Join me for this dynamic movement meditation where we will connect with and draw in the strength, confidence, and resilience of tree energy! This is a standing meditation with arm movements, designed to help you embody the essence of a tree and tap into its power.  From the grounding, stable energy of its roots, to its strong, tall, and confident trunk, to the vibrant, energising, and transforming power of its leaves. You can perform this meditation indoors, however if you are able to...
Published 07/23/23
Published 07/23/23
Channel the stability and solidity of a mountain in this guided meditation which will leave you feeling grounded, centred, and strong! Mountains experience all sorts of activity and change: weather, seasons, wildlife, erosion, avalanches and so on, but their core does not change, and they stay steady and strong throughout the good and the bad.  Be the mountain, no matter what life throws at you, and recognise that things can change for good or bad, your emotions can be up and down, even your...
Published 04/30/23
The ultimate relaxation meditation! In this special episode, you will be guided through a whole body muscle relaxation exercise to completely let go of all tension and stress in the body, and bring peace to body and mind.  This is great to perform before bed, especially if you have trouble sleeping. I call this the ultimate relaxation meditation because whenever I do it, I literally feel like a jelly afterwards!  I challenge you not to fall asleep at the end of this episode! You'll want to...
Published 04/17/23
Come join me for this very special guided meditation to one of the most magical and peaceful places I have ever visited, Wukoki Monument in the Arizona desert!  I first visited over 25 years ago and the beauty and silence of the place had a profound impact on me.  In this guided visualisation you will travel to the monument and experience its wonderful peace for yourself, and the power of stillness. Suggested scent for this meditation: cedar, white sage, or sweetgrass
Published 04/10/23
As it is FINALLY Spring, join me for an energising and uplifting guided visualisation with a Spring theme, focusing on growth and our goals for the season ahead.  It's time to grow, bloom, and flourish like the beautiful flower that you are! So lie down comfortably, grab some pillows and blankets if you like, and enjoy! Suggested scent for this meditation: jasmine or any other floral
Published 04/04/23
What are you grateful for today?  Sometimes, especially when times are tough, it can be hard to see all the wonderful things in our lives.  Today's episode will guide you through a relaxing and uplifting Gratitude Meditation, to remind you of all the things we often overlook or take for granted, and for which we can all be thankful. I also discuss the importance of having a regular gratitude practice, give some tips on how to start, and talk about my personal experience with gratitude...
Published 03/17/23
This episode takes you on a spiritual journey through the four elements, earth, air, fire and water, to your own meditation temple or astral temple.  You will be healed and refreshed by the elements, and ready to banish your fears and limiting beliefs. So grab your meditation cushion, blanket or bolster, maybe an eyemask if you like, and get ready to journey with me! Suggested scent for this meditation: Frankincense
Published 03/08/23
Come share the love with me as we practice Metta (loving-kindness) Meditation! Metta meditation is a very popular technique which is different to many meditations in that it is heart focused, rather than mind focused.  Specifically, Metta is focused on generating feelings of loving-kindness and compassion for yourself and those around you, in order to help you more readily access this warmth of emotion in your interactions with others.  Studies have shown that the most significant factor for...
Published 02/22/23
This episode will take you on a wonderfully relaxing and refreshing journey from hibernation to awakening! For this guided meditation you will want to be lying down in a comfortable position.  Get warm and cosy and use some blankets and an eyemask if you like, as we travel deep underground to rest before reawakening in the spring. Suggested scent for this meditation: dark musk for hibernating, or benzoin for awakening, depending on how you feel.
Published 02/17/23
Join me for this very special meditation to mark Burns' Night where we travel to the beautiful Highlands of Scotland!  This is a wonderful guided visualisation for relaxation, wisdom, and insight. I recommend lying down for this, and wrapping yourself in a warm, thick blanket if you have one. Suggested scent for this meditation: Scots Pine
Published 01/29/23
In this episode's guided meditation we will explore our six senses - sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, and thought - delving deeply into experiencing each one in turn, and also into how it feels when that sense is absent. A comfortable seated position is recommended for this meditation. No suggested scent for this one - you will want to smell the naturally occuring scents in your immediate environment.
Published 01/25/23
As it's the start of the year (and the very first episode of this podcast!), our first meditation is a relaxing guided visualisation for the New Year, exploring the themes of reflection, goals, and space.  Please find a comfy spot to lie down, grab a blanket and pillow, perhaps an eye mask, relax and enjoy. Suggested scent for this meditation: Bergamot
Published 01/19/23