In today's podcast episode I share with you 5 more lessons that 2022 has taught me. I hope that sharing my personal experience and learnings will inspire you, spark thought, reflection and encourage you to do you own reflections as well.  Referenced in this episode:  This podcast episode the first 5 lessons from 2022This podcast episode on the Zone of GeniusThe book: The Big Leap by Gay HendricksThis podcast episode on moving the needle>> Your 2023 Blueprint Book: reflect on 2022 and...
Published 01/16/23
In this podcast episode I'm sharing 5 lessons that I learned in 2022. I hope that these lessons will spark thought within you and encourage you to go through the process of clarifying your own lessons from the year.  Referenced in this episode:  This episode on making the right decisionThis episode on how we change>> Your 2023 Blueprint Book: reflect on 2022 and plan out your 2023. 50+ pages of exercises, written reflections, mindset shifting questions and inspiring and thought...
Published 01/09/23
Celebrating our wins regularly is something that I continuously preach with clients because the impact is much greater than the small amount of time and effort it actually takes. It's such a simple way to increase our confidence, feel more positive and optimistic, stay motivated and generate even more wins in the future. In this episode we go through why and how we can celebrate our wins and I bring you through an exercise to help you celebrate your wins for the year. Are you looking to...
Published 12/19/22
Although the Christmas season is the perfect time to step back, reflect and get our energy back up after a busy year, it can also be a time that drains us. Social occasions, family gatherings, hosting and worrying about making every detail as holly and jolly as possible, can empty our tank even more.  In today's episode I'm sharing how we can protect our energy during the holidays with some reflections, exercises and visual analogies that will help you this silly season.  Referenced in this...
Published 12/12/22
In today's episode we're going into how can we prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally for the end of the year. Many of us find ourselves at the end the year feeling like it has just fallen out of the sky and we don't understand where time has gone... In order to slipping into another year without have clear intentions, it's important to take even just a few minutes to decide not only how we want to close off the year but who will be in the month of December, which is the month that is...
Published 12/05/22
In today's episode we are taking a real-life client concern and I share how we actually went about this situation in a coaching call. She came to me because she felt like she was acting "small" at work and letting her insecurities get in the way of showing up as her full, knowledgable self.  The tool we discussed in this session was the creation of a Persona. This is something that can help up us in many different scenarios (not just work) in order to regain confidence, bring about a desired...
Published 11/28/22
Everyone on the internet is telling us to "stop worrying about what other people are thinking about you..." as though it were as easy as flipping a switch. It is very "normal"  and human to be worried about what others are thinking, but the danger is when it stands in the way of our life, our happiness and our fulfillemnt. So how can we actually care less about what other people care about us? In this episode I share a few concrete action steps and reflections to own your desires and care...
Published 11/21/22
Week 1 of my group coaching program The Self-Mastery Solution is on the topic: Master Your Day. There is an art to mastering your day, to avoiding an accumulation of negative emotion and maintain a feeling of peace, calm + ease... In this episode we go through 3 times of day where we can do daily check-ins in order to master our days, mentally and physically. Are you looking to take your personal development to the next level? Tired of falling into patterns of self-sabotage and looking to...
Published 11/14/22
Do you feel like you’re in a constant race with time?  Always trying to squeeze one more thing until you find yourself running late? In today's episode we're going through 3 reasons why we find ourselves running after time and what we need to do to flip the switch in our mind and see things in a different way.  Referenced in this episode: This episode on Needle MoversThis episode about IdentityAre you looking to take your personal development to the next level? Tired of falling into patterns...
Published 11/07/22
We often see the voice that criticises us, that badgers us, that shames us, as the "bad guy" or the "mean girl". This approach leads us to aim to shut this voice out. Sometimes this can be helpful strategy, but if this hasn't worked for you, then I'm sharing 2 alternatives which might give you another view on the topic.  Referenced in this episode: This episode on the Internal Negotiation >> Are you looking to move beyond the patterns currently holding you back, moving beyond emotions...
Published 10/31/22
In this episode we're discussing "needle movers" and what it means to move the needle towards our goals. What if your ability to build your side project / work on your business / reach your dreams was not based on how much time you allocate to it but on your ability to move the needle daily.  Referenced in this episode:  5 Top Productivity HacksHow to get what you want Part 1How to get what you want Part 2How to get what you want Part 3>> Are you looking to move beyond the patterns...
Published 10/22/22
In this podcast episode we're discussing change, more specifically reasons why we change and the importance of noticing and accepting these changes.  Referenced in this episode: This episode on non-linearityThis episode on should we change ourselves or accept ourselvesThis episode on the Chaos Order Balance>> Are you looking to move beyond the patterns currently holding you back, moving beyond emotions that are blocking you and create a new reality? A new reality that allows you to...
Published 10/17/22
How do you approach a situation where you just really don't feel like doing something? Maybe it's something that you need to do or maybe it's something that you "should" do... regardless, when you feel huge resistance towards doing it, should you do it or not? What does this resistance teach us? How can we approach this situation? We go through all of this in today's episode. Referenced in this episode:  This episode on delayed gratificationThis episode on avoiding conflict CEO Day...
Published 10/10/22
How can we get what we truly want? Over the past 2 weeks we spoke about the first two steps; knowing WHAT you want and believing you CAN.  This week we're going into step 3: Moving into Action  Referenced in this episode: How to get what you really want: STEP 1How to get what you really want: STEP 2This podcast episode on my Top 5 Productivity Hacks>> Are you looking to move beyond the patterns currently holding you back, moving beyond emotions that are blocking you and create a new...
Published 10/03/22
What's the first step to getting what you really want out of your life? Step 1 is to KNOW what you want. As T. Harv Ekker said so well: "The number one reason why people don't get what they want, is because they don't know what they want."  This is what we discussed last week.  This week we're moving onto Step 2: Believing that you can.  Referenced in this episode: How to get what you really want: STEP 1This podcast episode on Imposter Syndrome>> Are you looking to move beyond the...
Published 09/26/22
What's the first step to getting what you really want out of your life? Step 1 is to KNOW what you want. As T. Harv Ekker said so well: "The number one reason why people don't get what they want, is because they don't know what they want." What are your biggest hopes, dreams and ambitions? What does your dream life look like? What does your ideal day look like? Most of us don't know, so it's no surprise that we struggle to actually create the kind of life we desire.  In this episode I am...
Published 09/19/22
What does it take me to make romantic relationships last? What are the most important elements that make up healthy and fulfilling relationships? This week I asked all of YOU! You all shared the most important lesson you’ve learned on the topic. I combined these topics into themes and I am sharing those themes as well as reading out some of your responses in this episode.  Referenced in this episode: This episode on Long-Lasting Relationships #1 This episode on Long-Lasting Relationships...
Published 09/12/22
What does it take me to make romantic relationships last? What are the most important elements that make up healthy and fulfilling relationships? In today's episode I'm sharing 3 more lessons I've learned about relationships as a continuation on last week's episode.  Referenced in this episode:  This episode on Long-Lasting Relationships #1 This episode Masculine VS Feminine EnergyThe Queen’s Code (book)Are you looking to take your personal development to the next level? Tired of falling...
Published 09/05/22
What does it take me to make romantic relationships last? What are the most important elements that make up healthy and fulfilling relationships? In today's episode I'm sharing 3 lessons I've learned about relationships that have impacted the way I've approached romantic relationships. Are you looking to take your personal development to the next level? Tired of falling into patterns of self-sabotage and looking to move into a place of self-mastery? Are you ready to finally release the...
Published 08/29/22
In today's episode we're digging into why we struggle to make decisions, the perception shifts we need to welcome to move away from indecision and practical considerations for making the right decision.  Referenced in this episode:  This Reel on "no best choice" This episode on falling in love with your lifeThis episode on asking better questions>> Are you looking to move beyond the patterns currently holding you back, moving beyond emotions that are blocking you and create a new...
Published 08/22/22
Do you struggle to switch off when you're on holiday? You should be taking time to rest but your mind is still running at 1000km/hour reminding you of what should be done or you're feeling the itch to check your emails and do just "one more thing..."  Why do we do this? What are the beliefs and identities that drive us to always stay ON and what alternative beliefs do we need to embody in order to finally give ourselves the rest we need? We go through all of this in today's...
Published 08/15/22
We've all been there. You're looking forward to a specific moment, a specific holiday, an excursion, a reunion etc. but that exact day ends up being the one that goes wrong, doesn't life up to the hype, you're maybe even grumpy or irritable... How come? In today's episode we're digging into the reasons why the moments we look forward to the most often end up disappointing us and carve out a few concrete strategies for how we can make sure that the special moments in our life are as good...
Published 08/08/22
Today we're discussing FUN - where this internal conflict around fun lies, why we often simultaneously feel a pull towards fun and a push away from it. We dig deeper into the beliefs standing in our way from being able to truly enjoy moments of fun, the reasons why we need fun and how we can reconcile this internal struggle.  Referenced in this episode:  This episode on ebbs and flowsThis video on choosing your hardThis episode on the 5 emotions that will teach us about ourselves>>...
Published 07/31/22
In this episode I discuss my latest reflections on this common phrase we hear over and over: life is short. Is it really? Or is this just a perception? What if living with the alternative belief would not only improve our ability to make decisions, reduce fear and slow down time? Referenced in this episode:  This episode on living in the present >> Are you looking to move beyond the patterns currently holding you back, moving beyond emotions that are blocking you and create a new...
Published 07/25/22
In this episode we're talking about being conflict avoidant. Many of us have this tendency and for good reason, conflict can be uncomfortable and many innate human fears such as the fear of being rejected, get in the way.  I am sharing in this episode 3 learnings / reflections that helped me move away from constantly avoiding conflict and have learned to make facing conflict (despite it's discomfort) a habit.  Referenced in this episode:  Patterns I’ve overcome and patterns I’ve...
Published 07/11/22