Autoimmune diseases are conditions where the body’s immune system attacks its own tissues rather than a foreign molecule like bacteria. Some of the most common autoimmune diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and hypothyroidism, however, there are many more that affect the nervous system, joints and muscles, skin, and even heart. Today, I’m joined by Dr. Amy Myers, MD, a two-time bestselling author and internationally acclaimed medical...
Published 11/28/23
A terminal cancer diagnosis can be paralyzing. However, when Jane McLelland was diagnosed with a Stage IV cancer in 1999, she didn’t freeze. Using her medical knowledge and researching heavily, Jane put together a cancer-starving formula using natural therapies, exercise, diet, and a unique cocktail of drugs that acted synergistically to kill even the toughest of cancers. In fact, Jane became one of the pioneers in discovering the use of off-label drugs for cancer, mapping the landscape of...
Published 11/21/23
In the words of Dr. Perry Nickelston, “If you’re stuck in fight or flight, everything gets stuck, including your ability to heal.” Dr. NIckelston, DC, also known as ‘The Lymph Doc’, is a chiropractor whose primary focus is treating chronic pain and inflammation via the lymphatic and vascular systems. He is the founder of Stop Chasing Pain, an educator of the self-care MOJO series, and an international speaker. Dr. Perry specializes in Performance Enhancement, Corrective Exercise, and...
Published 11/14/23
Did you know that nutrient deficiencies are common even in people eating a healthy diet—thanks to declining soil quality, a growing toxic burden, and other challenges in the modern world? The human body needs over 40 micronutrients to function properly—yet most Americans don’t get enough of several of these vitamins and minerals. Today, I’m excited to take a deeper dive into this topic with one of my most trusted sources when it comes to nutrition and dietary research, Chris Kresser, M.S.,...
Published 11/07/23
Chris Wark was diagnosed with stage III colon cancer in 2003, at just 26 years old. After surgery, Chris made the decision to go against his doctor’s advice, opted-out of chemotherapy and chose to use nutrition and natural therapies to heal. Join me in this special episode as Chris and I discuss the strategies he used during his journey back to health, and his message of hope that chronic diseases like cancer can be prevented and reversed with a radical transformation of diet and...
Published 10/30/23
Heather Dahm has been working to manage active cancer in her body for the past 13.5 years; and acutely for the past 5 after having progression to her lungs, which left her with an end-stage cancer diagnosis. In this episode, Heather and I discuss her terrain-based approach to healing, through incorporating a keto-tarian diet, cold exposure, emotional healing, cycling, supplements, and much more. What you'll learn in this episode: The natural strategies that Heather actively incorporates to...
Published 10/24/23
Suzy Griswold was diagnosed with thyroid cancer in 2009. Three months after surgery and radiation, the cancer spread to her lymph nodes. Rather than accepting chemotherapy as a next treatment option, Suzy began investigating alternative, natural and non-toxic cancer treatments, and discovered the Gerson Therapy. Eighteen months later she was cancer free! Suzy’s experience led her to found HealingStrong, a non-profit organization that empowers, inspires and equips group participants and...
Published 10/17/23
Blood sugar is one aspect of our biology that has major implications for how well we feel and function. Join me as I speak with Emily Johnson, MS, RD, the research lead at Veri, as we discuss the importance of regulating our blood sugar and insulin responses. We’ll cover the symptoms and conditions linked to glucose dysregulation, strategies to help you avoid spikes, and so much more! What you’ll learn from this episode:  Why you should ditch your sweet breakfast and make sure to start your...
Published 10/10/23
Are you controlled by your thoughts and feelings? Do you feel victim to that inner dialogue that runs 24/7 in your head? Join me as I speak with Jimmy Page, Founder and President of the Unstoppable Freedom Alliance, health & wellness export, and author, as we dive into powerful strategies we can employ each day to help transform our thoughts, our lives, and our health.  What you’ll learn from this episode: The power of one word in changing your lifeHow our inner voice can be a source of...
Published 10/03/23
Oral health is connected to full-body health in a myriad of ways. In fact, conditions ranging from diabetes, cardiovascular disease, rheumatoid arthritis,  dementia, and even cancer are all directly connected to our oral health. Join me as I speak with Dr. Kelly Blodgett, a dentist board certified in Naturopathic Medical Dentistry and Integrative Biological Dental Medicine, as we discuss the hazards of mercury fillings and root canals, how to remineralize teeth naturally, why you should avoid...
Published 09/26/23
In a healthy body, the process of detoxification runs smoothly. However, when we have a high toxic burden, certain toxins can remain active for longer than our bodies can handle, resulting in symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, hormonal imbalances, and more. Join me as I sit down with Dr. Halie Schoff, DC, and discuss how to enhance your body’s own natural detoxification process. What you'll learn from this episode: How to tell if your body is not detoxifying properly Using food & herbs...
Published 09/19/23
Vitamin C is a potent anti-cancer agent in high doses, helping to boost immune response and suppress the proliferation of cancer cells. Join me as I speak with Dr. Lucas Tims, ND, FABNO, as we delve into the science surrounding the use of high-dose vitamin C as an adjunctive therapy for cancer treatment.  What you’ll learn from this episode: The mechanisms by which high dose vitamin C works to fight cancerProper dosing & how to tell if you’re getting enoughWhy intravenous vitamin C is...
Published 09/12/23
Over time, a dysregulated nervous system can become an overlooked cause of brain fog, hormonal imbalances, fatigue, anxiety, and even chronic pain. Join me as I speak with Dr. Nick Belden, DC, as we discuss some of the common factors that can lead to nervous system dysregulation, as well as tactical strategies to train our nervous systems to feel safe.     What you’ll learn from this episode:  Factors that can lead to a dysregulated nervous system, such as chronic stress, trauma, &...
Published 09/05/23
Join me as I speak with Dr. Nicole Cain, ND, as we discuss natural strategies for effectively managing anxiety. From mindfulness practices to lifestyle adjustments, Dr. Cain shares her insights and experiences as we explore the impact that personality, genetics, trauma, nutrition, and lifestyle has on the development of anxiety. What you’ll learn from this episode How  trauma affects the development of anxiety disordersCommon personality traits related to anxiety disordersThe relationship...
Published 08/29/23
It’s become a widely held belief that cancer is predominately a genetic disease. However, an empowering evolution in cancer research has shown we have far more control over our risk than previously thought. Join me as I speak with Dr. Thomas Seyfried, PhD, a trailblazer in the arena of conquering cancer. In 2012, Dr. Seyfried published his groundbreaking book, Cancer as a Metabolic Disease: On the Origin, Management & Prevention of cancer, which provided extensive information showing that...
Published 08/22/23
Hormones — such as estrogen, testosterone, adrenaline and insulin — are incredibly important chemical messengers that affect many aspects of our overall health. That’s why hormonal imbalances can wreak havoc on the body. For example, mood swings, irritability, depression, anxiety, bloating, sugar cravings, headaches, and sleep disturbances affect over 75% of women. Join me as I speak with Dr. Daisey Anglow, ND, about a functional medicine approach to treating hormonal imbalances.    What...
Published 08/15/23
Join me as I speak with Dr. Veronique Desaulniers regarding how breast cancer develops, the impact of stress and emotional health on the formation and healing of cancer, and the power of acting with intention in the healing process. She is the Founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror and the 7 Essentials Systems and is the Co-founder of My Breast Friend. Having conquered breast cancer herself, twice, Dr. V. provides an empathetic perspective and has empowered thousands of women in over 63 countries...
Published 08/08/23
Join me as I speak with Dr. Becky Lee, ND, about one of the most important yet often overlooked elements of the cancer healing journey – the recovery process. Dr. Lee shares her own story of being diagnosed with cancer at the age of sixteen, and strategies she used to help her body recover - both physically and mentally. What you'll learn from this episode: Strategies for dealing with side effects that accompany conventional cancer treatmentsNutrition's role in the cancer recovery...
Published 08/01/23
Digestive problems can wreak havoc in the entire body, leading to chronic ailments including autoimmune disease, fatigue, mood disorders, cancer, dementia, and more. Join me as I speak with Dr. Amber Krosgrud, ND, to discuss the topic of a “leaky gut,” as well as some practical action steps to take to improve and optimize our digestive health. What you'll learn from this episode: What is leaky gut & how do you test for it?What are the top causes of leaky gut?The optimal nutrition for a...
Published 07/25/23
Nutrition is the most powerful weapon when it comes to both fighting as well as preventing cancer. Join me as I speak with Jen Nolan, owner and lead oncology consultant at Remission Nutrition, to learn about the importance of metabolic nutrition, and why it should be part of a cancer patient's standard of care.  What you'll learn from this episode: What is metabolic nutrition? What should the basic makeup of your plate be?Jen's take on the term "plant-based" as well as the nuanced topics of...
Published 07/18/23
Our bodies respond to the way we think, feel, and act. Join me as I speak with Dr. Nicole Huffman, ND, about the physiological changes that occur in the body in response to our emotions, as well as practical strategies to change our subconscious beliefs.   What you’ll learn from this episode: How subconscious beliefs affect healthStrategies to change our subconscious beliefsThe science behind muscle testingHow to deal with intrusive thoughts & emotional triggersWays to better regulate our...
Published 07/11/23
The rates of attention deficit disorders have skyrocketed in recent years. Join me as I speak with Dr. Aneeta Uppal, PhD, to discuss the common drivers of ADHD, and the importance of identifying and treating its causes, rather than its symptoms. Dr. Uppal shares natural strategies and tactics that she used personally to enhance her focus, from nutrition and essential oils to other lifestyle hacks.    What you'll learn from this episode: The difference between ADD and ADHDThe common drivers of...
Published 07/04/23
Join me as I speak with Dr. Terry Wahls, MD, about her journey in using food and lifestyle strategies to regain her health after being diagnosed with secondary progressive multiple sclerosis, which kept her in a tilt-recline wheelchair for four years.  What you'll learn from this episode: The role our mitochondria play in progressive disease, and the nutrients that help support healthy mitochondriaHow Dr. Wahls found healing in the AIP diet, and went on to develop the Wahls ProtocolDr....
Published 06/27/23
The circadian rhythm is our body’s intrinsic timekeeping mechanism. It significantly impacts our health, weight, and even mental well-being. Join me as I speak with naturopathic doctors Dr. Marissa Canning & Dr. Andrew Chelladurai about some tactical strategies to improve our sleep and reset our circadian rhythms.    What you’ll learn in this episode: What is our circadian system and natural strategies to optimize itCommon sources of artificial light that can disrupt our sleep &...
Published 06/20/23
Join me as I speak with Dr. Derek Guillory, MD, as we unravel the science and mechanisms behind two incredibly powerful alternative treatment modalities – hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) and ozone therapy.   What you’ll learn in this episode:  What is hyperbaric oxygen therapy & how does it differ from ozone therapy?The most common applications for which hyperbaric oxygen & ozone are usedThe use of HBO & ozone therapy in cancer care Why cancer cells thrive in areas of low oxygenThe most...
Published 06/13/23