Do you have picky eaters living in your home (kids and spouses included!) When I chat with clients one of the big challenges when it comes to their food freedom is picky eaters!  Nothing is worse than preparing a meal, sitting down to eat, then no one enjoying the meal or you're up making mac and cheese or meal prep in itself took an extra hour because you're creating extra meals for those picky eaters. Today I'm going to share some habit hacks for elementary, middle and high school age...
Published 03/28/24
Do you love your mom life? Or are you feeling pulled in every direction and feel like you're failing at being a mom, at your job, with your relationships, keeping up with the house and not to mention your healthy habit?  Let's take a deep breath.  You're not alone. Today we're going to talk about some tangible tips to help you create habits to ensure you are loving your mom life while still achieving your professional and health goals!  It's doesn't have to be either/or...it can be all the...
Published 03/25/24
This is the last episode in our HABIT LOOP BOOTCAMP series!  We've covered how habit loops are the way to take action and get some quick wins and build momentum with your healthy habits.  Mindset is one of the hardest habits to focus on--we tend to have negative self talk, lack of self care, confidence and life just feels overwhelming and chaotic. Today we're digging deeper into specifically MINDSET HABIT LOOPS! **Check out the previous episodes in this series where we also covered Food...
Published 03/21/24
We tend to really focus on our daily habits, but what about weekly and monthly habit loops we have in place (or don't have in place) for our health?  This is higher level habit strategy that will really help you reach your health goals long term!   If you need more help creating habit loops, join take the challenge  in HABIT LOOT BOOTCAMP! *** HABIT HACKS: -Access the signature program, the HEALTHY HABITS ACCELERATOR POD COURSE! -1:1 coaching more your jam?  Schedule a FREE DISCOVERY CALL...
Published 03/18/24
When it comes to movement, fitness, exercise, etc. one of the biggest challenges I hear from my clients is staying consistent!  Life will get in the way and unfortunately diet culture has taught us that we have to do long, hard workouts (that's not the case and not what we teach at all inside of our course and that atomic habit hacking system for women that we teach.) So today I'm sharing 10 movement habit loop examples keeping in mind a busy, working millennial mama.  These might just...
Published 03/14/24
Ooooh, this is a juicy one!  As we continue our HABIT LOOP BOOTCAMP series, I thought today we would cover bad habit loops!  When I work with my clients and take them through my atomic habit hacking system for women, many times the subject comes up as far as how to break bad habits.  This can be done with habit strategy and isn't very complicated!  Today I'm sharing some bad habit loops (or unhealthy or not serving you habits) and how to create healthier ones instead!   **I also just added a...
Published 03/12/24
I'm loving the HABIT LOOP BOOTCAMP series with you all!  I wanted to give you some real life examples today with one of my clients who is a preschool teacher, mama to littles who has a long commute back and forth to work.  Listen in to hear about I created some movement habit loops for her (one of her goals) and I included some mindset habit loops too! (Listen till the end to hear her update too!) Are you joining us for HABIT LOOP BOOTCAMP to create your own HABIT LOOPS? *** HABIT...
Published 03/11/24
Continuing with our HABIT LOOP BOOTCAMP series, today we're sharing 10 food freedom habit loops!  The challenge I hear though from you all is that diet culture has taught us that we are good or bad and to restrict, we tend to emotionally eat, and we’re busy and overwhelmed, ya’ll! Habit loops are the easiest and most effective way to take action when it comes to food freedom habits. JOIN US FOR HABIT LOOP BOOTCAMP to take action and start creating your habit loops! *** HABIT HACKS: -Access...
Published 03/07/24
Welcome to the first episode of a 7 part series called HABIT LOOP BOOTCAMP!  Habit loops are the key to taking action, creating consistency, momentum and confidence in yourself and making your habit stick!  Learn a more about why habit loops (from that atomic habits for women perspective, of course) and hear from other women who we have created custom habit loops for that are seeing success with on their health journey! Join us for our  HABIT LOOP BOOTCAMP challenge to help you take action...
Published 03/05/24
Self accountability is super hard, right?  We tend to not want to put our goals out there and keep them to ourselves due to our past failures of trying to make our habits stick that over time, we just tend to do nothing (that all or nothing mentality!) Today we're chatting with Jessica Smith, who is going to give us various accountability habit hacks in order to help you reach your health goals! *** HABIT HACKS: -Access my signature program, the HEALTHY HABITS ACCELERATOR POD COURSE! -Grab...
Published 03/04/24
In my free masterclass (think habit strategy 101) the Healthy Habit Reset, we teach to create a habit identity--what habits support who you want to be? Let's take a step even further--what if we also took a look back at your past self to help your current and future self? Women have to do habits differently oftentimes b/c of how we view our past selves and our past failures. We don't give ourselves enough credit to try again and remove the labels we put on ourselves.  So today we're going to...
Published 02/29/24
I love sharing these behind the scenes look at customized habit loops with you all! Today I'm sharing a behind the scenes look at our girl who is a 36 year old lawyer and mom who wants to wants to eat more nutrient dense foods, get home uncluttered and keep up her morning treadmill habit.  We'll give her 3 habit loops tweaked with that atomic habits for women philosophy!   *** HABIT HACKS: -Access my signature program, the HEALTHY HABITS ACCELERATOR POD COURSE! -Grab the secret podcast...
Published 02/27/24
When it comes to our health is can be very complicated.  And I want you to know that it’s not your fault!  Diet culture has really led us to have a very complicated view of health. However, I know you want to train for life and I know that you want to be healthy so you can do all the things you love in all seasons of your life.   So what does that mean?  Well, the first step I teach in my system in the accelerator is facts vs. feeling (or even data vs drama) when it comes to your mindset,...
Published 02/26/24
I love doing these schedule audit for my girls and creating custom habit loops for your unique schedule! Today I'm sharing how this teacher and busy sports #boymom can habit hack in more movement and meal prep to help her feel strong with some custom habit loops I created for her! I hope this inspires you to take action too! Join us in the Healthy Habits Accelerator Pod Course and use the code PODCAST for $20 off (because I love ya!) Join before 2/28 so you can get in on our first group...
Published 02/23/24
Like the Elle Woods quote, "Exercise gives you endorphins.  Endorphins make you happy. Happy people don't just kill their husbands." But this is true! Exercise creates endorphins and dopamine--chemicals in your body that help you fall in love with fitness and crave that workout high!  So how can we use this to make our exercise routine more consistent?  Today we'll share how dopamine and the reward part of the habit loop can make working out so automatic for you that you'll start reaching...
Published 02/22/24
Are you happy?  LIke how are you, really? Mindset is part of our health and as busy working millennial mama's (and so many of you working side hustles as well) we lose ourselves in motherhood, in the busy-ness of life, and even the comparision trap of social media. Today we're chatting with Toni-Ann of the Real Happy Mom Podcast about habits you can start implementing NOW to ensure you are happy for you and the ones you love! Need helping figuring out some self care habits to take care of...
Published 02/19/24
Have you ever found yourself saying, "CHEAT DAY!" You're usually coming from a place of no longer restricting yourself for one day and you get to cheat on your diet and have whatever you want! But...then you step on the scale and you gain 5 lbs?!?!ed  This is very problematic so today we’re going to change that mentality for you and go from cheat days to fun days (remember, we are anti dieti around here and pro food freedom and having fun!) so you can have balance, have the foods you love...
Published 02/15/24
Ever find yourself staying up late just mindlessly scrolling our phones or watching a Netflix series…why do we do this as busy working millennial moms? We know sleep is so vital for energy, being clear minded, and aiding in our health goals, so why? This is called revenge sleep procrasination!  You want time by yourself, girl!  And we get it. However, today we'll talk about why we do this, what lack of sleep can do to your body and mind and how 5 habits to help you take care of yourself...
Published 02/12/24
Today is a special behind the scenes look at how I create custom habit loops for my clients!  We do a schedule audit to understand your unique schedule, life circumstances, habit goals and anything else that can help me in creating custom habit loops for you like if you're able to workout from home, if your schedule is inconsistent or even where you're at with your health! I hope this episodes inspires you to take action and starting creating your own habit loops!  If you need some help, get...
Published 02/08/24
If you've ever wondered how your brain actually makes your healthy habits stick, then this episode is for you! Since women have to do habits differently, we need to be intentional with creating habit loops to help us take action in order to rewire our brain to make that habit eventually automatic. However, many times even with the best of intentions, you find your habits aren't sustainable due to the unrealistic views of diet culture & no habit strategy catered toward you. Today we're...
Published 02/05/24
Move more, exercise less sounds counter-intuitive doesn't it?  However, the whole concept of working out is very overwhelming, fueled by diet culture, fear of judgement and just plain exhaustion we feel as busy working millennial moms! We need to rethink exercise and get our bodies moving more throughout the day, which can be tricky due to us living behind our desk and laptops most days, but will compound to having more energy and feeling great in our leggings! So let's habit hack this in the...
Published 02/01/24
Our healthy habits not only help with our actual health and weight loss but also giving us energy!  Many times, we’re so tired and overwhelmed that it feels way to hard to even try to take care of ourselves. However, we have so many habits in our lives that are actually draining us! Let’s chat about some examples of energy giving habits vs. draining habits when it comes to busy working millennial mom and how you can habit hack this! Need some help finding some self care ideas? Grab the FREE...
Published 01/29/24
Why don't habits stick for us busy, working millennial moms? Many times, we try to do it all at once and it just becomes overwhelming!  What if we just implemented tiny, 5 minute habits to build consistency, momentum and confidence instead?  Today I'll be sharing some examples of 5 minute tiny habits and habit loops to help you take action! **You can still watch the replay of the Healthy Habit Reset and get the discount code for my signature program through this Sunday the 28th! GRAB THE...
Published 01/25/24
Do we all really know what intuitive eating means? Today we'll be chatting more about what exactly intutitive eating is and a non diet approach to your eating habits with Katie Hake of Fit Friends Happy Hour! You can still sign up for the Healthy Habit Reset! We go live on January 24th at 12pm EST, but I'll also send out a video and audio only replay.  Learn the 5 step habit change method to pivot your habits! (plus I'll be sharing a discount code for our signature program too!) About...
Published 01/22/24
Join myself and 5 other amazing contributors to chat more about Emotional Eating Habits! Get it now for free until January 21st!  Remember, this is an audio masterclass so you can take it on the go (because you know we are all about that atomic habits for women life!) We are covering empowered emotional eating, your cycle and emotional eating, taking back control, blood sugar levels and what your body is telling you and that all or nothing mentality. I’l have a special episode on resetting...
Published 01/19/24