I am honoured to have Grandmother Mulara, senior lore woman with me to share her wisdom and teachings about leadership, energy and walking together. In this episode Grandmother shares her path being an emertus law woman and an indigenous lore woman, her journey teaching leadership and values based practices in government and corporates as well as her work now as a senior lore woman working with the grandmother energy. An insightful interview for those who also bridge the corporate and...
Published 06/17/24
Published 06/17/24
Today's interview is with WHS and psychosocial health training professional Peta Mercieca. Peta shares her career story, overcoming challenges from bullying at work and how she now approaches managing a team balancing competence and compassion. Raw and real and worth a listen. You can connect with Peta here https://www.linkedin.com/in/peta-mercieca-cohsprof-0b139a22b/ To watch the interview as a YouTube instead visit...
Published 06/03/24
For a free guide on how you can improve your LinkedIn Profile and position yourself for a new role or promotion visit How To Update Your LinkedIn Profile - FREE GUIDE — Alexandra Joy - AJ - The Bush Philosopher If you would like to request a review of your profile just like this one for a new role, promotion or improvement then reach out to me visit Personalised LinkedIn Profile Positioning Review — Alexandra Joy - AJ - The Bush Philosopher For more information about how you can...
Published 05/26/24
This how to video was created specifically for professionals, leaders and those in the government sector if you want to uplevel your government career and get promoted without coming across as up yourself, salesy or sucky. It’s simple, clear with just 3 action steps to up your personal brand and get you noticed more than ever. If you’re tired of lesser qualified and experienced professionals getting the promotions then it’s time to improve your brand online. For a free guide on how...
Published 05/13/24
If you're a corporate professional or a government employee looking to grow your influence through your network then this is the episode to tune into. My guest today is a longtime friend and colleague Melissa Histon. Mel is the founder and CEO of Hunter based charity Got Your Back Sista. Mel has grown the charity over the past 8 and a half years through determination, volunteers and her amazing professional network. I have a saying that I use regularly (borrowed it from Alex Hormozi)...
Published 05/06/24
Don't try to be popular," was one piece of advice John Davies, former senior military officer received early on in his career. In this episode, I interview John (JD) where he shares his insights as the Director of Navy Culture and how a leaders responsibility lies in looking after your people and communicating well. You don't have to be in the special forces to apply the great leadership advice and lessons John shares. To find out more about John visit...
Published 04/30/24
My guest on this episode of the 10 Degree Shift is a workplace safety inspector - Phil Lalor. Phil has a reputation for being a professional and having high standards, people who know him will say he always has highly polished leather boots and a spotlessly clean car. I'm envious. Living in the bush on dirt roads my car can be cleaned one day and coated in dirt the next. That's not however why I brought him on the show. I invited Phil to be a guest, because like me, he's a no BS...
Published 04/18/24
Amy Smith shares her hot LinkedIn for Leaders tips on this call 👇 If you're a manager or leader looking to step up your personal profile and build your credibility then this episode is for you. It's part of the monthly special guest calls in my Manager to Leader Shift Program and aims to give you inspiration and tactics to grow your career at least by $30K in 3 months - want to know more? Check it out here https://www.alexandrajoy.com.au/ Make sure you connect with Amy and I on...
Published 04/08/24
Most team leaders struggle to break through middle management and get promoted, even when they’re doing everything right on paper.The reality is you don’t need to work harder and you don’t need to be the first to arrive & the last to leave every day.You need to be more strategic in your approach to leadership.You deserve a simple, step-by-step roadmap that allows you to work on your own career goals as well as your KPIs.In this episode, I share the 3 essential steps I took to break...
Published 03/25/24
Have you ever wished you could carve your own career path and create it around your passions and strengths so that you can be unapologetically and authentically you? In this month's episode I'm in conversation with Justine Ulph, Manager of Strategic Research initiatives, office of the Deputy Vice Chancellor Research and Innovation at the University of Newcastle about her unique career path and how she has navigated created the freedom and purpose she loves in her leadership journey. From...
Published 03/18/24
Elsa Morgan is a no BS Coach. I like that. I like that she's been bankrupt, divorced and over everything. That is before she turned her life around and took accountability for herself, her business and her life. Her story today is quite different, and inspiring and I'd love to share it with you dear listener with the hope that it: 1 - gives you 50% inspiration of what's possible 2 - gives you 5)% motivation to take action on your own shifts to make. You can find out more about Elsa at...
Published 03/10/24
When leaders value themselves and their own strengths, they are more likely to appreciate the unique strengths and perspectives of their team members. This, in turn, fosters a culture of collaboration, trust and open communication. Knowing your strengths will help you communicate and connect better with others, allowing you to delegate more effectively and strategically position you for aligned, long term career success. When you leverage what is unique about you, you are able to achieve...
Published 02/11/24
Amanda Gascoigne helps accounting practice owners have better practices and better lives. When accountants find themselves surviving from one lodgment deadline to another, putting out fire after fire and thinking to themself, “Surely things have to get better… things will turn eventually”, but end up never really making progress, that's when you call on Amanda. In this episode of the 10 Degree Shift Podcast Amanda and I discuss simple shifts and strategies any business leader or owner...
Published 09/04/23
Can you truly shift the culture of a large community health organisation? Brenda Ryan thinks you can. And to prove it, she's done just that. Brenda Ryan joined Hunter Primary Care as CEO in 2017 and has over  thirty years management experience, with the last fifteen being in the  Australian rural primary health care industry. In this episode of the 10 Degree Shift Podcast, Brenda discusses the  need to track and measure culture, the opportunity to take a long hard  look at yourself as a...
Published 03/19/23
G’day, it’s AJ and welcome to the 10 Degree Shift, a show all about  how people have made small shifts in their life and leadership that have  had a big impact. Today my special guest is an amazing leader from the Manufacturing  industry, the managing director of 100 year old firm Bekaert Stephen  Hennessey. In this episode we explore how the balance of a leader  showing competency and care can lead to higher staff retention and  engagement, a better life work balance and ultimately a...
Published 03/05/23
Whatever you are doing right now, stop and make time for this short but deep conversation. Every single day I meet clients, see posts and receive questions from  listeners about self-love, self-loathing, doing the inner work,  overcoming trauma or fear and taking the necessary small steps and  shifts along a journey to an embodied, whole life. Today my interview is with a woman who runs deep and is comfortable  sitting in her feelings and emotions. She wasn't always that way, in  fact when...
Published 02/26/23
Are you skinny fat? G’day, it’s AJ and welcome to the 10 Degree Shift, a show all about  how you can make small sustainable changes in your lifestyle, health,  career and business so you can move out of burnout and overwhelm and  achieve more while doing less. In today's show I discuss the curious predicament of being skinny fat  - or as I call it TOFI - not TOFU - Ie: Thin Outside, Fat Inside -  TOFI! How do you know if you're really healthy and why is it important to eat more plants,...
Published 12/18/22
Modern medicine is more advanced than ever keeping us alive longer. But what about keeping us healthier? Your lifespan is how long you live, your healthspan is how many years you live vibrantly feeling energetic, happy and healthy. Rather than living the last 20-30 years of your life jacked up on  pills with illnesses and ailments that make you live sick and disabled  wouldn't you rather live healthy, calm and focused? Tune in to hear AJ's very personal story about her ageing parents and...
Published 12/13/22
Business owner, wife and mum to teenage boys, Kelli Mason is no stranger  to the hustle and bustle and stressors of everyday modern life. And yet  she has embraced the 10 Degree Shift Program and is making small  incremental shifts every week to create a better, happier, healthier  life now and for the future. In this episode I ask Kelli to share what motivates her to keep learning  and growing, what have been some of her biggest hurdles to making shift  happen and how she has been able to...
Published 05/31/22
Leadership in 2022 and beyond is a whole new ball game. The old rules of business no longer apply so today AJ talks  to non-executive board director Sam Martin-Williams about what  leadership we will need for the future of work.  You cannot use the same tricks and same level of thinking and expect to get better results. If you want to truly go deeper, faster, more connected, more meaningful  and have a bigger impact in your workplace and the world then you need  to develop the skills of...
Published 03/27/22
In this episode AJ interviews Kim-Cherie "KC" about her journey through  the 10 Degree Shift Program. Yogi, writer and connector, KC helps women  move into wisdom during the stage of "maga" or menopause in life. Some of KC's successes during the 12 week 10 Degree Shift Program  include shedding 4 kilograms of weight, releasing 38 centimetres from  her body, 1cm from her waist and lengthening her breath and exhale  exponentially. To sign up and participate in the online 10 degree shift...
Published 11/30/21
Today AJ talks to Host of The Simpler Business podcast, Marissa Roberts. Marissa is one of those people who also sees the glass as full, she chooses to find the positive and seek out solutions always in her business and life. With over 10 years + experience in the online marketing world Marissa specialises in teaching entrepreneurs, creators and service-based business owners how to lighten their workload and leverage their content to create additional income streams while they scale their...
Published 09/21/21
Dani Lloyd-Prichard is a bee advocate with a passion for educating bee lovers and beekeepers on actions to help bees that ultimately conserve, regenerate and sustain our environment for all living beings. It's 'time to bee' and it starts exactly where you are now.
Published 02/22/21
Could you grow a microforest in your back yard or local community or park? In this episode of the 10 Degree Shift I walk to Landscape Architect and fellow tree lover Edwina Robinson about biodiversity, climate change and how we can all do our bit to green our land. Tune in to hear how the town of Downer in Canberra is transforming small spaces with microforests and find out how you can spark a green movement in your community. Follow Edwina at www.climatefactory.com.au Listen to...
Published 10/18/20