The fear of failure is so often confused with the fear of judgment. Many people believe that the reason their life didn’t turn out the way they imagined is due  to fear of failure. But what if we told you that it’s actually the fear of judgment that holds countless people back?    From the time we are in utero, we are picking up language and behaviors, which ultimately wires our brain to think a certain way. While trauma has its place, it’s often our conditioning that hinders our ability to...
Published 06/05/24
Published 06/05/24
With all the uncertainty that this life has to offer, the one thing that we can count on is the inevitably of change. There’s something about intentionally changing to a new default that can feel like a mini death to our mind and body.    And for stubborn people getting out of our own way is incredibly difficult. While all growth is change, not all change results is growth, so it may require more specific input to yield the output you desire. This week the ladies are here with just the...
Published 05/30/24
Just about every married couple will tell you that marriage is hard work. Nowadays, it seems as though the emphasis is on the wedding and not so much on the subsequent days, months and hopefully years.    The perfect dress, the lavish venue and the overpriced food can easily overshadow the real preparation that is needed for a lasting marriage. You know we like to go straight to the source! We are joined this week by Dani’s husband, real estate investor, entrepreneur and co-founder of Fly...
Published 05/22/24
Becoming the best version of yourself can feel damn near impossible when your childhood trauma still affects you on so many levels. Recognizing how your trauma shows up and working through your triggers is the beginning of reparenting yourself to reframe your childhood.   It’s probably safe to assume that most of us have experienced trauma throughout our children on varying levels from mild to severe. Since trauma is not only what happened to us but rather how we perceive what happened, it...
Published 05/15/24
Reclaiming your power and releasing unhealthy attachments is possible, even when you’re afraid you cannot. Removing toxic energy and making intentional changes and choices starts first with owning the power we all hold inside.   Between pandemics, natural disasters and actual wars going on, it’s no wonder so many of us are riddled with feelings of anxiety, despair and hopelessness. With the collective nervous system in a constant state of flight, fight or fawn, we have to become intentional...
Published 05/07/24
Tap in to learn valuable tools to shift your mindset, adjust your habits, and stop wasting your time and your life.   Vera Wang didn’t design her first dress until she was 40. Henry Ford didn’t create the revolutionary Model T car until age 45. Samuel Jackson didn’t land his award-winning role in Spike Lee’s “Jungle Fever”, which catapulted his acting career, until age 43. Controversial as she is, Kris Jenner didn’t pitch the hit show “Keeping up with the Kardashians” to E! Network until...
Published 05/01/24
If you're anything like us, you've been bitten by the travel bug. This episode speaks to the wanderlust in us all who seeks to explore the world as they explore themselves. Our guest, world travel expert, speaker and founder of Jelani Travel, Ashley N Company, joins us to discuss the transformative experience that travel can offer. Whether you're interested in backpacking across Europe or driving a few hours to the nearest national park, the experiences that you have will impact the way you...
Published 04/24/24
Have you ever been jealous and/or envious of a friend? Never, right?!  We are back with Season 9 and we need you to know this is a safe space where we can tell ourselves the truth. We ALL have been jealous or envious of someone at some point in our lives. There's nothing to be ashamed of and maybe if we could talk about these feelings out loud, we could process them in a healthy way and move through them with more grace. We'll talk about the difference between jealousy and envy and even...
Published 04/16/24
Channeling your inner sex goddess is the key to achieving more orgasms. 50% of women have never experienced an orgasm while 95% of men have. Not only is that unfair, it doesn’t have to be that way and we have the solution.  When's the last time you tapped into you to unlock your full orgasmic potential? The goddess in you is always there, watching, waiting, and rooting you on. So many of us are so used to faking, we have no idea what it means to actually experience pleasure. Enter the chat,...
Published 02/21/24
Being selfish might be just the thing you need to tap into your joy. It’s time to reframe what it means to be intentionally selfish in order to live the life you want. When’s the last time you were selfish? Better yet, when’s the last time you were selfish without feeling guilty about it?  It’s high time we rebrand what it means to be selfish and what it looks like to choose yourself more often. The days of endless self sacrificing and carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders are...
Published 02/13/24
It’s time to learn how to recognize, accept and align yourself with the partner you desire.   Are you confused and frustrated out here in these dating streets?  With the rise of social media and its impact on who, where and how we date, it’s easy to get caught up in how love should look rather than what it actually is. As much as we all want love, are we really willing to do what it takes to obtain it, cultivate it and then sustain it for years to come? On this week’s episode we are joined...
Published 02/06/24
Cracking the manifestation code is not nearly as difficult as you think!   It’s time to learn how to raise your vibration to manifest your dream life. Grab your scuba gear and put on your wetsuit for this episode because the ladies are going deep into the realm of frequencies. If you’ve been on this healing journey with us for some time, then you’ll quickly recognize that this is THE episode if you're ready for the next level of your evolution. We have all heard talk of energy, vibration...
Published 01/31/24
Navigating ADHD to learn how to work with your ADHD brain and not against it   It's estimated that ADHD affects more than 8 million adults (or up to 5% of Americans) and 6.1% of children. Unfortunately, many people don't even know they have it. For decades, people with ADHD have been ignored, dismissed and even derided. As one of the most misunderstood diagnoses, it's easy for ADHD to be treated like a joke or a superpower, even though it's neither. On this week's episode we are joined by...
Published 01/23/24
How to own the power in your differences What does it mean to grow up as ‘other’? Whether it’s due to being biracial or mixed race and never feeling like you fit in or it’s because you don’t share the same interests as other members in your culture, it’s totally normal to feel like you don’t belong. Triggered AF is joined by the CEO and Founder of The Curvy, Curly, Conscious Movement, wellness influencer and meditation enthusiast, Shelah Marie. Growing up as the only black woman in her...
Published 01/16/24
How to Keep the Friendship While Building the Business   “Friends and business don’t mix.” How many times have you heard that? How many times have you actually tried it? While we agree that mixing business and friendship isn’t for everybody, the right combination of the two can be a game changer. Having been friends for over 15 years and business partners for almost 3 years, we know how challenging it can be to start a business while maintaining the dynamic that brought you together in the...
Published 01/10/24
Owning Your Power Through Challenges   About 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 13 boys in the United States experience child sexual abuse and we are almost certain that the number is far higher since many victims don’t ever come forward. Unfortunately, someone known and trusted by the child or child’s family members, perpetrates 91% of child sexual abuse. How do victims of child sexual abuse move forward to lead full, healthy lives? Is that even possible? According to Alreen Haeggquist, lawyer and...
Published 01/03/24
Using psychedelics to heal deep trauma requires surrender. Your healing comes in states of surrender. And surrender is the most powerful position we can possibly put ourselves in. Digging into our healing requires us to feel safe. Exploring this type of healing should not be ventured into without support, proper research, and a trained professional. We talked about everything from micro-dosing, exploring the creator, and the masses avoiding what is misunderstood. Tap into the episode to learn...
Published 12/26/23
Naming Our Demons: How to Overcome Shame The more stories you collect the more clogged your meaning-making machine can be. Many times, this prevents us from moving through our emotions as quickly. Sitting down with Shaun Derik, affectionately known as, Internet Jesus, we took a deep dive into the things we hide, the shade we throw, and the actions that aren’t as becoming. One of the things children are supposed to teach us is how to move through emotions quickly. Your emotions are supposed...
Published 12/19/23
Hoe-tales: The Pros and Cons of Being a Slut   We thought that we were done slut-shaming, but apparently we’re back to calling women sluts and whores. The double standard is real. Way too many are pointing the finger at women calling them out of their names, but not enough people are recognizing that they’re not sleeping with themselves. Plus, the assumption of what someone is doing without actually knowing is definitely frustrating all parties involved. We’re so quick to pass judgment on...
Published 12/12/23
Money and Legacy: Planning for the Final Chapter   Over 70% of African Americans don’t have an estate plan. Over the next 25 years the largest wealth transfer will occur in American history, but the majority of Black people aren’t going to participate in that because we don’t have estate plans. You can keep complaining about what’s happening to you or learn how to build legacies for yourself and your families. Edges were laid and wigs were snatched speaking with Attorney India Ali, Esq. and...
Published 12/05/23
In the “How to Stop Self-Sabotaging When Dating” episode, Triggered AF hosts, Alechia & Dani get honest about all the ways in which we sabotage ourselves when we’re dating. If you want to attract better partners you’ll want to get super clear about what works for you. From there, it’s crucial to work on the parts of you that don’t yet believe you deserve what you want so you sabotage yourself. You set the standard and boundaries for the way people handle you. Treat yourself so well that...
Published 10/17/23
May all your delulu come trululu. In the episode of “Using Delusion to Create an Inspired Life,” we focus on the power in transforming your reality through astronomical thinking. Delusion is essential in shifting your mindset. You cannot allow the expectations and opinions of others to dictate your life and the vast opportunities it holds. Everyone has different experiences in life, and there is no right or wrong answer in these experiences. Another person’s experience – although true for and...
Published 10/10/23
In the “How to Improve your Money Mindset” episode, former Wall Street analyst and founder of Empify, Ashley M. Fox, describes how simply putting yourself in certain spaces can create the opportunity to expand your life. You must create an abundant mindset in order to attract abundance. We attract who we are and not what we want; therefore, training your mind to believe you are worthy of things is essential to accomplishing your goals. Ashley dives into the alignment of priorities in order to...
Published 10/03/23
In the “What Self Love Looks Like in IRL” episode, Triggered AF co-hosts got even more honest about the flaws they’re still working through and the actions they’re taking to work through them. It is absolutely okay to decide exactly what works for you and stand in that. Alechia and Dani got very real and provided a number of practical solutions and tools that can be used to overcome the challenges our flaws present.    SPONSORED BY: Dating Well AF Course, visit to learn more:...
Published 09/27/23