Do you want to be more disciplined? If so, then this episode is for you. I’m going to go over the most common reasons why you might not be disciplined so you can understand why you’re lacking it (and it’s not because you just can’t be disciplined) and give you doable tips for how you can be more disciplined. Listen in to find out how you’ll do it.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!   Find show notes and more...
Published 12/26/23
“If I eat one, then I won’t be able to stop.” “If I have it in my home then I will eat it all.” We’ve all had “If/Then” statements like this that make us feel powerless, out of control, and like there’s something wrong with us. If you’ve been thinking “If/Then” statements like this too, then you must listen to this episode because believing things like that is just going to perpetuate your binge eating.   So in this episode, I’m going to help you to change them. You don’t have to live your...
Published 12/19/23
Letting yourself go is a common experience and can happen when you stop caring, trying, and putting in effort. If this has happened to you, I’m going to help you to understand why it happened and to find motivation to make positive changes.   You can reclaim your well-being, and get yourself back. Listen in as I show you how you’ll do it.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!   Find show notes and more information at...
Published 12/12/23
You might want to eat when bad things happen. Eating might make you feel better, or just be a distraction from the bad thing. But as you know, it’s only a temporary fix.   In this episode, I’m talking about what will actually help you when something bad happens. There’s something you can do, besides eating, that will help you through those tough times. Listen in to find out what it is.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you...
Published 12/05/23
If you’re going to stop binge eating you’ll need to stop overly restricting your eating. You’ll need to be more permissive with what food you allow yourself to eat. But stopping overly restricting doesn’t mean you’re going to have zero restrictions. It would be beneficial to still have some.   In this episode, I’m helping you incorporate useful restrictions and limits that will not only help you to stop binge eating but help you to create your ideal eating habits and feel your best. You’ll...
Published 11/28/23
In order to meet your emotional needs and wants, sometimes you’ll need to set boundaries with other people. It may not be comfortable to do but, it can be so helpful and actually help you relationship.   In this episode, I’m giving you examples of boundaries around food and body talk that people set as well as explaining helpful and unhelpful ways to set boundaries. Listen in to find out how you can use boundaries to take care of your self and your emotions.   Interested in working with...
Published 11/21/23
Excessive mental restriction is when you aren’t externally restricted (the food you want is available) but you’re not allowing yourself to eat the food you want. This kind of restriction is going to cause you to feel deprived, which is one of the main causes of urges to binge (which drive binge eating). So if you want to stop feeling deprived and stop feeling those deprivation urges, then the mental restriction needs to stop.   What you’ll start doing more of is giving yourself mental...
Published 11/14/23
Is one never enough? Is even two, three, ten, or eighteen never enough sometimes? If you aren’t satisfied with an amount you want to be satisfied with, or with what you’d consider to be a moderate amount of food, then this episode is for you.   I’m sharing with you four main reasons why you aren’t satisfied with the amount of food you’re eating. I’ll also tell you how you can be more satisfied with less. It’s possible, so listen in to find out how you’ll do it.   Interested in working...
Published 11/07/23
Planning your food has lots of benefits and can be a very useful tool for helping you to eat exactly how you want to be eating. But food planning has gotten a bad rap. Many people associate it with dieting but, it’s not a diet. It’s also doesn’t have to be rigid, be inflexible, or take away your freedom. It can actually give you more freedom.   In this episode, I’m explaining the benefits of food planning, how you can do it in a way that will fit right into your lifestyle, and how to do it...
Published 10/31/23
Do you trust your hunger and fullness signals? If you want to be a “normal eater” that trust needs to be there.   In this episode, I’m going to help you build your trust in your body’s hunger and fullness signals so you can do more eating when you’re hungry, stopping when you’re full, and relying on your body to tell you when to start and stop eating. Listen in to find out how you’ll do it.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you...
Published 10/24/23
If you haven’t binged in awhile and you kinda miss it, you’re not alone. It’s actually more common than you think. There’s reasons why you miss it and reason why you might be grieving it and these reasons are valid. But in this episode, I’m going to help you work through it so you don’t miss it anymore. Listen in to find out how you’ll do it.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!   Find show notes and more information at...
Published 10/17/23
Is the food the problem? If you think it is, you might be trying to control and manipulate the food you eat in order to not binge. If that’s not working, you’re going to find out why in this episode.   You’ll also hear what really is the problem and what to do about it. You have the ability to not binge and you don’t have to eliminate any foods in order to do it. Listen in to find out what you’ll do instead.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all...
Published 10/10/23
If you think you’re doing enough but aren’t seeing the results you want to see, it might be because you’re not doing enough preparation or application.   In this episode, I’m explaining why those two things are so important, how they’re affecting your progress, and how to actually apply what you’re learning so you can see the change you’re wanting to see.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!   Find show notes and more...
Published 10/03/23
Do you self-sabotage? Are you confused about why you do it? Would you like to stop? If you answered yes, then this episode is for you.   I’m breaking down self-sabotaging so you can understand why you would do this to yourself. I’m also going to show you how you can prevent self-sabotage so you can keep moving forward toward your goal. Listen in to find out how you’ll do it.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!   Find...
Published 09/26/23
Do you eat for comfort? Most people who binge eat do and although it’s not always a problem, when you do it too much, it can be.   In this episode, I’m talking about how you can experience comfort without eating food and without doing any of your go-to comforting activities. Doing it this way will help you to create true comfort rather than temporary comfort. Listen in to find out how you’ll do it.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the...
Published 09/19/23
When you’ve been disappointed multiple times, it can be hard to try again. What if it doesn’t work? You don’t want to feel disappointed again and aren’t sure you can handle being disappointed again.   The risk of feeling disappointed stops too many people from doing things that could be EXACTLY what they need to do in order to get what they want. Maybe you’re afraid to try the things you’re learning in this podcast, maybe you’re afraid to join my program, maybe you’re afraid of even hoping...
Published 09/12/23
What you’re thinking matters and is going to have a huge effect on your binge eating and eating in general. So learning how to change your thoughts will be very beneficial.   In this episode, I’m going to walk you through the steps of changing your thoughts, go in depth with each, and give you some examples.   Changing your thoughts isn’t always easy to do, and sometimes you’ll need help to do it (like from an experienced coach like me) but using these steps you’ll be able to change...
Published 09/05/23
We’ve been told that eating without distractions can be helpful but, is it really? That’s what I’m going to talk about in this episode today.   Not only am I going to discuss the pros and cons of undistracted eating but, I’m also going to share a little experiment that I did of my own. I ate without distractions for 5 days, took note of my thoughts, and I will tell you all about it along with what I learned. So listen in to find out if eating without distractions will help you and if so,...
Published 08/29/23
It’s the 5 Year Anniversary of this podcast!! And to celebrate, I’m doing an episode about one of my favorite topics – sleep. Getting adequate sleep is so important for so many reasons and one of them is that it will help you to not binge and to do the work to stop binge eating. So in this episode today, I’m going to help you get more sleep.   If you have issues getting yourself to go to bed at the time you want to, or if you wake up and have a hard time falling asleep, then this episode is...
Published 08/22/23
Are there times when you do well for awhile and then binge for days? There’s a reason why this happens and I’m getting to the bottom of it in this episode.   Listen in to not only find out why it happens to you but also how you can prevent it from happening.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!   Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/263
Published 08/15/23
Sometimes people just aren’t accepting of what it means to be a human. They want to be different, think they should be different, and get annoyed when they’re not different. So in this episode today, I’m going to normalize what it means to be a human and help you to accept it. It will bring you so much more peace if you do.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!   Find show notes and more information at...
Published 08/08/23
If you want more food and then eat more food, do you think you’re out of control? Then this episode is for you.   I’m going to help you realize and use the control that you DO have when you want and eat more food. You are not powerless and I’m going to show you why. Listen in to feel more in control of yourself and what you eat.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!   Find show notes and more information at...
Published 08/01/23
Emotional eating has gotten a bad rap. But it’s not as bad as we’ve been led to believe. Sometimes, it’s even a good thing to do and can help you to stop binge eating. Why? Listen in to find out.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!   Find show notes and more information at https://coachkir.com/260
Published 07/25/23
Being willing to feel urges and emotions is an important part of stoping binge eating. Most people don’t want to do it though because they seem too scary, painful, intolerable, or unbearable. If that’s you too, then this episode is for you.   I’m going to help you change your opinion of your urges and emotions so you can be more willing to feel them instead of eating to make the go away. Listen in to find out how.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get...
Published 07/18/23
You might not know how to do something, or why you do what you do, or options for what you can do. But knowing these things is crucial when you’re working on stopping binge eating.   In this episode, I’m going to help you to not make not knowing the reason why you don’t stop binge eating. Even when you truly don’t know. Listen in to find out how you’ll do it.   Interested in working with me? Go to http://www.coachkir.com/group to get all the information you need!   Find show notes and...
Published 07/11/23