Just popping on to let you know I'm taking a quick break to focus on some of my super fun offerings and getting things organized on my end. In the meantime, listen to Episode 34: How I Started My HSP Business (and any other episodes that pop out at you!) 🌸 🌸 🌸 Join me inside ⁠⁠⁠The Sensitive & Soulful Self-Worth Course⁠⁠⁠ Follow along on Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠@lifebyalissa⁠⁠⁠ Learn more: ⁠⁠⁠sensitiveandsoulful.com⁠⁠⁠ The Sensitive & Soulful Show is managed by ⁠⁠⁠Happy Pod...
Published 01/09/24
If you're anything like me, you're constantly stressing about when the "other shoe is going to drop." Sadly, this is a super common thing for a lot of people. We start to worry when things are going "too well." It seems counterintuitive but it's something we all face. And I share how I've learned to get through it. In this episode, you'll learn: Why it's so common to have fears about the "other shoe dropping" How you can raise your level of standard happiness Why it's important to...
Published 01/02/24
As HSPs, we are highly attune to other peoples feelings. Maybe more attune than we'd like to be because we end up compromising our own feelings for others. It's important for our mental wellbeing to realize that other people's feelings are not for us to control. In this episode, you'll learn: How to stay firm in your boundaries when it feels selfish Why it's not your responsibility to control others' emotions How to regulate yourself through the discomfort. 🌸 🌸...
Published 12/26/23
As HSPs, triggering moments can hit us very hard and at super random times. It can be something small that causes us to blow up and it's totally normal. Just the other day I was triggered because my husband didn't want to eat pizza... I'm thankful for the self work I've done because in that moment I was able to realize what was happening and stop myself from starting a fight that didn't need to be a fight. In this episode, you'll learn: How to empower yourself to move through...
Published 12/19/23
Sometimes we can feel super guilty about boundaries we set and then wonder if we're being too inflexible. We question whether we're being "too sensitive" about the issue and if we should just grow up and do the thing... My answer: You can have it both ways! You can set boundaries but you can also do the things when you want to. You can push yourself outside your comfort zone when you want to. In this episode, you'll learn: My thoughts on whether Highly Sensitive People need to be...
Published 12/12/23
It's the holiday season and it can feel like there's a million and one things to do, parties to attend, and friends & family to visit with. Sometimes we can make ourselves sick with dread thinking about it. But your to-do list doesn't have to be filled with dread! In this episode, you'll learn: About my top tips for getting through situations you're dreading A simple phrase I use to calm my nerves and anxiety How you can make it through this holiday season cool and...
Published 12/05/23
In this Sensitive & Empowered series, Matt and I talk about how we can navigate life's challenges through an empowering and expansive lens, instead of feeling like a victim to our circumstances. We discuss our personal experiences with breaking old habits, going through hard times, and how all of this is part of a divine plan that brings us closer to the highest version of ourselves. This is an inspiring and empowering conversation that will shift the way you view your current...
Published 11/28/23
Navigating the holidays as a Highly Sensitive Person should be an Olympic sport. Between numerous parties, outings, and big family gatherings, it can feel like a recipe for overwhelm. In this super exclusive sneak peek into The Sensitive and Soulful Vault, you'll learn: About my top tips for handling holiday stress How to deal with grief during the holidays About ways to cope with overstimulation 🌸 🌸 🌸 T-Shirts are here!! Get your '⁠⁠Sensitivity is My Superpower⁠⁠' tee now!...
Published 11/21/23
Join me in this episode as I share my feelings on life's challenging and triggering moments. I recently had a very real and raw moment where my high self-worth allowed me to see past the comments of someone and not let it ruin my whole day. In this episode, you'll learn: About healing your self-worth to take on life's challenges Why it's important to know that you are worthy and valuable as you are. How to not take things so personally. 🌸 🌸 🌸 T-Shirts are here!! Get your...
Published 11/14/23
It can be common for HSPs to not want to be in limelight. We shy away from compliments and tone down our achievements. We could do this because of how we were raised or because we just don't want to make other people feel bad. Well I'm here to tell you to SHINE! In this episode, you'll learn: About my experience with being judged while chasing my dreams Why we tend to hide away from the spotlight About getting over the discomfort of being seen and moving into your best...
Published 11/07/23
This audio was originally recorded in August 2022 for The Sensitive & Soulful Members (now "The Vault"). If these types of "trainings" are something you'd like access to, please send me a DM on Instagram @lifebyalissa ______ You can be a kind-hearted, empathetic person without burning yourself out. With so much going on in the world today, it can be extra painful for Highly Sensitive People. It can be overwhelming and heavy and hard to navigate. In this episode, you'll learn: ...
Published 10/31/23
Tell me if these thoughts sound familiar: "I just need to learn a little bit more..." "Once I read this book, then everything will fall into place..." "I've read all the things but it's still not working!" I know, cause I've been there. It can be so frustrating when things aren't working out like you'd hope. Maybe your business hasn't taken off or your scared to take time off and rest. Join me in this episode where I share some tough love and real life examples of how to get unstuck!...
Published 10/24/23
I recorded this from my bed today because sometimes you just need to be as cozy and comfy as possible and I'm giving you permission to do the same. We are always capable of doing all the things but that doesn't mean we have the capacity, and that's okay! In this episode, you'll learn: How to know when you're approaching burn out About some solid steps to avoid this Why it's important to have things that energize you 🌸 🌸 🌸 Take the Sensitive Shadow Archetype Quiz Join me...
Published 10/17/23
In this episode, Matt and I unpack the hot topic of vulnerability. We share our relationship with vulnerability and how transformative it's been for us. Vulnerability is not easy. Actually, it's terrifying and it takes a lot of courage to overcome the fear of revealing our most authentic selves -- the good, the bad, and the ugly. Come spend 30 minutes with us and learn how we've learned to overcome some of the fears we have around vulnerability, and how it has transformed our...
Published 10/10/23
This is such a good episode and reminder from March 2022. __________ Our heart starts racing, our stomach drops to the floor, and we feel under attack. Even if you're not an HSP, criticism is painful to receive and in all honesty, it can bring out our Hyper Sensitivity. Sometimes the feedback and criticism is there to genuinely help up and sometimes it's just a mean troll on the internet. Either way, our bodies tend to react in the same way and so we need healthy ways to cope with...
Published 10/03/23
Growing up as an HSP, we would tend to notice the emotions of everyone around us and at such a young age it could be hard to discern if they were mad at us or something else. Sadly, we've internalized that as adults and can often feel guilty if people are upset. The good news? You can free yourself from these feelings. In this episode, you'll learn: About my struggles with low self-worth Why it's important to feel safe in your self About the power of setting yourself free 🌸 🌸...
Published 09/26/23
Join me for this quick tip on how to immediately reduce overwhelm! Look, I get it. We are busy with jobs and family and friends that when we get a free moment we are overwhelmed and don't know what to do. We get so worried with making the "right choice" instead of just making a choice. The quickest way to get over indecision is by making a decision! 🌸 🌸 🌸 Take the Sensitive Shadow Archetype Quiz Join me inside The Sensitive & Soulful Self-Worth Course Follow along on...
Published 09/19/23
Life by Alissa started as a blog with hardly any readers or followers on social media. But I was still so fired up to get up at 5am to write before my corporate job or write on the weekends or whenever I could find free time. It wasn't easy but it was worth it. This journey has been so fulfilling and empowering. So, I want to invite you to explore the things the light you up! In this episode, you'll learn: Why HSPs tend to be entrepreneurs. About my journey being a business owner. ...
Published 09/12/23
This was one of my very first episodes and also a favorite because I still talk about and believe in the importance of triggers and how they can help us grow. _________ Triggers can show up in all sorts of ways - from an immediate emotional reaction like anger or sadness to a physical gut reaction like shaking, feeling sick, or nauseous. It can be overwhelming and happen so suddenly that we aren't aware until we're deep in the feels. It can be easy to blame others when we're triggered...
Published 09/05/23
Manifestation might feel a little too "woo-woo" for some people but it's always been part and honestly feels second nature at this point. If you've been struggling to manifest your desires and what you want in life, listen to this episode for some inspiration because I am bursting at the seams with this manifestation story! 🌸 🌸 🌸 Take the Sensitive Shadow Archetype Quiz Join me inside The Sensitive & Soulful Self-Worth Course Follow along on Instagram: @lifebyalissa Learn...
Published 08/29/23
We tend to hold things so tightly and stress about the details when really we come make it so much more fun! I try to stop and ask myself regularly, "How can I make this more fun?" and it's such a mind shifter! In this episode, you'll learn: About the art of letting go and taking the first step. How to trust yourself more. About adding more fun to your life! 🌸 🌸 🌸 Take the Sensitive Shadow Archetype Quiz Join me inside The Sensitive & Soulful Self-Worth...
Published 08/22/23
This one's too good not to re-share! Originally published December 28th, 2021. ______ When every weird look, snide remark, or unfriendly punctuation in a text can cause us to go into a tailspin - it's easy to see that we may take things a little too personally. Because we are constantly taking in more information than others, we tend to notice every mood change or every slight difference in a person's communication which causes us to feel as if things are our fault or direct at...
Published 08/15/23
How do you balance being Highly Sensitive and being an over achiever? Because we want to do all things and take advantage of all our life has to offer but we can easily get overwhelmed and dysregulated if we aren't careful. Yes, you should push yourself outside your comfort zone but do it in a safe way where you can practice embracing expansion and ensuring you have space for self-care. In this episode, you'll learn: About the importance of grounding yourself amidst chaos. How I've...
Published 08/08/23
My spiritual practice changed my life. It gave me a sense of freedom and expansion that I didn't know was possible. It helped me enjoy my life so much more and surrender with grace and ease. We are just one small part of a larger whole and realizing that has been so freeing and supportive. In this episode, you'll learn: About how I found my spiritual practice How meditation and yoga can be so powerful for HSPs About the fun and magic of asking for and seeing signs in your...
Published 08/01/23
Happy 100 Episodes!! Thank you so much for being here! Join me on this very special episode with someone who had a HUGE impact on my HSP journey, Dr. Ray Gin. Dr. Ray Gin is a graduate of the Southern California University of Health Sciences. He is a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner and has been in private practice for 22 years. He maintains a practice in Laguna Hills, CA. He is a published author, media personality, and lectures nationwide. Previously, he was a radio host...
Published 07/25/23