Welcome to our FIRST Friday Episode! We have Chandler Smith from Radio Ronin stops by to talk about perceptions. We all have ways that we look at things. Chandler edited an award-winning Documentary on Perceptions and is sharing what he learned from some of the top experts in Perceptions. Be sure that you listen to Chandler on RadioRonin.com on Bash Music on Spreaker.com.
Published 03/12/21
With as busy as we are these days, stress is part of life. It comes in many forms. We talk about ways that we deal with what is stressing us out today.
Published 03/10/21
We are talking about what we do for Self Care. In a busy world that has been full of abnormal stressors, we have to take better care of ourselves. Let us know if you do something to take care of yourself that we didn’t mention.
Published 03/03/21
What do you do consider to be “important” to you? What is important should be your guide for everything that you do in life. Quite often these days we see things that are urgent but not really all the important. When you come up against decisions in life having a clear picture of what is important makes it easier to navigate life.
Published 02/24/21
When faced with difficult situations, we all “dig deep” and muster a force inside of us to push through. This week we talk about the research by Angela Duckworth for her book “Grit.” No matter what you call it, you have had to use it to make it through tough times.
Published 02/17/21
Today we are more distracted than ever with every device and a life that is set up to let you "know" when something is happening. This is detrimental to getting what you want and need to be done. We talk about ways to set yourself up to not fall pray to the hey, pay attention to me world we live in.
Published 02/10/21
You have worked hard to dig deep. You have figured out where you want to go and made the changes in your life. Now it's time to make sure that those changes stick.This week's book recommendations:James Clear - Atomic HabitsDavid Allen - Get Things DoneDr. BJ Fogg - Tiny Habits 
Published 02/03/21
This week Jimmy Chunga from Radio Ronin talks about how he battles with SAD. Seasonal affective disorder is a condition that he was diagnosed with while on the air as a DJ in Salt Lake. He and Ang talk about ways they have overcome what some call “the winter blues.” You can find Chunga on RadioRonin.com and playing dance music on Bash Music each Saturday through Spreaker.com.
Published 01/27/21
This week we are talking about moving out of one of the most destructive modes that we can get in, self-pity. Feeling down or sorry for yourself will happen, but there are ways to make sure you don’t stay there.  We have all been there multiple times, and life can get you down. You mustn't stay there.
Published 01/20/21
Today more than ever, everyone and everything try to steal our time. It is important to understand how to say no. A simple but powerful work that often has a very negative connotation to it. We share reasons why we should all be embracing the word NO. Be sure that you let us know how you say NO or a recent time you have said to others.Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/NewDayPodcast orInstagram – https://www.instagram.com/NewDayPodcast  
Published 01/13/21
There is a line between being an optimist and putting out toxic positivity. We talk about how you need to be accepting of how someone truly feels about what they are experiencing. It is ok to not be happy all the time and keep repeating that it’s going to be fine. We talk about how the “Good Vibes” only philosophy can be destructive towards others.Be sure to let us know if you have experienced any of these on:Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/NewDayPodcast orInstagram –...
Published 01/06/21
Welcome to our final episode of 2020! To wrap up what a listener called “Deep Dive December,” we are talking about the process of reinventing yourself. We share ideas on how to tackle this with a method to help you stay the course.
Published 12/23/20
What you say to yourself is the most important conversation that you have each day. It is time to be more compassionate with yourself and reframe the conversation.  Be sure you let us know what are positive things that you are saying to yourself: https://www.facebook.com/NewDayPodcast orNew Day Podcast (@newdaypodcast)
Published 12/16/20
We discuss the five types of Imposter Syndrome this week and which ones we identify with. In this “fake it until you make it” world, it becomes difficult to tell what is real and what isn’t on social media. It’s essential to understand its effects on our self-perceptions. If you would like to read the book that Eian mentions this week check out the link below:https://amzn.to/33TlXII 
Published 12/09/20
Each of us has a way that we perceive ourselves. As we wrap up the year and start to think about how we want to set goals and make changes for next year, we have done what Eian likes to call "deep work" and examine ourselves. What do we think about ourselves? This is a more formidable challenge than you make think.
Published 12/02/20
Our friend Gregg from Gregg's Guide to New Music here on the Radio Ronin Network stops by. We talk about what started him into music, his newest musical purchase and ghost hunting.
Published 11/25/20
This week, Eian and Angela discuss ways to deal with situations that seem almost impossible to face. With 2020 throwing so many challenges at people and new things popping up every day that make us feel like we are completely of control, they share how they have been navigating through the plot twists that have come their way. Be sure you join the conversation and share how you have bounced back from situations like this on Facebook or Instagram.
Published 11/18/20
Fear is a part of everyone’s lives. How we deal with it and move on is what Eian and Angela are talking about this week.
Published 11/11/20
While life will bring you disappointment, how you deal with them is even more critical. This week Eian and Angela talk about things that have disappointed them in life and ways they overcome it.
Published 11/04/20
For the month of November, we are asking you to post each day something that you are grateful for. It could be someone that helps you, your home, your job, or even your health.  When you post each day be sure to tag us and put the #AttitudeofGratitude on each post daily.  We can't wait to see what you all are grateful for.
Published 11/01/20
Motivation is something that we struggle with even in the best of time. Eian and Angela share their tips on how to boost your motivation. If you have your own ways and we don't talk about them be sure that you share them with us.
Published 10/28/20
We are talking about something that we all could use a little more in 2020, kindness. There are many benefits to you and those you show it towards. We talk about the ways that we can show kindness to each other.
Published 10/21/20
Spencer Myers from Radio Ronin stops by to talk about the power of creating habits in your life. He discusses how he has used habits to make changes for the better, and Eian even did homework to get ready.
Published 10/14/20
Eian and Angela are talking about the signs of burnout.  Most of us are not just feeling everyday stress anymore, and we are hitting a major wall. It’s not a sign of weakness to admit it.
Published 10/07/20
There will be a time in your life when it just becomes overwhelming, and we need to cut back on everything. This week we discuss strategies on how to cut back and enter survival mode. That way, you can get things back to where they are manageable and re-engage with life when you’re ready.
Published 09/30/20