Happy Full Moon and Happy Summer Solstice! In this guided meditation, we are practicing seeing things clearly and wisely. We are inviting a reflection throughout our practice that whatever is happening is natural and okay, because it is just what is happening right now.
Published 06/20/24
Happy New Moon! In this guided meditation, we are practicing Mindfulness of Breathing with a focus on experiencing and calming body sensations, mental activity, and touching into the spacious and empty nature of mind.
Published 06/06/24
Happy Flower Moon! In this guided meditation, we will be cultivating gratitude. We are practicing connecting to inner and outer beauty and appreciating our good fortune.
Published 05/23/24
Happy New Moon! In this guided meditation, we are continuing our loving kindness practice by practicing metta for self. We are practicing being worthy of kindness, compassion and love just as we are in this moment.
Published 05/06/24
Happy Full Moon! For this full moon meditation, we will be doing a compassionate breathing practice. In this practice we will be cultivating our soft power by deliberately practicing non-reactivity and genuine care for all beings.
Published 04/22/24
Happy New Moon! In this guided meditation, we are practicing equanimity, loving-kindness and compassion. As we launch into a new cycle, we are remembering our intentions to wish people well, be kind and gentle, and let go whenever possible.
Published 04/07/24
Happy Full Moon! In this guided meditation, we are cultivating generosity by practicing wishing loving kindness to our friends.
Published 03/24/24
Happy Spring Equinox! For this extra special equinox meditation, we are practicing cultivating joy together :-)
Published 03/19/24
Happy Full Moon! In this guided meditation, we will be finding harmony between the earth and water element, working with opposing forces to find balance and create ease.
Published 02/23/24
Welcome to the year of the Wood Dragon! Happy Lunar New Year and Happy New Moon in Aquarius. For this guided meditation, we will be working with the element of Wood in Chinese Medicine. Wood is represented by the energy of spring: the time of year when green buds push burst from the ground. For this meditation, we will be working on cultivating this type of new, fresh and vibrant bright green energy in our meditation practice.
Published 02/09/24
Welcome to the first Full Moon of 2024! The Abenaki people refer to this moon as the Greetings Moon, recognizing a traditional practice of greeting friends, family and community members with the phrase: "Anhaldamawi kassi palilawaholan." When translated into English, its meaning is "Forgive me for any wrong I may have done you." This Full Moon meditation will feature a forgiveness practice that I have adapted from the Insight Meditation tradition.
Published 01/25/24
Happy New Year, Happy New Moon! For this new moon meditation, we will practice beginning again with a back to basics Mindfulness Meditation. 
Published 01/10/24
Happy Full Moon! In this meditation, we will be cultivating compassion because it is never a bad time to become more skilled at giving and receiving kindness, love, and compassion.
Published 12/25/23
Happy Winter Solstice! Welcome to hermit season! As we celebrate this moment of perfect stillness, I invite us to savor our goodness and rejoice in the beauty of the winter season.
Published 12/20/23
Happy New Moon! Welcome to the season of gathering by the fire and sharing in our own well-being. In this guided meditation, we will work with fire element in traditional and creative ways.
Published 12/11/23
Happy Full Moon! In this meditation we will be working with water element and letting go, sending any difficulties downstream.
Published 11/27/23
Happy New Moon! Welcome to the season of celebrating the darkness! In this guided meditation, we will embrace quiet stillness and find clarity by calming and quieting our minds through a mindfulness of breathing practice.
Published 11/11/23
Happy Full Moon! This full moon and lunar eclipse is a wonderful opportunity to practice "holding steady." In this meditation, we will cultivate a place of peace and stillness in our own hearts and minds, with the hope that this peace will ripple out to the world around us. May we all learn to be more peaceful. 
Published 10/28/23
Happy New Moon in Libra. In this meditation, we are learning how to work with unpleasant feelings. We are practicing how to relax and stay open despite afflictive states of mind and heart. We are coaching ourselves to befriend whatever we are feeling without judgment or reactivity. We learning to "it is okay to feel this."
Published 10/13/23
Welcome to the season of celebration! We have a new moon in Virgo and the launch of a new lunar year in the Jewish calendar. In this guided meditation we will practice working with what is called in Buddhist psychology, the three characteristics of human experience. A fancy way of saying we will practice not taking this personally, not getting resisting change and not getting too caught up when things don't work out according to plan.
Published 09/14/23
Happy Blue Moon! This guided meditation is a mindfulness of emotions practice geared specifically for working with difficult emotional patterns. We will practice being mindful of a particular emotional pattern and softening and soothing around this pattern with the hopes of building a different and more kind relationships with the emotional patterns that may feel stuck and/or unworkable. 
Published 08/29/23
Happy New Moon! In honor of Leo season, I will be guiding us in an equanimity practice. In this practice, we will cultivate an attitude of balance and ease with the ups and downs of this very human life.
Published 08/14/23
Happy Full Moon! For this guided meditation, we will embrace the magic of forgiveness practice. We will practice offering and receiving forgiveness for ourselves and for others.
Published 08/01/23
Happy New Moon! For this guided meditation, we will practice flowing with ease. This will be a guided open and spacious awareness practice with an emphasis on flow and ease.
Published 07/16/23