We have all had that moment when we need to speak to someone. We don't need their judgment or suggestions. We need them to sit with us and listen. This week we are talking about holding space for others.
Published 03/29/23
Published 03/29/23
This week we are talking about how we respond to trauma. It comes in different forms and has a different effect on each of us.
Published 03/10/23
We have all met them - they are the best and you will never have the life that they have. Narcissists are a personality type that is overly aggressive and manipulating. This week we are talking about how to spot them and to share our experiences with them
Published 02/15/23
2022's word or the year is how we are starting of 2023. This week we are talking about Gaslighting. There are ways to recognize and deal with this when it happens to you.
Published 01/18/23
Burnout fatigue syndrome
Published 04/20/22
Spring is finally here! Lets get going on spring cleaning that brain! Say what???  cleaning the brain?? YEP!  Angela discusses ways to get your mind ready to take on the new challenges life is bringing your way! she offers tips that will bring you peace of mind and get rid of the old junk cluttering that mind!      
Published 03/30/22
Angela is back! She talks about the major swerve life just sent her way and how reflecting back on previous episodes and life lessons helped her gain fresh perspective! 
Published 02/23/22
Angela is excited to be back! She discusses being away, where the show is heading and begins the discussion on SAD as the fall season approaches.
Published 10/15/21
Today we are announcing some show changes for a bit.  Eian is stepping away due to some work obligations for a while.  The New Day Podcast will continue but with some changes to the format.
Published 08/18/21
Believe it or not, shame and guilt- while they are similar there are distinct differences. This week we share ways that we have experienced guilt and what you can do to pivot into being more productive.
Published 07/21/21
We often have two or more thoughts that occupy our minds, and then we experience conflict.  That conflict causes mental and emotional discomfort. This week we dive into the topic of what happens in our minds when that happens - we get cognitive dissonance.
Published 07/14/21
Learning to control our response to others is not as easy as it sounds. Learning how to monitor our emotions, how we respond, and learn to work with others is a valuable skill. This week we are talking about Dan Goleman's research into understanding ourselves and our emotions better.
Published 07/07/21
We talk with Jarom Thurston - who was our first international listener from down in Brazil. He shares how he started into marathon running and then moved into ULTRA marathon races. We discuss how he started from an "I'll try it "and pivoted into a whole lifestyle.  If you get a chance also be sure to check out his episodes with Coach Blu on our sister show - Addict to Athlete here on the Radio Ronin network.
Published 06/30/21
We are talking about our need to take a chance and be more vulnerable with those around us. No matter if it's someone you are close to, at work, or with your friends, vulnerability is what helps to create better connections. We revisit thoughts from seeing Brene Brown's incredible TED Talk on vulnerability.  If you haven't watched it, see the link below. We would like to know how do you feel about vulnerability?  Do you practice it or are there ways that you want to but aren't sure...
Published 06/02/21
From the moment we are born we are curious. This week we talk about why you should foster your curiosity and let it take you into places that are unfamiliar.
Published 05/29/21
Now that Eian is done with his degree - he is taking on a couple of new goals. One was inspired by one of our listeners.  That is to become a life coach. While we have been doing research for our shows over the last year this term has come up many times. We introduce you to the concept of thought work and how it is going to be a major theme that opens up new topics for us to talk about.
Published 05/19/21
Josh from Radio Ronin stops by and wants to dig deeper into Toxic Positivity. Eian shares a new author he found - Dr. Susan David and some of the insights from her TED Talks and book "Emotional Agility". We also come up with a new term - Corporate Toxic Positivity. All of us have been there - you are expected to drink the Corporate Kool-aide especially when you are not feeling it.
Published 05/05/21
We are talking about when you "hit the zone" or are experiencing a runner's high, which is known as being in the Flow State. There are many names for this, and it's when you know you are just firing on all cylinders. What are ways that we help get there? What is the process for achieving it? How do you hit Flow State, and as equally important, how do you recover after this burst?    
Published 04/28/21
We know that Eian has a passion for communication, one piece of communication that doesn't get taught to us is listening. We are usually more focused on responding or reacting to what we hear. We share things that will help you be a better listener with others.
Published 04/14/21
Eian and Angela share their experiences with grief.  From death to the ends of relationships or jobs, a sense of loss turns us to dark places.  Knowing you aren’t alone and that you aren’t broken if you don’t follow the “5 step grief process” helps a lot.
Published 04/09/21
Suffering is part of the human condition. What we choose to do with that suffering is totally up to us. We discuss how choosing to decide that events in our life are just that events. Allows you to move past the pain.
Published 03/31/21
We can look into others' lives through the internet, and all of us have felt a desire to want what others have.  But what happens when you go beyond that?  You want to see someone lose it – that is envy. Today we are talking about alternatives to feeling envy towards others.
Published 03/24/21
One of the most challenging things we can do for ourselves is actually to love ourselves. When we priorities our happiness and put ourselves first, we can be accused of being selfish. This week Eian shares his three pillars of self-love and the ways that he focuses on loving himself.
Published 03/19/21
We have all be there where things didn’t work out the way we thought they would – for a job, a relationship, or anything else.  Yes, it is a failure – failures aren’t necessarily the bad thing that we think they are. Failure is how we grow. Letting go of the failure and moving on is the final step of growth.
Published 03/17/21