This episode guides you in utilizing your breath to care for physical tension or discomfort. When you breath in you can care for the discomfort with the quality of ease and when you breathe out you can care for discomfort by releasing layers of it.
Published 10/06/21
We all know situations where we are triggered to react and then regret what we said and how we reacted. This episode offers a tool to shift from reacting to responding and we will practice with it. The practice includes creating some space with your inbreath to pause and letting go of your urge to react with your outbreath. This provides you with a pause between the trigger and your response.
Published 05/21/21
This episode first guides you in practicing with the breath being enough in the here and now and then builds on this experience to extend it more holistically to “I’m enough in the here and now.”
Published 01/28/21
This mindfulness practice guides you in bringing up an experience of loneliness, accepting it as it is because it’s already here, and taking care of it to open space for a more global experience of connection. The idea is to validate your feeling of loneliness while surrounding yourself with the experience of connection at the same time.
Published 12/24/20
This episode guides you in caring for your anxiety in the body and mind through various approaches. This is an advanced meditation and it’s helpful to have practiced Breathing Anchors and/or Grounding Anchors from previous episodes.
Published 12/18/20
This mindfulness practice guides you through noticing how you are feeling about your body as it is in the here and now. Then you will invite space for your thinking and feelings around your current body to shift. This in turn will create space for allowing the body to transform.
Published 12/17/20
This episode guides you in experiencing the feeling of being supported by yourself, by others, and by the Earth. Then you think of a situation where you would benefit from having the feeling supported available in a future situation and you practice with applying this feeling of support.
Published 10/29/20
This episode focuses on nurturing the feeling that breathing is enough  for this moment, and this moment, and this moment. It also guides you in  applying the tool (feeling that breath is enough) in real-life  situations to take a break from doing mode and switch into being mode.
Published 09/02/20
This episode guides you in transforming impatience by first exploring a situation where you recently felt impatient: why impatience developed, what specific purpose impatience targeted, and what impact impatience had on you and others/or on the situation. Then you explore other ways to accomplish specific goals by transforming impatience into other tools or skills.
Published 09/02/20
This episode focuses on the feeling of impatience and how to make space for transforming it.  It's recommended that you have practiced with the basic episode "Allowing Space" before.
Published 08/10/20
This episode guides you in exploring different types of beverages you intent to drink at different time points throughout the day. This detailed and concrete visualization of drinking plenty of water to nourish all organ systems will allow for feeling energized.
Published 07/10/20
This episode guides you in setting intentions for gentle yoga or any other type of mindful movement to nourish your body and mind in a joyful way.
Published 07/09/20
This episode guides you in easing into the day in a pleasant fashion. It helps you breathing in a way to activate your system, connecting to the day through sounds and feeling your feet. Last but not least, we will practice setting an intention to set the tone for the day.
Published 06/24/20
This episode guides you equipping yourself with tools to feel calm and present in communications. It also lets you experience yourself as a listener and speaker in a visualized conversation.
Published 06/24/20
This episode guides you through finding a feeling of safety in your body and then letting it radiate out to the edge of your body and even beyond. It also asks you to welcome safety from the Earth.
Published 06/17/20
This episodes guides you through breathing in fully and breathing out fully.
Published 06/17/20
This episode helps you practice a calming breath (shorter in-breath & longer out-breath) to come down your nervous system with the support of the bell. 
Published 06/03/20
This episode focuses on exploring anchors for grounding yourself:  connecting with your seat, listening to sounds, feeling your hands or your feet.
Published 06/03/20
This episode shows you how to practice a shorter in-breath and a longer out-breath to calm your nervous system. 
Published 06/03/20
This episode focuses on the expansion of the breath space from your lungs, to the edge of your body and beyond. 
Published 06/03/20
In this episode you explore how you experience breathing at different spaces: nose, throat, chest, belly, and other areas. Then you explore where you feel your breath the most. 
Published 06/03/20