In this discussion I share the most common five reasons why new clients hire a personal trainer. There are of course many other on the list, not mentioned here, of which can vary in importance, however in my fifteen years of training clients, the list discussed here are the most common and one in particular is slowly but surely increasing. The UK, USA, Europe and some parts of Asia are increasingly turning to online dating, in order to find a match, by way of the deluge of dating apps...
Published 01/08/24
In this episode I share more of my blood test results, specifically Cholesterol readings. Cholesterol is defined as blood fat found in the liver and every cell in our body, essentially maintaining our brain, nerves and skin, whilst playing a major part in the production of vitamin D and hormones controlling our skeletal frame, teeth and muscles. When we get our Cholesterol blood test results, it's split into categories, the main splits being HDL high density lipoproteins (the good stuff)...
Published 12/30/23
In this episode I share a discussion with my guest Adam Marriott, an amateur climber with experiences in both the Himalaya and Europe. We openly talk about why, where and when climbing and trekking is ideal. The physical and mental disciplines required for this often romanticized sport / endeavor are too numerous to cover in a short conversation and as such this joint discussion is over an hour in duration. From the world famous regions of the Nepali Himalaya to the Aiguilles d'Entreves,...
Published 12/21/23
In this this episode, I share my own blood test results, of which are now a yearly ritual at my local GP surgery. It's imperative men over the age of 40 get their blood tests checked out yearly to both pre-empt and respond to low testosterone readings. With the advent of men's unhealthy lifestyles, ranging from sedentary professions and zero physical exercise, to poor nutrition and media distractions, we are now witnessing an epidemic of low levels of the male sex hormone. This...
Published 12/15/23
In this festive episode I look at our tradition of consuming excess alcohol over the Christmas holidays and the subsequent physiological consequences of ignoring the warning signs. The UK consumes approximately 250,000,000 (two hundred and fifty million) pints of beer during the Christmas period, which is great news for brewery's and retailers, but bad news for our health. Stress levels are notoriously high throughout December and the general population are known to sooth or block out the...
Published 12/11/23
In this episode, we look at why we struggle to stay warm during the winter months. Clothing manufactures are currently bombarding us with marketing, to sell expensive, branded outdoor wear, specifically aimed at middle to high income earners, who are happy to spend upwards of £1000 on a winter coat. With this in mind, I discuss why we should create our own protective layer, by way of quality nutrition and exercise, allowing for our bodies to metabolise food for energy and maintain...
Published 12/04/23
In this episode, I discuss an often overlooked pension plan, that of our physical health deposits and savings. Recently I read an article in the Sunday Times newspaper, covering financial decisions made by one of the columnist's, currently writing for the paper in question. Nowhere in the full page interview, did either party or contributing financial specialists mention the physical health and fitness levels of the columnist, a single mother, in her early fifties working and living in...
Published 11/27/23
In this podcast I discuss the vicious cycle of comfort eating and the consequences associated with it. There are numerous reasons for this unhealthy habit, ranging from stress related work / home issues and low self esteem to constant processed food advertising on mainstream tv and social media marketing. I suggest a few easily implemented tactics to start your healthier food consumption and how to avoid chronic unhealthy decisions regarding your nutrition. Supermarkets strategically...
Published 11/20/23
In this this episode I discuss the 'C' WORD and how it plays a significant role in improving and maintaining your physical fitness and mental wellbeing. The C word in question is CONSISTENCY, of which we often overlook in favor of instant gratification and short term fixes, regarding health and fitness goals. It's imperative we learn to make time to consistently exercise and eat a healthy balanced meal. As a personal trainer , I've witnessed continued growth and development of clients...
Published 11/13/23
In this podcast, Marc Finney (ex strength and conditioning coach for the Northampton Saints) discusses his career pivot to Personal Training. We talk about the differences in training elite athletes to the general population and how Marc navigated his way through starting out as a lone, one to one trainer. Marc has expanded his personal training services, providing online coaching and junior physical conditioning. Drawing upon his extensive knowledge in physical performance, has enabled...
Published 11/06/23
In this episode, I get to sit down with Marc Finney, who carved out a career in professional rugby, as head of strength and conditioning for the Northampton Saints. Marc delves into his experiences within elite sports performance, working with internationals at Rugby's highest club level. Maintaining high standards of physical coaching, whilst raising a family and travelling with the team, proved both exciting and challenging. Without naming names, we cover stories of both individual...
Published 10/25/23
In this episode I discuss the benefits of walking and trekking. Both are easy to start and have relatively low cost equipment requirements. I look into common barriers and excuses people make to avoid either of these superb outdoor activities. With the advent of wearable tech, tracking our daily movements, it's now very easy to monitor if we're getting enough steps in. Manufactures and data collectors want us to buy into their healthy lifestyle apps, simply to enable them to market...
Published 10/23/23
In this episode, I discuss two different types of equipment used in climbing. We look at indoor wall climbing shoes and outdoor ice axes, of which both are an essential components in their given disciplines. Indoor climbing is a very popular sport and has exploded due to it's quick entry level and relatively low cost and equally not weather dependent. Ice axe climbing is a totally different endeavor, usually suited to hardy individuals, who undergo basic to extensive skills training, with...
Published 10/15/23
In this episode I discuss our nation's obsession with tv streaming services and the physiological and financial implications of long term bingeing. The popular platforms have made subscribing extremely easy, with carefully structured algorithms designed to entice us and more importantly keep our attention on their channels. Amazon, Netflix, Disney Plus and Sky TV are continually competing for our hard earned cash, with another long term consequence looming.....poor physical and mental...
Published 10/09/23
In this episode I discuss another common purchase, which can lead to an unhealthy body and bank account. Takeaway Pizza is both expensive and over time, can give rise to elevated body fat, visceral fat and blood pressure. Our high streets are saturated with 3 or more of the worlds most popular Pizza chains, including Papa Johns and Dominoes. The average medium sized pizza comes in at approximately 593 calories with low nutritional value. Based on a consumer purchasing this entry level...
Published 10/02/23
In this podcast I discuss our nation's addiction to caffeine and the coffee culture in our cities and towns. 1981 saw the first opening of a Costa Coffee franchise in the UK and now our high streets are inundated with three well known coffee chains, including Caffe Nero's (1990) and Starbucks (1998) of which have strategically used market saturation to secure prime retail spots, effectively scaring off smaller and often higher quality independent coffee outlets. The average UK price of an...
Published 09/25/23
In this episode I discuss how smoking is not only 100% unhealthy but also has a detrimental effect on both our looks and finances. The tobacco companies are a multi billion pound industry and have historically targeted consumers by way of tv advertising and event sponsorship. With the advent vaping becoming normalised and introduced to young and impressionable people, we are now under attack from a multitude of unhealthy messages to start smoking either cigarettes or vaping. The...
Published 09/18/23
In this episode, I discuss how your body composition (body weight, body fat and physical appearance) can effect how others see and judge you upon first impression and thereafter. I cover three different scenarios, in which your physical appearance can give rise to social segregation. Where you go on vacation, your employment opportunities and your success with dating. These situations and others I haven't covered will almost certainly factor into our lives at some point. With this in...
Published 09/11/23
In this episode I discuss my go to book for all things basketball conditioning and court drills. The author Gregg Brittenham was head of strength and conditioning for the NBA team, New York Knicks, during the 90s and is wildly recognised as pivotal in the Knicks' journey to the 1999 NBA finals and the 2000 conference finals. The Foreword is by Patrick Ewing, Hall of Fame center for the Knicks. I played basketball at amateur level during my late 20s to early 30s and had to remain in peak...
Published 09/04/23
In this episode, I discuss my go to book for everything triathlon training. This reference book is great for runners, swimmers and bikers, even if you aren't training solely for a triathlon. Training for any one of these disciplines is time consuming and physiologically demanding. That's why you need a plan. It's not as easy of just buying a pair of trainers and stepping foot outside. This performance and endurance sport can take months and years to master. Therefore, I recommend to all...
Published 08/28/23
In this episode, I prepare my go to breakfast, when pushed for time in the morning. Often, we either skip breakfast or grab a poor nutritional option, before we start our working day. Try a tasty homemade smoothie and feel energised for the rest of your morning. I've gone for ingredients to give me a balance of protein, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, to prepare my nervous system and kick start my metabolism. Please remember to subscribe, like and share this podcast, to be alerted...
Published 08/21/23
In this episode I discuss my go to reading material for all things high altitude climbing and trekking. World renowned alpine athletes Steve House and Scott Johnston have devised an experienced and well researched guide for all levels of climbers, from relative beginner to world class advanced alpine athletes. I picked this book up in 2021, in preparation for my foray into trekking and climbing. Please like, subscribe and share this podcast to be alerted when episodes go live.
Published 08/14/23
In this episode I discuss my go to reading material for all things bodybuilding (hypertrophy). I picked this revised edition up in 2008, whilst working away at a sports injury clinic in Northamptonshire UK. This book has stood the test of time, with the fundamentals of building a better body, from weight training principles to nutrition. Please like, subscribe and share this podcast, to be alerted when episodes go live.
Published 08/07/23
In this podcast I discuss my observations whilst visiting Sheffield's Meadowhall shopping centre. Upon arrival I witnessed a deluge of men aged between 18-60 frantically buying new clothes, of which the majority were visibly overweight. My thoughts are that men are becoming systematically unaccountable for our own personal health and subsequently marketing companies and manufacturers of clothing have from a business standpoint, 'read the room' and responded to the growing demand for...
Published 07/31/23
If you have been inactive for some time, but now want to get back into consistent exercising, this podcast is for you. The benefits of exercising are clear, healthier mind and body. So, why are we less active than ever before? It's time for action. Start slowly and build up gradually. Just move your body to begin with. In this episode, I share proven tips from my experience of working with clients who have restarted their exercise regime. It may seem scary. You might feel overwhelmed...
Published 07/24/23