On today’s episode, Sonja Radvila talks about her path, from Indian classical dance to Ashtanga Yoga to the exploration of different self-inquiry practices to writing her book and creating intuitive prayer jewelry. Sonja talks about the process of breaking out of the mould of the identity of ashtanga yogi, and how this allowed her to make space to receive what the ancient teachings have to offer. She describes how her own practice has changed as she learned to listen to the body, moving...
Published 07/25/20
Luke Jordan is a certified teacher of Ashtanga Yoga, long-term student of philosophy and Vedic chanting, Sanskrit buff, and natural-born storyteller. Originally from Northern Ireland, Luke settled down in Portugal a few years ago where he teaches a one-month long yoga programme in Sintra, the Ashtanga Yoga Summer School. Luke has also been leading an online chanting project since the first days of lockdown in March, the Online Enchantment, offering a then daily and now tri-weekly dose of...
Published 07/11/20
In today's episode, Haṭha Yoga teacher Federico Zanchetta offers a restorative and healing practice of Yoga Nidrā, a guided meditation that will take you into a state of deep relaxation, halfway between sleep and wakefulness.   The deep relaxation induced by Yoga Nidrā creates a calm and receptive state, conducive for revealing and releasing feelings that do not serve us, such as fear or anxiety. ABOUT FEDERICO ZANCHETTA: Federico has been a student of Haṭha Yoga for half his life and a...
Published 04/06/20
Published 04/06/20
Esta meditação guiada foi criada especialmente para crianças pela Maria Rita Furtado.  Esperamos que ajude a tranquilizar a cabeça dos nossos pequenotes, a libertar tensões dos seus corpinhos e a apaziguar os seus corações nestes tempos mais desafiantes. A meditação começa ao minuto 4.50. E-mail: [email protected]
Published 03/19/20
A guided meditation for children, recorded by Maria Rita Furtado, both in English (episode 5) and in Portuguese (episode 6). . Our children may be feeling anxious and restless (understandably) with everything that is happening around them, with how quickly everything is changing. This guided meditation was created especially for them by Maria Rita. It will help them quiet the noise in their little heads, tap into their little bodies, and open their little hearts. . Please share it with...
Published 03/19/20
Yogagurukula Series | Discover what a day looks like for a student staying at the Yogagurukula, with a detailed description of all the activities that are part of daily life at Dr. Vijaya Manja’s home and school in the South of India. Diana reads a piece of writing called Days of Sattva, the third of a trilogy on the gurukula and Guruji, inspired by and written during her recent stay there. If you would also like to read it, you can find the blog post at www.betweensadhanaandseva.com, as...
Published 02/25/20
Yogagurukula Series | Teleport yourself to Pandeshwara and feel what it is like to arrive at the gurukula for the first time.  Imagine driving through the garden and seeing the house and shala up close, meeting the people – and animals – who are an essential part of this story and feeling the grukula smells, sounds and textures. Diana reads a piece of writing called “Welcome to the Yogagurukula,” the second of a trilogy on the gurukula and Dr. Vijaya Manja, inspired by and written during...
Published 02/25/20
Yogagurukula Series | Dr. Vijaya Manja is a one-of-a-kind teacher of ashtanga yoga, philosophy, chanting, and so much more. He lives and teaches in his hometown of Pandeshwara, in the South of India, where he welcomes students from across the world in his traditional school of yoga, the Yogagurukula. In this episode, Dr. Vijaya talks about his personal journey – studying in a traditional school in the Sringeri forest, going to Mysore to study philosophy and Sanskrit, and finding ashtanga...
Published 02/24/20
Welcome to the first episode of the Between Sādhanā and Sevā Podcast, a bridge to growth, healing, and happiness. This podcast will bring you insightful conversations with people from different walks of life, but with a common bond – a sādhanā – their daily spiritual practice, part of which is to be of service to others – sevā, by sharing their knowledge and gifts. These talks will discuss different ways of embracing spirituality and connecting to our true nature, such as yoga, meditation,...
Published 02/24/20