Cristi Bartlett, Director of Strength and Conditioning at North Carolina State University, was back with us today. As a former competitive powerlifter, she's switched gears and is currently transforming her physique and getting ripped through the strategic use of....chicken wings and tequila? All that and much more including how to properly utilize your desk for maximum training recovery. Don't miss the craziness! https://www.ironcompany.com
Published 07/19/22
Published 07/19/22
Another cornucopia of invaluable nutrition and dieting information, with our good friend and fitness guru, Rich Salke. And of course, the usual potpourri of musings and other off-topic funny business you'd expect. https://www.ironcompany.com
Published 07/05/22
Today we discussed safeguards and strategies for avoiding overtraining and undertraining in powerlifting, bodybuilding and resistance training in general. We also touched on the importance of nutrition and how your diet plays an important role in helping to prevent overtaining and stagnation. Don't miss it! https://www.ironcompany.com
Published 06/28/22
Legends Of Strength - Ed Coan, Ray Williams, Marty Gallagher. Recently, Marty Gallagher was asked to be one of three strength Legends at the Living Legends Weekend in Tysons Corner, VA alongside the greatest powerlifter of all time, Ed Coan, and Ray Williams, who currently holds the world record for the heaviest raw squat at 1,080 lbs. The guys were hand picked to give play-by-play commentary at the 2022 USPA Virginia State Powerlifting Championships and Strongman Open Pound For Pound...
Published 06/21/22
Every year as we approach summer, a reoccuring question resurfaces...how best do I build BIG arms?? How many times a week should I train arms? How many sets? How many reps? What exercises are best? As long as the male species exists, men and boys will seek ways to increase the size of their guns - every generation has this same urge - arms betray power! https://www.ironcompany.com
Published 05/31/22
Today’ guest is Dr. Charlie Seltzer, MD, CSCS, and Diplomat of the American Board of Obesity Medicine. He’s the only physician in the country who holds both a board certification in Obesity Medicine and a CSCS certification by the National Strength and Conditioning Association. He’s also a former natural bodybuilding competitor and regional champion. Dr. Seltzer takes a 360 degree approach to helping clients gain control of their health which includes a complete metabolic workup, medication...
Published 05/24/22
Today’ guest was John Roy, a US Army Vet, husband, father of two girls, self-published author, full-time career man,...and competitive powerlifter. Early mornings John can be found down in the basement, in the iron trenches, forging himself into a better version of his current existence through unwavering consistency and determination. What’s your excuse? Lots of great lifting topics and discussion. Don't miss it! https://www.ironcompany.com/podcast
Published 05/17/22
Today we welcomed Kansas City Chief, Justin Watson, 5th year NFL wide receiver and Super Bowl 55 champion. It was very interesting learning about the transition from college football to the NFL in regards to intensity, work ethic, training, diet and much more. Justin is a prime example of what it takes to get to the professional level. Don't miss this podcast! https://www.ironcompany.com/podcast
Published 05/10/22
Today's podcast revolved around getting in shape for summer in the shortest amount of time possible. Consistency and accountability are key as long as you're on a solid plan tailored to your individual fitness and nutrition goals. One size does not fit all. With all the misinformation running rampant online, do yourself a favor and be a sceptic, not a sucker! Latest Gym...
Published 05/03/22
Today's discussion was a bi-product of Jim Steel's latest article, Deadlifts For Life. We examined the importance of the deadlift as one of the main core-four lifts, as a tool in everyday life and its role in enhancing mobility and extending longevity. We also explored additional benefits, techniques, variations, tools and myths. If you want to learn more about the deadlift, don't miss this podcast! Gym Equipment: Power Cages...
Published 04/26/22
Neuroplasticity is a term that refers to the brain's ability to change and adapt as a result of experience. No better way to trigger neuroplasticity than flipping your transformative template upside-down and training totally opposite from how you normally train. "If every instinct you have is wrong, the opposite must be right!" Do the OPPOSITE of what you are thinking. ~ George Costanza IRON COMPANY Dumbbells In Stock Now: Rubber Hex Dumbbells...
Published 04/19/22
Rich Salke was back with us today discussing the do's and don'ts of nutrition. He always brings a wealth of knowledge from his 25+ years of fitness industry experience where he began his career as a competitive bodybuilder and is now an instructor in the Kinesiology Department at the University of Maryland and is a lecturer and trainer for the U.S. Secret Service. This one is jam packed with useful nutrition and dieting info for any fitness level. Don't miss it! IRON COMPANY Latest Gym...
Published 04/12/22
Today we met up with Navy veteran Ken Stewart, owner of Tysons Playground and Blackout in Tysons Corner, VA. Among many topics, we asked him to describe what it takes to be a successful gym owner and personal trainer in todays environment. This is a great listen for all, especially the personal trainers and business owners out there. Don't miss it! IRON COMPANY Popular Gym Equipment...
Published 04/05/22
What's 5' 10" and 245 lbs., squats 865, benches 523, deadlifts 832, consumes 12,000 calories a day including 16-hamburgers and chews Gatorade gum to make weight before a meet? The one and only, Willie Bell. Lots of great musings today and a glimpse into the training and diet at the career peak of the first man in the US Armed Forces to total over 2,000 lbs. Don't miss this one! IRON COMPANY Popular Gym Equipment...
Published 03/29/22
Interesting discussion today on synthesizing powerlifting and bodybuilding. 6-time Mr. Olympia Dorian Yates attained his mind-blowing muscle mass by using what Marty dubbed, “powerlifting – with forced reps". Ed Coan, the greatest powerlifter in the world, augmented his core powerlifts with a wide array of assistance exercises such as bicep curls, tricep pushdowns and wide-grip pull-ups. Don't miss this new episode of RAW! IRON COMPANY Popular Gym Equipment...
Published 03/22/22
With us today was Dr. Christian Conte, a licensed professional counselor and a world-renowned, level-5 anger management specialist who works with violent criminals to professional athletes. Today's discussion revolved around the mind in athletics and the mind in life. The role of THE MIND in athletics has been a hot topic for decades - the premise being - alter your MINDSET in such a way that PERFORMANCE IS IMPROVED. We also discussed how to apply these different strategies to everyday life...
Published 03/15/22
Today we discussed training around injuries. When you get injured you have two choices, quit or find a way to train around the injury. Training around the injury requires an adjustment of the training menu and the tools used to perform these exercises. Herniated discs, broken legs, injured shoulders and more were all a part of the discussion. Some great perspective from 100+ years of cumulative resistance training. IRON COMPANY popular gym flooring...
Published 03/07/22
Chief Kevin Molis from the Malden, MA Police Department joined us today for a discussion on the importance of fitness and nutrition in law enforcement, including some observations of its evolution. Chief Molis's passion for resistance training dates back to the 1970's forward so this one is jam packed with useful and entertaining information. Don't miss it! IRON COMPANY popular gym equipment...
Published 02/28/22
Corey Boswell, research scientist for the Dept. of Defense and Marty's online coaching client, stopped in today to discuss the gains he's achieved over the last 6-months training each lift just once a week in his garage gym. At 42 years old and with such a short time under the bar, will Marty convince him to enter a powerlifting meet? Tune in and find out! IRON COMPANY popular gym equipment...
Published 02/21/22
The "Iron Tamer" Dave Whitley stopped by today to discuss how and why he became a performing strongman and motivational speaker. He let us in on some of his crazy strength feats like bending crescent wrenches in half, rolling up frying pans, crushing coconuts with his bare hands and much more. As you can imagine, we had a lot of questions for Dave you won't hear anywhere else. IRON COMPANY popular gym equipment links https://www.ironcompany.com/strength-training-equipment ,...
Published 02/07/22
How much of a role does a coaches own passion, enthusiasm and level of involvement in the sport they teach play in the success of his or her athletes? Are degrees and certifications enough, or should a strength coach be an avid lifter too? Great conversation on the importance in having passion for whatever you do in life. It makes a difference. IRON COMPANY popular gym equipment links https://www.ironcompany.com/rubber-gym-flooring , https://www.ironcompany.com/cardio-equipment and...
Published 01/31/22
With us today is Cristi Bartlett, Director of Strength and Conditioning at North Carolina State University where she oversees 6 strength coaches and over 500 athletes. Other credentials include assistant strength coach in the XFL for The New York Guardians, worked with the Tennessee Titans and spent 9 years at University of Pennsylvania with Jim Steel designing and implementing the strength and conditioning programs for multiple sports. Lots of training talk, musings and a lot more. Don't...
Published 01/24/22
The annual New Year’s gym invasion is in full swing. We now find ourselves maneuvering through a herd of unfamiliar faces while we search for an empty squat rack that isn’t already occupied by someone doing curls. But not to worry! If this year is anything like all previous years, most of these folks will be gone within the first 14 days. Why? Because their strategy yields no results and without results there is no enthusiasm. Listen in while we break down our proven resistance training...
Published 01/17/22
With us today is IFBB Pro Bodybuilder and BJJ Black Belt, Tyler Brey. Tyler’s not only an IFBB pro bodybuilder, a former powerlifter, a black belt in BJJ and a personal trainer but he was also born with Spina Bifida. So how did he accomplish all these physical feats having Spina Bifida? Better yet, how was he able to use it to his advantage at times? Don't miss it! https://www.ironcompany.com
Published 12/13/21