The pandemic has dramatically changed the way sales organizations operate and function in the marketplace. Traditionally thought of as an in-person, hand-to-hand sport, sales has now shifted to a virtual playing field. Listen in with Samantha and her guest Jason Rushforth, SVP Americas for SugarCRM, as they discuss the shift in sales strategies caused by the pandemic, how to motivate your team virtually and how to be as flexible as possible with prospects and customers.
Published 03/09/21
While companies focus on many different employee issues, such as diversity, inclusion and equality, one area that needs more attention, especially during these trying times of a pandemic, is the mental health of its employees. Listen in with Samantha and her guest Lisa McLaughlin, who shares her personal experience with depression and bipolar disorder and how companies can build an environment that is more conscious and empathetic to the mental health of its employees.
Published 03/05/21
Is your idea worthy of a book? Listen in with Samantha and her guest  Anne Janzer, author of her latest book, Get the Word Out: Write a Book That Makes a Difference, as they discuss the art of book writing, how to crystallize your ideas, define the audience you want to serve with your message, and how to build confidence in your expertise and authority of the subject matter.
Published 02/10/21
Exciting new research by Mathew Sweezey, Director of Market Strategy at Salesforce, explores the important question of what has changed in customer experience due to the global pandemic. Listen in as Mathew shares his insights on how purchasing processes have shifted, causing marketers to shift GTM strategies from a broad focus to a much more narrow and deep mapping of our buyers' journey, and to clearly understand that customer experience is the method, and the outcome is the goal.
Published 01/08/21
The pandemic has caused numerous changes within our organizations, as well as significant shifts in the stakeholders we serve. Changes in roles & responsibilities at the customer organizations we serve requires us to reevaluate our relationships and sometimes bring them back to the onboarding stage of their journey. Join Samantha and her guest Rachel Krug, VP of Growth Operations at Business.com, as they discuss how the global pandemic has shifted business operations internally within...
Published 12/10/20
Businesses large and small have had to change and adapt their business models due to Covid.  You may have found yourself with an all-remote workplace, experienced shifts in consumer expectations, or needed to market products online for the first time. Marketers have had to reprioritize in order to survive. Join Samantha and her guest Rebecca Grimes, CMO at Ruby.com, as they discuss how a global pandemic has affected not only businesses, but the customers they serve and the importance of...
Published 12/01/20
Amidst COVID, the holidays present a challenge as we communicate and celebrate our customers and employees. Creating meaningful experiences that are authentic and relatable can foster genuine connections within the communities we serve. Join Samantha and her guest MK Getler, Head of Marketing at Alyce, as they discuss how the context of community has shifted over the last several months and how to take advantage of opportunities to build connections that are personal and relatable.
Published 11/24/20
The events industry was crippled by COVID-19.  Fast forward six months, and we see companies getting back to work and finding new ways to engage audiences in live events that mimic face-to-face experiences. Join Samantha and her guest Jon Ellms, EVP at Access TCA, as they discuss how companies are reimagining events, adding experiential components to entice and engage participants, and ultimately creating an event that will become an ongoing community experience.
Published 11/10/20
Really great marketing ideas bloom from ad-hoc, in-person work environments we enjoyed before the pandemic.  How do marketers continue to foster vibrant, spontaneous content creation remotely, while being sensitive to what's happening around the world? Join Samantha and her guest Xenia Muntean, CEO & Co-Founder at Planable, as they discuss the challenges content marketers face working remotely and the importance of over-collaborating when developing content in the throws of a pandemic.
Published 11/03/20
Marketers are storytellers.  Successful messaging can be measured by how well the message aligns with the organization's core values and how well stakeholders can take those messages and make them their own. Join Samantha and her guest Matthew Woodget, Founder & CEO at Go Narrative, as they discuss the importance storytelling plays in creating messaging success and practical storytelling techniques to apply to your brand, its value proposition and positioning.
Published 10/20/20
Change introduces uncertainty. Now add in a global crisis to a corporate acquisition and you have uncertainty of seismic proportions. Join Samantha and her guest Daniel Incandela, CMO at Conga, as they recap Conga's acquisition journey occurring right in the middle of a worldwide pandemic, and how they navigated these times of uncertainty with empathy and transparency for both their employees and customers.
Published 10/14/20
In order to adapt our marketing strategies and messaging faster and more cleanly, the foundation of our world view needs to be solid.  Marketing that's rooted in our strengths will deliver messages that will resonate for the long-term. Join Samantha and her guest Tamsen Webster, Founder and Chief Message Strategist at Find the Red Thread, as they discuss the importance of defining your red thread and how it will allow you to put anything new thrown at your business and put it in context of...
Published 09/29/20
There are many different types of intent data that provide insights into our customers’ buying journey. Join Samantha and her guest David Crane, VP of Product Marketing at Intentsify.io, as they discuss the importance of intent data and how it can be used to find efficiencies within our sales organizations.
Published 09/18/20
Re-engaging your customers after a temporary hiatus due to the pandemic is more than just adjusting your messaging. It must include a careful re-evaluation of customer needs in the context of big change. Join Samantha and her guest Patrick Tripp, SVP of Product Marketing at Cheetah Digital, as they talk about fresh and interactive ways to develop content to better engage customers.
Published 09/09/20
Operating remotely has forced us to reestablish the relationships we have with our co-workers, as well as our customers. One bright spot amidst the craziness is that, for the most part, people have become more empathetic towards each other. Join Samantha and her guest Kyle Lacy, CMO at Lessonly, as they talk about rebuilding cultural connections and the importance of having empathy in marketing in general, not just during a crisis.
Published 09/01/20
In-person collaboration tools we've come to know, such as white boards, small group discussions, even body language cues, tell us if our audience is engaged or not, but may not always available to us. Listen in with Samantha and her guest Kristan Rodriguez, Author of "Universally Designed Leadership", as they discuss tips and techniques to successfully work collaboratively in a virtual setting and how to utilize technology to maximize participant engagement, all while taking into...
Published 08/27/20
Starting a small business and sustaining it is difficult for most.  It takes grit, hard work, and a little bit of luck! Join Samantha and her guest Myoshia Boykin-Anderson, Founder of AndTech Solutions, as they discuss Myoshia's journey as a self-made business woman, the lessons she has learned along the way, and how she fosters a diverse work environment for employees to thrive and succeed.
Published 08/13/20
Marketing and social movements have collided like never before. How do we pivot our marketing strategies amongst these global narratives in a way that is genuine and authentic, and not be seen as pandering or offering empty promises? Join Samantha and her guest Katie Martell, Author of “Trust Me, B2B”, and soon-to-be-released documentary, “Pandermonium”, as they dive into the benefits and risks of performative allyship and what organizations must do to successfully align with social movements.
Published 07/22/20
Marketing ads and communications should always be designed to serve our audience.  But how do we adjust the tone of our messaging with so many issues going on in our world today? Join Samantha and her guest Kwame DeRoche, Executive Director of KwamWrites Creative, as they discuss the importance of honing our messaging to be more thoughtful, considerate, and empathetic to the needs of our customers in times of crisis, and to remember that our best work happens when we engage multiple kinds of...
Published 07/14/20
Rethinking our communications strategies is imperative in the current climate set by a world-wide pandemic and social injustices happening globally. What are the right and wrong ways to navigate these crucial times with our customers and how will our voice impact our relationships with them? Join Samantha and her guest Abby Borden, Customer Experience Expert at Cordial, as they discuss the nuances of getting our marketing messages right in the midst of difficult days in our society, setting...
Published 06/10/20
Direct mail marketing strategies are shifting as many customers and prospects are working from home due to COVID-19. Join Samantha and her guest Greg Segall, CEO at Alyce, as they discuss in detail how personal gifting can shift your direct mail strategy to a personal and relatable marketing effort, and what are best practices to reach customers while respecting their privacy and personal data.
Published 05/14/20
During our healthcare crisis, it doesn't matter what kind of business you have, everyone is being affected. In particular, small business owners are facing difficult challenges and are looking for guidance on how to adapt and survive in these uncertain times. Join Samantha and her guest David Fionda, host of Biz Breakthrough Network, as they discuss how the network is providing expert solutions for COVID-19 business challenges and how they are providing a helpful forum for business owners ...
Published 05/05/20
In this continued time of crisis, companies large and small are faced with making difficult decisions about their employees, their brand, and their customers.  Many of these decisions test their core beliefs and business ethics in a way never imagined. Listen in with Samantha and her guest Paul Hargreaves, author of “Forces for Good”, as they discuss ways to embrace this disruption with empathy and how to be a better corporate citizen.
Published 04/21/20
No amount of planning could fully prepare us for a global pandemic like we are experiencing right now. COVID-19 abruptly threw millions of workers into remote work environments. How should managers help their employees through the transition? Join Samantha and her guest Mari Anne Snow, Founder & CEO of RemoteNation, as they discuss the challenges companies and employees are facing in a mandated work from home environment, some helpful tips for working remotely, and important...
Published 04/07/20
We are excited to be speaking with Mathew Sweezey, author of "The Context Marketing Revolution", which hits bookstores today!  Listen in as Mathew describes our new world of infinite media created by consumers and ordinary people alike, and why conventional marketing models employed to reach these buyers have become obsolete.
Published 03/24/20