As I wrap up Season 2 with this episode of Wellness Reimagined, I’m reflecting on the evolution that the show has taken since March 2022.  While I started out talking about disordered eating and body image, I’ve personally discovered that that’s just the surface level. The thread that ties those behaviors, along with codependency, people-pleasing, and perfectionism together is a deep-seated belief that ‘I am unlovable’. And the survival strategy we adopt is to literally and figuratively...
Published 08/28/23
Have you ever heard that healing happens in relationship? There’s only so much growth we can do alone, because there aren’t as many triggers by ourselves. In relationship, we have the chance to see, mend, and grow exponentially more because of the myriad of opportunities and triggers other people provide. In this episode of Wellness Reimagined, I’m ready to share a big learning that came out of a few month’s battle with anxious attachment. If your pattern in relationship is to fear rejection...
Published 07/31/23
Published 07/31/23
'But I felt confident when I was thinner' is the number one thought error women have about their body image. Ready for the reframe?  You felt you could show more skin and not be subject to your own self-criticism.  You felt you could go for a second helping and not risk judgment from others. You felt you could look at photos and identify less ‘flaws’.  That is not confidence.  That is a false sense of safety. I invited Randi Cox onto this episode of Wellness Reimagined to provide insight as...
Published 07/03/23
When I was deeply entrenched in elimination diets, intermittent fasting, and militant workouts (because wElLnEsS right?) it was because I thought I had 100% control over my health outcomes. I was a victim of ‘healthism’ and wonder if you too might hold these beliefs?: Health is a personal responsibilityThe pursuit of health is morally virtuousIf you don’t have your health what do you have?Do you know how much diet and exercise impact our health outcomes?  15% This statistic broke my brain,...
Published 06/05/23
Remember when I said I was going to spend 6 months of Nicaragua’s rainy season in Mexico City? I take it back! I recorded this week’s podcast episode to share a life update and some of the coaching lessons that came out of making this decision. I also created these journal prompts for those of you who find it helpful to get your thoughts from your head to paper.  I would love to hear what you learn about yourself from doing this exercise. And if what I share in the episode resonates with you,...
Published 05/08/23
In this week’s episode of Wellness Reimagined, I invited a friend and former client on the show to share her experience with 1-1 coaching. Nicole came to me at the start of 2023 with a general feeling of being stuck and stagnant, wanting to create energy and space to make her creative ideas come to fruition. Together we worked on her prioritizing herself and being more decisive which helped her ease out of people-pleasing tendencies. I am so proud of her for what she’s been able to accomplish...
Published 04/24/23
Are you familiar with 'good girl syndrome'?   Fear of disappointing othersDesire for perfectionObedience to rulesReluctant to speak upIn this week’s episode of Wellness Reimagined, I had the honor of interviewing my coach and mentor, Stephanie Dodier. I met Stephanie in May of 2021 after I had binged her podcast, Going Beyond the Food. She is the antithesis of what I had been taught about being a ‘good girl’. She’s bold, assertive, and her own number one fan. If it weren’t for this woman, I...
Published 04/10/23
Do you feel like… You lack self-discipline? You don’t have control over your life?You’re not productive enough?You’re letting yourself go physically?You’re useless without accountability?You’ve tried every diet, workout program, cleanse and detox under the sun, but nothing gives you the sustainable change you’re hoping for?Want to know a secret? You’re not broken. You’re simply a victim of diet culture - a $60 billion industry that thrives on you believing that optimal health, happiness, and...
Published 03/27/23
I grew up in a Christian household, went to church every Sunday, and was involved in youth group as a teen (mostly for the boys ;)). It wasn’t until I transitioned to the non-diet world that  made the connection between the shame I felt about my body and purity culture. This week I had a great interview with a colleague of mine, Jolyn Martin. I had invited her on the show to talk about exercise and I don’t think either of us expected the conversation to turn into the parallels between...
Published 03/13/23
When you first start dating someone, do you experience anxiety?  Do you analyze his communication to try to speculate where the relationship is going?  Are you on the lookout for any potential signs of lost interest on his part? In this episode, I challenge the traditional model of dating that assumes the ultimate goal is a monogamous marriage. This practice of being open to other possibilities helps reveal from where and why our insecurities exist. Humor me… What you’ll learn in the...
Published 02/20/23
This episode is for for you if you are stuck in complaining endlessly about the same problem in youir relationship. And feeling like you see so much potential in your partner’s ability to change so that you can get your needs met. And it feels so scary to believe that the only alternative is to end the relationship. You don’t want that to be the outcome, and yet you’re sacrificing so much of your own peace and happiness just because you don’t want to give up hope. And you’re so afraid that if...
Published 02/06/23
We spend so much time ruminating about the past and letting it inform our present self image and the reality we create in our future. Our brains are wired that way to preserve energy and to keep us safe with what’s familiar. In this week’s episode, I share an exercise I learned from my coach and mentor, Stephanie Dodier, that helps us rewrite our story to remove things like victimhood, perfectionism, people-pleasing, and codependency, so that we can shift into empowerment, embrace our...
Published 01/23/23
I talk with my clients a lot about how the subconscious beliefs, thoughts, and stories that keep us stuck in patterns that aren’t taking us in the direction we want to go. Whether it be food, body, relationship, or career, our brains are constantly operating off arbitrary rules that are designed to preserve energy and keep us safe (because outgrowing our comfort zone is uncomfortable!). Because we’ve been practicing these biases for a lifetime, and many of them conform with societal...
Published 01/09/23
I was never one for setting New Year’s Resolutions. I think because basically every evening was a new resolution for me: eat less, move more, have the perfect body, finally feel worthy. But for those of you who have grand plans for becoming a ‘better version of yourself’ (hint: you’re already good enough), I have a different approach to pursuing goals I wanted to share with you in this week’s podcast episode. Clean vs. dirty goals is a concept I learned from my coach and it’s completely...
Published 12/26/22
Does the thought of giving up control of food and accepting your body as it is today make you want to jump out of your skin? In this week’s episode of Wellness Reimagined, I invited Vanessa Preston of Green Life Psychology to share her wisdom on getting the nervous system on board for food and body image work. We discuss the importance of self-compassion, the role shame plays in our relationship to food and our bodies, and tools for regulating the fight or flight response.  Vanessa is a...
Published 12/19/22
I’ll never forget the absolute relief I felt when I first learned and believed that it was possible to not think about food 24/7. Little did I know that that was only just the tip of the iceberg. Coaching has since provided myself and my clients endless positive outcomes that span more than just food and body. Rebuilding self-worth changes the way we relate to romance, money, career, and more. In this week’s podcast episode, I wanted to share 12 of the positive outcomes that you can expect...
Published 12/12/22
Have you ever considered whether exercise is something you could be using to process or avoid processing unpleasant emotions? No doubt I love the grounding, centering aftereffect of both a restorative yoga practice and a challenging weight lifting session. But how to be clear on what your intention is? This is why I invited a colleague of mine Kim Hagle on the podcast to share some insight on the matter. Kim Hagle (she/her) is a Certified Personal Trainer, Registered Holistic Nutritionist,...
Published 12/05/22
What I love about coaching is that it asks us to take an empowered stance of assessing where we are and where we want to be. We put as much energy toward creating the version of ourselves we are becoming as we do understanding what brought us to where we are in the first place.  Another thing I love is that the work never ends. We may start with food & body, then assess our relationships, then reimagine our relationship to money, and there’s no arrival point. It’s a great lesson in...
Published 11/28/22
This week I invited a guest onto the podcast who I met through the Yoga for Eating Disorders community. Heather McCornack is a yoga teacher who specializes in teaching people in eating disorder recovery, trauma recovery, and chair yoga for seniors. She is on the teaching faculty at Yoga for Eating Disorders. Heather also has a master's degree in voice and has spent many years in musical theatre and teaching voice. This education and experience led her to study breath with Jill Miller, founder...
Published 11/21/22
On Saturday, December 3rd, at 12:30mp EST I'll be hosting a free online coaching + yoga class. If you can't make it live, I'll be sending out the replay so you can still participate! The inspiration for this event was a theme I've encountered recently with my clients as well as myself. Whether it stems from our body image, our bank account, our relationship status, or the choices we've made in the past, we all struggle to some degree with not feeling good enough. And we fight this feeling by...
Published 11/14/22
My guest on this week’s episode is Ardelle Viau, a friend colleague, and fellow coach. Ardelle is an ex-dieter turned ex-weight loss coach, turned ex-holistic nutritionist, turned ex-toxic-free enthusiast turned intuitive eating and body image coach. With over a decade of coaching experience, she now specializes in helping women pause perfection to find a peaceful relationship with food and their bodies inside her signature program, Authentic Appetite.  In this episode, we discuss the harms...
Published 11/07/22
I’m kicking off the second season of Wellness Reimagined with an episode to share what I learned on my first solo travel to Mexico City - there was a lot! Before I left I kept telling my coach I was going to have a big revelation and she laughed at me and told me I’d seen too many movies…well, here’s the big revelation! My goals for the trip were to: -Practice Spanish -Make decisions -Spend $ for pleasure -Go on dates! Each of them was an incredible container for self-coaching that led me to...
Published 10/31/22
Women come to a place of struggling with food and their bodies for a number of reasons. For me, and maybe you as well, it was never having developed my own self-confidence, self-validation, self-worth, and a general sense of self. The way I coped with lacking those things, aside from controlling food and my body, was to jump from relationship to relationship in order to fulfill them through other people. The need to constantly be in a relationship is a sign that you're not comfortable with...
Published 09/05/22
If I could tell you I had a magic pill that would mean you'd never have to experience unpleasant emotions again, would you take it? I think most people would! It's normal to fantasize about life being butterflies and rainbows all the time, but it's definitely not realistic. So in this week's episode, I wanted to bring light to the fact that it's those moments when we feel like everything is impossible that are typically where our biggest growth comes from. In this week's episode, you’ll...
Published 08/29/22