I let my past hold me back for years until I finally let go and reclaimed my life. Let's talk about why it's so hard to let go, how to help yourself through it, and why it can change your life. The Life Daily 2023 Digital Planner: https://www.hopewatson.com/product-page/the-life-daily-2023-digital-planner SOCIALS: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifewith.hopee/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lifewithhopee YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJxe3jgG3vZpP-1zyBiBbYg Amazon...
Published 03/30/23
If you've ever wondered how you can manifest your dream life - this is for you. Today, I walk you through four things you can start doing to manifest the life you want. The Life Daily 2023 Digital Planner: https://www.hopewatson.com/product-page/the-life-daily-2023-digital-planner SOCIALS: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifewith.hopee/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lifewithhopee YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJxe3jgG3vZpP-1zyBiBbYg Amazon...
Published 03/28/23
I think we all wonder what our life's purpose is - but how do we find it? Today, I talk to you about five things you can do to start your purpose-finding journey. The Life Daily 2023 Digital Planner: https://www.hopewatson.com/product-page/the-life-daily-2023-digital-planner SOCIALS: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifewith.hopee/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lifewithhopee YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJxe3jgG3vZpP-1zyBiBbYg Amazon...
Published 03/23/23
Have you ever felt stuck in a rut, unmotivated to pursue your goals and dreams? Have you ever felt like you’re not making progress, no matter how hard you try? If so, you’re not alone. But there is a powerful mindset shift that can help you break free from this cycle of inaction and start making progress: the no zero-days philosophy. The Life Daily 2023 Digital...
Published 03/21/23
Today we're going to be talking about what to do when you're feeling overwhelmed. Feeling overwhelmed is something that many of us experience from time to time. It can come from a variety of sources such as work, relationships, or even just the general stress of life. Whatever the cause, it's important to have some strategies in place to help you cope with these feelings. So, let's chat about it!  The Life Daily 2023 Digital Planner:...
Published 03/16/23
Today, we’re going to be talking about the importance of joyful movement and how it can empower you. Unlike traditional exercise routines that may focus on specific body goals, joyful movement centers on the enjoyment of the activity itself. It's a way to connect with your body, reduce stress, and improve your mental health. Let’s talk about how it impacted my life and how it can do the same for you. The Life Daily 2023 Digital Planner:...
Published 03/14/23
When I first saw a video about a girl romanticizing her life, I felt incredibly inspired. I wanted to feel the way she felt - experience life in a new way that made everything feel a bit more special. So, I documented my pursuit of living life through rose-colored glasses.  Throughout this process, I started doing simple things that really made my daily life feel like a movie. Even if it was just making my morning coffee, I began curating a life experience for myself that made every second...
Published 03/09/23
I just finished reading Atomic Habits for the second time, and I was reminded of one of my favorite pieces of advice in the book. It briefly talks about something called the 2-Minute Rule. I was initially intrigued by this method because it only would take me two minutes. While I didn’t feel like I had hours to dedicate to building new habits, I definitely had two minutes. So, I gave it a shot. It ended up being the key I was missing to transforming my habits (and, by extension, my life). I...
Published 03/02/23
I’m someone who loves a good routine. There’s just something about it that makes you feel like you’ve got your whole life together. I’ve created and followed countless routines throughout the past few years. Everything from the Miracle Morning Routine (S.A.V.E.R.S.) to my own rendition of a productive ritual. Before starting a new routine, there would always be a few things that I’d take note of. So, if you’ve ever wondered how to create your own ideal routine, here’s my game plan for...
Published 02/23/23
I was never okay with being alone. I always had someone around, whether that be a family member, a friend, or a partner. While being around people isn’t a bad thing, it’s also important that we take time for ourselves every so often. I set out on a journey to date myself. The idea of solo dating can feel pretty intimidating, but it has been so worth it for me. Today, I talk to you about the three main benefits I experienced after dating myself for the past six months - let's get into it. The...
Published 02/16/23
A few years ago, I started my self love journey - and it isn’t as ridiculous as it sounds. After seeing so many people claim that loving themselves set them free, I was skeptical to say the least. But at that point in my life, I didn’t have the best relationship with myself. So, I figured I didn’t have much to lose. I started incorporating tiny acts of self love in my days. Some as small as treating myself to a cup of coffee, and others bigger - like planning a trip for myself. Fast forward...
Published 02/09/23
I've been in a slump lately, and I've been trying my best to get out of it. If you’ve ever found yourself in a funk and wondered what to do to get out of it — this is for you. There are three things that I’ll do to get myself out of a funk or maybe even to prevent one from happening. Let’s jump right into it. The Life Daily 2023 Digital Planner:...
Published 02/02/23
If you've seen the new WFH trend of walking while working, you might be wondering if it's something you should get into. Well, I tried it out for 30 days so I could share what I think with you! Today, I talk about the pros and cons of walking while working (with some bonus pro tips at the end) - hope you enjoy! :) The Life Daily 2023 Digital Planner:...
Published 01/26/23
Today, I sit down with Margaux Goubert for a casual chat about life! We dive into all sorts of topics like how we balance our time, schedule tasks, & get stuff done in our busy lives. The Life Daily 2023 Digital Planner: https://www.hopewatson.com/product-page/the-life-daily-2023-digital-planner SOCIALS: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifewith.hopee/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lifewithhopee YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJxe3jgG3vZpP-1zyBiBbYg Amazon...
Published 01/19/23
If you set goals for the new year only to let them fizzle out after a few weeks or months, then this is for you. Every new year, I would have this boundless motivation that inspired me to get back to exercising, eat healthier, and work harder. But it wasn’t permanent, and that’s the issue. We tend to head into the new year with a sense of new beginning that soon fades. We lose the sense of motivation to achieve our goals after a few weeks, and life just feels like life again. We go through...
Published 01/12/23
Let’s be real — does anyone really enjoy watching the sun set at 4:30 pm? I didn’t think so. Unless you’re a night owl, the shorter days during winter paired with the fading sunlight can really have an impact on your life. I tend to slow down, be less productive, and overall — I just feel less energized. This year, I started implementing a few things into my day-to-day life to help myself cope with the cold and dreary nights. So, if you’re looking for a checklist of easy things to do that...
Published 12/08/22
It’s no secret that we all go through peaks and valleys in life, but what do you do when you get stuck in the dip? I’ve spent the past decade looking for the answer, and today, I’m sharing what I’ve learned with you. The Recipe I Talked About! https://cookieandkate.com/thai-red-curry-recipe/ SOCIALS: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifewith.hopee/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lifewithhopee YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJxe3jgG3vZpP-1zyBiBbYg Amazon...
Published 12/01/22
You know how people tell you to stop and smell the roses? I was never that person. We live in a fast-paced society that rewards the “hustle” you put out. I spent the majority of my life operating on this mentality. Rushing to finish high school to rush to finish college to rush to get a job. And for a while, that worked for me. I felt happy and content with the life I had built, so I never thought I needed to “stop and smell the roses.” It almost seemed ridiculous - like an excuse people...
Published 11/10/22
We all have a tendency to look at the start of a new month as a chance to start fresh. It doesn’t matter if you didn’t go to the gym last month, it’s a new month (right?!) The idea of fresh starts and new chances is something that actually has the power to change the way we feel about our situations. People are more likely to change their lives if there’s a set start date (like November 1st of this month, or even New Year’s Day.) There is something to the idea of a fresh start that gets us...
Published 11/03/22
I’ve tried quite a few productivity tools, tips, and tricks over the past few years. All of them have their own perks, so I often find myself incorporating different tools into my daily routine. But, there’s one productivity tool that really stands out to me. I’ve used it consistently for the past five years, and I know I have it to thank when it comes to being able to balance everything going on in my life. Just before I started college, I started looking for ways to keep track of my...
Published 10/27/22
I spend a lot of time on my phone, and honestly, I've been trying to "break up with my phone" for a while now. I've tried everything from putting my phone in another room to setting up custom DND functions - but nothing really stuck. This month, I discovered something that helped me break my phone addiction, and today, I'm sharing it with you.  The timer app I use: https://pomofocus.io SOCIALS: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifewith.hopee/ TikTok:...
Published 09/15/22
It’s back to school season - I hope you’re all having a good time so far! When I was in college, I really struggled with balancing my time, so I thought I’d share some tips that I used to make life feel a bit more manageable. Today, I’ll walk you through a few tips that I still use to this day, and I hope you’ll find them helpful! :) SOCIALS: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifewith.hopee/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lifewithhopee YouTube:...
Published 09/09/22
I love waking up early, but I wasn't always like that. Mornings used to be something I would go through on autopilot, but honestly, I always wanted to be a morning person. So, I researched and tried out a few habits that other morning people tend to do - and it actually worked. Today, I'm sharing four things you can start doing to become a morning person, I hope you enjoy it. :) SOCIALS: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifewith.hopee/ TikTok:...
Published 09/01/22
I spent the past few weeks reflecting on which habits have made the biggest difference in my life. I ended up with 5 life-changing habits that I wish I had started earlier. Hopefully, this episode will inspire you to introduce new habits in your life that will have a positive impact.  SOCIALS: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifewith.hopee/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lifewithhopee YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJxe3jgG3vZpP-1zyBiBbYg Amazon Page:...
Published 08/04/22
Today, I sit down to talk to you about my college experience - everything from choosing a degree to figuring out what I really wanted for myself. So, whether you’re about to go to college or maybe you’re already there, I hope that sharing my experience helps even a little bit! SOCIALS: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lifewith.hopee/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lifewithhopee YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJxe3jgG3vZpP-1zyBiBbYg Amazon Page:...
Published 07/21/22