The Lifer Creed will help you finally achieve your goals for your health! No more resolutions. Do you set New Year’s resolutions year after year, only to find that lasting change is nearly impossible? You’re not alone! 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail… so what’s the alternative? Join me in this episode of Healthy Free Life Show as I shed light on: why resolutions don’t workthe best motivation for getting healthywhat it means to be a LIFEr.  The LIFEr Creed You’ll gain insight into the LIFEr...
Published 01/06/22
What healthy habits are essential for life? Join me in this episode of Healthy Free Life Show as I break down the 7 habits of a healthy free life and why these specific habits are vitally important for your well-being. The 7 Habits of a Healthy Free Life You’ll gain insight into the unique roles of the 7 key healthy habits of: worshipresthydratesleepmoveeat glorious foodsexerciseYou will also learn each habit’s ultimate goal to work towards.  Let’s make 2022 your healthiest year EVER! Tune in...
Published 12/29/21
Julie's story of breaking free from dieting, excess weight, exhaustion, and fear of going out in public will encourage and inspire you! We all know how controversial dieting is… but Julie is living (and now thriving) proof of how diets can do more harm than good. Julie has struggled with her weight since she was a kid. Her mom put her on her first diet at the age of 12 and (surprise!) she didn’t lose any weight. That was the beginning of decades of dieting. Instead of losing weight, the...
Published 12/15/21
Movement vs Exercise. Which do you think is more important to your health and weight loss goals? ANSWER: Movement! If you want to lose weight, get healthy, decrease your chance of getting diabetes or pre-diabetes, sleep better, or even just feel less stressed throughout your day… You have to get moving! But maybe you're asking... what is the difference between movement vs exercise? Aren't they the same thing? Ah, good question! Movement vs. Exercise: Join me in this episode of Healthy Free...
Published 12/08/21
To renew your mind is no easy task. God tells us in Romans 12:2 "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will."  If we are not careful, the "patterns of the world" will have us believing lies in no time. Lies of... I'm not enough. I can't do it. This cookie will help me feel better. One bite won't hurt. I'll start tomorrow. These lies keep us in a...
Published 12/01/21
Are you having trouble mindfully eating? Or maybe you don’t know how to start? This episode will solve that. Together, through our senses, presence, and prayer, we will practice mindful eating together! How to Mindfully Eat Join me in this episode of Healthy Free Life Show as I walk you through a short but in-depth exercise for mindful eating. If possible, go grab a yummy snack or a meal and follow along with this interactive, 10-minute mindfulness practice. Step-by-step, you’ll indulge in...
Published 11/24/21
Are you a mindful eater or a mindless eater? If you’re anything like me, you likely have a busy life and so many things on your to-do list that sometimes, eating can feel like a task to check off the list. Eating mindfully plays a huge role in cultivating a healthy free life, so let’s explore the impact of mindful eating and mindless eating on the mind, body, and soul. Benefits of Mindful Eating: Join me in this episode of Healthy Free Life Show as I shed light on the scientific research...
Published 11/17/21
Healthy holidays. Is it even possible? Let’s face it… the holiday season is upon us again! And with the holidays, from Halloween to New Year’s Eve, come lots of indulgent, sugary foods that often leave us lethargic, a little fuller around the middle, and feeling regretful. I’m here to tell you that this year, the holidays don’t have to be like that for you! You CAN have a healthy holiday!   Experience Healthy Holidays: So, I bet you’re wondering, how do you stay healthy during the...
Published 11/11/21
Staying motivated in your weight loss journey can be such a struggle if the number on the scale doesn't go down as much as you hoped. Or worse, it goes up. Amiright? Join me in this #AskKatrina episode where I answer one of the most frequently asked questions about getting healthy and losing weight. TODAY'S QUESTION: Sue: "I recently watched all of the Conquer Your Cravings videos.  I was doing really well eating "God's Glorious Foods" until I took the next step of weighing and measuring.  I...
Published 11/03/21
We decided to take the audios from my Conquer Your Cravings event teachings and post them here as a podcast! This is the teaching from Video 3 of the 3-part video series.  This episode is only available until October 28th, so listen today! If you would like to officially register for the Conquer Your Cravings event so you can watch live and receive the workbooks and resources, register here: https://healthyfreelife.com/cravings
Published 10/22/21
We decided to take the audios from my Conquer Your Cravings event teachings and post them here as a podcast! This is the teaching from Video 2 of the 3-part video series.  This episode is only available until October 28th, so listen today! We will post the Video 3 audio as a podcast by 10/22. If you would like to officially register for the Conquer Your Cravings event so you can watch live and receive the workbooks and resources, register here: https://healthyfreelife.com/cravings
Published 10/21/21
Sometimes you don’t realize how transformational starting a health journey can be until you listen to someone’s true story. Listen in to this episode of Healthy Free Life Show, as I bring you a story of success by Cindy, a student of the Healthy Free Life Way. Cindy’s story began with: low energy levelsexcess weighta diagnosis of pre-diabetes.BUT God!  With the help of Conquer Your Cravings, the 40 Day Food Revival, and The Academy, she has: lowered her A1Clost 50 poundsfeels so much more...
Published 10/20/21
We decided to take the audios from my Conquer Your Cravings event teachings and post them here as a podcast! This is the teaching from Video 1 of the 3-part video series.  This episode is only available until October 28th, so listen today! We will post the Video 2 audio as a podcast by 10/21. If you would like to officially register for the Conquer Your Cravings event so you can watch live and receive the workbooks and resources, register here: https://healthyfreelife.com/cravings 
Published 10/18/21
Eat and live God's way. Have you ever tried it? It can be easy to look to the world for solutions on losing weight and getting healthy… but the answer is right in God’s Word. Join me in this episode of Healthy Free Life Show as I share God’s Word with you and offer you a glorious opportunity to conquer your cravings, integrate your spirit and body health, and reach your health goals with confidence. Eat & Live God's Way I want you to live abundantly, flourish, and fulfill your God-given...
Published 10/13/21
It can feel so hard to break free from sugar. And there's a good reason. Did you know that sugar is just as addictive as cocaine AND it alters your brain chemistry by robbing joy? You may have the belief that sugar and carb cravings are just mental and emotional… perhaps you think you lack willpower or self-discipline. But the reality is, it’s so much more complex than that. While, yes, there are mental and emotional reasons why we crave certain foods, there are physical and spiritual...
Published 10/06/21
Do you wish you could stop sugar cravings? You’re not the only one! Join me in this episode as I shed light on the reality of sugar and its toxic effects on the body, mind, and spirit. I share a simple strategy that will help you become more mindful of your sugar consumption, begin to cut back on sugar and live a more healthy free life. You’ll gain insight into the connection between diet and disease, how the US government and food industry have failed in keeping us healthy, and the first...
Published 09/29/21
Nancy battled sugar cravings, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, pain, and depression for nearly her whole life. Just two years ago, she made a decision that changed EVERYTHING. She decided to begin her journey to a healthy, free life. Nancy's Story: From bound & burned to healthy & free! In just a few weeks of starting her journey, she beat her Diet Coke addiction, radically reduced her cravings, and gained back control of her health and well-being. Nancy has since lost 50 pounds,...
Published 09/22/21
Truth: We've all made exercise mistakes. Us included. The latest research studies about exercise are showing that what we learned in the '80s and '90s about exercise is wrong. The problem is that most of us still believe what they told us decades ago... and the result is we aren't getting slimmer and healthier. We've gotten fatter and more unhealthy. And frustrated. Am I right? This doesn't mean we stop exercising. It means we learn and embrace what the latest research on exercise is showing....
Published 09/15/21
Would you love natural health remedies for you and your family? Remedies for things such as stress, sleep issues, painful joints, anxious or sad feelings? Essential oils can help! Did you know that essential oils can even help you in your efforts to lose weight? Amazing! Join me in this episode of Healthy Free Life Show as I welcome Dr. Eric Zielinski. He specializes in public health research and aromatherapy. He will talk with us about using natural remedies, like essential oils, safely and...
Published 09/08/21
Do you struggle to create healthy habits? Not sure where to start when creating new habits Join me as I explain the most effective way to create healthy habits that last a lifetime. You’ll learn the 4 laws of habit change, how to use James Clear’s habit formation system and 7 proven habits that will guide you to living a healthy, free life. With these savvy techniques for creating sustainable, healthy habits, you’ll be on your way to a healthy, free life in no time!  Create Healthy Habits the...
Published 09/01/21
Are you the type of person that can’t keep a bag of cookies or chips in the house, for fear that you’ll eat the entire bag in one sitting? What if I told you that you have the power to break that bad habit… Join me in this episode as I explain how to finally break bad habits, especially unhealthy eating habits, that are preventing you from living your healthiest, most vibrant life. You’ll learn what a habit is, the science of how habits are created, why bad habits are so hard to break, and...
Published 08/25/21
There are good carbs and bad carbs. Do you know the difference?  It’s time for a carbohydrate revival! Join me in this episode as I break down the scientific research behind carbohydrates. You’ll learn why you shouldn’t be afraid of good carbs if they are the right carbs, how to avoid blood sugar spikes from eating carbohydrates, and the best ways to incorporate healthy carbs into your diet. We will also dive into the history of processed foods and the diseases they are responsible...
Published 08/18/21
Do you want to start eating healthier but your family or spouse just isn’t on board? Do you struggle to get support from your family on lifestyle changes? Join me in this episode of Healthy Free Life as I talk about what to do when your family or spouse doesn’t want to participate in making healthier choices. I’ll share 4 empowering ways to make changes to your diet and lifestyle without buy-in from your family or spouse.  From food shopping and cooking dinner to upgrading your snacks, these...
Published 08/11/21
Can you imagine losing 100 pounds and finally being able to breathe- literally and figuratively? Well, Theresa did just that. She shares her previous struggles, her successes, and how she made The Academy her own.   I feel like I am leading a healthy, free life. I might not be at the end of the journey, but life has been so much better. I can enjoy life. I can just feel free. I feel the burdens have been lifted, not just physical ones, but emotional ones, even, you know, spiritual burdens....
Published 08/04/21
Do you have a good practice of self-care? Or do you think of this season in your life as a time to die to self so that you can serve others? What if I told you that you’re misunderstanding what it means to die to self? I am giving you permission to practice self-care, in fact, I’m calling you to it. It is not selfish. It is essential so that you can be the light of Jesus and love others well. “Don't you think that it's better to pour out to others from a place of abundance instead of a place...
Published 07/28/21