Have you been wondering about weight loss drugs? Have you read stories of celebrity weight loss and caught yourself thinking is ozempic actually worth it? Or better still...what is ozempic? Ozempic, a medication initially concocted for blood glucose control but remarketed for weight loss due to its surprising effect. This drug, is injected weekly and works by mimicking the GLP1 hormone and suppressing your appetite. So wait, what's the catch? Oh, there are some not-so-fun side...
Published 11/20/23
After I recorded last weeks episode, I found myself texting Jenna. I realised we had so much more to say. Because let's face it, intuitive eating and weight gain is a murky topic. And we do not want to lose people back to diet land! If you have no idea what I'm talking about and you haven't listened to part 1, I highly recommend starting there to get the full context - head back to episode 86. Ever wondered how to make choices that honor your body and health without spiraling into...
Published 11/13/23
Have you ever wrestled with the idea of intuitive eating, only to find yourself buried under weight gain concerns and that pesky voice in your head leading you back to dieting? Sometimes in the non-diet world, speaking about weight loss can be taboo.  Especially if people are on different stages of their own journey in rebuilding their relationships with food and their bodies. But I can't help but often think this is where we lose people back to diet land. This all kicked off again...
Published 11/06/23
Ever wondered why French women don't get fat, despite their love of good food?  Well you aren't alone. There was even a whole book about it. First published in 2004, "French Women Don't Get Fat" by Mireille Guiliano has been translated into 40 languages and sold over 3 million copies worldwide. This book is all about the French's unique approach to eating, which combines a love for satiating full-fat meals, an appreciation for their culinary heritage, a love of cooking and an untainted...
Published 10/30/23
I was told by my doctor that I had clinical anxiety back in 2010 and the diagnosis came as a complete shock. But now, I can see that the writing was on the wall. For months, I had stopped wanting to socialise. When someone would text me asking to hang, I’d see it as a burden. Everything felt like a chore, I didn’t want to do anything. But I'm happy to say, things have changed A LOT since 2010. The anxiety I was experiencing went from out of control, to manageable, to mild and now finally...
Published 10/23/23
You often hear dieters say "I really don't eat that much. I have no idea why I can't lose weight".  As a past dieter, I know how much I was very religiously sticking to my very few calories that I was allowing myself to have, eating very lightly and not getting anywhere. I would see these diets and meal plans and think 'how do people eat this much?!' But the truth is diet culture BS has made it SO hard to even know how much you should be eating. Are you eating too much or not enough?  You...
Published 10/16/23
Planning a wedding can be a roller coaster of emotions, and not just because of the budgeting, guest lists, and venue hunting.  Body image concerns and diet culture  often sneak into the process too.  I remember the morning of my wedding so clearly. It was pouring with rain. I'd just finished getting ready for my wedding. I'd put on the veil. This is the moment I looked in the mirror for the first time.   But when I saw my reflection, I felt so deeply disappointed. Despite months of...
Published 10/09/23
They say you can never have too much of a good thing. And yes, there are a few things I believe this statement applies to: holidays, puppies and beach swims. But two things that can definitely be taken to the extreme are healthy eating and exercising. Don’t get me wrong – You only get one body, and it’s important to take care of it. But it is absolutely possible to go overboard with eating healthy and exercising, and you can end up doing far more harm than good. Sarah Liz King is an...
Published 10/02/23
Despite leading a glamorous life and having a successful career travelling the world interviewing rockstars, Maz Compton felt utterly disconnected and dissatisfied. Her solution? Ditch the booze and switch up her lifestyle.  Maz went from not being able to get through a few days without a drink to 8 years without a sip of booze. It all started when she took a break from booze and to discover what a hangover free few weeks felt like. It turns out, that was the best choice. It's not all...
Published 09/25/23
Chances are if you’ve been on a diet before – you’ve probably received some pretty dodgy advice when it comes to booze. “Eating is cheating” “Soft drink isn’t worth the calories”. “Juice has too much sugar, I might as well have wine”. I hope you can eye-roll with me at the above statements. But if not let’s scrap that and shake up how we think about alcohol. Let's flip the script on how diet culture influences our drinking habits. We'll debunk myths about sugar, explore global drinking...
Published 09/18/23
Ready for a healthier relationship with alcohol? BUY BOOZE BREAK HERE!  Ready to break the habit in 30 days and learn to unwind and socialise without booze? Welcome to Booze Break. An audio guide to break your booze habit. And I'm giving the first episode FREE to our No Wellness Wankery community. Because let's face it - most of the advice we have ever been given to drink less has been rooted in diet culture.  Is this you? You drink because…. well, everyone does! And ‘cause you’re not...
Published 09/16/23
Diet culture tells you that scales are a must. But there's actually no requirement for you to step on the scale. Not at all. In reality, the act of weighing yourself might be stopping you from finding your healthiest weight. Have you ever experienced how encountering an undesired number on the scale can send you spiraling, sapping your motivation? Jenna was 8 years old when she was sent to her first dietitian to be put on a 'healthy eating' meal plan, aka a diet. She spent the next 20 years...
Published 09/11/23
Recently, a lovely client called Elizabeth reached out to me inside my Keep it Real program - a program to help people recover from binge eating disorder and stop emotional eating.  She mentioned that she was struggling with binge eating and ADHD. She says she constantly forget that she is trying to ditch dieting, gets bored with exercise and struggles with impulse control. Did you know people with ADHD are more likely to struggle with binge eating disorder? But have you ever wondered why?...
Published 09/04/23
Does your mum make you feel bad about your body? Does she comment on your weight or tell you how much to eat? Your mum may never stop dieting. Or commenting on your weight. This is a sad – but important thing to realise – your mother may never change. Luckily, you can change how you respond to her comments – and see them for what they are, disordered eating and really crumby body image compounded over many years. Unfortunately, this is a concept familiar to so many people – including...
Published 08/28/23
Have you ever wondered how your relationship with alcohol might be influencing your eating habits or overall health? Have you ever wondered if alcohol is fuelling your emotional eating? Maybe you've already noticed the connection? It's time to unravel the link between booze, binge eating and your weight. The impact of alcohol is profound. And there are SO many  surprising ways alcohol can lead to anxiety, stress, emotional eating and restriction - a cycle that's all too easy to fall...
Published 08/21/23
If you’ve clicked on this episode, chances are you’re interested in skin health. So, before you press play, make sure you listen to part 1 of this conversation, and then come back. Welcome back, we are SO excited for more Dr Thivi deliciousness. Did you know that 90% of dermatologists and dermatology nurses are asked questions about food and skin health, but only 10% feel confident answering them? Dr Thivi discovered this in her clinical work as a dermatologist, so she decided it was...
Published 08/14/23
Right now, our skin is like a superhero doing some incredible stuff.  It's a temperature controller and a pollution shield, plus it's our touchy-feely sidekick, letting us feel things like soft blankets and high-fives. But wait, there’s more... If we hurt ourselves, our skin goes into action mode. It's like a magical repair shop, fixing cuts and scrapes and making itself all shiny and new again. But like so many things, the way we think about our skin has been impacted by wellness wankery....
Published 08/07/23
At first, Lyndi said it felt weird to track her period everyday. But because of what she has learnt and how it has transformed her health, she would do it all over again.  You’re not imagining it, my friend. Some days it’s easier to be confident or fall asleep or manage your cravings.Some days are better than others for going shopping for clothes or taking a photo you like. Some days are perfect for making plans while other days work out best when you make no plans at all.She never felt this...
Published 07/31/23
Eating disorders can affect everyone, and in today's Real Story, we meet Sophia, who knows this all too well. Sophia's journey towards recovery has been truly remarkable, starting from her use of food as a means of control during infancy, to being admitted to the hospital for not eating, and to collecting memories of passing comments about her food intake from family members. Despite suffering deeply from an eating disorder, she even faced rejection from an eating disorder clinic due to...
Published 07/24/23
Ever felt like your relentless thoughts about food are working against you rather than for you? Consider this your golden opportunity to shift that narrative.  Thinking about food when one is hungry or making cooking plans is completely normal. But thinking about food constantly? That may be a sign that something is up.  Understanding the reason behind your persistent thoughts about food is key to overcoming them. Keep in mind that foods differ in nutritional value, not moral value....
Published 07/17/23
In this week’s Real Story, we meet Demi.  And we are SO glad to have met her.  Demi is currently raising her 15 month old son, all while recovering from an eating disorder that has controlled her life for over 15 years. Big stuff.  After years of battling bulimia, anorexia, and orthorexia, she decided to seek help to ensure a healthier narrative for little boy. But as many women can relate too, body image issues often intensify during pregnancy and unwanted comments can bring a constant...
Published 07/10/23
Diets are often passed down from generation to generation, like an old tea set that nobody wants. Meet Christina. She is throwing out the tea set. And that's why we are so excited to have  share her story.  She may not remember a time in her life where she wasn't on a diet, but Christina is a mother to her young daughter, and is working really hard to break free from the harmful effects of diet culture and food trauma. Lyndi and Christina chat about the importance of how language is used...
Published 07/03/23
Meet our next real story guest, Tanya.  Tanya has suffered from disordered eating and various eating disorders her entire life. From the pressures of dance classes at the young age of 5, to the influence of her all-girls schooling, Tanya's story is unfortunately relatable, but her recovery is inspiring. Join Lyndi as she explores Tanya's journey from restrictive eating and excessive exercise to bingeing during her teenage years, and her path to recovery through Lyndi’s Keep It Real...
Published 06/26/23
Thinking about food when you’re hungry or making cooking plans is completely normal. But thinking about food constantly? That may be a sign something is up.  You're not alone. The statistics show that 70 - 80% of women have disordered eating. But when does disordered eating become an eating disorder? And most importantly, how can we stop it.  The first step in creating a lasting change in your relationship with food, is recognising if the thoughts or behaviours you have around food that are...
Published 06/19/23
Experiencing anxiety can feel like an uphill battle, but what if alcohol is contributing to your anxiety?  Lyndi was diagnosed with clinical anxiety at the age of 21 and has experimented with medication, therapies and habits along the way. But she was fascinated about the disappearance of her anxiety during both her pregnancies. In this episode Lyndi & Jenna share  personal experiences with anxiety and a journey to better mental health.  Lyndi is on a year-long alcohol break, exploring...
Published 06/12/23