In this episode, Michelle and Nicki are back with a (slightly controversial) episode to wrap up the season 😬 They’re getting into the issues with the current landscape of social media, why you see conflicting nutrition information, and how exactly to decipher it all!  They discuss:  The issues with HAES, Intuitive Eating, Conventional Nutrition, AND Holistic nutrition accounts on social mediaNutritionism - what is it & why is it a problem? Why all foods do NOT fit How to sift through the...
Published 07/17/23
In this episode, Dr. Robert Kachko, ND comes back for the 2nd time on the pod to talk all things sleep! He and Michelle discuss the science behind sleep and what we get wrong when it comes to sleep remedies.  You’ll learn: How to naturally improve your sleepHow to fall asleep AND stay asleepSleep cycles All about clock genes What to look for in your sleep trackerHow to get back to sleep if you wake up in the middle of the night Tips to reset your circadian rhythmHow sleep meds...
Published 07/10/23
In this episode, Michelle takes you through what it’s like to live with a chronic illness, and how to actually start healing when you feel like it’s impossible.  You’ll learn actionable steps to get you through the healing process:  How to stop negative thought spiralsHow to reduce anxiety related to your chronic illnessWays to push forward when you feel “stuck” When to fight, and when to surrender Why elimination diets may hurt instead of help How to promote safety in the body  Subscribe to...
Published 07/03/23
In this episode, Michelle and Kari Natwick, gut health RD, dive into the all too common - but not normal - topic of BLOATING. Kari shares her own experiences with digestive discomfort and how isolating and scary it can feel. You’ll learn why it happens and how to banish bloating for good! They share:  What bloating is & why it happensMethods to treat bloating without restrictive elimination diets!A recording to listen to when you’re in the middle of symptoms (*save for later!*)The truth...
Published 06/26/23
In this episode, Michelle sits down with Kaely McDevitt (@KaelyRD) to talk about all things thyroid health. They dive into how exactly the thyroid works, what it does, and what to do when it slows down (hypothyroidism) from a functional nutrition perspective.  They discuss:  Reasons for (and symptoms of) hypothyroidismWeight loss resistance (and what to do about it!)What labs to request from your doctor Hashimoto’s & autoimmune hypothyroidismEffects of gluten consumption on thyroid...
Published 06/19/23
In this episode, Michelle and Jill Blakeway, founder of the Yinova Center, explore the fascinating realm of energy medicine. Discover natural ways to support fertility, gain insights into how the mind influences the body’s healing process, and learn about the latest scientific advances in acupuncture! They discuss:  Barriers to alternative healing methodsChronic disease as a breakdown in body communicationStrategies for supporting fertility and overcoming infertility diagnosesThe...
Published 06/12/23
In this episode, Michelle does a deep dive into “Kitchen Herbalism" with Olivia Amitrano, founder of Organic Olivia. Olivia explains what holistic health actually means, and how to make herbalism easily understood and accessed by all. They discuss:  What a realistic healing journey looks like (Olivia shares her own!) What true herbalism & holistic health means How to feel comfortable with new & alternative healing modalitiesChronic constipation remedies Easily accessible lifestyle...
Published 06/05/23
In this episode, Michelle explains how we can support our metabolism with Josh Kreifels, RD. They debunk common myths about metabolism, and talk about how we actually have more power than we think to improve our metabolic health.  They discuss:  What exactly is our metabolism? You are not doomed by your genetics The role of gut bacteria, thyroid hormones, and inflammation on metabolismDaily (doable) actions for metabolic health Cold plungingPushing yourself in a positive way Subscribe to get...
Published 05/29/23
In this episode, Michelle sits down with Erin Holt (the Funktional Nutritionist) to talk about all things heartburn/ reflux, stomach acid, and upper digestive system (stomach and up!). They get into the science behind why those symptoms may be occurring and how to address it!  They discuss:  What is acid reflux and why is it so common? Conventional vs. functional treatment approaches The importance of stomach acid (yes, we actually need it!) What may be causing your symptomsThe impact our...
Published 05/22/23
In this episode, Michelle sits down with Liz Wolfe, NTP and Stephanie Greunke, RD to discuss the history of the Paleo Diet and its evolution over the past 15 years. They touch on its history and health benefits, but also its downsides and what the paleo movement spiraled into.  They discuss:  What is the paleo diet & why was it created? The response of different nutrition communitiesStrict paleo rules vs. general principles Downsides of the movementIts ties to orthorexia/ eating...
Published 05/15/23
In this episode, Michelle sits down with Coach Jake Doleschal to discuss everything you need to know about nutritional supplements.  They discuss:  What it means to TRULY look at supplements from a functional perspectiveThe details of Vitamin D, Iron, Multivitamins, B12, and GlutathioneHow to achieve results by focusing on foundational health Integrating exercise, nutrition, and holistic health Why the conventional medicine system is failing usSubscribe to get your weekly dose of...
Published 05/08/23
In this episode, Michelle and Nicki are back for Season 2 to discuss the impact that people and situations around us can have on our eating behaviors. Specifically on vacation and holidays, how do we navigate these pressures and situations in order to prioritize our health and nutrition goals/ concerns?  They discuss:  The influence of culture and family on our eating habits during holidaysHow to best prepare yourself to feel great nutritionally on vacationNavigating both emotionally safe and...
Published 05/01/23
NOTE:  Season 2 of QTD will be coming back MAY 1st!   –––   🎉 ENTER QTD SEASON 1 FREE GIVEAWAY 🎉  What each of our 2 winners gets (seriously!)   Further Food Vanilla CollagenChomps Grass-fed Beef Sticks LMNT Electrolytes (variety pack) Raw Rev Protein bars (variety pack) Redmond Real Salt Jigsaw Health Adrenal Cocktail Supplement FlackersMUD\WTR Adaptogen Coffee Alternative Banyan Botanicals Massage Oil Lavender Epsom SaltHu Kitchen Dark Chocolate Covered AlmondsCold-pressed Extra Virgin...
Published 04/10/23
In this episode, Michelle sits down with Sarah Edmondson, actor and NXIVM whistleblower, to talk about how exactly to identify a “cult” or “culty” selling tactics in the nutrition and diet industry. They compare the manipulative messaging in both cults and diet culture, with tangible tips for how to access your own intuition in these situations.  They discuss:  Sarah’s background and experience in the NXIVM cult Comparison between cult messaging and manipulative messaging in diet culture Red...
Published 04/03/23
In this episode, Michelle sits down with Andrea Nakayama, Functional Medicine Nutritionist & Founder of the Functional Nutrition Alliance. They dive into how to navigate medical appointments and get the most results from them, despite the biases that many people experience while in appointments. You’ll learn about how to navigate conventional medical appointments as well as functional and what it truly means to be your own advocate.  They discuss:  Functional nutrition Why you might...
Published 03/27/23
In this episode, Michelle sits down with Dr. Bhaswati Bhattacharya, MD to talk about Ayurvedic medicine, the status of our current medical system, and ancient Ayurvedic wisdom. They discuss:  Dr. B’s unique background combining Western & traditional Eastern medicineIntro to AyurvedaDosha types explained, and how they can adapt with the weather/ seasonsHow we can incorporate cultural foods into an Ayurvedic eating patternHow Intuitive Eating may be contradictory to traditional Ayurvedic...
Published 03/20/23
In this solo episode, Michelle chats about the nuances relating to gluten and elimination diets, and why most people go about this conversation in the wrong way. She discusses her “middle ground approach” to eliminating gluten and other foods that may be causing your symptoms. You’ll hear about:  Symptoms of gluten sensitivity Ways you can respond to opinions about your choice to not eat gluten How gluten may damage the gut lining and cause an immune/ inflammatory response Healing the...
Published 03/13/23
In this episode, Michelle sits down with her long-time friend and mentor, Dr. Robert Kachko, a Naturopathic Doctor and trauma-informed practitioner. They dive into what trauma is and how it manifests physically/ mentally in the body (in ways we may not even be aware of!) You’ll learn about reconnecting your mind and body, and how the two may have become dis-connected in the first place.  They discuss:  What is trauma-informed medicine? The difference between stress, anxiety, and traumaHow...
Published 03/06/23
In this episode, Michelle settles the controversy of cholesterol, saturated fat, and omega-6/seed oils with J Gulinello, nutritional therapist and researcher. They get deep into the history of the cholesterol-heart myth and all players involved. You’ll learn why serum cholesterol (measured in bloodwork) is not necessarily correlated with disease, and which factors are a better indicator of risk. They discuss: History of the cholesterol-heart disease theory and why it’s perpetuated in the...
Published 02/27/23
In this episode, Michelle chats with Jillian Greaves, an integrative and functional Dietitian for women. They explain the ins and outs of carbohydrates, blood sugar, and insulin resistance from the basics to the nitty gritty. You’ll hear tangible strategies for how to optimize your blood sugar and find your carb “sweet spot.”  Understanding insulin resistance, blood sugar, and cortisolWhy going super low carb for weight loss may not be the answerRelationship between insulin and hormones...
Published 02/20/23
In this episode, Michelle chats with Dr. Gabrielle Lyon, functional medicine doctor and expert in muscle-centric medicine. They talk about the importance of consuming high-quality protein for health and longevity, and address what muscle does for our health beyond our aesthetics. Then, Dr. Gabrielle Lyon shares some personal anecdotes of her own history with veganism (!!), leaving her with serious health effects and jump starting her career in protein-forward medicine. They discuss: The...
Published 02/13/23
In this episode, Michelle chats with Stephanie Mara Fox, Somatic Nutritional Counselor and expert on binge eating. They discuss the connection between our mind and body, why we binge eat, and provide tangible tools to use before, during, and after an episode of binge or emotional eating. They talk about:  Stephanie’s personal connection to disordered eating and digestive issuesHow our nervous system responds to a threat (or stress) Food as an experience of love and safety, especially during...
Published 02/06/23
In the first part of the episode, Michelle talks about her personal experience with anxiety and panic attacks, explaining how to decode and respond to our internal anxiety in a neutralizing way. She also gives tangible tools to use during times of high anxiety/ panic and gives helpful insight into what is happening in the body during stress. She then sits down with Amanda Montalvo, RD (@hormonehealingrd) to discuss the physiology of anxiety and tangible steps we can take to de-stress. They...
Published 01/30/23
Check out our debut episode! Podcast host (and your new best friend) Michelle Shapiro, an integrative and functional Registered Dietitian, talks the TRUTH about current trends in nutrition. In this episode we discuss: Michelle’s own personal story of drastic weight loss efforts *which she does not recommend,* and the health consequences that can ensueBody neutrality and weight loss through a functional nutrition lensThe crucial difference between body neutrality and body positivity, and what...
Published 01/23/23
Welcome to "Quiet the Diet", the podcast, hosted by Michelle Shapiro, Integrative/Functional Registered Dietitian from NYC. Michelle has supported over 1000 clients to reverse anxiety, approach their weight with love, and heal digestive issues. Utilizing humor, nuance, and compassion, Michelle helps clients access their own liberating self-awareness. On the podcast, Michelle shares her own journey of losing weight the wrong way (and what the consequences of that drastic 100 pound weight loss...
Published 01/03/23