the welfare of...
Published 01/11/24
Women are very poorly educated on perimenopause and perimenopause symptoms! So much so that we often assume that the subtle, annoying signs of perimenopause are the result of something else. You probably know some signs of menopause like hot flashes or night sweats. But as you hit your late thirties to early forties, things start to change that your doctor might tell you are “normal” and nothing to worry about. Even though they don’t seem normal. Things like midsection weight gain, skin...
Published 01/04/24
Are you ready to rebuild healthy skin? Join me on Tuesday, January 9th at 7pm ET / 4pm PT for a free webinar on the SEVEN biggest mistakes people make when trying to fix their chronic skin rashes. Get access by registering at www.RebuildHealthySkin.com to join me live (or to get the replay)!
Published 01/02/24
If you’re on the fence about collagen (as well as how to build more of it), I’m excited to share that research now demonstrates the many collagen benefits that exist. Collagen for skin health is crucial, along with the many ways it supports your gut and joint health too! I talked about collagen benefits as well as collagen peptides + collagen protein supplements, but I’ve never really shared about other factors to build collagen. And it’s that piece about building collagen that’s such a big...
Published 12/28/23
Before you buy food sensitivity testing, you need to hear this because so many people are harmed by these tests. For one thing, food sensitivity testing is touted as a miracle, cure-all answer for skin rashes. So when you take the test, cut out the foods, and your rash is still flaring up — it can leave you feeling really lost and even hopeless that things will ever change. AND for many, food sensitivity tests trigger food fear that drives unnecessary diet restrictions that do more harm than...
Published 12/14/23
Many health experts swear that to be truly healthy, you’ve got to “move the lymph” using some sort of lymphatic drainage routine – often with expensive tools or techniques. The hope is that you’ll somehow clear infections, lose the bloat, and clean out toxins. While yes, lymphatic drainage is important, it’s not a miraculous solution. The type of lymphatic drainage routine you choose and when you do it is pretty important (especially if you’re dealing with chronic illness, active rashes, or...
Published 12/07/23
Have you ever heard of mast cell activation syndrome but thought it was the same thing as histamine intolerance? It’s not… MCAS or mast cell activation disorder is much more serious! Today’s guest dives into what are mast cells and will show you how mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) is distinctly different and more complex than histamine intolerance. Though I have spoken about histamine intolerance before (I do see a lot of clients who struggle with this along with chronic hives and...
Published 11/30/23
Did you know that the inflammation that drives your eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, etc., could be triggered by your oral microbiome? That's right... Inflammation that shows up on your skin is often triggered elsewhere! And one often overlooked spot in the body is your mouth. Like your gut microbiome (which I've talked a lot about on the show), your oral microbiome is also incredibly diverse and can, due to a variety of factors, become dysbiotic or imbalanced. The resulting immune response...
Published 11/16/23
Can you get a rash from thyroid disease? Yes, yes you can. And in this episode, I’m connecting the dots between autoimmune thyroid disease and chronic hives. Today, we’re digging into how your thyroid can affect your skin, and how you can determine if yours is part of your rash trigger. If you’ve been struggling with a rash that just won’t disappear and you feel like you’re running out of options (and hope!) be sure to download the Stop My Rash Guide here so you can figure out your root...
Published 11/09/23
Elimination diets can be therapeutic tools to support your health. But they also have the power to trigger disordered eating patterns + food fear. Except for a few instances, elimination diets aren't meant to be long-term health solutions — even when it comes to chronic skin problems like eczema or psoriasis or any of the other skin conditions I talk about here. Health books + wellness influencers who declare otherwise have unfortunately helped perpetuate a state of deep confusion, fear,...
Published 11/02/23
If you've ever wondered, "what is contact dermatitis?" -- you're in for a treat because this episode is going to blow your mind! My guest Dr. JiaDe (Jeff) Yu lectured on contact allergic dermatitis at the Eczema Expo 2023 hosted by the National Eczema Association, and I found his presentation so valuable that I invited him here to share the ins + outs on the topic. We covered a ton of information, but what I can say is that contact dermatitis is complex! Allergic contact dermatitis isn't...
Published 10/26/23
By now, I think everyone knows how I feel about protein intake. It's one of the reasons I was super excited to have back on a past guest to talk about protein myths and her NEW book, which I found utterly fascinating. It dives into the actual science as to WHY people need protein in their diets- for wound healing, blood glucose regulation, and so much more. My guest today is Dr. Gabrielle Lyon. She is board certified in Family Medicine and completed a combined research and clinical...
Published 10/19/23
Testing for candida when you have what you think is a candida rash can feel really discouraging. Especially when you have all the classic signs of candida overgrowth, and yet, your test comes back “clear.” What a frustrating waste of time and money, right? These results probably leave you feeling like you don’t know where to turn, or what’s causing your rash.  And maybe you’ve even got symptoms of a fungal skin infection that don’t match up with test results. Now what? Well first off,...
Published 10/12/23
If you've seen all these viral videos on caster oil benefits for your eyes, you're in for a treat! I asked a returning guest about a recent VIRAL TikTok video on castor oil that made me pause -- mostly because you really need to be careful what you put on or near your eyes. The eyeballs are very delicate tissue so... Is castor oil really the magical elixir everyone online is claiming it to be for eyes? You might be surprised by her opinion! My guest today is Dr. Carly Rose, a distinguished...
Published 10/05/23
One of the questions I hear a lot is “what causes candida overgrowth?”  Because Candida is one of the underlying root causes that can cause your gut and your skin microbiomes to become imbalanced or dysbiotic, it must be factored into your case. Specifically, since Candida + other fungal organisms can trigger rashes to flare up. Candida can be super frustrating to deal with because it’s such an opportunistic fungal bug.  We’ve all got Candida living in our bodies (including in your...
Published 09/28/23
Today we've not only got a fan favorite back on the show, we are going to talk about a topic that I've only had ONE other guest talk about- perioral dermatitis. I know firsthand from a handful of clients I've worked with that perioral dermatitis is not only frustrating because it's hard to diagnose and find the root cause, but it's embarrassing because it is a lot of times on the face. So, let's dive in! Today's guest is Dr. Julie Greenberg is a licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND) and...
Published 09/21/23
Get ready to talk all about ears- everything from ear rashes to ear inflammation and ear infections! Also, this is another FIRST for The Healthy Skin Show. I've never had anyone come on to talk about ears! So, if you've had issues with your sinuses or ear drainage and wonder if it could be related to inflammation in your body, stay tuned to hear from today's guest who dives into what could be a root cause. My guest today is Dr. Haley Overstreet. She is a highly accomplished physician with a...
Published 09/14/23
Description: Are you ready to rebuild healthy skin? Join me on Tuesday, September 19th at 7pm ET / 4pm PT for a free webinar on the SEVEN biggest mistakes people make when trying to fix their chronic skin rashes. Get access by registering at www.RebuildHealthySkin.com to join me live (or to get the replay)!
Published 09/11/23
PCOS (aka. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) is a complex issue impacting many out there that can cause specific skin issues! So let this be a reminder that PCOS is not just a fertility disorder because it can + does impact the entire body in ways you might not even realize. This is the first-ever episode to focus on PCOS and my guest today knows exactly how challenging it can be for women to just get a diagnosis. We're going to dive into PCOS testing, PCOS root causes, the PCOS-gut connection...
Published 09/07/23
Nutrition labels should make your diet + nutrition choices easier, but sometimes they do they exact opposite. And that’s the case when it comes to the Daily Value %. Over the last few months, I’ve repeatedly seen the Daily Value % used or discussed in ways that just don’t make sense. As well as people who are afraid to take a particular supplement we might recommend to them because the Daily Value looks like an astronomical number. And that’s troubling for me as a nutrition professional...
Published 08/31/23
Get ready for the "squirmies" if talking about worms and parasites (living INSIDE your body) makes you a bit squeamish! Parasites tend to get a bad rep, but in reality, they are a part of life. Most everyone HAS parasites already but doesn't need to do a parasite cleanse. Today's guest is the Queen of Parasites, and she gives insight on when you should consider doing a parasite and worm cleanse for your skin condition. My guest today is Robin Foroutan, a leading expert in Integrative and...
Published 08/24/23
If you’ve ever tried eliminating foods to help your skin rashes, I want to share some newly published research on elimination diets + food fear. This research is extremely eye-opening AND troubling simply because it tells us that there is a very significant + real risk of wrecking your relationship with food. I’m not saying that improving the nutrient quality or diet diversity is a bad thing. But elimination diets (regardless of health concerns) can be an extremely slippery slope to...
Published 08/17/23
Today we get to talk about the gut and skin "picture" that tends to show up in psoriasis patients. There's research that states that the gut of those who have psoriasis looks eerily similar to those who have inflammatory bowel disease or IBD. Yikes! Today's guest completely agrees with the emerging research as well, so let's dive in. Today's guest is Fabrizio Galimberti. He completed his medical training at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine-Case Western Reserve University, received...
Published 08/10/23