Happy Thunder Moon! For this Full Moon Meditation, we are learning together how maintain a steady and continuous application of appropriate energy in our formal meditation practice. We will explore this together by practicing mindfulness meditation in the standing posture.
Published 07/03/23
Happy Summer Solstice! In honor of the summer season, I will be guiding us in an appreciative joy and gratitude practice. We will have an opportunity to celebrate and delight in all that is going well in our lives and the lives of our beloved beings together.
Published 06/21/23
Happy New Moon dear ones! In this guided meditation we will tune into the particular qualities and aspects that Gemini does best, mainly air element and space element. We will settle ourselves in with a mindfulness of breathing practice and then open our awareness to include the element of space, practicing resting in an open and spacious awareness together. 
Published 06/17/23
Happy Strawberry Moon! For this meditation, I will be guiding us in a basic mindfulness practice where we will connect with different objects in our field of awareness to help us ground and stabilize our attention.
Published 06/03/23
Welcome to the Field Maker Moon! In this guided meditation, we will practice mindfulness of emotions. Together, we will practice recognizing and allowing our emotions, even the sticky and icky ones, giving the emotions space to flow through us so we don't get too stuck in an emotional experience that is naturally coming and going. 
Published 05/05/23
Welcome to Taurus Season. In this meditation, we will practice grounding into the earth element internally and externally, as we plant ourselves into the spring season here in the Northern Hemisphere. We will also practice appreciating the natural abundance that surrounds us and offer gratitude for these breathing bodies.
Published 04/20/23
Happy Passover Moon. In this guided meditation, we are invited to connect with the earth element and ground and settle our nervous systems. We also have an opportunity to practice being with our senses, hearing and smelling and feeling into all the different body sensations to connect more deeply with the natural world this precious spring season.
Published 04/05/23
Happy New Moon in Aries! In this guided meditation, we will practice cultivating an attitude of generosity. We will tune into the ways in which paying attention is actually a gift, and how being alive and aware is just like being in a circle of generosity. 
Published 03/21/23
Welcome to the Spring Equinox, a happy moment of perfect balance! In this guided meditation we will practice finding balance and working skillfully with our energy. We will bring our mindful awareness to whatever energy is present and try some fun tips and tricks for how to practice when we are feeling over energized and under energized. 
Published 03/20/23
Welcome to the Full Moon in Virgo. For our Full Moon Meditation, we will be taking a self-compassion break together. This is a short and sweet practice to acknowledge how hard life can be sometimes, and how the only actually helpful response most of the time is to meet the tough moments with mindfulness supported by compassion.
Published 03/06/23
Welcome to the New Moon in Pisces. For this new moon meditation, we will be practicing a basic mindfulness meditation emphasizing the moments when we have a chance to start over, and making sure we begin again with so much kindness and care. Plus a poem by Joy Harjo to start out meditation with a sense of freshness and newness. 
Published 02/19/23
Happy Snow Moon! Phew, we made it to the 2nd phase of winter. We are steadily climbing towards the Spring Equinox and more light is coming our way, meanwhile the world is feeling dark as we process mass shootings in California and the brutal death of Tyre Nichols. What do we do with all the feels? I suggest this "Strong Back and Soft Front" Meditation. This is an equanimity and compassion meditation that I learned from the wise elder and abbot of the Upaya Zen Center, Roshi Joan Halifax. Much...
Published 02/05/23
Welcome to the year of the Water Rabbit! For this meditation we will be practicing with the water element, allowing our practice to flow like water and giving ourselves an opportunity to deepen into our sensitivity and listen to our intuition.
Published 01/21/23
Welcome to the Wolf Moon! In this meditation we will be practicing self-compassion, because honestly there is really nothing better we could be doing with our time.
Published 01/05/23
For this New Moon Meditation we will explore how to skillfully work with the quality of determination in our meditation practice. This will be a fairly basic mindfulness meditation where we will practice grounding and anchoring our attention in the body. We will also bring some awareness to our relationship to the object we are using to anchor our attention and see if we connect more firmly with this object, aiming and sustaining our attention in a focused way. We will practice balancing our...
Published 12/22/22
Welcome to the Winter Solstice, an extra special time of year. For this meditation, we will be practicing equanimity. We will do our best to embrace the quiet and stillness here at the cusp of winter and embody balance, peace and ease while the comings and goings of our busy lives swirls around us.
Published 12/20/22
For this Full Moon meditation we are cultivating joy and gratitude. We are practicing appreciating what is going well in any given moment and refraining from acting on any ingrained habits or tendencies to judge and find fault with ourselves and others.
Published 12/06/22
Welcome to the November New Moon. We are entering Sagittarius season and Thanksgiving holiday season in the U.S. For me personally, this is a complicated and difficult holiday time, as I am holding my fond and tender childhood memories of a beloved family holiday and the truth of settler colonialism and the genocide of Indigenous people. For this meditation, I am sharing with you a practice combining metta, compassion and equanimity as a means of holding the complexity of this holiday and...
Published 11/23/22
For this Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse Meditation, we are practicing leaning into our wholesome desire for meditation practice. Together in this meditation, we are cultivating a practice of savoring our wholesome intentions and basking in the worthiness and enough-ness of just simply meditating. 
Published 11/07/22
Welcome to the heart of the Fall Season. For this meditation we are taking a lesson from the trees and learning how to fall and let go with each and every exhale, contemplating the precious miracle that is to be alive and breathing.
Published 10/24/22
For this Full Moon Meditation we are embarking on the tender and sacred journey that is forgiveness practice together. We are grounding and centering in our bodies while we experiment with asking for forgiveness from others and offering forgiveness to ourselves and others. We move slowly and carefully feeling into our messy, imperfect and so very human lives, asking and offering as much and as little forgiveness as we are able to in this moment. 
Published 10/08/22
This New Moon meditation is a classical mindfulness meditation infused with self-compassion. This powerful combination gives us a precious opportunity to rewire the way we talk to ourselves and to change the emotional tone of our inner lives. This is a guided meditation for creating harmony inside our hearts and minds. 
Published 09/25/22
This Fall Equinox Meditation is here to help us ground and center. We will be grounding in the body through the earth element, feeling our feet and resting in our bones. We will also be connecting with the body through the air element, bringing our mindful awareness to our breathing bodies, breathing with the trees our best teachers in practices of grounding and centering.
Published 09/22/22
This Full Moon Meditation is all about surrendering to the flow and relaxing. In this meditation, we will be relaxing the body by practicing a body scan and then opening up to a sound meditation where we can rest our awareness in an open and spacious way. This Harvest Moon meditation is for relaxation, letting go and flowing with the sound scape.
Published 09/10/22
For this New Moon Meditation, we will be practicing compassion honoring our inherently good and kind nature, treating ourselves with love, kindness and reverence and then extending those good wishes to all beings everywhere.
Published 08/27/22