Have you ever reflected on the importance of gratitude in your life? This week on Tea with Tanya, we take a moment to pause and recognize the way thankfulness can transform our lives. As your host, I share some heartfelt reflections from the past year and the blossoming of gratitude that has deeply influenced my journey.  Our dialogue travels from the personal to the communal as we discuss our own growth and the love and support that comes from our collective community - family, friends, and...
Published 11/21/23
Ever wondered why some people seem to have it all figured out while others appear to be wandering aimlessly? The secret lies within intentional living, the art of understanding the 'why' behind our actions and decisions. Join me this week for a special rewind episode as we explore this key concept together, shedding light on how to live a purpose-driven life. As we journey together, I'll share my personal experiences – from taking the leap into public speaking to launching this podcast....
Published 11/14/23
Struggling to balance and embrace the many roles you play in life?  In this week's episode, I dive into the beautiful challenge of being a multifaceted woman. We discuss how to navigate being a mother, partner, professional, sister, artist, athlete - or whatever role it may be, with confidence. As multifaceted women, we often find ourselves juggling various roles and passions, from our careers and family responsibilities to our creative pursuits and personal growth. This episode is...
Published 11/07/23
The seasons are changing, which means we are in for colder days depending on where you are in the world. Pour yourself a cup of tea and join me and guest Desiree Argentina, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, for an enlightening conversation that delves into a topic millions face worldwide — Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. This episode is packed with rich insights as we explore the causes, symptoms, and coping strategies for SAD.   As part of our conversation, we take a look at SAD,...
Published 10/31/23
Do you ever find yourself attributing your successes to luck rather than your own hard work? Or maybe you've felt like a failure despite evidence that proves otherwise? If so, you're not alone. Join me and my guest Whitney, host of the Impostrix Podcast, as we dive deep into all things imposter syndrome and self-doubt that plague high achievers, particularly those of color. In this episode, we talk about why setting boundaries and recognizing limitations are as crucial as a good night's...
Published 10/24/23
Have you ever experienced burnout? Do you know how to identify when you are experiencing burnout? Burnout can feel like a relentless storm, draining your energy, passion, and enthusiasm for life. It's that overwhelming feeling of being overworked, overstressed, and simply just over it. But the good news is it's not the end of the road; it's a crossroads, a turning point. In this episode, we're thrilled to have the incredible Christy Mann as our special guest in this episode. Christy's...
Published 10/17/23
On this episode,  I take you through my own experiences, weaving through the highs and lows of my wellness journey, from making excuses to finding a gym buddy and achieving consistent progress. Sip on the calming blend of ginger peach turmeric herbal tea, as we unravel the profound role of self-accountability in enhancing productivity and personal relationships. We'll delve into the heart of self-accountability, exploring practical tools and tips to manage time effectively and maintain focus...
Published 10/10/23
Did you know the act of continuously pouring into others can leave your own cup drained and depleted, leading to burnout? Join me this week as I unravel my personal encounter with burnout and the transformational journey of self-care that followed. I candidly share how the overwhelming desire to give endlessly led me to exhaustion, underscoring the importance of regular self-care as an antidote to burnout. Throughout this episode, we journey through practical strategies for prioritizing...
Published 10/03/23
In this episode,  we dive deep into the profound impact that the company we keep can have on our lives. From friendships and mentors to colleagues and family members, the people we surround ourselves with shapes our perspectives, values, and even our success. As we traverse the challenging landscape of shifting priorities, I'll share how my life-altering trip to Uganda in 2019 sparked a newfound independence and ownership of my dreams. However, let's not forget the impact of the company we...
Published 09/26/23
Navigating life as a millennial can sometimes feel like walking a tightrope. One misstep or moment of distraction and everything could come crashing down.  On this episode, I'm joined by a returning guest, Michele. This episode explores the intricate dynamics of friendships, more specifically, intentional friendships. We share our personal stories and highlight the importance of open communication, mutual respect, and shared experiences in building and maintaining meaningful relationships....
Published 09/19/23
In a world often filled with external demands and distractions, it's easy to overlook the relationship we have with ourselves. However, it's this relationship that forms the foundation for all other connections in our lives.  What if I told you that your early relationships significantly shaped your current needs and behaviors? As we sip on our tea, we'll explore the significance of self-awareness and how our interactions with our caregivers can still influence us. I'll share some practical...
Published 09/12/23
Welcome to another season of Tea with Tanya, where I'll take you along on my journey back to grad school while exploring the balance between mental and physical health. We often find ourselves in situations where we have to compromise our identity to fit in, don't we? But guess what? It's time to change that narrative.  This episode is a heart-to-heart on self-care and choosing oneself. We dive into the importance of self-love and its impact on our relationships. It's an open conversation...
Published 09/05/23
Ready to nurture your mind, body, and soul? Let's journey together into the tea tasting room, delving into a new season designed to rejuvenate your spirit. I’ve brewed up an array of topics that will challenge you to choose yourself and embrace your core identity. Together, we'll uncover the power of intentional friendships and investigate how the company you keep shapes your world. What if you could confront imposter syndrome head-on, armed with strategies to release self-doubt? Picture...
Published 08/29/23
Tea with Tanya's season finale is here, and what a journey it's been! Celebrate with me as I look back at our incredible adventure that was filled with insights on self-improvement, personal growth, and the balancing act that is motherhood. Reflecting on our shared understanding of wellness, self-love, and consistency has been a rewarding experience. It's taught me valuable lessons on productivity, time management, and respecting my limitations. As we conclude this season, let me leave you...
Published 08/22/23
We've all been there: obsessing over the end goal, the final transformation, the peak of our achievement. But what if I told you your journey is the real transformation? That's what we'll be deconstructing in this episode, with a focus on self-love and goal-setting. I'm sharing my perspective on why every step of your growth journey should be celebrated.  We'll then pivot the conversation to the beautiful, messy process of walking toward our goals. Hear about how my views on success have...
Published 08/15/23
Feeling overwhelmed by juggling life's many responsibilities? Ever feel like you're falling behind, no matter how hard you try? In this episode, I'm joined by my dear friend Shambria, an MSW student and multitasking supermom, where we delve into the ups and downs of balancing work, parenting, personal goals, and education. Drawing from our personal experiences as overachievers, we inspire you to remember no dream is too big and remind you to keep forging ahead, even when you feel like you're...
Published 08/08/23
Are you marching to the beat of your own drum, or are you dancing to someone else's tune? On this episode, I talk about unearthing the power of setting personal goals, not those dictated by societal pressures or expectations. I'll take you on a journey, sharing my personal story of transitioning from nursing to public health and how I managed to stay true to myself amidst the pressures of societal norms. Join me as we sip on this week's tea which is  Dream Tea from Mountain Rose Herbs and...
Published 08/01/23
Fancy a hot cup of tea and a refreshing slice of life wisdom? Join me, Tanya, as I steep in an enriching conversation with Anique, a bold and inspiring immigration attorney based in Miami. She's taken massive leaps of faith in her career and personal life, unafraid of falling but resilient to rise. Together, we explore these leaps. Anique and I get real about the hurdles that can intimidate us from embracing change: fear of failure, imposter syndrome, and the crippling effect of negative...
Published 07/25/23
Ever thought failure could be your stepping stone to success? Let's explain. Join me as we redefine failures and their role in our lives. This is a journey through my nursing school experience, the highs, the lows, and the life-changing insight from the people close to me. Together, we'll understand how sitting with our feelings can create opportunities, even when faced with the most challenging situations. In this episode, we explore how failure can be our most significant asset. It's time...
Published 07/18/23
Welcome to another episode of Tea with Tanya, where I open up about my wellness journey and consistently achieve my goals.  In this episode, I offer a glimpse into my morning routine, a blend of hydration, meditation, and gratitude journaling. It's all about aligning with the best version of oneself; a consistent routine is the ideal start. Oh yes, this journey is all about self-improvement and wellness. Not to forget, my podcast journey, with its ups and downs, has been a lesson in...
Published 07/11/23
In this episode of Tea with Tanya,  we sip on our brew of ginger tea; with our special guest,  licensed independent social worker Stephanie Jones. Have you ever found yourself going above and beyond to please others, often at the expense of your own happiness and well-being? As we delve into the complexities of people-pleasing, we'll unravel its varied manifestations, including buying friendships and pacifying bullies with money for their approval. We'll hear about Stephanie's inspiring...
Published 07/04/23
 Do you ever feel like your wellness journey is a never-ending rollercoaster of sporadic attempts at self-improvement? Let's change that together! Join me in this episode of Tea with Tanya as I share my personal wellness journey and guide you on how to craft your own. Together, we'll discover the importance of a holistic approach, gradual and realistic changes, and personalization by exploring key aspects of a wellness journey, all while sipping on this week's tea of the week, Fever Grass Tea...
Published 06/27/23
Imagine you've just hit rock bottom, and it feels like there's no way out. That was me when I failed out of nursing school. But guess what? I got back up, rebuilt my life, and I'm here today to share my story with you. Join me for an empowering journey as we explore the power of resilience, adaptability, and self-discovery in a brand new season of Tea with Tanya. You'll learn how to set realistic goals, be mindful of your planning, and celebrate your accomplishments.  In this season, we'll...
Published 06/20/23
Are you ready to redefine your goals and transform your life? Join us on a new season of Tea with Tanya as we explore how our goals shape our lives and how we can rise gracefully from their ruins. This incredible adventure dives deep into the essence of goal reflection and wellness journeys while also providing valuable insights on turning moments of failure into growth and success. Grab your favorite cup of tea and embark on this self-discovery journey with me. The new season starts on June...
Published 06/13/23
As we wrap up the menstrual and reproductive health series for this month, we delve into the journey of life after receiving an updated diagnosis of endometriosis. Nailah joins me as we explore the challenges, triumphs, and valuable insights she shares as she experiences the transformative impact of an updated diagnosis in her life. We discuss the significance of an updated diagnosis, which can bring a range of emotions, including relief, validation, and a sense of clarity.  Nailah shares...
Published 05/30/23