Does sleeping with a nightlight cause scoliosis?That’s just one of the questions that I discussed recently with my friend and nervous system expert Kerry Green, LCSW. This chapter of Curve Convos is all about answering questions we’ve received from listeners:Whether rebounding exercise is safe for scoliosis and spinal fusionHow to safely use a vibration plateExercises that are better/worse for specific curve typesBest bags and accessories for scoliosisHow scoliosis affects mental health and t...
Published 08/25/24
Feeling bored with your exercise routine?Keeping the same workout routine for months or years can sap motivation and make exercise less effective. In this episode, I’m sharing advice on how to shake up your exercise routine in a scoliosis-safe way:Reasons why workouts start to feel boringWhy brain engagement is important during exerciseTips for overcoming exercise boredomHow to incorporate scoliosis-specific movements Catch the full episode for all the details.Resources mentioned:Ahead o...
Published 08/18/24
Are sports and PE classes dangerous for kids with scoliosis?In most cases, physical exercise is beneficial for children with scoliosis. In this episode, I’m covering some of the most common questions I get from parents of kids who have scoliosis:Why physical activity is important for people with scoliosisWhich sports are best for spinal healthActivities that should be approached with cautionReliable resources for learning more about scoliosisHow to advocate for your child at schoolCatch the f...
Published 08/11/24
Is your scoliosis care plan customized for your unique curve?The shape and severity of your curve should dictate how you exercise and care for your spine. In this episode, I’m explaining how I develop scoliosis exercises and treatment plans for clients with different types of curves:The different types of scoliosis curvesWhy certain movements and exercises are best for specific curve typesHow to care for your curve type in daily lifeFinding the best positions for sitting, walking, and lying d...
Published 08/04/24
Have you ever felt guilty or ashamed about your scoliosis?It’s actually a common experience for many people with scoliosis! And there are several ways to respond to it, which is one of the topics I discussed with Kerry Green, LCSW, in this month’s edition of Curve Convos.We also covered many other aspects of living with scoliosis:Finding a better perspective on agingFeeling shameful, fearful, or guilty for back painPhysical and mental tools for dealing with a scoliosis pain flare-upThe dorsal...
Published 07/28/24
Do you have a chronic condition in addition to scoliosis?If so, you’re not alone. It’s actually quite common for people with scoliosis to experience other conditions that cause chronic pain, physical limitations, and mental health challenges.I recently talked with Kim Moscatello about her experience with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and her work with clients who have various chronic conditions. Our conversation covered a lot of ground:What it’s like to live with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome The ment...
Published 07/21/24
Have you ever tried water therapy for scoliosis?Water-based exercises can help you elongate and strengthen your spine in a fun, comfortable way. In this episode, I explain how to use pool time for scoliosis care: The benefits of water-based exercise for scoliosisThe science behind water therapyThe best water exercises and rotations for scoliosisHow to build core strength, balance, and coordination in the poolFinding your alignment corrections in the waterThe importance of weight-bearing ...
Published 07/14/24
How do hormones affect your scoliosis curve?The hormones in your body can impact your scoliosis symptoms and even accelerate curve progression. This can be especially true for women, who experience significant hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause.However, there are several ways to counteract those hormonal effects and prevent your curve from progressing. This episode covers how hormones impact scoliosis and what to do about it:Statistics about scoliosis in men vs. womenHo...
Published 07/07/24
Which summer activities are good for scoliosis?There are plenty of dire warnings about the dangers of roller coasters and jet skis for people with scoliosis. But the truth is that summer offers far more opportunities than restrictions.In this short and sweet episode, I’m sharing a bit about all the summer activities that can be safe, enjoyable, and even beneficial for scoliosis:Hiking outdoorsTaking mini walks throughout the daySwimming (and just floating in the pool)Standup paddleboardingOth...
Published 06/30/24
How can you be comfortable at the pool with spinal fusion? Can you safely perform myofascial release if you have scoliosis? Can you pass scoliosis to your kids?These are just a few of the topics I recently discussed with my good friend Kerry Green, LCSW. I always learn so much talking with Kerry, and this month’s Curve Convos discussion was no different. Our conversation ran the gamut:Items we’ve been excited to purchase but then never useWhether scoliosis is hereditaryThe mental health aspec...
Published 06/23/24
Ever feel extra sore after an exercise session?Your joints might be jammed! And the best way to reduce pain and encourage optimal movement is to unjam those joints as soon as possible.This episode is all about jammed joints. I’m explaining how they happen and what to do about them. Listen for details:The difference between tight muscles and jammed jointsHow a jammed joint impacts your movement capabilitiesHow ground reaction forces cause pressure on your jointsThe arthrokinetic reflex and how...
Published 06/16/24
Would scoliosis coaching benefit you?It helps to hear what a coaching program is actually like. In this episode, I’m talking with Laura Figueroa about her experience in The Scoliosis Strength Collective. Our conversation covers all the essentials:How to know which scoliosis care program is right for youThe challenges of exercising consistentlyDeveloping a self-care mindsetHow to identify self-corrections The benefits of knowing your unique body and curveThe importance of accountabilityHo...
Published 06/09/24
Are you so focused on healing your scoliosis that it’s doing more harm than good?If you’re not seeing the results you want from your scoliosis care, it’s easy to think that you should just “try harder.” But doing so often has a negative effect. This short episode covers mindset from a different perspective:How being too focused can be detrimentalRecognizing mindset challenges impacting your resultsTaking a big-picture approach to your scoliosis careCatch the full episode for all the deta...
Published 06/02/24
Is cycling safe if you have scoliosis? What about doing twisty yoga stretches?These are just a few of the topics I recently discussed with Kerry Green, LCSW. Kerry is a nervous system expert who has scoliosis, and she provides fascinating insights into living with chronic pain and other scoliosis symptoms. I always learn so much during our conversations.This episode of Curve Convos with Kerry covers everything from heatless curls to overcoming our fears, and so much more:Whether cycling/spinn...
Published 05/26/24
Are your eyes contributing to your back pain?They might be! But there’s an upside — strengthening your eye muscles can help reduce back pain and improve your mobility.This episode is all about how the connection between your cranial nerves and scoliosis:Why a holistic approach to care is so effectiveThe body’s hierarchy of self-protectionThe connection between your cranial nerves and other body systemsHow to identify and address eye issues impacting postureCaring for your cranial nerves and e...
Published 05/19/24
What should you do when you feel like you aren’t seeing results from scoliosis physical therapy?Change your approach! Every person is completely different, and it’s crucial to find a treatment approach that works with your body and addresses your unique needs.That’s just one of the things I’ve learned from working with Anna Hartman, founder of MovementREV. She’s my guest in this episode, and we’re diving deep into the essentials of physical therapy and scoliosis care:The importance of listeni...
Published 05/12/24
What’s the best way to care for your scoliosis curve?It all comes down to understanding the basics of curve care. Once you know how you want to support your spine, you can incorporate effective movements and habits into your daily routine.This episode covers the four scoliosis basics: ElongationStackingBreathStabilizationUsing these basics to reduce pain, improve posture, and increase mobilityCatch the full episode for all the details.Resources mentioned:Scoliosis Basics MasterclassSched...
Published 05/05/24
Do other people with scoliosis have similar experiences to yours?It’s a question that most of us ask ourselves occasionally. There’s so much value in hearing other people’s experiences and knowing that you aren’t alone!I recently got to chat with Kerry Green, LCSW. She’s a licensed therapist and coach, and also a spinal fusion warrior! In this free-flowing conversation, Kerry and I covered a lot of ground:Thoughts on bracingHow scoliosis impacts physical activitiesFear of physical movement an...
Published 04/28/24
Is your scoliosis impacting your sleep?The position you sleep in can affect your spinal curve and contribute to back and neck pain. If you’re waking up tired or in pain, you might need to change your sleep habits. This episode covers all the essentials of sleeping with scoliosis:Habits that help improve sleep qualityHow spinal elongation exercises can help with sleepBedtime breathing exercisesWhy sleeping on your stomach isn’t ideal if you have scoliosisWhich sleep positions are best for diff...
Published 04/21/24
Feel like it’s impossible to keep up with a scoliosis exercise routine? Many people feel this way because they think spending hours in the gym every day is necessary to see results. But that’s not true! Just 10-20 minutes a day can be extremely effective in helping you build strength, improve your alignment, and reduce pain. This episode explains everything: Common reasons that people think they don’t have time to exerciseFinding your motivation to change your routineTime management tips for...
Published 04/14/24
Are you living with chronic pain? It can be an extremely frustrating and debilitating experience. But it’s important to remember that you’re not alone — and there are ways to address your pain. This episode is a discussion with Agnes Szymczak, a chronic pain coach and spinal fusion warrior. Our discussion covers many different aspects of this complicated topic: Agnes’ scoliosis story and experience with chronic painA holistic (mind/body) approach to pain managementLifestyle factors that can...
Published 04/07/24
Does scoliosis affect your digestive system? Yes — probably more than you think! The truth is that your spinal curve can prevent your digestive organs from functioning optimally, which can lead to uncomfortable issues like heartburn and constipation. But you don’t just have to live with these symptoms. This episode includes all the information you need to support good digestion and feel better: Gastrointestinal issues that often affect people with scoliosisHow posture impacts digestionWhy...
Published 03/31/24
Who needs scoliosis bracing? Is it really an effective treatment method? Spinal bracing has been used to treat scoliosis for a long time, but it has evolved a lot since the early days. However, there are still many misconceptions about bracing, how it works, and who it can help. This episode is a detailed overview of scoliosis bracing: A history of bracing designs and treatment approaches for scoliosisHow bracing helps de-rotate the spineHow to cope with bracing and get the best...
Published 03/24/24
How can your scoliosis curve cause pain in other parts of your body besides your back? Because every part of your body is interconnected, there are many ways that your spinal curve can create pain. But once you understand the underlying cause of your chronic pain, you can treat it more effectively. This episode dives into scoliosis pain and covers some of the less obvious causes of pain and how to address them: Internal organ movementTrapped nerves and muscle tightnessLimited spinal...
Published 03/17/24