Meet Joyce Weiss, the Conflict Resolution & Communication Coach. Did you know that unresolved conflict at work costs US companies a whopping $359 billion in losses every  year? HR and Business Professionals state they spend more than 2½ hours per week trying to resolve conflict.  Joyce shares insights and strategies to help employees and managers feel confident using their voice without losing their cool - to feel heard and respected.  Beverly and Joyce cover many timely issues in this...
Published 11/30/22
Conversations can become contentious in a hurry in the current climate; whether you are talking politics, values, or any number of topics. Everyone has the need to be seen and heard, but the skill of listening sometimes seems like a lost art.  It takes intentional effort to listen well, particularly when you don't agree with someone. The real problem is that when you become offended, you shift into judging the other person. And judgement builds a wall of separation and blocks effective...
Published 11/09/22
Tracy Johnstone communicates “The Johnstone Difference” with warmth, authenticity, and a professionalism that inspires. Tracy’s experience as owner and operator of a chain of McDonald’s franchises equipped her with fascinating and powerful truths about how to hire well and build a team of cohesive business people who demonstrate loyalty, accountability, and bring their best to work on a consistent basis.Her conversation with Beverly is full of wisdom on how to create an organizational culture...
Published 10/26/22
An energizing conversation with Sandra Nestor Love, an engaging communication expert who is committed to customizing integrity-driven results for teams to benefit both emotionally/professionally! Today, we're talking about her new board game, "The BEST!" and how it can be used to create a healthy organizational culture. Things to  know about Sandra:  - Certified Public EQ Keynote Speaker & Legacy Leadership Trainer-Over 50 perfect 5-star Google Business reviews- Intl Missionary, Published...
Published 10/05/22
Welcome to Season Three of The High Road to Leadership. Your host, Beverly Lewis, will focus this season on identifying and developing the skills you need to create job satisfaction and build a healthy workplace culture. Leading yourself well is the door to leading others well, so we’ll keep it personal. Who you are now is more important than who you were. Leadership is not so much about where you've been as where you are going. Who are you becoming? What is your vision? If clarity is your...
Published 09/21/22
When was the last time you strategically planned a pause that refreshes? I’m not necessarily talking about a trip or vacation. We all know we can pack every travel moment so full of activity that we return home exhausted. I’m talking about a pause that includes white space on your calendar. Time to think, dawdle, and rest. The fact is, a strong work ethic is part of my heritage and identity. I grew up with the belief system that you need to earn your own way. Get your work done every day and...
Published 06/22/22
Catriese Johnson is a speaker, author, thought leader, businesswoman, foster care advocate, and positivity powerhouse. Her book, I Am the One I’m Waiting For, tells the poignant story of her early life spent in foster care homes. It wasn’t until she was 16 years old that she realized her biological mother's promise to return for her would never come true. The waiting was over. Catriese decided she was the one she was waiting for. You would think this realization would result in the claim that...
Published 06/01/22
Jennifer Conoley is professional and polished while exuding authentic warmth and grace. As a dynamic leader and CEO by day, she commands attention. As and a wife and mother of young boys 24/7, she talks about dealing with hat hair from the many hats she wears. She is someone to listen to and learn from.   Jennifer is the President & CEO of Florida's Great Northwest, an organization created to promote economic growth and diversification, advocate for economic development issues that affect...
Published 05/18/22
The average person spends 90,000 hours at work over their lifetime. Is it unreasonable to expect that the majority of those should be happy ones?Beverly Lewis flies solo in this episode on the relationship between happiness and business success.  Despite a large body of positive psychological research into the relationship between happiness and productivity, happiness at work has traditionally been seen as a potential by-product of positive outcomes at work, rather than a pathway to business...
Published 05/04/22
Dr. Temitope (Tope) Keku has a passion to help others reach their full potential – body, soul, and spirit. She has a fulfilling career as a scientist as well as being an author, coach, and speaker. In this episode, she talks about the powerful combination of science and faith by sharing six steps to living life in peace, strength, and joy. Join us as we explore the hidden treasures in these steps:  Center Yourself Ask for Guidance Anchor Your Identity Inclusivity - Embracing the Gifts in...
Published 04/20/22
"Empowerment became a buzzword in business a while back and I have an aversion to buzzwords". This week's solo episode with Beverly Lewis addresses this issue by shedding light on why empowerment is a vital tool in a healthy culture. Entitlement is the opposite of empowerment. Entitlement lives right next door to laziness and is toxic in any culture. An entitlement mentality can be defined as a state of mind in which an individual believes that privileges are rights. It’s a mindset that finds...
Published 04/06/22
Research reveals that the #1 indicator of successful schools, organizations, and businesses is trusted leadership. Dr. Toby Travis is building bridges to mission fulfillment and well-being. His work on the fundamental value of trust is influencing schools, businesses, and organizations of all types.  In a recent Forbes magazine article, Travis comments, "When leaders, in an effort to build and expand the business, place the needs and wants of new clients over the wellbeing, success and...
Published 03/23/22
The adventure on the high road to leadership continues with a conversation with Dr. L. Carol Scott. Dr. Scott is a coach, trainer, and keynoter who teaches this truth: relationships are at the heart of all success.Dr. Scott’s first career was as a nationally respected thought leader in the U.S. systems for early care and education. She began with a BA in child development and a BA in anthropology. She earned an MA in early childhood education, and a PhD in developmental psychology.This formed...
Published 03/09/22
Our world has fundamentally changed and this troubled world is demanding a better brand of leadership. The changes we're facing require a fundamentally different response. There’s a whole new way of living, working and winning. And there’s a whole new way of leading.Dr. Nadya  Zhexembayeva of the Reinvention Academy states, " Our challenge is not to survive until things stabilize. Our challenge is learning how thrive in constant uncertainty."It's imperative that we power into change rather...
Published 02/23/22
Diane DiResta, CSP, is founder and CEO of Diresta Communications, a New York City constultancy that serves business leaders who deliver high-stakes presentations – whether one-to one, in front of a crowd, or on an electronic platform. Speaking is the new competitive advantage.  Your success today depends on how well you present. And the delivery of that presentation determines your success trajectory.  Gifted speakers might be born, but effective speakers are made. Regardless of your...
Published 02/09/22
Meet DiAnna Wallace, ND. Her passion for helping others shines through her calling as a naturopathic doctor. In this episode, she shares the surprising story of how she found her way to this profession. The timing of her message is perfect as we set out to accomplish new things and build new dreams in 2022. DiAnna shares practical and simple tips to energize your body and your life. Did you know 80% of medical visits are related to stress? Her take on wholistic health will encourage you and...
Published 01/26/22
What does it mean to take the high road? To choose to do the right thing -regardless of whatever people think or do. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, and I I took the one less traveled by,And that has made all the difference. - Robert Frost There is a crisis in leadership in America and globally.When we reach a peak of excellence or achievement, we can see new vistas and are challenged to set the next goal. So here we are at the beginning of a new year. Circumstantial uncertainty can be...
Published 01/12/22
Are you measuring your success in a way that celebrates progress? Or do you constantly find yourself frustrated at the gap between your expectations and your reality? The traditional way of setting goals  needs adjustment in the face of the cataclysmic change we’ve all experienced. In this episode – the wrap for season one of The High Road to Leadership – Beverly reviews the highlights of what she has learned thus far in her podcasting journey. There are always challenges that go with a new...
Published 12/01/21
At times, we all face the kind of disruptions in our life that knock us down. Sure, the leadership books all say that's how we develop resilience. But what do you do when you get lost on the very road you thought for certain was the right one?You keep going. The best way out is through.  In this episode, Beverly describes the personal challenge she has been walking through for the last several months. She hasn't previously posted about the flooding issues that have resulted in the loss of her...
Published 11/17/21
Beverly Lewis' conversation with Letitia Bates, owner of At the Wheel Coaching, is a fascinating one. Letitia is a Mindset & Empowerment coach specialized in helping coaches & consultants get unstuck & stop procrastinating so they can create the impact & income they desire.Keys unlock doors. You must open them. In this episode, Letitia and Beverly discuss insights on how to open the doors before you to become your best self. Letitia uses the acronym I CAN to represent her...
Published 11/03/21
“You leave people with an experience of yourself every time you deliver words”. Mary Lyn Jenkins, author of The Transformative Power of Language: Change Your Language. Change Your Life shares fascinating insights about communication in this episode.  Mary Lyn is a momma, wife, coach, speaker, consultant, and writer.  She began her career as an interior designer and worked for Southern Living Magazine. Her move to the West Coast opened an opportunity to become a set designer. She taught yoga...
Published 10/20/21
Three Ways to Increase Your Emotional Intelligence, the topic of this solo episode with Beverly Lewis will provoke you to think as well as provide tools and strategies for raising your EQ.Ever worked with someone who made everyone’s day better – when they didn’t show up? 99% of people say they've had the misfortune to have a co-worker who was clueless that everyone in the office considered them difficult to work with. Emotional Intelligence is a meta-skill for leaders in the 21st century....
Published 10/06/21
So many people start in the corporate world and dream of owning their own business.  Tammy Dunaway’s path took the opposite direction. She owned her own business for 20 years, then led a non-profit organization, and now works within a corporate framework at Gulf Coast Regional Medical Center. In this conversation, she shares leadership lessons from each of these chapters of her career. Health care taught her the discipline of bringing your best to work every single day because you can’t...
Published 09/22/21
Inspired, hopeful, and challenged - all in the course of 25 minutes. Willie Spears is a professional speaker and is passionate about motivating people to become more, serve better, and add value to their families, teams, and society. Willie has authored 11 books including Win at Home, Bib or Apron, Transforming Your Life from Good to Great, and Culture Creators.From the classroom to the locker room to conference rooms across the country, Willie brings his energy, candor, and truth to provoke...
Published 09/08/21