Movement of any kind that gets the heart pumping can seriously improve your mindset, mood, and overall health. Back in episode 108, we had world-class figure skater and Canadian icon Kurt Browning to get his impressions on a strength training regiment he had adopted called Isometrics. Along with Kurt, we welcomed the man who happens to be one of the leading names in isometric strength training and the inventor of Isophit...Brad Thorpe.  So, on this episode of Eat This with Lianne, we have...
Published 08/28/23
Have you heard the latest on Nitric Oxide? Do you know what Nitric Oxide is? Do you care? To be honest its a molecule in our bodies that plays a big role in our heart heath, our immune function, our brain, and even our sexual prowess. Now do we have your attention? On this episode of Eat This with Lianne we have invited back the now infamous Dr. B to help us break down what it is? Why do you need to know about it? And what can we do to increase the levels of Nitric Oxide in our bodies...and...
Published 08/21/23
Arthritis is a 21st Century epidemic! Now, the pain that comes from Arthritis and joint pain can be debilitating and can be the difference between living a good life and just living.  Now, there are different types of arthritis; so today, we will focus more on the pain and inflammation of osteoarthritis rather than rheumatoid arthritis...and we have invited a pain expert to help us understand where the discomfort comes from and how we can help to alleviate some of the symptoms and manage...
Published 07/17/23
It's possible you take one or more supplements every day. We have talked at length, study after study, about all kinds of Natural Health Products or NHPs right here about their effectiveness in combination with good food and an overall healthy lifestyle. In Canada, NHPs are defined as naturally occurring substances used to restore or maintain good health. Whether it's capsules, creams, solutions, ointments, tinctures, or drops... there are many choices out there. It's a heavily regulated...
Published 07/10/23
Your body is a whole ecosystem...cells of all kinds...and the number one way we keep it working well, and healthy...is through the food we put in our mouths! There's a lot going on in that environment of teeth and gums. Did you know there is a link between your mouth and situations like obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease...and so much more. From bacteria to inflammation...root canals to flossing...on this episode of Eat This with Lianne, we have invited an expert to expand on the idea...
Published 07/03/23
There are health issues you go to your doctor for...and you may also see a Naturopath, an Osteopath, or maybe a Registered Nutritionist...all in the name of trying to feel better. Have you ever heard of a Functional Medical Doctor (or Specialist)? These individuals come at health in how your body treats the root causes of disease and promotes wellness in each person.  From your brain to your belly, we are all different, so our treatments can be all different, tailored to what we need when we...
Published 06/26/23
There are planes, trains, automobiles....and so many more ways to travel these days. And with those options comes many other options for sustenance...some healthy...most NOT. But with some careful planning and knowledge, there is no reason, no matter how or where you travel, that we can't fill our bodies with better choices.  On this episode of Eat This with Lianne, we'll chat how to travel in healthy style as we delve into the planning process, ideas on snacks, smart supplements and more...
Published 06/19/23
We all know...FOOD IS MEDICINE! Nutrition is exceptionally important to help prevent and cure disease. All the antioxidants found in colourful fruits and vegetables...and the macronutrients we get from proteins, fats, and carbohydrates...together with our own body's chemistry and makeup, combine to create what we hope to be a strong, balanced, and healthy life. There is a term out there called Nutraceuticals which means our dietary supplements derived from food, sold in a pill, powder, or...
Published 06/12/23
If you're not feeling like your vibrant and kick-ass self, maybe you're running on fumes...you could be dealing with BURNOUT! It's not just physical burnout of tiredness and exhaustion, it happens to your mind too, as much, if not more. The conversation typically has been about adrenal glands, but the conversation has matured really be about the hormonal orchestra of your HPA Axis.  This hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal axis is where we need to focus on understanding what is happening...
Published 06/05/23
If you're a regular listener to Eat This with Lianne, you know the now infamous Dr. Davis Brockenshire...or as we affectionately call him DR.B! If you are new to Eat This, you need to get to know him! The answer is simple, but we believe it better that you listen, learn, and laugh along with us as we delve deep into the brain that astounds and amazes us on a regular basis. On this episode of Eat This with Lianne we welcome Dr B to the show to answer questions we have received from YOU, the...
Published 05/29/23
You may not want to listen to this episode while eating... you have been warned.  Parasites can live in your sinuses, eyes, ears, gall bladder... even your brain! They love warm, dark places, can be visible or invisible, and have a life span of up to 50 years. So, IF you pick one up, it could have been from your childhood, and they just now are rearing their ugly head(s). Now, what does that mean? On this episode of Eat This with Lianne, it's Parasite 101...what are they? How do you know if...
Published 05/23/23
Welcome to the "Kitchen Sink" of QUESTIONS episode...a plethora of your questions from weeks past about everything from chocolate to DNA testing to reading food labels and more. So, on this episode of Eat This with Lianne, we gather some of your questions and concerns and throw every little tidbit of knowledge we can back at you (including the KITCHEN SINK) Show notes found on liannephillipson.com   Join Us!
Published 05/15/23
Salt gets a bad rap. Seriously... we have all grown up knowing that SALT is bad for us... right? WRONG. SALT has been demonized over the years when our bodies need the minerals from SALT. Whether it's fighting cramps or maybe a bad case of indigestion, and even high blood pressure tied to low salt levels in your body? It might, so it's worth a deeper dive to find the truth.  So, on this episode of Eat This with Lianne, we have invited the co-founder of the world-renowned Celtic Salt to help...
Published 05/08/23
When you look in the mirror, what do you see? Really look at your face...your features, your eyebrows, your eyes, your skin tone, the lines on your face...and even the location of your ears! As we age, these quirks that show up tell quite the story, both physiologically and psychologically. Our faces draw a roadmap to how healthy we are and also can show our experiences in life, including injury, transgenerational issues and trauma.  To prove it, on this episode of Eat This with Lianne, we...
Published 05/01/23
I'm sure you've had an ANTI-histamine tablet....correct...?? Did you know it's not really fixing the issue, just blocking your body's ability to deal with the hormone called "Histamine? Interesting huh? Have you heard of Mass Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS)? Probably not. Bring in our resident genius, Functional Medicine expert, doctor extraordinaire, and good friend of the show Dr. Davis Brockenshire DC, to share about histamine imbalance, MCAS, and what you can do to lessen the load of the...
Published 04/24/23
Lets take a step back to take a look at the most BASIC nutrients...also called MACRO-Nutrients. It's kinda the fuel we use to make it through the day. What is it? How much do we really need? where do they come from? Every mouthful we consume has some level of macro-nutrients...fats, proteins, and carbohydrates...so it makes, on this episode of Eat This with Lianne, we delve deeper into these questions and spit out real answers, real information, and real ideas for us all to move forward and...
Published 03/20/23
What is your relationship with meditation? Lianne has dabbled in it for sure, and it truly changed her life. As a recovering "over-thinker", it helped her to stop, and see clearer, where her life was. where she was personally, and where she was going. Meditation has many benefits. It has been found to relieve anxiety, boost immunity, improve cognitive function...and so much more. On this episode of Eat This with Lianne, we have invited on a the Co-Founder and CEO of MUSE, as we dive deep...
Published 03/13/23
If you don't already know that sugar and processed foods aren't good for you? Welcome to the show ;) We're surrounded by it, bombarded by it ... so it's difficult to maintain a true focus on eating right. What if you could be held accountable for what you put in your mouth minutes after you consume it? For the past few weeks, Lianne and (Producer) Chris have had GLUCOSE monitors hacked into their very own arms, all the while taking notes as to how their everyday diets are affecting their...
Published 03/06/23
Ever take a SAUNA...or a cold blast in the shower?! Believe it or not, this teeter-totter of temperature is called contrast therapy and can actually prolong your life! The benefits of a few sessions each week in the heat and a few minutes a week in the cold may just be the secret to better mental and physical health. So, on this episode of Eat This with Lianne, we'll chat with Ryan Markham, the owner of Markham Works, a man whose specialty lies in the hot and cold of the business world...
Published 02/27/23
Hot Flashes! Headaches! Migraines! Rabid Weight Gain! Mood Swings! Dryness! Low libido...and more... doesn't that sound... AWFUL. It happens to so many women year after year, day after day. Is anyone doing something about it? The simple answer is YES. Peri-menopause and Menopause are topics that haven't been talked about nearly enough...and one major symptom is often overlooked for the physical maladies that occur...depression.  Thankfully our guest this week on Eat This with Lianne knows...
Published 02/20/23
With all the diets, and endless aisles of food, fasting etc...how do you know what works for you!? Have you considered that maybe our body is trying to tell us, but we're just NOT LISTENING. There is so much info out there, and can overwhelm us all (even Lianne) and while we all want to feel better...maybe the best thing to do...is nothing at all?! So on this episode of Eat This with Lianne, we invite a very special guest who's specialty is sitting back and listening in to our bodies from...
Published 02/13/23
To eat well...is to sleep well... Research proves it, but are we paying attention. Sleep can be huge piece in your journey to better health. There's REM sleep, deep sleep, sleep cycles, and so on... and with thousands of books, podcasts and stimulating content all based on "shut eye", it's no wonder we just tune most of it out to get more sleep. Sleep affects hormones, our genetics, our mood, our growth, our ability to repair and so much more so, on this episode of Eat This with Lianne we...
Published 02/06/23
We all have questions! Don't we?  ...Yes, we do! You have questions, and when you take the time to ask Lianne those questions...she does everything in her power to answer them.  Lianne loves to get questions from her lovely listeners through email and social media...so on this episode of Eat This with Lianne, we talk glucose monitors, belly fat, and plastics in your cup...all inquiries from your brain to our mouths.  Join Us! Show notes...
Published 01/30/23
What's in your glass, cup, or mug is under a bit more scrutiny these days. A recent headline asked if Lianne would like "...some plastics with my tea?" Weird...yes, but true... Staring into that cup of coffee, why would you worry what else is in there WITH the coffee... However, have you ever heard of the term CLEAN COFFEE? It's a thing. In fact, nutritionally speaking, it's better for your body. These days, there are a tonne of things you can add to your daily liquids to boost your...
Published 01/23/23
Can you relate when you feel like you just don't have the energy you once had? Maybe your energy and moods are up one minute .... down the next. Maybe it's a bit of BRAIN FOG. ALL of this can be connected to your Metabolism! It is true, so on this episode of Eat This with Lianne, we invite back a favourite of ours and many of you...Dr "B" is back to help us all understand the reality of Metabolic Flexibility. What is it? Why do we need to know about it and strive for it?  Let's find...
Published 01/16/23