Episode title:​  Rising from the Ashes: Navigating Burnout with Resilience Episode summary introduction:​  In this compelling episode of "The Energy Fix," wellness enthusiast Tansy Rodgers delves into the intricate world of burnout. With a candid exploration of its causes, symptoms, and dangerous proximity in many people's lives, Tansy articulates the gravity of this condition with both vulnerability and expertise. A snapshot of the hour-long conversation, this episode is an essential tool...
Published 01/22/24
Episode title:​  Embracing Balance: Navigating Perimenopause and Menopause with a Positive Mindset with Amita Sharma Episode summary introduction:​  In this episode, Amita Sharma, co-founder of Nourish Doc, talks about peri-menopause and menopause. She discusses the different experiences of menopause based on cultural background, the importance of self-love and mindset, and the holistic practices that can help women navigate this phase of life. Amita shares her personal journey and the...
Published 01/08/24
Episode title:​  Mind Meets Body: The Integration of Nutrition and Psychology with Ali Shapiro Episode summary introduction:​  In this episode of The Energy Fix, Ali Shapiro discusses the concept of "truce with food" and the importance of integrating nutrition and psychology. She shares her personal journey with childhood cancer and how it led her to explore the connection between emotional eating and unmet needs for safety. Ali emphasizes the need for flexibility in our approach to...
Published 12/19/23
Episode title:​  From Fear to Freedom: Empowering Your Finances in Marriage or Divorce with Tracy Coenen Episode summary introduction:​  Tracy Coenen, a forensic accountant and fraud expert, joins the podcast to discuss the importance of financial security in overall wellness. Tracy shares her journey from wanting to be a prison warden to becoming a forensic accountant, and how she fell in love with helping women through divorce and financial stability. She emphasizes the need for open...
Published 12/04/23
Episode title:​  Becoming Empowered — The Master Key to Self-Love with Lydia Knight Episode summary introduction:​  Lydia Knight joins the show to discuss the importance of self-love and self-care in creating a better world for women. She emphasizes the need for women to prioritize their own well-being and challenges the societal notion that self-care is selfish or a luxury. Lydia explains that self-care is a revolutionary act that can lead to personal and societal transformation. She also...
Published 11/21/23
Episode title:​   Flipping the Switch to Higher Consciousness with Dr. Teri Baydar Episode summary introduction:​  We are changing times and life is demanding us to respond differently than ever before! And, Dr. Teri Baydar knows that...join us as she discusses the concept of unity and the importance of connecting to our higher selves. She explains that unity involves having a vertical connection with our higher self and a horizontal connection with others. She emphasizes the need to shift...
Published 10/30/23
Episode title:​  Feng Shui & Space Healing with Danijela Saponjic Episode summary introduction:​  Danijela Saponjic, a feng shui expert and founder of the School of Spiritual Design, discusses the transformative power of clearing and healing our living spaces. She explains that our spaces hold energy and information, and by creating a harmonious and intentional environment, we can enhance our well-being and manifest our goals. Danijela shares simple tips for decluttering and...
Published 10/16/23
Episode title:​  Gut Health, Mental Wellbeing, & Probiotics with Natasha Trenev Episode summary introduction:​  In this episode, Natasha Trenev, the founder of Natren, Inc., talks about the importance of gut health and probiotics. Natasha explains that gut health is the root of all health and that up to 80% of the immune system is located in the gastrointestinal tract. She emphasizes the role of beneficial bacteria in the gut and how they support digestion, immune function, and mental...
Published 10/02/23
Episode title:​ From $5 To Success & Purpose with Alessandro Tronco Episode summary introduction:​  Alessandro Tronco shares his unique journey from poverty to success and how he found true happiness and fulfillment along the way. He emphasizes the importance of connecting with a higher power and being still to find clarity and purpose in life. Alessandro discusses his book, "The Buddha Who Drove a Bentley," which explores the idea that success and social responsibility can coexist. He...
Published 09/25/23
Episode title:​  Shame-Free Decluttering & Creating A Sanctuary with Star Hansen Episode summary introduction:​  Star Hanson, the Clutter Whisperer, joins the podcast to discuss the power of organizing and decluttering. She addresses the common question of why people struggle to get organized despite their success in other areas of life. Star shares her ten-step approach to organizing and explains how it encompasses the nine different needs that clutter serves. She emphasizes the...
Published 09/14/23
Episode title:​  Limiting Beliefs, Trauma, & Your Soul Urge with Jennifer Hooper Episode summary introduction:​  We all deal with trauma and limiting beliefs in life — it is part of our evolutionary growth. But, let's face it, when you are stuck in the depths of all the emotions, it can be really hard to shift and change your perspective. But, as Jennifer says, when you stay stuck in your limiting beliefs, you stay stuck in trauma. The good news is, there are ways to heal! In this...
Published 08/24/23
Episode title:​  An 8-Step Process To Whole Health with Udo Eramus Episode summary introduction:​  Getting healthy is not just about exercising more and eating the right foods — it's so much more! Whole health is about reconnecting to your essence and to your soul. It's about reconnecting to your spirit and listening to who you are and who you were meant to be. And, it's about learning that you and the potential of who you runs deeper than any cavern.   Join Udo Eramus of Udo's Choice...
Published 08/07/23
Episode title:​ Intuitive Eating & Food Relationship with Kim Hynes Episode summary introduction:​  Much of what we know when it comes to "eating healthy" surrounds us around lists of foods that are healthy or not, calorie counts, and best practices to your nutrition plan. But, what if I told you that it goes so much deeper? What if I told you that you could still have your very favorite foods or that you could actually get healthier by listening to your body and what it needs at any...
Published 07/20/23
Episode title:​ Inflammation, Emotions, & Herbal Solutions For Healthy Joints with Dr. Josh Levitt Episode summary introduction:​  Holistic and conventional medicine can be said to consistently butt heads in viewpoints of best kept healing practices, but what if they didn't have to? What if there were practitioners that fused the two to bring the best of both worlds to their patients? That is what this week's guest, Dr. Josh Levitt, does! Healthcare and improving your health doesn't...
Published 07/03/23
Episode title:​  Releasing Trapped Emotions From Common Blocked Body Parts Episode summary introduction:​ Emotions can get trapped in the body and, overtime, if these emotions build up, you may find yourself experiencing multi-faceted levels of mental, emotional, and physical ailments. For ultimate health, you need to keep allowing the emotions to flow through you and allowing the trapped emotions to be released. In this episode, I talk all about what are the most common areas of the body...
Published 06/22/23
Episode title:​  "Free To Be?" Book, Spiritual Growth, & Soul Work with Shirin Etessam Episode summary introduction:​ Soul work and spiritual growth has really began to evolve and shift and more and more people seem to be awakening to something deeper than they ever have known. Not only is it about deepening who you are but it is also about sinking into a new way of being and operating in this world that can feel so demanding and chaotic — returning to the essence of who you are...
Published 06/09/23
Episode title:​  Restrictive Diets & Should Women Intermittent Fast with Paige Harris Episode summary introduction:​  Intermittent fasting is all the rage in conversations and the health industry, but the biggest question I get asked all the time is "should I do it." Or, more appropriately, "how would you recommend I do it." The reality is that intermittent fasting looks way different inside the body for women than it does for men. And there are some women that just should not...
Published 05/15/23
Episode title:​ Incontinence, Body Movement, & Pelvic Floor Health with Michael Hughes Episode summary introduction:​ Body movement is not just going to a gym or going out for a run — it is so much more. Each and every day you are moving your body and training for something. Maybe it is to be a better sitter at your computer or a better squatter as you sit and stand from your chair. It's true that the right body movements can greatly enhance your life. It's also true that too much body...
Published 04/24/23
Episode title:​  My Akashic Records Reading with Meena Ruchi Episode summary introduction:​ In this episode, Meena Ruchi, Akashic Records Reader and meditation instructor, performs an Akashic Records reading on me and demonstrates what the records are, what you can expect, how it can impact your life, and ways that the records can help your life expand and uplevel.  In this episode you might find yourself also incredibly inspired and getting some of your own ah-ha's merely off the messages...
Published 04/10/23
Episode title:​  Give Your "Wine O'Clock" Habit A Do-Over with Kay Allison Episode summary introduction:​ Society makes it easy to stay stuck in the wine o'clock habit — from normalizing memes to happy hours to mommy wine groups, it can keep you tethered. And it can feel like a normalized way of living. Unfortunately, it can become a way of living that can shift and alter your ability to impact the world around you in the best way possible. It can also physiologically shift and change the...
Published 03/30/23
Episode title:​  Akashic Records For Highly Motivated & Driven People with Meena Ruchi Episode summary introduction:​ Even though the Akashic Records are slowly becoming more talked about, there are still so many people who have never heard of it before. Yet, it can be such a powerful tool to help you become fully aligned and integrated into the life you always dreamed of. And, for some, like today's guest, Meena Ruchi, it can literally help to save your life!  In this episode, Meena...
Published 03/06/23
Episode title:​  Embracing Worthiness & Self-Love To Shift Old Family Paradigms with Terri Britt Episode summary introduction:​ Terri Britt says "Claim Your Crown!" The world is shifting. And, the paradigms we know are shifting even faster. Now, more than ever, it is critical to help the shift happen so that we can create a better world around us. The first step of doing that is learning how to step into gratitude, surrender and unconditional self-love, not only for the way we interact...
Published 02/20/23
Episode title:​  Midlife Women, Intuition, and Optimizing Health with Dr. Lisa Petty  Episode summary introduction:​ Cultural expectations and societal pressures, coupled with the fear of trusting that gut feeling (aka your intuition) can hold you back from stepping into your great health, wellness, and happiness. Research shows this. However, so many women, especially during midlife, find this to be challenging. But it is during the midlife years that listening to and acting upon your...
Published 02/06/23
Episode title:​  Mental Health, Eating Disorders & Fitness Goals with Jaime Filer Episode summary introduction:​ Your nutrition and fitness goal success have a direct relation to your mindset and your mental health. This can be influenced by the wounds and traumas, but also by societal influence and diet culture. Somedays it can feel like you are running into obstacles over and over and other days can feel like a walk on Easy Street. Regardless of where you are at, this episode talks...
Published 01/23/23
Episode title:​  Sugar Addiction & Advocating For Your Own Health with Omar Cumberbatch Episode summary introduction:​ Some might say that sugar is one of the most addictive drugs legally available on the market — research suggests that it is 8x more addictive than cocaine. Yet, we live in a world that is filled with sugar, some by your conscious choice and some completely hidden. Sugar has been connected to many health obstacles and hospital trips. You may already realize this and have...
Published 01/09/23