Joining us on this episode of Bone Talk is Dr. John Neustadt , a researcher and renowned integrative medical expert. In 2005, he founded Montana Integrative Medicine in Bozeman, Montana, specializing in hard-to-treat, chronic degenerative diseases through an integrative approach that emphasized identifying and treating the underlying causes of disease. He is currently the Founder and President of Nutritional Biochemistry, Inc., a dietary supplement company. Dr. Neustadt is passionate...
Published 08/31/22
On this episode of Bone Talk, BHOF CEO Claire Gill talks to Dr. Rodrigo Valderrábano. His research focus is on metabolic bone disease and during his time as a research fellow at Stanford University, he was awarded the Endocrine Society’s Outstanding Abstract award and the American Society for Bone and Mineral Research’s Young Investigator award for his work studying the links between bone health and hematopoiesis in older men. He continues his research efforts with the ultimate goal of...
Published 07/20/22
We all know that exercise is an important part of healthy living. It’s key in maintaining bone health too. Sometimes knowing is not enough. We have good intentions but can let regular exercise slide off the radar. On this episode of Bone Talk, BHOF CEO Claire Gill is talks with Barbara Hannah Grufferman, a nationally recognized advocate for positive living, about how to get back on track with an exercise program. Barbara is also the author of several award winning books and is the Team...
Published 05/16/22
Joining us on this episode of Bone Talk is Wendy Kaplan, a registered dietitian nutritionist specializing in oncology, weight management, and endocrinology. She believes that good nutrition before, during and after cancer treatment makes a difference in how people feel during and how they respond to treatment. Her passion in helping people optimize their overall well-being is so inspiring as she shares her knowledge to help patients reach their nutritional goals.
Published 04/26/22
Dr. Orlando Ortiz joins us on this episode of Bone Talk to discuss vertebral and spine health. Vertebral compression fractures can happen from too much pressure on the vertebral body. This usually results from a combination of bending forward and downward pressure on the spine. Osteoporosis is often a contributing factor.
Published 03/31/22
On this episode of Bone Talk, BHOF CEO Claire Gill is joined by Stephen Perrine and Heidi Skolnik to discuss their new book, The Whole Body Reset: Your Weight-Loss Plan for a Flat Belly, Optimum Health, and a Body You'll Love at Midlife and Beyond. Stephen and Heidi explain that we don’t have to gain weight as we age, and describe how this science-based, tested, and proven weight-management plan, developed by AARP, can help stop – and even reverse – weight gain.
Published 03/14/22
On this episode of Bone Talk, BHOF CEO Claire Gill is joined by fitness expert Carol Michaels. Carol’s exercise programs are designed to be enjoyable, effective and fun. She is passionate about inspiring the best in others and her mission is to help people learn how to live healthy lifestyles. She brings her insight and experience to educating and motivating others to get fit. She even offers free online classes for people impacted by osteoporosis through BHOF via her company Carol...
Published 01/31/22
On this episode of Bone Talk, we are excited to talk to Claire Gill, CEO of the National Osteoporosis Foundation. Over the last 18 months the foundation has undergone a significant rebranding process and has been recently renamed the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Foundation. While NOF has done a lot of good work over its 37-year history, the leadership team recognized that there is still much more to do. By evolving to build a bigger, bolder brand, the foundation aims to expand its focus...
Published 10/22/21
In this episode of Bone Talk, host Barbara Hannah Grufferman is joined by Shona Hendricks, a sports scientist and head of athlete success at CoachParry.com. Shona also leads live online strength training classes and is the creator of the Running Through Menopause training framework. Unfortunately, losing muscle mass is part of aging. It happens to all of us, but it accelerates as we hit our 50’s. The good news is that there are things we can do to mitigate, and even reverse, the muscle...
Published 09/02/21
In this episode of BoneTalk, National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF) Trustee Barbara Hannah Grufferman is joined by longtime friend, Mark McEwen, to talk about the power of resilience when it comes to matters of the body and mind. You’ll be inspired by all that Mark has done and how he’s overcome his health challenges. You’ll also hear about Barbara’s personal story and the events that motivated her to connect with NOF. Like many women, she was not aware of the loss of bone density until...
Published 07/12/21
In this episode of BoneTalk, host Barbara Hannah Grufferman is joined by Dr. Daniel Lieberman, author of “Exercised: Why Something We Never Evolved to Do is Healthy and Rewarding.” Dr. Lieberman, professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard University and a pioneering researcher on the evolution of human physical activity, tells the story of how humans never evolved to exercise – to do voluntary physical activity just for the sake of better health. Yet due to modern innovations...
Published 05/25/21
An osteoporosis diagnosis can be scary and perhaps overwhelming. Whether you or a loved one has been affected, it can often be an emotional journey that requires a shift in perspective and lifestyle changes. Where do you turn for help? Here at the National Osteoporosis Foundation, our online support community, hosted by Inspire, is over sixty thousand members strong. In this episode of Bone Talk, we are joined by two of our community volunteer moderators, Pam Flores and Sarah Purcell....
Published 05/14/21
On this episode of Bone Talk, Dr. Heather Johnson, an actively practicing gynecologist in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area, joins Claire Gill, CEO of the National Osteoporosis Foundation, to talk about how changes that occur in the body due to menopause can affect our bone health. For example, the loss of estrogen impacts our bodies in a variety of ways. Bone is living and always growing in our body and estrogen (or the lack of) impacts the balance of breaking down and building up...
Published 04/30/21
March is National Nutrition Month, an excellent opportunity to review how our diet affects our bone health. You can learn to make healthier meal choices every day by understanding how to incorporate foods that are rich in calcium, vitamin D and other essential nutrients into your diet.
Published 03/17/21
After years of managing a consistent health regimen that included things like good nutrition, appropriate supplements and regular exercise, Theresa Reagan found out this past fall that she has osteoporosis. While she allowed herself the space to feel sad and upset, she also quickly made up her mind to take this challenge head on. As we start the new year, we can’t help but feel inspired by her optimism, focus and dedication to finding a positive path forward. Listen to how she dealt...
Published 01/29/21
In this episode of Bone Talk, we are pleased to welcome Sherri Betz, a member of the NOF Ambassadors Leadership Council. Sherri is a physical therapist, Pilates teacher, and geriatric certified specialist. She specializes in exercise for older adults and teaches community-based classes for osteoporosis, balance, and fall prevention. In the beginning of her career, she became inspired by a physical therapist she worked with which led her to pursue a degree in physical therapy.
Published 12/28/20
Most women are familiar with the more common symptoms of menopause, like hot flashes, sleepless nights and mood swings, but it is so much more than that. It changes everything, often in surprising ways. Dr. Mary Jane Minkin, a women’s health expert, joins us for a deep dive on how menopause affects women, head to toe, inside and out, in ways that most women don’t even think about.
Published 11/18/20
Menopause changes everything. Not only do many women experience some of the more common – but temporary – symptoms of menopause, like hot flashes and mood swings, but there are some surprising ways menopause impacts our bodies in much deeper ways. We know, for example, that bones can get thinner and weaker with the drops in estrogen, and just about everything gets drier. But menopause affects our brain health and functioning in ways we are only starting to understand.
Published 11/02/20
This podcast episode is created in support of World Osteoporosis Day, commemorated annually on October 20. The theme for World Osteoporosis Day 2020 will shine a spotlight on osteoporosis as a “family affair” with caregivers often providing the majority of care and the disease ultimately affecting multiple generations. We are thrilled to have a delightful and impressive mother/daughter team with us. Their story is engaging and inspiring indeed.
Published 10/19/20
October is National Menopause Awareness Month, an opportunity to educate women about changes that can occur in the body during this phase of life. The average age of menopause is 51 and can bring on hormonal fluctuations and hot flashes, among other things. During this time, declining estrogen levels can cause bone loss, in turn increasing your risk of osteoporosis. In this episode, we are pleased to be speaking with Dr. Sharon Allison-Ottey about the connection between bone health,...
Published 09/28/20
Join Claire Gill, CEO of the National Osteoporosis Foundation, as she hosts Dr. Eric Wise and Karen Lake in this episode of Bone Talk. Dr. Wise is an expert in minimally invasive spine care and interventional pain management, as well as a board-certified Diplomat of the American Board of Anesthesiology. Dr. Wise currently practices at Northeast Pain Management in Bangor, Maine. Karen is a patient of Northeast Pain Management and resident of Maine.
Published 08/19/20
More than 53 million Americans care for a friend or family member with a disability or health care need. The COVID-19 pandemic has magnified the fact that our institutions are not prepared to support family caregivers. Many caregivers are “sandwiched” between caring for an aging parent or older adult while also raising children. In this episode, we discuss caregiving challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic and provide information on support and resources available.
Published 07/30/20
Did you know that broken bones of the spine are the most common type of fractures in people with osteoporosis? In this episode, National Osteoporosis Foundation CEO Claire Gill interviews Dr. Tom Schuler, president of the National Spine Health Foundation and CEO and founder of the Virginia Spine Institute. They discuss the relationship between overall bone health and spinal health while offering useful tips on some of the most important things people can do at every stage of life to protect...
Published 05/21/20
The National Osteoporosis Foundation is excited to once again be named as an official charity partner of the 2020 TCS New York City Marathon – which will celebrate its 50th anniversary on November 1. To commemorate this milestone year, NOF has recruited dedicated women over the age of 50 to join its ‘Be Bone Strong’ team. The team is committed to showcasing the critical importance of bone health in active aging. We are thankful that TheOptimal.me is supporting our endeavor as a sponsor of the...
Published 04/22/20
In this episode, NOF Interim CEO, Claire Gill, chats with Dr. Felicia Cosman about research advances that have occurred in the field of osteoporosis over the past decade.
Published 03/19/20