As we continue navigating a global pandemic, everything is changing around us. What was once normal is not normal anymore. Truths are coming out. Old ways are dying. If we resist the change, we can feel stuck and even depressed. It’s a time to challenge ourselves, to not resist the change, rather go with the flow and reinvent a new normal. This may look like a spring cleaning with relationships, food, television and music. In episode 76 of A Drop of Sunshine podcast, Daphne challenges you to...
Published 08/04/20
As we continue navigating a season we’ve never navigated before…deep emotions of fear, anxiety, depression and loneliness are flooding the internet. In episode 75 of A Drop of Sunshine podcast Daphne validates your feelings because this global pandemic is simply hard. We’re not meant to go through hard things alone. If we don’t seek help or renew our minds with truth, there are negative consequences that can quickly spiral into unhealthy paths. If you’re navigating big emotions and struggling...
Published 07/28/20
Tony Robbins says it best: “Where Focus Goes, Energy Flows.” It’s so easy to focus on areas of our life that are not going as planned, or problems we may think we have, or.. the list goes on. What\ever you choose to focus on, naturally your energy is going to flow to that thing. The quickest way to suffer in life is to focus on all the things that are not going right in your life, stay stuck in the past or live for the future. During such a trying time and negative news in the midst of a...
Published 07/21/20
We live in a world where people are glued to their phones. Technology has done a fabulous job of controlling us, rather than us controlling it. We may think it’s been a source of deeper connection but the truth is, it’s not. It’s taking away from real connection. Our hearts feel it. We know it. This episode is dedicated to challenging you to experience life in a more fulfilling way, by practicing being present in every moment.. which means less reaching for your phone and more happiness. It’s...
Published 07/14/20
Whether it was a parent or your second grade teacher, you can probably think back and picture specific people in your past that have positively shaped the trajectory of your life. There was likely one thing they did different than others around you: truly believed in you. There’s something extremely powerful in a relationship when one believes in the other person. When expectations are high, we’re likely to match them. When expectations are low, we’re likely to match them. In episode 72 of A...
Published 07/07/20
There’s no doubt about it: everyone has been impacted by unforeseen storms of life lately. Every person you have ever met has gone through some degree of pain. Whether it’s the Coronavirus, financial trouble, vulnerable current topics like racism, broken relationships, most are navigating tremendous pain. Episode 71 of A Drop of Sunshine podcast is a reminder of hope.. to not waste the pain. Our current pain is our future privilege. It’s an opportunity to face the pain head on, heal, gain...
Published 06/30/20
When we’re going through a challenging time or trying to navigate big emotions, it’s not always our first instinct to pick up a pen and start writing. Believe it or not, one of the most powerful things you can do in those trying times, comes from that very simple thing: pen to paper. It brings an overall sense of clarity, healing and well being into your day. In episode 70 of A Drop of Sunshine podcast, I talk about the 7 benefits of journaling and challenge you to practice the habit of...
Published 06/23/20
Our thoughts are powerful. They’re more powerful than you realize. With the storm we’re all bracing in different ways right now, it is a time to be extra aware of what we’re focusing on, thinking about and allowing to attract into our world. We cannot control a thought entering our mind but we have 100% authority of the meaning we give to that thought. As Tony Robbins always says, “where focus goes, energy flows.” In episode 69 of A Drop of Sunshine we talk about the law of attraction and how...
Published 06/16/20
Everyone has a different experience of what is going on in our world today. It’s a very fragile, vulnerable time with deep layers. It’s a time we need empathy more than ever. Just because someone does not share the same experience with another (whether it’s a political view, beliefs, morales), it does not give the right to invalidate the way someone else may be experiencing the world. It’s just not our position to prove someone wrong or force them to take your position on a specific topic. In...
Published 06/09/20
We are living in a very fragile, vulnerable time. The innocent death of George Floyd this past week has broken the heart of our country. This is a time to use our voices and stand up for what we believe in. Racism exists. Police brutality does exist. We live in a world filled with hate. I don’t have all the answers and I do not know what it’s like experiencing this world as a black person but I do know some things must change and love conquers all things. In episode 67 of A Drop of Sunshine...
Published 06/02/20
WHO does she think she is? She is a force of impact, confident and determined. She is quite frankly unconcerned with judgement, going after her God given gifts unapologetically. She is CONFIDENT in who she is, what she believes and the reason she has a beating heart — not based on the foundation of money, fame or status. She understands the depth of purpose— how life without it is meaningless and her time on earth to fulfill it is short. We live in a world of filled with judgment and...
Published 05/27/20
When we’re in pain, feel anxious, or face an obstacle in life, our natural inclination is to sweep it under the rug and carry on. In episode 65 of A Drop of Sunshine podcast, I give you a new, fresh way of looking at problems or pain in our life. They’re simply just a flashing red sign, that area of our life needs a little extra attention or healing. Whether it’s marriage, motherhood, or maybe your business, we should be growing in every department of our life. If we do not face the problems...
Published 05/19/20
You will never FEEL like it. Whether it’s having an uncomfortable conversation, facing a physical goal, or having self discipline for anything that is uncomfortable is never something we FEEL like facing. It’s so easy to push it aside and think we’ll get to it tomorrow, or press snooze a few times or never have the conversation that needs to be had with someone we love. If we cannot trust ourselves to keep our word, how can we expect others to trust us? There is power in giving our word and...
Published 05/12/20
The Corona Virus has flooded our world with depression, anxiety, fear, loneliness and many challenging feelings. Who and what we surround ourselves with is crucial to how we feel, especially during vulnerable times. Music, movies, television, relationships.. They all shape how we think, which leads to feelings, words, action and ultimately, our destiny. Now more than ever we must guard our eyes and hearts with what we allow in. There are three departments of our life that need extra watering...
Published 05/05/20
Do you feel quarantined and stuck? Have feelings that lack motivation? I understand how you feel. In episode 62 of A Drop of Sunshine podcast I validate your feelings, help you to not feel alone then challenge you to utilize this time wisely. I share a practical tool that can help you become the person you’ve been wanting to become or feel the feelings you have been desiring to feel. www.snugglepedic.com     Discount Code:  daphne10 Let's connect!       Facebook:...
Published 04/28/20
Episode 61 of A Drop of Sunshine is a reminder about seasons of our lives and how they are only chapters of the full story. There’s another side and the one you’re sitting in the middle of right now is so temporary. Whatever you’re feeling, it’s so important to feel it! Your feelings are VALID. There’s no such thing as joy 24/7. Exhaustion, happiness, sadness, anger, grief, joy.. whatever it is, don’t suppress it like many feel inclined to do or are taught to do as ‘strength.’ Feel it and if...
Published 04/21/20
We don’t have a say of when a storm will hit our life but we do have a say in how we respond. Our mental state is just as important as our physical and honestly they go hand in hand. From unimaginable tornado devastation to the Corona virus and tremendous fear flooding our world, I cannot help but be concerned with our mental state. We’re used to having control and answers... without that sense of control and unknowns we go nuts.. and wipe the store of toilet paper to feel more in control.  ...
Published 03/17/20
We’re all more similar than we realize. It does not matter the race, size, age, or gender. There’s something we all have in common. If we truly understood the depth of this, I believe our world would be a very different place. It would be a place with more love, empathy and grace. In episode 59 of A Drop of Sunshine podcast, I share what I believe our common denominator is and how we can use this perspective to understand one another in a different light. I challenge you to do something that...
Published 03/10/20
Episode 58 of A Drop of Sunshine podcast is a little.. let’s say different from previous episodes. It’s all about childbirth. I share my at home water birth experience with you. My intention with this episode is to take the fear away from childbirth, to empower women to believe in their bodies and take leadership of their intuition through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.. to share resources to help any expecting mom know the benefits of a natural childbirth verses medicated, intervened,...
Published 03/03/20
Life gets crazy. Dishes pile up, laundry piles up, unfinished projects, dirty diapers, dinner to be made.. full in the blank. Life can get simply chaotic which can lead to an overwhelming feeling of defeat. If you’re reading this right now, you’ve survived 100% of your past chaos and if you’re in the midst of one right now, have peace knowing, it will also pass and things will settle. In episode 57 of A Drop of Sunshine podcast I share the number one thing I’m prioritizing in the midst of...
Published 02/26/20
The way we start our day sets the tone for the rest of the day. Whether you realize or not, the moment you open your eyes, there’s all sorts of thoughts that are thrown your way and many of them tend to be negative, defeating and a recipe for a day disaster. They can be ill thoughts if the past, fear of the future, maybe bitterness towards someone who did you wrong. I understand. In episode 56 of A Drop of Sunshine podcast, I challenge you to be aware of your thoughts at the start of the day,...
Published 02/18/20
We can do all the preparing in the world but there’s a point we come to that’s out of our control. It’s a point to rest and wait having clarity you’ve done everything in your power. There’s just no more preparation you can do. It’s now out of your control. After forty weeks of pregnancy, filling my mind with truth, reading all the books to prepare for an at home water birth, I just watched my due date pass before my eyes with a baby still very comfy in my belly. Sometimes you can’t eat enough...
Published 02/11/20
Life is full of circumstances we cannot control. There are moments we must surrender, feel the emotion, let out the tears, then bounce back. Maybe your house is upside down, you’re in the middle of an unforeseen delay, have pending unfinished projects, in the midst of career changes, dealing with postpartum blues. You are not alone. No one has it all together no matter what cookie cutter lifestyle they portray on social media. In episode 54 of A Drop of Sunshine podcast I get vulnerable and...
Published 02/04/20
Life is truly a precious gift. Tomorrow is never promised. As the world mourns the loss of legend, Kobe Bryant and 8 others in a tragic accident, it brings a true reminder and eye opener to the realization we can go any minute. Whether you have a week left on earth or 50 more years, our hearts will all eventually stop beating. It’s so easy to get caught up in unimportant stresses of life that we think are problems then get stuck in things like not forgiving, resentment, bitterness.. list goes...
Published 01/28/20
A restful night of sleep is key to every aspect of our lives. From focus, health, energy, hormones, mood, drive, clarity, relationships.. we can keep the list going. I say mindset is everything but without proper rest, it’s truly nothing. When you get a restful night of sleep it is a game changer. You may be reading this and struggle with sleep. Maybe you even struggle with insomnia. When I used to work overnight hours, I was deprived of sleep and felt major repercussions because of it. My...
Published 01/21/20